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Hamas strike on Israel - Threadbans in op - mod warning in OP updated 19/10/23



  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    Israel did bomb the hospital.

    But they didn't. All the evidence shows that Palestinian Islamic Jihad was responsible for the attack - albeit through an errant, dodgy missile.

    It reminds me of the strategies that people use to deny what is, for them, an uncomfortable truth.

    Avoiding – The first line of defence against disruptive information is to avoid it.

    Delegitimizing – The second line of defence is to attack the messenger, by undermining the credibility of the source.

    Limiting – The final line of defence, if disruptive information cannot be avoided or delegitimized, is to rationalize and limit the impact of the disruptive ideas.

    Repeating the line that "Israel bombed the hospital" is now an empty, meaningless chant, bereft of evidence - repeated in the belief and hope that it's true, or repeated with the ambition that other people will blindly believe it without question. In other words, it's propaganda.

    Anyone who has taken the time to review the overwhelming catalogue of evidence understands perfectly well that it was Palestinian Islamic Jihad - not Israel - who was responsible for the hospital attack. Which didn't even hit a hospital, and didn't kill "500 - 1,000 people".

  • "We shall do all efforts to bring our hostages, to bring our hostages [back] alive…" he said, but the "first and last priority" is destroying Hamas.

    There you have it, that's what Israel thinks of hostages, it doesn't get any clearer or bolder than that.

    They don't give a f*ck about hostages, they've merely used them for propaganda so they can accelerate their ethnic cleansing of Palestinians and pillage more Palestinian land.

  • Registered Users Posts: 40,291 ✭✭✭✭Gatling

    No they did not...

    Your welcome to provide any evidence to support your claim

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User] they can accelerate their ethnic cleansing of Palestinians and pillage more Palestinian land.

    Destroying Hamas's extensive underground tunnel system has nothing to do with "ethnic cleansing of Palestinians". It's a legitimate military target.

    The IDF seem to be saying that Hamas cannot hide behind hostages to prevent the terrorist group's inevitable destruction.

    There is no perfect solution here. But Hamas must be destroyed - for the sake of the Palestinians, too.

  • Registered Users Posts: 13,447 ✭✭✭✭Igotadose

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  • Registered Users Posts: 13,447 ✭✭✭✭Igotadose

    If they destroy Hamas, they've won this war. That's their stated goal. HTH.

  • Registered Users Posts: 13,447 ✭✭✭✭Igotadose

    NY Times has a breakdown of the aide Biden will ask for:

    $14bn - Israel

    $60bn - Ukraine

    The article doesn't mention anywhere else, but Taiwan support seems likely

    Sigh. Boards and linking to websites. Here's the text from (

    President Biden tied together Israel and Ukraine, saying that both face threats of annihilation by tyrants and terrorists, as he made his case for providing aid to the countries in a rare Oval Office address on Thursday.

    Providing the two U.S. allies with military and economic aid is in the interest of global stability and national security, he said. Mr. Biden is expected to request $14 billion in military and security aid to Israel for its war against Hamas and $60 billion for Ukraine to fight Russia, according to people familiar with the administration’s plans.

    With the humanitarian situation growing more desperate in Gaza, the Rafah crossing between the territory and Egypt still hadn’t opened to evacuees and aid by Friday morning. Diplomats familiar with back-channel talks were pessimistic about it opening at all that day. There are still disagreements between Egypt and Israel on issues including how to institute a regular schedule of aid convoys, whether to allow in fuel and how to screen the convoys for arms.

    The territory had already been living under a 16-year blockade by Israel and Egypt when Israel responded to the Hamas attack that killed 1,400 people this month with airstrikes and a “complete siege” of the enclave. Now, nearly half of the more than two million people living in Gaza have been displaced, according to the United Nations, and essential supplies like food and fuel are running out.

    Previous agreements to provide aid have fallen through, but Mr. Biden said Israel and Egypt had agreed to let through trucks full of food, water and medicine that are stationed in Egypt.

    On Israel’s northern border with Lebanon, Israel and Hezbollah, Hamas’s Iranian-backed ally, continued to trade fire amid fears that the war could expand. A U.S. warship on Thursday shot down three cruise missiles and several drones launched from Yemen that the Pentagon said might have been headed toward Israel.

    American intelligence agencies have assessed that an explosion at a Gaza hospital on Tuesday killed 100 to 300 people, a more conservative estimate than that given by the health ministry run by Hamas, and that the hospital was lightly damaged, according to an unclassified report drafted by U.S. intelligence agencies on Wednesday.

    Other developments:

    Israel’s military said it had been in contact with the families of 203 people taken hostage, raising the number of people believed to be held in Gaza. The military also said that it had caught a Hamas gunman trying to return to Gaza, underscoring the possibility that attackers were still in Israel.

    Satellite imagery shows that hundreds of Israeli tanks and armored vehicles have gathered about four miles north of the Erez Crossing into northern Gaza, in preparation for a potential ground invasion.

    Gaza health officials said at a news conference that at least 3,785 people had been killed and more than 12,000 injured in the enclave since Oct. 7. The figures are believed to include casualties from the hospital explosion in Gaza City. Hamas and Israel blame each other for that blast, which prompted sporadic protests in Europe and in some Arab nations.

    A leader of Hamas says that not all of the Israeli hostages who were taken to Gaza are being held by the group, a claim that will most likely complicate negotiations for their release.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,762 ✭✭✭ArthurDayne

    The idea that there is only a binary option between Israel's current policy which will continue to kill thousands of civilians and "letting" Hamas butcher Israelis is one of the most pervasive fallacies of this entire debate. It is rolled out in the media as this "What else are they supposed to do?" question as if people thought this was the first ever example of a military power having to contend with an insurgency and there is nothing in history to learn from.

    I mean, nobody even seems to be capable of telling me how Israel's response even makes strategic sense, never mind proportionality. They have complete military superiority versus a penned in enemy with relatively limited resources to make outward incursions aside from one major surprise attack which caught the Israelis off guard. There is zero chance that a bunch of lads on scramblers and paragliders will break the fully mobilised Israeli military line in any meaningful way.

    And what intelligent course of action are the Israelis taking, with the comfort of their dominance? Doing the one f**king thing Hamas absolutely wanted them to do by slaughtering Palestinian civilians by the bucket load, poisoning the nature of the conflict more and more with each passing day, destabilising the region, destroying any prospect of them being seen as a conciliatory power that genuinely wants to live peacefully side by side with the people who they are killing and whose homes and communities they are flattening.

  • Registered Users Posts: 39,996 ✭✭✭✭Boggles

    They are certainly mass murdering scum, but cowardly? No. You are confusing cowardice with brutality. It's part of the problem and one of the biggest reasons the Israeli regime have not started their ground invasion.

    Hamas fighters and in particular Hezbollah fighters would probably be the 2 most effective urban fighting groups on the planet.

    That said Israeli special forces would be up there too.

    But the problem is he will send in the reservists, the attrition rate will be high and the optics of the returning body bags will further turn the Israeli people against Bibi and his regime and not just in Israel.

  • Registered Users Posts: 25,520 ✭✭✭✭Timberrrrrrrr

    The IDF headquarters is based in Tel Aviv, its surrounded by civilian buildings, do you agree that IDF headquarters is a legitimate target for Hamas rockets and any civilian deaths are acceptable because "legitimate military target"?

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,281 ✭✭✭Raoul Duke III

    They might destroy the tunnels and ammo dumps of Hamas. They might kill all the Hamas leadership. Heck, the might even kill or capture all the Hamas foot soldiers. More power to them.

    But - as we saw in Afghanisatan - they can't destroy the idea (sick and perverted version of Islam though it is).

    People need to remember that the main reason Israel is doing this isn't military. Hamas is not an existential military threat.

    It's political. And there are two main constituencies that matter - Israeli citizens and Israel's enemies.

    The message to the first is 'we are stronger than our enemies and we will avenge our dead'. (the other message is 'I, Bibi, am the only one who can protect you. So forget all that talk about locking me up for my crimes' - pure opportunism on his behalf)

    The message to the second is 'if you ever attack us, we will respond with overwhelming force and we don't really care about any collateral damage. Hama rules apply.' This message goes out to Iran and, to a lesser extent, Syria.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,783 ✭✭✭omega man

    What are Hamas, the ruling authority in Gaza, doing to help their people? Seems everyone is to blame except Hamas.

  • Registered Users Posts: 39,996 ✭✭✭✭Boggles

    The strategy is clear, and has actually been telegraphed by the Israeli regime.

    The border will be moved North to South, anyone north of the river will be slaughtered or interned.

    Savage amounts of pressure will be put on Egypt to set up a refugee camp on their border and allow the Palestinians through.

    Gaza will become a smaller enclave surrounded by a demilitarised zone where the people will be dehumanised further until they have no choice but to leave. The land grabbing and slaughter will continue in the West Bank probably at more pace and Bibi gets to have his legacy.

    The idea this is about destroying Hamas, a group Bibi used as an asset is as remedial as it is illogical.

    Of course none of that can happen unless Biden approves it, Joe and his administration will need to weigh up how much votes they will lose by actively financing ethnic cleansing. Also the very real possibility that other groups kick off.

    I put it at 50/50.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,922 ✭✭✭Cordell

    Well, turns out I was right. Now that we know it was a Palestinian missile the faux outrage disappeared and no one is calling for war crime charges to be brought against Palestine.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,281 ✭✭✭Raoul Duke III

    See Boggles, we can agree on things. 😉

    This isn't really about destroying Hamas (as they can't actually be 'destroyed', in the same way as the Taliban couldn't be). It's not about land-grabbing Gaza either (there's nothing there worth having - as proven when Israel demolished their own settlements and pulled out in 2005). It's about sending a message. I think Tom Friedman put it well in the NYT this week: "you will not out-crazy us in this neighbourhood".

  • Registered Users Posts: 13,447 ✭✭✭✭Igotadose

    There are several on this thread in denial right now. Can't persuade the devout antisemitism.

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    If Hamas only targeted military personnel and headquarters, more people would have sympathy with them - because it would be military versus military. Even if you disagree what they are fighting for.

    But that's not on Hamas's agenda. It's all about massacring as many Jewish people (and other innocents, as happened at the Nova Festival) as possible. That's why Hamas has lost all moral authority on this question, and why more people than ever in Europe have turned against them and what they are purporting to fight for.

    Hamas is nothing more than ISIS with Western sympathy.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,281 ✭✭✭Raoul Duke III

    I actually think there is another party being sent a message - but this one is being sent via Washington and Jerusalem.

    And that party is Russia. Who I think will come to regret at leisure their decision to ally themselves with the Iranian regime.

  • Registered Users Posts: 25,520 ✭✭✭✭Timberrrrrrrr

    Because it wasn't the Palestinian government or army that fired the missile.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 25,520 ✭✭✭✭Timberrrrrrrr

    So you would have no problem with several Hamas rockets destroying apartment buildings in Tel Aviv as long as Hamas claim they were aiming for the IDF headquarters?

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    Hamas have no precision missiles. Your hypothetical is therefore meaningless.

    Instead, Hamas deliberately launch what they do have - backyard developed, dodgy rockets that indiscriminately target cities and towns throughout Israel. The purpose of their attacks is to be indiscriminate, is to target civilians. Just look at the massacre the other week. Look at how Hamas continues, to this very day, to indiscriminately launch rockets into Israeli towns and cities. Ashkelon and Tel Aviv attacked yet again, only yesterday. What more evidence do you need?

    So whilst we can posit hypotheticals all day alone, it does not align with the reality of how Hamas operate on the ground, today.

  • Registered Users Posts: 39,996 ✭✭✭✭Boggles

    Gaza wasn't worth having because it was filled with Palestinians.

    Problem will be solved.

    The reasons they haven't obliterated Gaza in the past is because A. they are terrified of what might replace Hamas. B. Hamas was an asset of Bibi and his regime and C They would have to have given Palestinians certain basic rights. God forbid.

    All those factors still exist.

    The logical conclusion is you remove all three from at least from the part you steal.

    Of course Hamas 2.0 will rise up from the deprivation in Refugee camps and the horror stories of ethnic cleansing.

    Anyway it's not like I invented or it is even my opinion, the regime are telling us what they are going to do.

    The West are facilitating it, with of course certain hollow caveats.

  • Registered Users Posts: 25,520 ✭✭✭✭Timberrrrrrrr

    If Israeli munitions are so precise why do so many innocent people get killed?

    Now you will reply with "Hamas hide among the civilians and that means collateral damage is to be expected"

    To which I reply, hiding the IDF headquarters in the middle of civilian infrastructure is also going to cause "collateral damage"

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,922 ✭✭✭Cordell

    If it was Hamas then that's both the Palestinian government and the army.

  • Registered Users Posts: 39,996 ✭✭✭✭Boggles

    Have you examples of this hatred for all Jewish people?

    Are Jewish people marching in their droves calling for a halt to the slaughter anti-Semitic?

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    If Israeli munitions are so precise why do so many innocent people get killed?

    Three primary reasons:

    • Hamas deliberately stock their weapons, fighters etc. inside densely populated zones, as well as within civilian buildings - including hospitals, schools, mosques etc.
    • Hamas encourage civilians to remain in place, not to leave, even when Israel encourages them to leave.
    • Hamas use civilians as human shields.

    Israel can only be as precise as it can to minimize civilian deaths. Hamas are doing their level best to maximize Palestinian deaths for social media propaganda purposes. Just take a look at their lies over the so-called hospital attack. A mosque was attacked by Israel the other week. This mosque housed munitions. On social media, Hamas and its adherents put out that Israel was attacking the mosque for Islamophobic reasons. Here we see again how Hamas manipulate social media and Western consumption whereas Israel is merely attacking military targets.

    Given how densely populated Gaza is, it's not possible to eradicate Hamas without some civilian deaths. When fighting back against tyrants and dictators and fascists, there will always be some civilian loss of life. It's regrettable and lamentable, but nonetheless inevitable. Hamas celebrates that death, whereas Israel does its best to minimize it where possible. 500,000 German civilians lost their lives during WWII in the fight against fascism.

    And let's not forget who launched this war against Israel to begin with.

  • Registered Users Posts: 39,996 ✭✭✭✭Boggles

     When fighting back against tyrants and dictators and fascists, there will always be some civilian loss of life.

    That is true for all sides though.

  • Registered Users Posts: 25,520 ✭✭✭✭Timberrrrrrrr

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  • Registered Users Posts: 25,520 ✭✭✭✭Timberrrrrrrr

    "Israel can only be as precise as it can to minimize civilian deaths."

    I give you Israels "precision bombing"
