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Hamas strike on Israel - Threadbans in op - mod warning in OP updated 19/10/23



  • Registered Users Posts: 4,400 ✭✭✭Homelander


    I wouldn't support the IDF/Mossad "taking him out".

    I wouldn't support if they blew up any bus, anywhere, unless it was a bus carrying the leadership of Hamas on a weekend retreat.

    I know what you're getting at, but I don't know why you are asking. I'm not the IDF. I'm not a spokesperson, defender of, or cheerleader for the IDF either. I don't know how people who make decisions like that - in any side, in any conflict, in any war - sleep at night, but that is their business to account for, not mine.

    To answer the other poster who asked something similar - and I've no idea why - no I absolutely would not think it OK if those people watching the bombing of Gaza in their deck chairs got a "knock on the door".

    Nor do I support, condone, or think it's anything other than sick to take any joy in the bombing of Gaza, and in a general sense feel the same whether you are an Israel celebrating what the IDF is doing, or a Palestinian celebrating what Hamas did on Oct 7th.

    Some people have a completely bizarre idea that this is like the Premier league where you have to have a side. I don't have any side. I'm not Israel. I have no vested interest in Israel whatsoever, I do not endorse, condone, support anything Israel does or has done.

    What I am is a realist who understands the Israel/Palestine question is not, and has never been, some black or white thing that can be reduced to the infantile levels it is being reduced to by some people (I am not saying you, I mean in a general sense).

  • Registered Users Posts: 16,739 ✭✭✭✭nacho libre

    They might be believe or it could be an excuse to justify their actions, either way it does not give them carte blanche to go over the top. Mark Regev admitted they wouldn't bomb a building in Israel to take out one Hamas operative, they'd send in Special forces instead. As regards the command center, we were told it was active. That Sinwar and others were likely hiding there but conveniently they disappeared. Also in the Times of Israel it was reported that Israel had spies in the hospital and they had mapped out the entire command center, not just the section Israel built. As for Homelander' s accusation that is wide of the mark. The IDF have a history of lying so its natural to be skeptical of their statements to the press. And we all know the done to death saying about the truth and war. This is why I wouldn't believe much of what Hamas says either. In fact the harsh reality is the more Palestinians civilians die the better it is for their propaganda machine , and they are winning the pr war thanks to Israel. If Hamas really cared about the plight of Palestinians civilians they wouldn't have launched the attacks in the first place because they surely knew what Israel would do in response. The best outcome of this sorry mess will be the PA taking over in Gaza once the war is over.

  • Registered Users Posts: 19,378 ✭✭✭✭Donald Trump

    I included the screenshot as it is a page that updates live. So it will be replaced with a different atrocity when Israel commits the next one. Could be an hour or could be in a few minutes.

    My original reason for asking was that a week or two ago an Israeli airstrike killed 80 Palestinians at a market in an area they were told to move to, and excused it by claiming they were targeting one Hamas operative.

    So if you support Israel doing those things on Gazan territory, It is a fair question as to whether you would support them doing it on Irish territory.

    People don't have to have a "side". They may be only trying to shout "stop". In reality, it is only Israel that is active in an offensive sense at the minute.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,400 ✭✭✭Homelander

    I didn't say the IDF should be taken at their word, or say anything about their credibility at all, in fact. I have doubt their PR machine is in overdrive since Oct 7th churning out propaganda and misdirection. I never claimed otherwise.

    What I did say is that some people are quick to take any rumour, accusation, spectulation that paints Israel in a bad light as irrefutable reality, but constantly cast doubt on anything that paints Hamas in a bad light.

    What you've said - that you don't trust the IDF or Hamas - is a perfectly logical opinion that I would say the vast majority of people subscribe to.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,506 ✭✭✭amandstu

    You would imagine wrong.Any competent journalist would give a right of response to the people or department involved in the story.

    This is commonplace on CNN etc

    Eg "we have reached out to .... but they did not return our call"

    It is called professional journalism or accountable journalism.

    On this thread anyone can say what they want but if the story cannot be verified it counts for very little.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 4,400 ✭✭✭Homelander

    This is where I'm getting lost because can you point out anywhere in this entire thread where I said it was OK for Israel to do that?

    I can say it as many times as you'd like, condemn whatever it is you'd like me to condemn, because I don't support Israel, I don't have any vested interest in Israel, I don't think Israel lives are more important than Palestinians lives, or whatever else.

    Understanding and discussing why someone does something, why something is, is not the same as supporting something.

    I understand why the IDF does what it does and is doing. I understand why Hamas launched the October 7th assault. Neither of those sentences is any sort of expression of support for either.

    The decisions of the IDF command are their own, and they can answer to them, whether a reckoning comes or not. I wouldn't be able to sleep at night, but the world is full of people who make those decisions every day.

  • Registered Users Posts: 19,378 ✭✭✭✭Donald Trump

    You may not have done it, but others definitely have excused (even expressed explicit approval for) such actions. I simply asked you the question and you answered and I explained why I asked it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 824 ✭✭✭Sir_Name

    Here is something I noted on sky news. While the sample number isn’t large it was taken on Oct 6th and probably gives a better indication.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,400 ✭✭✭Homelander

    Now that's worth comparing with the other poll to see what sort of picture we can deduce regarding support for Hamas.

    It's a smaller poll, but it puts strong support at 30 percent, the other poll was 60 percent. Impossible to know which is more accurate or reflective of reality but the strong support element is an important statistic.

    I would imagine conducting polls like that aren't the easiest thing in Gaza at the best of times, no more than the guys who do the street interviews and polls in Russia about sentiment over Ukraine.

  • Registered Users Posts: 824 ✭✭✭Sir_Name

    I agree. Also the 44% with effectively zero support and 29% with very little are also worth noting. Be interesting if and when we see one with current support/trust.

    Hamas came to power essentially as Gazans felt nothing was changing under the PA back in 2006. Obviously right now I imagine their main concern is surviving, food, shelter etc but I’d be concerned this Israeli response may end up creating more Hamas support. Would hope it doesn’t.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,634 ✭✭✭RoyalCelt

    Can't argue with that. This HAMAS attack was so brutal for the first time ever it's making a lot of Irish people look at viewpoints from both sides for once.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,524 ✭✭✭brickster69

    US Middle East coordinator puts conditions on the aid coming in. Another collective punishment war crime to the list.

    “The earth is littered with the ruins of empires that believed they were eternal.”

    - Camille Paglia

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,003 ✭✭✭handlemaster

    John Oliver had a good explanation of the current Israeli agression

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,947 ✭✭✭circadian

    Again, context. I said the exact same thing in my previous post but you chose to ignore it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 51,749 ✭✭✭✭tayto lover

    I couldn't understand a word any of them were shouting. Two mouthpieces imo. I doubt anyone could hear clearly what was being shouted.

  • Registered Users Posts: 51,749 ✭✭✭✭tayto lover

    Your entire post is supposition but you state it as if it is fact. The truth is that you don't know what is going on. Anyone could make up stuff and it looks like you'd swallow it. If they had found anything of substance, which they had enough time to do so, then they would have shown it. You have been talking about them being afraid of booby traps yet they are filmed beside rucksacks, vehicles etc that they claimed had explosives and weapons. No way would they be standing beside them if they suspected anything dangerous. Other posters have said the same to you but your imagination has been running away with you.

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,581 ✭✭✭suvigirl

    Why would you think this poster is the only one with real world experience of conflict? There are a few posters I can think of who have that experience.

    I also think perhaps you're mixed up, since Israel left Gaza in the good hands of Hamas, Israel have constantly been attacked by them and have had to defend themselves, as they have done since 1948.

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,581 ✭✭✭suvigirl


    Anyone believing propaganda from either side are merely showing their bias, whether they understand they are doing it or not

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,825 ✭✭✭nachouser

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,091 ✭✭✭Odhinn

    ~perhaps if they stopped colonising outside their borders things would go more smoothely for them.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 21,564 ✭✭✭✭Tell me how

    Israel has killed more Palestinians in the last 6 weeks than Palestinians have killed Israeli's since the foundation of Israel in 1948.

  • Registered Users Posts: 51,749 ✭✭✭✭tayto lover

    How much land has Hamas grabbed from Israel since 1948?

  • Registered Users Posts: 51,749 ✭✭✭✭tayto lover

    They seem to be bombing refugee camps for fun. Maybe it is actually is genocide.

  • Registered Users Posts: 19,378 ✭✭✭✭Donald Trump

    Israel has had Gaza under blockade since before Hamas came to power. Certain relatively well known Irish people were involved in a flotilla to try to break it back over 10 years ago

    Care to regale us of your own combat experience? Bit of a schmozzle at the chipvan in the town square after the nightclub closed when you were 18? I asked @jmreire because he knows what he is talking about. No need for other posters to get their knickers in a twist

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,947 ✭✭✭circadian

    "Since mid-October 2023, over 33,551 cases of diarrhea have been reported. Over half of these are among children under age five -- a significant increase compared to an average of 2000 cases monthly in children under five throughout 2021 and 2022"

    For anyone that might be unaware, diarrhea is the second largest killer of under fives in the world. Having water supplies cut off will almost certainly guarantee a high number of deaths in this regard.

    A third of Gaza is now either destroyed or damaged.

    "The humanitarian crisis in Potocari, the burning of homes in Srebrenica and Potocari, the terrorisation of Bosnian Muslim civilians, the murder of thousands of Bosnian Muslim civilians, in Potocari or in carefully orchestrated mass scale executions, and the forcible transfer of the women, children and elderly out of the territory controlled by the Bosnian Serbs, constitute persecutory acts."

    "Intent by the Bosnian Serb forces to target the Bosnian Muslims of Srebrenica as a group is further evidenced by their destroying homes of Bosnian Muslims in Srebrenica and Potocari1336 and the principal mosque in Srebrenica soon after the attack."

    Intent of genocide was defined in the Serbian trials, by the same measure they can be applied here too.

  • Registered Users Posts: 580 ✭✭✭batman75

    Hamas would have known the potential consequences of its massacre of Israelis on October 7th. The incursion into Israel humiliated Netanyahu who prides himself on being a strong man who can protect his people. It gave a green light to the extremists in Netanyahu's government to go in hard against Hamas though in reality the Palestinian people in general in Gaza.

    Israel facilitated the coming into being of Hamas as a counter to the PLO. The ideal outcome for Israel was a Palestinian civil war. Which hasn't happened. Gaza has been an open air prison for decades. It is a form of concentration camp due to the restrictions imposed by Israel on Gaza. The people in power in Israel for decades have viewed Palestinians as the Nazi's viewed Jews.

    It is distressing that this is so. Even more ridiculous when you consider that it is the Palestinians who were shafted from their land to create the state of Israel. I think the narrative is slowly changing whereby criticism of Israel can no longer be easily dismissed as Anti Semitism. Israel is committing genocide in Gaza. Biden could stop it but chooses not too. Making him complicit in war crimes.

    The people of Palestine are entitled to a state of their own and the right to govern their assigned territory with free will free from Israeli interference in exchange for Israel being allowed to exist in peace. The only tenable solution is a two state one. Israel must be made to dismantle all settlements on what is seen today as legally Palestinian territory

    The Israelis are showing a distressing level of cruelty and inhumanity to their fellow man. Considering the holocaust you would think they would be better than this.

  • Registered Users Posts: 21,564 ✭✭✭✭Tell me how

    So much of what is happening is incredibly depressing. It really is. Major governments in Europe and the EU itself giving the thumbs up to Israel from the very get go rather than counselling for pause and a more focused response has been sickening. So too has been US support. Not just that they're giving so much military support to Israel, we always knew they were going to do that. But the almost gleeful way that Biden has supported them with only mealy mouthed comments on Palestinian suffering. The censuring of Rashida Tlaib was another very dark mark from the US side. If Biden contests next years election, I hope he wins it because all he has done really is the same any of them are going to do and the alternative, a Republican President in todays world is an infinitely worse prospect.

    But the most depressing element of this, as you said yourself, has been 'The Israelis are showing a distressing level of cruelty and inhumanity to their fellow man.'

    The phrase 'Never Again' was held in such reverence for the last 80 years as people acknowledged the suffering of the Jewish community and we somehow believed that collectively we would work to prevent such a thing happening again. I know there's been cases of similar brutality meted out on communities since then (Rwanda/Kosovo/Myanmar/Sri Lanka) to name just a few, but to see actual Jewish people say pretty much the same thing about Palestinians, their community and country now as the Nazi's said about them has come close to dissolving any hope I personally held that the lessons of the Jewish suffering had been learnt.

    The warmongers in Israel disgrace the memory of those who died in the holocaust. And I don't say that lightly.

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,436 ✭✭✭jmreire

    My take on the whole situation is based on what I see happening, and the conditions it is happening under, and it is just my personal opinion. So, if anyone is looking for proofs etc, sorry. Best look elsewhere.

    Re the Tunnels: - Up to the present (and pre-7th Nov) some 20'000 missiles had hit Israel, the majority of these missiles were fired after Israel left Gaza in 2005. Then in the early hours of 7th Nov, Hamas again began launching missiles into Israel, and on that day some 3'000 missiles were fired. Since then, a further 7'000 missiles have been launched.

    So now just to focus on the above paragraph. Since Nov 7th, alone 10'000 missiles have been used by Hamas, and are still being used, even at a reduced rate as the IDF take more control. Obviously, Hamas were well prepared for the attack on Israel, and still have thousands of missiles left. (Just how many exactly is the question) So for sure they have been using and expanding these tunnels since 2005. How else would they have been able to acquire and store all these missiles (and many other things too) undetected, only for the tunnels? The sheer logistics are staggering. Hamas are still active in them and will continue to use them until the IDF manages to flush them out and destroy the tunnels themselves. In as much as it will be possible to destroy them or to put them beyond use by Hamas. And this will take time, lots of time. And I'm pretty sure that plenty of evidence will be uncovered proving Hamas's occupation of the tunnels. You simply cannot occupy a place for years on end, and not leave evidence of your stay. ( of course, Israel will have a very difficult time now persuading anyone that this time, they are telling the truth) The way a lot of posters are taking the view that all Israel is claiming is just lies, and that there never was a command post under the hospital etc. are not taking into account the fact that the number of Tunnels so far investigated is miniscule, a tiny fraction of the total. The point you make about Azovstal is very valid in the context of the Gaza tunnels. Look at how long it took the Russians take it? And the human and other costs? And had the Ukrainians managed to get better logistical support in terms of weapons, food and medicine, it would have taken the Russians a lot longer to take it. For Hamas, food, medicine and safe shelter will not be a problem thanks to the tunnels.

    Your comment re the tunnels being the justification for the deaths of so many Palestinians, for the Israeli's it lies in the fact of just how much of a threat these tunnels pose to them. And according to their logic, if there are going to be deaths, better them than us.

  • Registered Users Posts: 21,564 ✭✭✭✭Tell me how

    I've only just seen this post.

    CNN posted earlier today that the IDF 'probably' placed guns in the locations in the Al-Shifa hospital in which they were found. Also today it has come out that Israel response to the Hamas attack on the 7th of October resulted in the deaths of Israeli's.

    Time and time and time again over the last several weeks the Israeli narrative has changed, shifted, been deleted, or proven to be false. People questioning official narratives on here have been proven that it is wise to do so. This is based on the reality of how events have unfurled.

    If possible, with respect to prior to Oct 7th, what evidence is there to suggest that it is a complete and utter lie that Palestinian does not support Hamas? I know you referenced a report that apparently was countered and you disagree with that fact rather than it just being accepted as fact. As I've just said, we've seen time and again that information presented has been false or twisted, or a flat out lie. Elections were last held in Gaza in 2006, that's 17 years ago. The youngest person who voted in them is probably 34 or 35 now in an area where the median age is just 18 and 65% of the population are under 24. And all this is after Hamas received just 44% of the vote in 2007 (Fatah received 41%).

    Given the volume of protests there have been in support of the Palestine movement worldwide, there's been remarkably few cases of extremists at these marches calling for Israel's destruction, of course these people exist, but to suggest that this implies that this is what the entirety of the people of Gaza want is without basis. And we have seen Israeli supporters, outlets and officials say equally heinous statements about Palestine and the Palestinians. Except that that is a government minister or Body saying it in a professional capacity rather than some singular errant protestor at a march somewhere.

    Given what has happened in the last month or so, we can no longer say what the Palestinians view of Hamas was prior to Oct 7th, the water has been muddied too much with Israel's actions. How could anyone not understand how someone would be inclined to side with anyone who might give them a chance to avenge their hurt and loss? What we do know is that that Nethanyahu knew that an emboldened Hamas would help Israel achieve its goals and here we are, watching them ransack parts of Gaza and plan its flag on top of buildings.

    And for the nth time, understanding where and how Hamas came from is not pro-Hamas, no matter how frequently it is claimed to be the case. It is simply acknowledging the facts of the situation. Before this conflict, I disagreed with Israel's behaviour, its flouting of UN resolutions, its continued transgressions with respect to settlements, it's defacto control of Gaza and it's undermining of Palestinian civilians within Israel. I now see Israel under its current guise of what is an acknowledged right wing government as a rogue state and as I've expressed repeatedly on here, I worry about what that will mean for Jewish people worldwide and conscientious people within Israel including the families of hostages who are calling for a ceasefire.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 655 ✭✭✭sock.rocker*

    Understanding has come to mean support since echo chambers have taken over. At least manages to continually expose us to the "other side" and it's better than just residing in a comfy little community of people who only agree.
