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Hamas strike on Israel - Threadbans in op - mod warning in OP updated 19/10/23



  • Registered Users Posts: 145 ✭✭onlymeself

    It's not redundant, it's only 70 years. It's founding was a mistake to begin with, has caused nothing but misery ever since and those still opposed to it's founding have every right to continue to take that stance. It's not good enough to start saying, ah shur it is what it is now, we made up a story that we own this and we're keeping it. Israel have made their bed and they'll have to lie in it and put up with plenty hostility for who knows how long more until most likely they weaken their enemies to a point where they no longer pose much of a threat. Until that happens the US will continue to back them and pretend they do so just because it's the right thing to and nothing whatsoever got to do with having a state in that region that they can use for their own benefit.

    If the US washed their hands of them completely tomorrow morning, things would be very different.

  • Registered Users Posts: 83,033 ✭✭✭✭Overheal

    You hear this all the time in the southern United States, it’s definitely among the reasons a lot of people support Israel so fervently.

  • Registered Users Posts: 40,291 ✭✭✭✭Gatling

    Ive listened to some interviews on Irish radio stations this week with Palestinians on and they are very similar to this interview, trying to dictate the tone and shouting down any suggestions hamas is a Terrorist organisation,but look what Israel did and what Israel is doing,we don't want or need to assign blame , were only here to discuss the attack on Gaza by Israel, but why is Israel attacking Gaza,

    It doesn't come across well when apparently there is only one side that can be the victim a here

  • Registered Users Posts: 464 ✭✭Iamabeliever

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,245 ✭✭✭Cheerful S

    When observing this picture, it becomes immediately apparent that the claim of 500 people getting killed in this area is highly improbable. The space depicted in the image clearly indicates that it is primarily a parking lot for cars, making it inconceivable for such a large number of casualties to occur here. When news of this incident broke, it was initially believed by many, including myself, that a bomb had struck a hospital building.In the provided picture, I did not observe any tents or visible areas that could be identified as facilities for a hospital or places where people would be cared for. Israel's bombing of Gaza has resulted in numerous collapsed buildings and tragic loss of life, it is important to approach each incident with an objective lens. An air-burst JDAM strike is highly unlikely.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 40,291 ✭✭✭✭Gatling

    @Markus Antonius Do people actually believe that terrorists are firing off a barrage of rockets into Israel?? Complete and utter nonsense. They then have the nerve to say that the "Iron Dome" is blocking them from doing any damage. How people are swallowing this is the real mystery...

    There is no mystery the hundreds of videos showing Rockets being fired from Gaza day and night, there's still been thousands fired from Gaza this week despite the claims of indiscriminate carpet bombing that has completely flattened Gaza , unfortunately not true ,

    But yet there is real world evidence that thousands of rockets are fired from Gaza every year,

    The mystery is people engaging in conspiracy theories,

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,709 ✭✭✭Economics101

    Will Hamas allow an independent forensic team into Gaza ... ?

    And I mean one with the required technical competence as well as independence.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,959 ✭✭✭circadian

    Unfortunately not true?!

  • Registered Users Posts: 16,672 ✭✭✭✭astrofool

    Explain what is really happening then Markus, whose plan is this and what are their motives?

  • Registered Users Posts: 40,291 ✭✭✭✭Gatling

    Not one person on this thread can produce anything that remotely backs the claims of Israel did it, absolutely nothing people have Littrelly spent the day trying to prove Israel definitely it and if they didn't they are still solely responsible for it,

    Not sure how that works.

    But 500 people blown to pieces in a very small place there's no sign of bodies, blood or anything else that would Suggest 500 people were blown up,no blood people died from concussion or blast related Internal injuries but no blood or other physical evidence,

    It's like a episode of CSI stuck in the twilight zone

    Post edited by Gatling on

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  • Registered Users Posts: 145 ✭✭onlymeself

    It's not often I've heard people call Husam Zomlot embarrassing. Maybe do a bit of research on the man and get a better idea of how intelligent he really is, and also how much he has dedicated himself to bringing peace to the region. His parents were forced out of their homes in 1948 and he was born in the refugee camp in Rafah. He's spent his life educating himself and using his education to try and help his people.

  • Registered Users Posts: 300 ✭✭keynes

    Hamas were elected in 2006. And half the Gaza population weren't even alive at that point. The narrative that the people of Gaza elected and therefore support Hamas is untenable.

  • Registered Users Posts: 40,291 ✭✭✭✭Gatling

    Absolutely not, I remember when Russia shutdown flight MH 17 over Ukraine,they called for an independent UN investigation,when the UN investigation began Russia blocked and even went as far to get the UN to remove shot down and shooting down of any aircraft instead the UN had to say, air accident before withdrawing from the investigation,and released there own investigation that blamed Ukraine and the CIA,

    This would be the same hamas would not allow foreign expert's into Gaza and if they did they would likely be detained as foreign spies

  • Registered Users Posts: 40,291 ✭✭✭✭Gatling

    Not 500 or 1000 as claimed and you seem to be hanging on to

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,548 ✭✭✭political analyst

    Presumably, when it is proven by analysis of data from satellites and other communications that Israel didn't cause the explosion in the hospital car-park and US diplomats in both Jordan and Saudi Arabia relay this fact to the governments of those countries, King Abdullah of Jordan and Crown Prince MBS would tell their subjects the truth, wouldn't they?

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,548 ✭✭✭political analyst

    "Half" is quite an overstatement. I'm sure there are plenty of Gazans who voted in that election and who are still alive.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,412 ✭✭✭Homelander

    That is correct. But the point remains that Hamas, a Jihadi organisation, were democratically elected, and the blockade from the Israeli and Eyptian side was based 100% on that fact, not any inherent perverse will to hem in, destroy, annihilate the Gazian population, as is often alleged.

    It's also true to say that Hamas has not held elections since, but opinion polls show generally strong support for Hamas to the current day. How reliable those polls are, I won't comment on because frankly I don't know, but we can only go on what we have.

    Yes, it's entirely redunant. Unless you're suggesting that Israel, at this point, with it's incredible economy, stable society, and regional powerhouse status should just up sticks and relocate. To where, I'll let you speculate, but the very idea is nonsensical. Therefore, talks about how Israel was founded, arguments that it should never have existed, are fruitless at this stage.

    Also to address your claim that the US washing their hands of them would result in a "very different" scenario. Can you lay this out in detail? Because Israel reaps benefits from US backing, but it's by no means their means of survival.

    Israel survived several invasions by arab coalitions with superior armies several times before the US decided to back them hard. Israel, today, is a $500bn economy, with a $30n annual spend on the army, with advanced domestic military industries. It gets a few billion a year in aid from the US on top of the $500bn economy.

    If the US completely abandoned Israel now - which is an outlandish scenario for many reasons - why would they cease existing? Who would threaten them?

    This line is often trotted out but it's extreme ignorance. Israel is not only the dominant military power in the region, but its immediate neighbours also have zero interest in war.

    Eygpt? Zero interest. Jordan and Lebanon? Zero interest. The latter, Hezbollah is a factor, but that's an admittedly strong paramilitary organisation, but has zero chance against Israel in actual conventional war.

    Syria? Zero interest. Iran is interested in regional instability but it does not share a border with Israel. Even if it did the last thing they'd want is a direct war with Israel because Israeli air power and strike capability would gut them.

    If the US dropped Israel tomorrow, Eygpt, Jordan, Lebanon, Syria could all invade again and they would still lose badly. And that's assuming such a coaltion would even be possible, but in the real world it's absolutely not, because none of those countries have the faintest interest in challenging Israel.

    So please tell us what this grave, exisential threat is to Israel that only the US is preventing. Israel might face more hardship, conflict in the region might go up due to increased proxy activity emboldened by US withdrawal, but Israel would still not be under threat as a nation state.

    We've heard this line countless times before on this thread but inevitably when challenged the argument devolves into whataboutery and accusations to mask the sheer inability to address the actual questions and back up the claims made.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,237 ✭✭✭Markus Antonius

    Where is the evidence of these rockets being delivered into Gaza? Who is supplying the rockets? Why aren't the Israelis targeting the current weapons caches of the terrorists? Where are the satellite images of the weapons? Where is the evidence of the destroyed weapons or bodies of the terrorists in the ruins of the Gazan buildings? Why would the terrorists fire endless stream of rockets at cities that they know will be blocked by the Iron Dome? Why not fire at cities/towns/villages/houses that have no Iron Dome? Why would the terrorists attack the Kibbutz dwellers who are vehemently anti-Netenyahu rather than the orthodox jews who you think they want wiped off the map?

    I could literally keep going on and on with these questions. It makes no sense whatsoever.

    What does make sense is the elaborate efforts of a poisonous expansionist regime, backed with endless funds from the US coupled with a world renowned propaganda machine known for their ability to control the narrative on the internet. Now this makes a lot more sense.

  • Registered Users Posts: 65,414 ✭✭✭✭unkel
    Chauffe, Marcel, chauffe!

    Maybe have a look at the entire interview and come back to me?

    He is well educated and intelligent and he comes up with this sort of wriggling and whataboutery? Calling it a game, FFS. But maybe his family's well being depends on doing exactly what his Hamas masters tell him to do. Either way, there isn't much hope for the future unless Hamas is wiped out and Palestinians are held to a pact of peace in lieu for their own sovereign state.

  • Registered Users Posts: 83,033 ✭✭✭✭Overheal

    This is deplorable

    the same channel that shat on 9/11 families and Americans who didn’t buy the WMD line and beat the war drum.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 18,566 ✭✭✭✭Bass Reeves

    Read what @Homelander just posted because it's the reality. Israel is going nowhere with or without the help of the US. Turkey is probably the only country in the middle east that could go toe to toe with it but Turkey look more at Greece and Russia as it's enemies.

    At present the only country that is really a military enemy of Israel is Iran who has not got the air force to take it on and it dose not border it.

    Israel is going nowhere it will remain the strongest power in the region for the foreseeable future

    Slava Ukrainii

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,221 ✭✭✭combat14

    do ppl actually believe hundreds of concert goers were butchered by hamas/isis? i think we know the answer to that...

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,237 ✭✭✭Markus Antonius

    Piers Morgan came across a bumbling clown in that video. His zion paycheck could be docked for that interview.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,297 ✭✭✭howiya

    About half the current population of Gaza are under 18. Add all of the adults who were 17 or younger in 2006 that are still alive and you'll have more than half.

  • Registered Users Posts: 300 ✭✭keynes

    But the point remains that Hamas, a Jihadi organisation, were democratically elected, and the blockade from the Israeli and Eyptian side was based 100% on that fact, not any inherent perverse will to hem in, destroy, annihilate the Gazian population, as is often alleged.

    Well, using some election result from almost 20 years ago to inform today's policy seems willfully misguided. Also, the fact the Israeli's wouldnt let aid in from Egypt is consistent with the idea of them trying to "destroy" the Gazian population. Even following Biden's exhortations, they are only permitting a farcical 20 trucks in for a population of 2 million. Apart from sheer vindictiveness, there is no logical reason for this.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,412 ✭✭✭Homelander

    I dont think anyone agrees with restricting the basic essentials to Gaza. I certainly dont. I can see why they are doing it, but I don't agree with it and I would wager most people on any side would agree. Actions can be both logical and abhorrent at the same time. That's what Israel is doing.

    However, what Israel is doing right now in light of the current conflict, isn't representative of what they've been doing since 1948, even if the current situation is familiar. That'll have some people up in arms, but I mean that in terms of claims of "genocide" and some sort of grand plan to reduce the Palestinian population.

    They're on a war footing right now after the attacks a fortnight ago. You can debate if that's right or wrong. I certainly am not going to argue that Israel is right, but reality is reality.

    But claims they are "genociding" Gaza are ridiculously far-fetched. As I've said before, more jews died in Germany's camp system in a few weeks than Israel has killed Palestinians in 70+ years.

    Doesn't mean Palestinian deaths are OK or to be brushed away, far from it. But a bit of perspective. Israel isn't trying to "wipe out" Gaza. It never has been. Too heavy-handed, too indiscrimate, I accept completely. I don't think too many people would debate that.

    But that's a world apart from trying to wipe out a population and people seem desperate to have words lose all meaning.

    If Israel wanted to "wipe out" Gaza they have the military means to do it in a few days. I've also seen claims that Israel is embarking on a "slow genocide". Equally ridiculous, population of Gaza is constantly rising, and the death rate since 1948 has negligible impact on the rising population. At this rate it would have to be a slow, multi-millenium plan.

    I respect people who say things like Israel are too indiscriminate, too uncaring, show too little regard for civilian deaths, and everything else. No question.

    Again, doesn't make the rate of civilian deaths ok or acceptable. But I absolutely refute these claims that it's embarking on genocide, and comparisons to what the Nazi's inflicted on the jews.

    Israel is guilty of many things, but "genocide" of Gaza is not one of them.

    What everyone should hope for, is a genuine effort for peace after this is over. What form that would take I have no idea, don't think anyone does. But the eyes on the world are on this in a way they haven't been in decades, a hard-to-see positive from what's happening right now.

    Hamas went in too hard in a total gamble and exposed themselves for what they are. Israel has responded predictably, maybe understandably, justifably unacceptably.

    But there's no winning people over to the cause of Hamas in the longer term. The future of the region exists without them. They're an intolerant, backward, stone-people, women-have-no-rights, throw-gays-off-the-tallest-building savagery.

    I don't know what the best outcome is. The removal of Hamas seems a given but how can that be achieved without a ground invasion that'll inevitably cause countless casulties.

    We're in a rock and hard place right now and thought has to be given to more than just tomorrow or next week, needs to be next year, and the year after that.

  • Registered Users Posts: 14,175 ✭✭✭✭StringerBell

    Thought he dealt with Morgan perfectly, a mixture of razor sharp wit and humour to hide the pain and anger he and a lot of people feel.

    Shouting down suggestions that Hamas are terrorists? Did you actually watch the interview? He said he **** hates Hamas. He condemned them repeatedly.

    "People say ‘go with the flow’ but do you know what goes with the flow? Dead fish."

  • Registered Users Posts: 145 ✭✭onlymeself

    I never said anything about a grave existential threat. I'm not talking about Israel not being able to defend itself on its own militarily without the US. I'm talking about politically more than anything. They've protected them for years and shielded them using veto time and time again.

    Some of the most notable instances:

    1972: Resolution condemning Israel for an attack on a Palestinian guerrilla camp in Lebanon.

    1973: Resolution calling for a ceasefire during the Yom Kippur War.

    1980: Resolution condemning Israel's annexation of East Jerusalem.

    1982: Resolution condemning Israeli actions in Lebanon during the Lebanon War.

    2002: Resolution demanding that Israel withdraw from Palestinian cities.

    2006: Resolution calling for a ceasefire during the Israel-Lebanon conflict.

    2011: Resolution condemning Israeli settlements in the West Bank.

    2018: Resolution calling for protection for the Palestinian people in the occupied Palestinian territories.

    2019: Resolution calling for international protection for the Palestinians in the occupied territories.

    And there have been many more. No other country backs them anything remotely like the extent to which the US does. And even if they lost that, shur they don't care what anyone else thinks of them, they'll do what they want anyway. They could be sanctioned left right and centre and they wouldn't vare. But they'd find it far more difficult. Biden didn't arrive over there today for nothing.

    Also, where do the vast majority of Israel's weapons come from right now, that's right, the US, so where will they come from without them. Russia, China? They won't manufacture anything like what they would need on their own. If the UN vote against them are the likes of France, UK, Germany going to start supplying them?

    Even with a well functioning economy, if they lose the US, there's no way they would carry on as they are. Things would be much more difficult for them.

    When I'm making the point that Israel should never have been created in the first place, it's to make the point that it's completely understandable that they are still facing resistance from the people they displaced. It's very easy for others around the world to look down on those who continue to attack them, but most people who do haven't a clue why Israel continue to be attacked. They created the situation themselves, they pushed for ownership of these lands and expected that those they took them from should head off into the sunset quitely. They will obviously not up sticks now and their only chance of peace is to finish off all the military groups around them who pose a threat to them. Is that ok though. Is it ok for them to have taken those people's lands based on some nonsense in an ould story book, and for them to continue to take more and more using force and then to eventually finish off any resistance to it using more force? That's all ok now because some time has passed. Is there a deadline that passed where now it doesn't matter what happened before? They are still in the wrong in my eyes.

    Zionists have a lot to answer for!

  • Registered Users Posts: 145 ✭✭onlymeself

    Ya, read my response to him. Makes me sick listening to people making excuses for a nation that was created for all the wrong reasons. Just because time has passed doesn't mean they are in the right. Zionism is at fault for the horrific scenes over the last 75 years.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 145 ✭✭onlymeself

    A tiny little sovereign state to be chipped away at again and again by the greedy Zionists. Can't understand why they wouldn't go for that?
