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Hamas strike on Israel - Threadbans in op - mod warning in OP updated 19/10/23



  • Registered Users Posts: 82,387 ✭✭✭✭Overheal

    This is deplorable

    the same channel that shat on 9/11 families and Americans who didn’t buy the WMD line and beat the war drum.

  • Registered Users Posts: 18,472 ✭✭✭✭Bass Reeves

    Read what @Homelander just posted because it's the reality. Israel is going nowhere with or without the help of the US. Turkey is probably the only country in the middle east that could go toe to toe with it but Turkey look more at Greece and Russia as it's enemies.

    At present the only country that is really a military enemy of Israel is Iran who has not got the air force to take it on and it dose not border it.

    Israel is going nowhere it will remain the strongest power in the region for the foreseeable future

    Slava Ukrainii

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,204 ✭✭✭combat14

    do ppl actually believe hundreds of concert goers were butchered by hamas/isis? i think we know the answer to that...

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,208 ✭✭✭Markus Antonius

    Piers Morgan came across a bumbling clown in that video. His zion paycheck could be docked for that interview.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,285 ✭✭✭howiya

    About half the current population of Gaza are under 18. Add all of the adults who were 17 or younger in 2006 that are still alive and you'll have more than half.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 300 ✭✭keynes

    But the point remains that Hamas, a Jihadi organisation, were democratically elected, and the blockade from the Israeli and Eyptian side was based 100% on that fact, not any inherent perverse will to hem in, destroy, annihilate the Gazian population, as is often alleged.

    Well, using some election result from almost 20 years ago to inform today's policy seems willfully misguided. Also, the fact the Israeli's wouldnt let aid in from Egypt is consistent with the idea of them trying to "destroy" the Gazian population. Even following Biden's exhortations, they are only permitting a farcical 20 trucks in for a population of 2 million. Apart from sheer vindictiveness, there is no logical reason for this.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,400 ✭✭✭Homelander

    I dont think anyone agrees with restricting the basic essentials to Gaza. I certainly dont. I can see why they are doing it, but I don't agree with it and I would wager most people on any side would agree. Actions can be both logical and abhorrent at the same time. That's what Israel is doing.

    However, what Israel is doing right now in light of the current conflict, isn't representative of what they've been doing since 1948, even if the current situation is familiar. That'll have some people up in arms, but I mean that in terms of claims of "genocide" and some sort of grand plan to reduce the Palestinian population.

    They're on a war footing right now after the attacks a fortnight ago. You can debate if that's right or wrong. I certainly am not going to argue that Israel is right, but reality is reality.

    But claims they are "genociding" Gaza are ridiculously far-fetched. As I've said before, more jews died in Germany's camp system in a few weeks than Israel has killed Palestinians in 70+ years.

    Doesn't mean Palestinian deaths are OK or to be brushed away, far from it. But a bit of perspective. Israel isn't trying to "wipe out" Gaza. It never has been. Too heavy-handed, too indiscrimate, I accept completely. I don't think too many people would debate that.

    But that's a world apart from trying to wipe out a population and people seem desperate to have words lose all meaning.

    If Israel wanted to "wipe out" Gaza they have the military means to do it in a few days. I've also seen claims that Israel is embarking on a "slow genocide". Equally ridiculous, population of Gaza is constantly rising, and the death rate since 1948 has negligible impact on the rising population. At this rate it would have to be a slow, multi-millenium plan.

    I respect people who say things like Israel are too indiscriminate, too uncaring, show too little regard for civilian deaths, and everything else. No question.

    Again, doesn't make the rate of civilian deaths ok or acceptable. But I absolutely refute these claims that it's embarking on genocide, and comparisons to what the Nazi's inflicted on the jews.

    Israel is guilty of many things, but "genocide" of Gaza is not one of them.

    What everyone should hope for, is a genuine effort for peace after this is over. What form that would take I have no idea, don't think anyone does. But the eyes on the world are on this in a way they haven't been in decades, a hard-to-see positive from what's happening right now.

    Hamas went in too hard in a total gamble and exposed themselves for what they are. Israel has responded predictably, maybe understandably, justifably unacceptably.

    But there's no winning people over to the cause of Hamas in the longer term. The future of the region exists without them. They're an intolerant, backward, stone-people, women-have-no-rights, throw-gays-off-the-tallest-building savagery.

    I don't know what the best outcome is. The removal of Hamas seems a given but how can that be achieved without a ground invasion that'll inevitably cause countless casulties.

    We're in a rock and hard place right now and thought has to be given to more than just tomorrow or next week, needs to be next year, and the year after that.

  • Registered Users Posts: 14,156 ✭✭✭✭StringerBell

    Thought he dealt with Morgan perfectly, a mixture of razor sharp wit and humour to hide the pain and anger he and a lot of people feel.

    Shouting down suggestions that Hamas are terrorists? Did you actually watch the interview? He said he **** hates Hamas. He condemned them repeatedly.

    "People say ‘go with the flow’ but do you know what goes with the flow? Dead fish."

  • Registered Users Posts: 145 ✭✭onlymeself

    I never said anything about a grave existential threat. I'm not talking about Israel not being able to defend itself on its own militarily without the US. I'm talking about politically more than anything. They've protected them for years and shielded them using veto time and time again.

    Some of the most notable instances:

    1972: Resolution condemning Israel for an attack on a Palestinian guerrilla camp in Lebanon.

    1973: Resolution calling for a ceasefire during the Yom Kippur War.

    1980: Resolution condemning Israel's annexation of East Jerusalem.

    1982: Resolution condemning Israeli actions in Lebanon during the Lebanon War.

    2002: Resolution demanding that Israel withdraw from Palestinian cities.

    2006: Resolution calling for a ceasefire during the Israel-Lebanon conflict.

    2011: Resolution condemning Israeli settlements in the West Bank.

    2018: Resolution calling for protection for the Palestinian people in the occupied Palestinian territories.

    2019: Resolution calling for international protection for the Palestinians in the occupied territories.

    And there have been many more. No other country backs them anything remotely like the extent to which the US does. And even if they lost that, shur they don't care what anyone else thinks of them, they'll do what they want anyway. They could be sanctioned left right and centre and they wouldn't vare. But they'd find it far more difficult. Biden didn't arrive over there today for nothing.

    Also, where do the vast majority of Israel's weapons come from right now, that's right, the US, so where will they come from without them. Russia, China? They won't manufacture anything like what they would need on their own. If the UN vote against them are the likes of France, UK, Germany going to start supplying them?

    Even with a well functioning economy, if they lose the US, there's no way they would carry on as they are. Things would be much more difficult for them.

    When I'm making the point that Israel should never have been created in the first place, it's to make the point that it's completely understandable that they are still facing resistance from the people they displaced. It's very easy for others around the world to look down on those who continue to attack them, but most people who do haven't a clue why Israel continue to be attacked. They created the situation themselves, they pushed for ownership of these lands and expected that those they took them from should head off into the sunset quitely. They will obviously not up sticks now and their only chance of peace is to finish off all the military groups around them who pose a threat to them. Is that ok though. Is it ok for them to have taken those people's lands based on some nonsense in an ould story book, and for them to continue to take more and more using force and then to eventually finish off any resistance to it using more force? That's all ok now because some time has passed. Is there a deadline that passed where now it doesn't matter what happened before? They are still in the wrong in my eyes.

    Zionists have a lot to answer for!

  • Registered Users Posts: 145 ✭✭onlymeself

    Ya, read my response to him. Makes me sick listening to people making excuses for a nation that was created for all the wrong reasons. Just because time has passed doesn't mean they are in the right. Zionism is at fault for the horrific scenes over the last 75 years.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 145 ✭✭onlymeself

    A tiny little sovereign state to be chipped away at again and again by the greedy Zionists. Can't understand why they wouldn't go for that?

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,400 ✭✭✭Homelander

    OK, but you're shifting the goalposts. First it was Israel would be nothing without the US, now it's Israel wouldn't be the same without the US, and your examples are of political backing, not military.

    All fair points, and valid, but ultiminately do not threaten the state of Israel.

    It's also getting into massive whataboutery territory. What if the US stopped selling to Israel? What if the EU stopped selling to Israel? What if even Russia and China wouldn't sell to Israel?

    It also makes the massive assumption that even if all that were to miraculously pass, that Israel would be alone. But it wouldn't. There are massive geopolitical divides within Arab states. So the debate is entirely pointless.

    You might as well debate what if China nuked Iran, if Iran stopped supplying Syria or Hezbollah, or what if the US withdraw from Saudi Arabia, which has a massive army completely reliant on the US.

    It's not a realistic scenario, and the real world geopolitics aren't going to shift to remotely that degree, so not much point talking about it or making claims on it. Better to debate the real world reality of the situation.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,400 ✭✭✭Homelander

    Let's be clear here. Noone is saying that the creation of Israel was certifably right. But it exists now. It has existed for 70 years, it has an incredibly advanced and wealthy economy, it has a world-class military in the region. Israel is here and it is not going anywhere.

    So doesn't matter if you think the foundation of Israel was wrong. It's a perfectly fine opinion, but it's not helpful in debating the current conflict.

    No-one is making excuses, more just debating with the actual real-world reality.

  • Registered Users Posts: 145 ✭✭onlymeself

    You must be imagining things. Because, I never said Israel would be nothing without the US. Here's what I said: "If the US washed their hands of them completely tomorrow morning, things would be very different." And they would be. And in my response to you I outlined why I thought they would be.

    There is no going back and Israelis won't be leaving now. Best chance of peace is if Israel finish off what they started and take it all. My point is, they are the original aggressor. They have taken something that was not theirs yet many people back them and say they are right to defend what they have as it's all a bit too late now and it's time to move on. Once they eventually take what's left, will we still be saying shur what could they do, they had to defend themselves.

  • Registered Users Posts: 145 ✭✭onlymeself

    The people who are in what's left of Palestine are facing the reality of what it is like when a group like the Zionists see their plan finally come to fruition.

  • More misfiring Hamas rockets, this time around Al-Quds hospital in Gaza.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,506 ✭✭✭amandstu

    "My  point is, they are the original aggressor"

    A narrow point but can it be established who was the initial aggressor?

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,546 ✭✭✭political analyst

    "Washing their hands of Israel" would leave the US open to being accused of willing to let a second holocaust happen.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,546 ✭✭✭political analyst

    If the conflict escalates and leads to Iran directly attacking Israel and the US retaliating alongside Israel then, despite Iran's assistance to Russia with the "operation" in Ukraine, I doubt that Russia would go to war on Iran's behalf.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,957 ✭✭✭kirk.

    Seems to be mostly radical student types debating over and back

    No real empathy involved

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  • IDF not happy with the BBC for...being impartial.

    The BBC headline clearly states "ACCORDING TO PALESTINIAN OFFICIALS."

    All the billions the Yanks send them and they can't get someone with even the most rudimentary reading comprehension skills to run their social media accounts.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,361 ✭✭✭easygoing39

    Well at least we all know and accept now that it was Palestinian's that bombed the hospital that caused 500 death's.

  • Registered Users Posts: 287 ✭✭dennis72

    Palestinian leaders are lying playing the media inflating children and women casualties as I have always suspected.

    The bombed hospital carpark of a dozen cars had 500 dead my accountant dosent even trust round numbers

    Israel"s targets are alway shown civilians why should webelieve these terrorists and show any sympathy surely other Arab state know this is all a charade just to get a non Muslim state out of there backyard.

    Give back the hostages now u lying scumbags

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,044 ✭✭✭patnor1011

    I don't think there are a lot of people here who wants Israel gone. They are there and not going anywhere - a lot of countries exist in a place they conquered some time ago and that is just how things are.

    Israel's problem is that government support, or tolerate (if not encouraging) creation of illegal settlements where Palestinian landowners are driven away with a force. That is the primary source of tensions as displaced people move to places like Gaza strip or West Bank and what else is there left for them than to vent their anger and join extremist groups. There are not extreme tensions in Israel mainland where orthodox Jews live next to Arab neighbors and we seen incidents where orthodox Jews fought with Israeli police which was trying to remove Palestinian flag.

    Every dead extremist (or civilian) encourage another two or more to "join the cause". These things cant be stomped out with violence considering there is also religion in the play. Military solutions are like pouring oil to the fire.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,044 ✭✭✭patnor1011

    "We all know and accept..."

    Not there yet.

    It appears or there is a speculation that said Palestinian rocket was intercepted in the air which caused it to break apart and part of it fell on parking lot in front of that hospital. Blame should be assigned to both parties equally.

    And since rockets are still flying out of Gaza and bombs are still landing in there, nothing changed and carnage continue.

  • Registered Users Posts: 44 anonymouscactus

    Yes. I don't think religion is the issue, even if I share your contempt for Abraham, The World's Worst Dad and Most Pathetic Role Model in Human History. But as you acknowledge it all falls apart when you consider the tens of millions slaughtered by 'godless' communists. For me, the problem, as always, is that we don't yet have a way of tackling the fact that the very worst people desire positions of power.. and they will use whatever cultural mores are available to them to achieve it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 145 ✭✭onlymeself

  • Registered Users Posts: 11,986 ✭✭✭✭Flinty997

    Not much empathy in attacking posters on the thread while not contributing to it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 145 ✭✭onlymeself

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  • Registered Users Posts: 4,320 ✭✭✭PokeHerKing
