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The Official Cavan GAA Discussion thread.



  • Registered Users Posts: 3,461 ✭✭✭celt262

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,058 ✭✭✭Cavan_King

    Every county has their own rules and by laws re internal transfers. Dublin opens on 1st December for example.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,461 ✭✭✭celt262

    Maybe they do but Portals are not always open and i don't even think there is a portal in Cavan.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,058 ✭✭✭Cavan_King

    I don’t have a clue what the rules are in Cavan, hence I quoted Dublin. I’m not the one making accusations here though.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,461 ✭✭✭celt262

    But you have seen Gearoids name on a transfer list sent out by the county board !

    Rumours of Keoghan gone from Crosserlough ?

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,197 ✭✭✭baconsarnie

    Errrm, were you not on the last page claiming to be a rep at a County Board meeting debating the motions to return to even years at underage?

    You're some grade-A spoofer.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,058 ✭✭✭Cavan_King

    I was at the meeting. Please direct me to where I claimed to be a rep? Any member of the public can walk into a meeting afaik. I certainly know there was others there who were not reps such was the importance of the meeting.

    On what basis do you doubt I was at the meeting? I gave plenty of detail re those who spoke on my previous posts. I could even question another poster who alleged the CB gave some clarification re option 4 after the vote because there was no such discussion after the vote. All discussion was before the vote, other than Cathaldus Harten from Gowna suggesting an U13 comp after the vote because U12 is non competitive.

    Discussion was pointless anyway because, as pointed out by one rep, and already mentioned by me in posts previously, clubs were already at the meeting with direction from their clubs/coaches how to vote.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,461 ✭✭✭celt262

    This is ridiculous now. You cannot just land into county board meetings unless you are a club rep or there is a proxy in place to you allow you be there.

    I don't know how they could have a valid vote on anything with every tom dick and lemon about the place.

  • Registered Users Posts: 502 ✭✭✭Thunderbirds

    I was the one on about Martin Cahill reading out what option 4 entailed for clarification on it even though some clubs like our own voted although we were always voting as directed. Some clubs did send proxys such Damien Donohoe for Drumalee. As for anyone not going in this is probably true, but I've never seen anyone who wasn't a club delegate but nobody checks on door. Every club in Cavan has access to the gaa transfer portal through the club secretary.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,461 ✭✭✭celt262

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,058 ✭✭✭Cavan_King

    The middle door in the room in Stradone was open at the meeting. People were walking in, grabbing a seat from the back of the hall and sitting down after it started because all seats were taken. There was no bouncer on the door checking ID.

    I couldn’t advise re other meetings. I went to that one because I had an interest in the gradings.

    Ye lads should spend as much time at club games or other erstwhile activities as ye spend trying to prove me wrong!

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,461 ✭✭✭celt262

    Well you shouldn't have been there the clubs have elected representatives for a reason and that is to attend these meetings and advise the clubs on what is going on. If every club had two or three like you who wander into meetings willy nilly there wouldn't be much room for the people who are permitted to there.

    Jasus if some lad landed into the local club committee meeting and he wasn't on the committee he wouldn't be sitting long.

  • Registered Users Posts: 502 ✭✭✭Thunderbirds

    We have club monthly meetings and open to all members but it's only usually committe members attend.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,461 ✭✭✭celt262

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,159 ✭✭✭rrs

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,058 ✭✭✭Cavan_King

    What, you mean if every club had people interested in the future of underage football in the county so they attended an important meeting about it?

    You’ve little to worry about if that is occupying your mind.

    The hall in Stradone could have taken another 100 seats or more. The seats were only going to the middle door. Numerous seats stacked at the back of the room but, sure what would I know, according to baconsarnie I wasn’t there!

    I would have thought CB meetings were a matter of public record? Can anyone not attend but it is the delegates who have voting rights? I thought the proxy is to pass that voting right to someone else.

    Again, I’m no expert on the politics and rules of it all and do not claim or never have claimed to be. It’s lads like yourself were quoting timelines and rules.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,461 ✭✭✭celt262

    The open meeting was in Stradone a few weeks previous the last meeting the same as every other county board meeting was for club delegates only not lads popping in for a nosey whether they had interest or not.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,058 ✭✭✭Cavan_King

    Are these meetings not for public record then? I would have thought the general public and paying club members should be able to confirm what occurs at these meetings.

    You are also ill informed. The meeting a few weeks back was with the juvenile CB and was for discussion around the grades.

    I would suggest if you are so outraged re the meeting being public, you contact the CB and convey your dismay rather than sharing it on an anonymous internet messaging board.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,461 ✭✭✭celt262

    The one a few weeks ago was open as in the clubs could sent whoever they wanted to it, it didn't have to be the delegates it wasn't a county committee meeting.

    The paying club members elect delegates to attend the meetings on there behalf and bring relevant information back to the club. I'm not outraged at the meeting being public because it wasn't public. i'm laughing at the thoughts' of you driving the back roads from Kilnaleck tp Stradone in a Ford 4000 to go to a meeting that you had no business at and then come back here and have a different account of events than another poster. A worth while trip it would seem 😁

    Even one of your previous posts had a clue to who should be at the meeting !

    Please note this is a full Co. Board meeting and your normal delegates should attend - you may at your discretion replace any delegate for this meeting however you must ensure that the relevant proxy authorisation is submitted.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,058 ✭✭✭Cavan_King

    It was a juvenile CB meeting a few weeks ago. Niall Lynch chaired it. Not Kieran Callaghan. I’m not aware who could or could not attend it. I was at it also for the record. The aul Ford managed two trips to Stradone!

    Sure go and ask some other person who was at the meeting and they’ll confirm which of us was correct. Either Martin Cahill offered further clarification on option 4 after the vote or he didn’t. I’m quite happy in my mind he didn’t.

    Re the bolded part, it doesn’t say anything there about the meeting not being public. The proxy forms were for voting. Each club got two votes and if your normal delegate for voting wasn’t there, you had to complete a proxy so the non delegate representing the club could vote. They didn’t even bother getting proxy forms off most people as Martin Cahill announced at the start of the meeting - they weren’t going to turn recognised people such as coaches from clubs away.

    You’re getting very wound up about this. Did you not say earlier this year you had rarely attended club championship games this year? So if you aren’t even bothered attending adult club games, why would you be so highly strung re who attends a meeting about juvenile age grades? As I said previously, it might be worth getting a bit of priority into your concerns.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,461 ✭✭✭celt262

    As I stated previously I'm not wound up by it I'm laughing at the stupidity off you attending a county committee meeting. What next land to a CCC meeting because you have an interest in what they are discussing.

    No i wasn't at many club games other than my own I don't see the relevance of that to what we are debating??

  • Registered Users Posts: 502 ✭✭✭Thunderbirds

    Cavan King I've been my clubs delegate for the last three years. I have never missed a meeting in that time.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,058 ✭✭✭Cavan_King

    Well your posts on the topic are far longer than normal and you appear to be wound up. Why wouldn’t I attend a meeting that was relevant to coaching in the county when I am a coach? I wasn’t the only person there that was not a delegate.

    You are on a GAA message board criticising someone for attending a county board meeting about juvenile age grades? I’m a bit lost with your reasoning on this. Do you criticise all volunteers in clubs who take an interest? Are you laughing at the “stupidity” of all the juvenile coaches I know from other clubs who chose to attend?

    I do believe you said you weren’t at any games since the League during championship, is that not correct? As I already said, the relevance is I don’t see why somebody who hasn’t much of an interest in the adult club game would take so much interest in a meeting re juvenile age grades and who attended said meeting.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,197 ✭✭✭baconsarnie

    The reason you have multiple posters calling shenanigans with you is for your total and utter non-stop BS on this forum. It's not that long ago that you admitted you only went to club games in Meath (and indeed spent as much time on the Meath GAA forum), regularly commented on u20 games you never saw (even the ones free online- I can remember your witch hunt against the u20 management in 2021) and now you're finding the time to head to Stradone to casually rock up to a County Board meeting all so you can appear "in the know". Yeah right. And your castigating lads for not attending club games? You've spent most of your life on here or with your alias commenting on Cavan games that you never attended. Jog on.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,058 ✭✭✭Cavan_King

    I’m not questioning your attendance at the meeting - unlike how my own attendance has been on this forum. Now that it seems to be accepted that I was at the meeting - there’s criticism for being there. You can’t win!

    What I am questioning though is the further clarification re option 4 you state Martin Cahill offered after the vote because I certainly don’t remember it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,461 ✭✭✭celt262

    I said I was at my own club games I don't see what issue you have with that or do you get brownie points over me for going to random games. Does that make you a better poster here?

    Why wouldn't you attend ? I told you several times who should be at the meeting. I do believe you likely are a delegate cos you wouldn't have been there if you weren't and you dont want to give PI away. Similar to when you were a selector with a minor team and then denied it was Crosserlough that you were with.

  • Registered Users Posts: 502 ✭✭✭Thunderbirds

    While the vote was in process Martin Cahill with the microphone read out all proposed competitions in option 4.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,058 ✭✭✭Cavan_King

    You twice previously said it was “after” votes were cast. Now it has changed to “while the vote was in process”. I don’t remember either to be honest but I’ll admit you’ve now changed your point and there was alot of hustle and bustle during the actual voting with the clubs getting their voting cards and delegates moving about to hand them out. I may not have heard any “clarification” at that point with all the noise.

    Regardless, Brian Seagrave had already stood up and had spoken at length about option 4 and the different competitions proposed and Cathaldus Harten clarified after he spoke that it was option 4 he was speaking about.

    Also, club delegates were already attending the meeting with the decision made and their direction given.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,058 ✭✭✭Cavan_King

    Can you please link to where I said I only went to club games in Meath? You seem to be attributing alot of posts to me and I’d like to see some proof of them. No doubt you’ll accuse me of “sealioning” now as you so aptly put it the other day but you are the one throwing accusations so let’s see some proof. Of course there won’t be any because that is a blatant lie.

    Earlier you said “were you not on the last page claiming to be a rep at a County Board meeting debating the motions to return to even years at underage?”. I asked you for proof of another of your outrageous claims where I ever said I was a rep and I’m still waiting.

    You don’t seem to let the truth get in the way of a good story.

    I wasn’t aware people were only allowed post on this thread or attend club games in one county. Who is castigating who here exactly?

    So was I at the meeting or not at the meeting in your opinion? Would you like me to give any more detail about it?

    I’m not castigating anyone. I commented numerous times during the club championship how dead the board was - it was generally only myself and rrs that appeared to attend games. Paul Fitz has actually brought up on WAC about forums like this which go dead when the club game starts. Do you take issue with him when he makes that point? He’s made it regularly re Cavan people not being the die hard GAA supporters some claim to be.

    What I have commented re this evenings posts is that I find it surprising that someone who wouldn’t attend adult club games is so interested in a meeting about juvenile age grades - usually if people haven’t much interest in adult club football, they certainly wouldn’t be following juvenile unless they have a child playing it.

    Post edited by Cavan_King on

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,058 ✭✭✭Cavan_King

    I had thought you said you didn’t go to any championship games and hadn’t been at any games since the League. Am I incorrect? No issue if I am but my recollection is you said you hadn’t been to any championship games when I said the forum was quiet during club championship, I don’t remember you mentioning your own club’s games and attending those at the time.

    I’m not looking for brownie points. I’ve explained the relevance of this on numerous occasions.

    And where is it listed who can or can’t attend? I’ve already asked you on several occasions are the meetings not for public record? The bolder item you linked to earlier was about a proxy for voting. It said nothing re who could or couldn’t attend.

    There was nobody in Stradone taking names and stopping people so where exactly is it specified who can or can’t attend?
