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Hamas strike on Israel - Threadbans in op - mod warning in OP updated 19/10/23



  • Registered Users Posts: 6,425 ✭✭✭SafeSurfer

    The oft cited Oliver J Flanagan speech. Flanagan was a moron who rode a bike with “here comes Oliver J Flanagan” on the front and “there goes Oliver J Flanagan” on the back at election time.

    The Limerick “pogrom” was a vile anti semetic outburst but to call it a pogrom is hyperbole. No one died, no one was seriously injured. Those involved in stone throwing received harsh sentences and the priest you mentioned was Fr. Creagh rather than receiving strong church support as you say, was rebuked, censored and eventually exiled to the Pacific.

    5 families left Limerick as a result of the “pogrom”.

    It is also incorrect to claim only 2 politicians spoke out against these events. For example John Daly, the mayor of Limerick condemned them.

    There are few countries in Europe with a less violent history with Jewish people than Ireland.

    Even in England there were anti Jewish riots and “pogroms” even after the war, such as in Manchester in 1947.

    Multo autem ad rem magis pertinet quallis tibi vide aris quam allis

  • Registered Users Posts: 824 ✭✭✭Sir_Name

    Realistically we both know that’s something that’s not going to be specifically in text. However be it ministers, IDF officials, senior officials what they say, and the fact they think they can say it and it’s acceptable. It’s been said when someone shows you who they are. Believe them. There’s enough examples: these are people voted in, by the people! Can you honestly say the Israeli government in power right now in good faith would like equitable terms and rights for Palestinians? (Caveating this by assume Hamas have been eliminated for discussion)

  • Registered Users Posts: 16,739 ✭✭✭✭nacho libre

    oh look what is happening over there! One doesn't excuse the other. Israelis celebrating the suffering of Palestinians and calling for incineration of Gaza should not be excused. Any equivocation from you and there is only one conclusion that can be drawn .

  • Registered Users Posts: 824 ✭✭✭Sir_Name

    Can you link the map? And a source to debunk it so I look into it further. Must have missed it

  • Registered Users Posts: 354 ✭✭Ulixes

    I think that Netanyahu is a contemptable lowlife who should be in prison for corruption. I think it is to the shame of the Israeli people that they elected him into power. I have posted here already that Hamas and Netanyahu have the common objective of removing the possibility of a two state solution.

    None of that means Israel plans to or will commit Genocide. If that was there objective there would be hundreds of thousands of dead Gazans by now.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 21,564 ✭✭✭✭Tell me how

    I have said since I first posted on this thread that the events of Oct 7th were terrorist acts and they were horrific and that Hamas leaders should be targeted through the use of Mossad and the Hamas organisation should be targeted through sanctions on its funders. I'm on the record several times for stating such.

    I refuse to accept though that it was solely the events of Oct 7th that has put Palestinian civilians in harms way, they have been targeted and killed probably at a rate of 10:1 for every Israeli over the last 70 years and aside from that have lived lives curtailed almost entirely at the whim of the Israel government and military.

    There's one pro poster in particular on here who posts repeatedly and consistently that the only element of relevance here is the Israeli hostages. He refuses to acknowledge that there are Palestinians held hostage (at a rate of probably 10 for every Israeli), so why don't you ask them about your concerns of partisan focus.

  • Registered Users Posts: 824 ✭✭✭Sir_Name

    I understand what you’re saying and I partially agree. However I find they methods in which they are using to eliminate Hamas abhorrent and essentially collective punishment. Whether or not it’s in official policy, in my view the withholding of aid, water, fuel, food, forced movement etc is a genocidal attack/ethnic cleansing. It remains to be seen if the international court of law will agree only time will tell but the fact it’s being debated across channels, governments tells me I’m not alone in that view either.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,947 ✭✭✭circadian

    Evidence of Hamas supporters in thread please.

  • Registered Users Posts: 21,564 ✭✭✭✭Tell me how

    Is this what you guys are reduced to? Me suggesting that in a very heavy traffic thread of 20K posts that there have probably been some isolated posters who dropped in and posted in favour of Hamas. Note, I said probably, I haven't even seen this but the law of averages would suggest it is likely to have happened.

    And this is what you are pinning your arguments on? No evidence to present yourselves but using my words suggesting a possible occurrence as some how evidence that the thread is rife with this.

    If what you are talking about was occurring you'd be linking posts or naming posters but you've done nothing of the sort.

    This is embarrassing. Or at least it should be if you were being objective.

    Now, this attempted redirect of all of you came about after I posted a number of posts last night that showed video evidence of An Israeli politician advocating the removal of all Palestinians from Gaza, an Israeli PM advocating for a new Middle East at the UN with Palestine removed entirely and Israeli civilians and military personnel speaking of their desire to destroy everything that exists in Gaza, all its people and to occupy what remains.

    I posted this after a pro-Israel contributor here said repeatedly that they should finish their mission but wouldn't suggest what that mission was. So I showed him.

    So accept the evidence of genocidal intent that is displayed from several Israeli angles or counter with how all of this evidence should be ignored. Or if you want to talk about evidence of Hamas supporters, challenge such supporters when (if) they appear.

    You've all proven more this morning your ambivalence, if not tacit support (or more) for the genocide of a nation of people than we've seen on here in quite a while (well, maybe just since the display of racism we saw yesterday).

  • Registered Users Posts: 354 ✭✭Ulixes

    I find the methods they are using disgraceful and, worse, counterproductive. I think the use of language is important, especially when discussing such as emotive topic. That's why I find talk of genocide so disturbing, it polarises the sides even further.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 29,367 ✭✭✭✭odyssey06

    I listed multiple examples of the type of Hamas supporting that is going on - recopied below.

    The poster I was discussing it with even acknowledged that there are Hamas supporters on the thread.

    There has been quite a few posters supporting or defending Hamas over the course of the thread. Those who won't condemn them for their atrocities, the "just asking questions" brigade. Those who insinuate the entire operation was some sort of Israeli false flag operation. There were even some posts in the early stages of the thread with posts virtually cheering on Hamas, what's that phrase - sneaking regard, no doubt from those who were the sort to cheer on terrorism here.

    If you think no one is supporting Hamas, you just haven't been paying attention to the thread.

    "To follow knowledge like a sinking star..." (Tennyson's Ulysses)

  • Registered Users Posts: 29,367 ✭✭✭✭odyssey06

    Eh you made a declaration that there were no Hamas supporters.

    Then you posted this: I've no doubt there's the odd outlier who has appeared in the thread and made a dramatic statement before being removed, or tottering off themselves. 

    You can post paragraph and paragraph of whataboutery and deflection, but you have already destroyed your own argument and stated that there are Hamas supporters on the thread.

    "To follow knowledge like a sinking star..." (Tennyson's Ulysses)

  • Registered Users Posts: 18,479 ✭✭✭✭Strazdas

    I see the well known Auschwitz Memorial page on Twitter has run into major trouble for posting a lengthy tweet essentially fully endorsing Israel's military actions in Gaza and barely even mentioning the plight of innocent Gazan civilians - people who have been following the page for years saying they are shocked by their stance.

  • Registered Users Posts: 21,564 ✭✭✭✭Tell me how

    Keep with that angle. Everyone else can see it for the BS it is. All you're doing is proving the absence of evidence to prove your point.

  • Registered Users Posts: 354 ✭✭Ulixes

    I agree that the Hamas attacks didn't happen in a vacuum. I have a big problem with the narrative which frames this as a conflict which originates with or is sustained by Israel. There are multiple players in this, as there always has been. The Palestinian Arabs are a tool of their Arab neighbours, which those neighbours have used in various ways over generations with callous disregard for their Arab brothers and sisters to attack Israel, America and each other. Any discussion about peace and war, conflict or settlement, cause and motive, which does not include the broader regional players is at best ignorant and most probably disingenuous. That's why I find myself advocating for Israel here. Not because I support their government or their policies in Gaza and the West Bank, on the contrary I most certainly don't, but because the popular narrative around this conflict is constructed on the false premise that Israel is the root cause and a solution is within their gift.

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,581 ✭✭✭suvigirl

    I'm not sure why anyone would be shocked by this stance?

  • Registered Users Posts: 21,564 ✭✭✭✭Tell me how

    I'm reminded of the words of the late and great journalist Robert Fisk. An expert on the region.

    When asked about impartiality and bias, he said that he 'was biased on the side of the oppressed'.

    The conflict, like most conflicts, is not something physical as such that we can apply hard rules to or treat like a science experiment where there is a definitive outcome that we can use to determine cause and effect etc.

    The Jewish people have a terrible history of being persecuted, or maybe I should say people of Jewish faith since the term 'Jewish people' seems to have been hijacked by Zionists, and at a local and individual level worldwide are probably terrified of being targeted again to various degrees. And any such acts should be denounced, and perpetrators identified and prosecuted or handled appropriately. There is no confusion about this. I posted a link at the weekend showing Nazis marching in Wisconsin and I said how dangerous that is and a sign of very bad things.

    But the Palestinian community is, and has been persecuted on a macro level for generations, and they are the ones being killed or literally having their lives destroyed in their tens of thousands at the hands of a state led by extremists, intent in their obliteration. And while some will immediately respond with claims that that is what Hamas says of Israel, Hamas, according to Israel has 40,000 members, It has no army, navy, airforce, equipment or funding that is even a fraction of what Israel has. With the might of the US supporting Israel also.

    There are many Israeli's and Jewish people calling for a ceasefire, but these are unfortunately not in power in the Knesset. What is, is carrying out genocide, not saying they want to while not having the means to even think about it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 824 ✭✭✭Sir_Name

    Thank you. You are right. Language is important. We see language used as a tool here even for misinterpretation even if the language questioned was initially used incorrectly. That may even be on purpose. We see it with Israeli ministers and I’ve discussed previously how I would hold them to a higher standard that Hamas. Counter productive is exactly what I feel. I genuinely don’t believe this will eliminate Hamas forever. Another fraction may emerge. I do call for innocent Israeli hostages to be released. I also call for a ceasefire. I also call for innocent Palestinian hostages to be released. For settlements to be disbanded. The list goes on. At some stage there will be talks. When that will be whose knows. But hopefully they the talks going on now regarding hostages will lead to fruition and further advancements. Ultimately no peace will happen without Hamas or what’s left of them, Israeli government and PA and all others come to the table. As per usual right now it’s innocents on both sides who are suffering.

  • Registered Users Posts: 21,564 ✭✭✭✭Tell me how

    They're also blocking Jewish people responding to them asking for a ceasefire. Quite depressing.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,947 ✭✭✭circadian

    No, they said there were an isolated few who dropped in. You're making it out as if there is a significant amount of Hamas support on this thread, which as far as I can see, there isn't.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 354 ✭✭Ulixes

    I agree that Flanagan was a buffoon but he was a popular one and he reflected public opinion.

    The Lord Mayor was quiet enough about the Boycott and stoning's in Limerick but he did speak out against the Church of Ireland Bishop who criticised the attacks and boycott. Arthur Griffith also spoke against the Jews and in favour of the Boycott. A short time later he founded Sinn Fein. Admittedly the modern reincarnation of Sinn Fein see nothing wrong with blowing up children so Griffith was better than them but that's a very low bar by which to be measured.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,598 ✭✭✭quokula

    It's a memorial of a concentration camp, the lesson of which is supposed to be "never again".

    It's not the most consistent stance for them to now support a population being driven from their land then forced into a small area because of their race where they have been surrounded by a high security wall with heavily armed guards, having their access to food and water suppressed, all orchestrated by a heavily militarised nation with a government who believes in ethnic supremacy and who is now systematically killing them while frequently using genocidal language.

    Post edited by quokula on

  • Registered Users Posts: 18,479 ✭✭✭✭Strazdas

    The page has been a very moving one over the years - posting a photo every day of a victim (often a child) of the Holocaust. But to come out supporting the military action of a regime and barely even acknowledge that many innocent civilians have been killed is very jarring.

  • Registered Users Posts: 11,018 ✭✭✭✭Furze99

    Most of us have some reasonable grasp of the complexities but advocating for Israel is just sick given developments over the past month. Their relentless attacks on a largely defenceless civilian population are simply unforgivable. The civilised world is horrified. They have crossed a threshold, ruined the reputation of their state and evaporated residual sympathy for the treatment of Jews in WW2. Bridges have been burnt and the world can see who has the jackboots on now. How much of this is a result of deliberate machinations by Netanyahu's government and how much is a total overreaction to be found short on security is hard to say. There were far, far better ways to have handled the crisis that erupted in early October. I expect this to have serious downstream consequences for the state of Israel and the citizens there will come to bitterly regret this period. I find the initial US position of unqualified support rather baffling as the end result was predictable, they should surely have been pulling very hard on Netanyahu's reins. Support for a revenge attack done and dusted in a couple of days would have been reasonable but they have allowed the dogs of war to get completely out of hand.

  • Registered Users Posts: 29,367 ✭✭✭✭odyssey06

    Well no, I was challenging the statement that there were no Hamas supporters on the thread. Do you agree or disagree with this statement, because implicitly your post acknowledges that there are?

    So if you disagree, baffled as to why are you replying to my post and not the post that made the false statement.

    It is not a major view, but nor is it non-existent, insignificant or isolated either. I listed several different types.

    "To follow knowledge like a sinking star..." (Tennyson's Ulysses)

  • Registered Users Posts: 354 ✭✭Ulixes

    Again, the use of language is important. Israel is not conducting a "relentless attack on a largely defenceless civilian population". If they were there would be hundreds of thousands of dead civilians by now. They are, in my opinion, behaving with a disgraceful disregard for civilian collateral damage.

    "Who has the jackboots on now" is a implicit reference to Israelis as a Nazis. That's an appalling and shameful thing to say.

    That would lead me to believe that you don't in fact have any real grasp of the complexity of the situation.

  • Registered Users Posts: 824 ✭✭✭Sir_Name

    Anyone cheering for Hamas are trolls and I imagine long gone from this thread. No one is condoning what Hamas did. Equally we have had people banned for outright racism and people like @RobbieV advocating for Israel to continue its bombardment of Gaza even if hostages are released.

    I would be one of the people you would class as “just asking questions brigade” as I believe there are legitimate questions to be answered on both sides. For instance for a blockade how are Hamas importing weapons. Did Egypt really warn Israel. Why did it take so long for military action. I posted recently about an Israeli article that stated female soldiers raised concerns on Hamas training near the border and it wasn’t listened to. They said it was discrimination based on gender. There have been reports Israelis were killed by their own weapons trying to defend from Hamas. It’s right to ask questions. Both sides have been known to lie, many examples of Israel stating one thing and rowing back later. Hopefully at the end of all this there will be some answers but it’s nuanced and it’s not as clear cut as Israel = good. Hamas = bad. Well Hamas is bad: but I don’t believe Israel and their behaviours are good either. And asking these questions doesn’t make a person anti semite.

  • Registered Users Posts: 21,564 ✭✭✭✭Tell me how

  • Registered Users Posts: 354 ✭✭Ulixes

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  • Registered Users Posts: 21,564 ✭✭✭✭Tell me how

    If the shoe fits......

    Furze99 is 100% correct in how the actions of Israel has eroded previously unconditional support that the world held for the Jewish people. It is evident in the millions of protestors attending 100's of protests every week worldwide.

    You can play the pearl-clutching outrage role if you wish, the Zealots in Israel are responsible for how the world is now seeing them.
