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Even more adverts you despise



  • Registered Users Posts: 8,325 ✭✭✭RabbleRouser2k

    The Coca Cola advert with the Santa's sharing a coca cola.

    It's weird, but I find the modern adverts very charmless, but the 'Holidays are coming' advert, that's almost 30 years old (originally aired in 1995), has more heart in it than modern coca cola adverts.

    Some adverts feel timeless, and some others feel corporate.

  • Registered Users Posts: 555 ✭✭✭JeffreyEpspeen

    Look at me everybody! Amn't I just mad altogether!

  • Registered Users Posts: 555 ✭✭✭JeffreyEpspeen

    Annoys me how the mother pronounces her son's name. Genuinely thought she was saying "Bubby" the first several times I watched it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 862 ✭✭✭lumphammer2

    Christmas ads dominating our screens in November ... not what I want to see to be very honest ... most are dire and not even remotely festive anyway ... they reflect the crass commerciality Christmas has become ... for me Christmas was always 8th December to 6th January .... now it is like 20th October to 31st December .... and schools go back first Monday or available day after New Year's Day ...

    Christmas was a time I used to love ... but am not pushed anymore ... in fact the whole thing sort of depresses me ... and the early ads are very much part of it ... the magic that once was there is just ruined with the whole way we do it now .... no one wants to hear about Christmas now ... and we end up sick to death of Kevin the Carrot and other such nonsense by the time even early December arrives ... I wonder what Scrooge would have thought of Christmas ads??!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,095 ✭✭✭Hangdogroad

    Off topic but I absolutely detest that Will Ferrell Elf movie and how its seeped into the overall Christmas aesthetic. Also that Elf On The Shelf shyte.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 6,711 ✭✭✭deezell

    You'd have loved the elf themed late late show so. I delayed 10 minutes after the news, out of curiosity. It was ghastly, Kielty announced it was 20 years old, like it actually deserved rememberance. The whole toy show is an ad for far Eastern plastic pollution and junk, but maybe small kids enjoy it. Luckily I had some chores to do.

    Dicken's Scrooge would have said "Bah! Humbug!", today's version says "Arse, Feck, Bollix".

  • Registered Users Posts: 877 ✭✭✭Photobox

    100%,:exactly how I feel about it too and I also find it depressing! The gratuitous commercialism has ruined it. Ads, songs, decorations shouldn't start until the beginning of December imo. It's crazy!

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,443 ✭✭✭LambshankRedemption

    It's November 25th and I'm already fed up of Christmas adverts.

    I remember years ago, I must have been about 7 or 8, we got a half day from school as we broke for the Christmas Hoidays. I went home and my mother was putting up the decorations. The fire was going and the place was warm and happy. It would have been around the 21st or 22nd of December.

    It really is a diluting of the celebration when we are tired of it and it's not even December yet.

  • Registered Users Posts: 862 ✭✭✭lumphammer2

    +1 ... What you describe is how Christmas should be ... children would get their holidays around dates you mention and go back the 7th January ... that would be Christmas as it should be ... now it is all ads and most of them horrible ads ... and then Christmas ends on the day or very soon after it ...

    Exactly ... it is v depressing ... ads and song were much better years ago ... the ads today are all loud and ugly ... nothing remotely festive about them more often than not ... December is the time for it and the first week of January .... not November or even in some cases October and September !!

  • Registered Users Posts: 862 ✭✭✭lumphammer2

    Exactly ... the older ads are always better ... the new ones are either charmless, stupid, loud, brash and plain out of kilter ... it is clear they are corporate, crassly commercial and put together in a thoughtless manner ...

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  • Registered Users Posts: 862 ✭✭✭lumphammer2

    Films like that do not do anything at all for me .... most stuff with Will Ferrell in it is not to my tastes ... there once was this guy called Ryan Tubridy promoting the hell out of Anchorman 2 ... funny thing is any decent film would not get the same promo ...

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,325 ✭✭✭RabbleRouser2k

    I wouldn't say 'always better', but there are genuine classics from the 80s and 90s that are still cited as amazing adverts. Campaigns that genuinely worked rather than feeling like 'how do you do, fellow kids?'. Many of them were from future acclaimed directors, such as David Fincher, Ridley Scott, and even Michael Bay. (Bay used to have talent, before he sort of resorted to using a 'bag of tricks'. He even directed Meat Loaf's 'I would do anything for love' music video).

    Even Apple's 'I'm a Mac, I'm a pc' campaign was smart. And that was in the 2000s. Ten years ago, we got 'The Bear and the Hare' by John Lewis (the advert that made you stop in your tracks and watch it because it featured former and current Disney animators who created the traditional animation) which was just heart warming. This year, Vodafone and Dunnes are recycling their adverts that are close to 5 years old. Same advert for the last 5 years. Woodies, same advert the last 4 or 5 years (with the lad currently in Fair City).

    If you switch over to the British channels, you'll see more variety, for sure. In comparison to the Irish channels, at least. But it's like folks aren't even trying.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,711 ✭✭✭deezell

    They have warehouses packed with unnecessary excess food and goods, much of it tat, to offload at premium profit, and they can make half their annual profit in the Christmas splurge, so extending that back from the 25th December into November, October, August even, means profit. The first shots were fired when the plastic tins of sweets appeared stacked up in the supermarkets, just after the kids went back to school.

    Halloween now interferes with the Christmas bonanza, so it has been annexed and used to push the same tat and consumption in a kind of dry run for Christmas, garish junk and "scary' fairy lights covering some homes for weeks, removed and immediately replaced in the first days of November with the Xmas version.

    There is none of that kind if shyte in most of Europe. The riots in the City were caused by desire for goods, looting for Christmas, new runners mostly. I think people have become infantilised by social media and an obsessive desire to replicate a fantasy world for their kids. I don't know how the kids cope with the distraction of coming home from school for two months to a house decorated with lights and fake snow.

    Not so way back in time it was the 8th December which signalled the start of the commercial Xmas, a Catholic religious holiday, and a piece of perverse dogma introduced only in 1854, subversively denigrating ordinary women and mothers who of course could not 'conceive immaculately' or otherwise without 'sin'. People seek joy however, not repression and judgement, so the date became more synonymous with the beginning of Christmas festivities than the intended subliminal female repression.

    Maybe that's it, we just want life to be one long party. The package holiday ads won't even wait for the new year, you'll probably hear them on Christmas eve.

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,130 ✭✭✭squonk

    We’re starting to follow the yanks too closely. I absolutely get it makes sense for them to start the Christmas thing early over there with Thanksgiving being a kind of kick off, and it’s bigger than Christmas for them anyway. It sends here that I’ve black crust is coming up it’s ok to start putting up the decorative, playing Christmas music and ask the other shîte. Even BBC Radio 2 seem to be hinting there’ll be curtains music from next weekend. I’ll probably decorate arid the 8th a leave up till after the 6th. Even then there’ll still be a month in it. I hate that Christmas seems official over now as soon as new years dat ends. I think the days after up till the 6th should be celebrated. There often the nite peaceful onset of Christmas but pride are sadly working so it’s back to normal.

    Even Jan 6 is being concussed now. There seems to be an uptick starting in gangs of women heading out for festivities for Nollaig na mBan. Not knocking them. I’m delighted they’re heading out but I think it’s in response to the industry feeling they’ll knock another few quid out of Pele post Christmas than anything else.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,443 ✭✭✭LambshankRedemption

    Off the topic of Christmas....

    It's safe to say Amazon have a decent marketting budget. And their advert with the three old women going sledding is not terrible, but how about, instead of creating one ok-ish ad and having it on every single ad break on any live TV one might watch, why not create half a dozen ok-ish ads, and mix them up? Same message, not a whole lot of money extra for them, but as the viewer, it would mean not the same flipping ad every 15 minutes.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,711 ✭✭✭deezell

    Was this written using Speech-to-text? It's a fun read.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,443 ✭✭✭LambshankRedemption

    "ChatGPT, write me a post mocking the current state of Christmas."

  • Registered Users Posts: 862 ✭✭✭lumphammer2

    Agree ,,, The US have their traditions and the November start is to do with Thanksgiving which is not a holiday here but is there ... until and if Thanksgiving is made into an actual holiday here we will concentrate on December for Christmas !!

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,359 ✭✭✭Acosta

    Bloody hell, Bank Of Ireland are seriously giving us another round of the Baz "Durdy word" ad over 2 and a half years later.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,711 ✭✭✭deezell

    No flies on them, his stock is currently high, with a quiz show and a happy emigrant show, his mug in ads will produce the positive vibes in viewers heads, however subliminal it all may seem.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 683 ✭✭✭blackvalley

    You don’t have to watch tv folks

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,325 ✭✭✭RabbleRouser2k

    They're everywhere. Pop up on youtube, and soon to return in amazon and netflix streaming.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,711 ✭✭✭deezell

    Oddly enough, if you view live tv, and it has time shift, it's very easy to pause it for ten or 15 minutes before you settle in, then you have a window of delayed viewing which you can use to skip the ads, and top it up when making tea or foraging for snacks. You can't escape the player ads though, or the YouTube ones unless you pay. Are Netflix going to push ads even after you pay? They've already killed our joint sub, only two very occasional user accounts, maybe on average watch one program in a week. They can fup off.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,443 ✭✭✭LambshankRedemption

    I got rid of NetFlix. Couldn't find anything I wanted to watch. They could / should have a near unlimited collection of stuff. Presumeably licensing costs is why its so limited, but in recent times it seems to be predominantly true crime documentaries and sitcoms I'm not interested in.

    Vodafone Forty Foot ad on now. Why does the daughter say "What are you doing?". Its Christmas day, she's just seen a load of people in swimsuits, and he says "Keeping up tradition" so obviously its something they always did. So what do you mean what are you doing?

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,325 ✭✭✭RabbleRouser2k

    They're planning to introduce cheaper subscriptions to Netflix, but they will include adverts. So it'll be once, every hour, you get adverts. Similar to the bbc model.

    I watch more youtube and netflix nowadays. Maybe record the odd film off of Film 4. (A couple of channels I have issues with in terms of receiving a signal. The like of Comedy Central and MTV, for example. It don't bother me, because there's nothing on em that I want to watch or can't find on a streaming service).

    It's been frustrating to see some shows disappear from the service. Ones they don't own but have licensed out.

  • Registered Users Posts: 555 ✭✭✭JeffreyEpspeen

    It's been over a year since there's been something I've really wanted to watch on Prime or Netflix.

    There's been maybe a dozen things I've had a vague interest in and settled for.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,711 ✭✭✭deezell

    That fffping ad where the the dozy oul fella whips out his... phone, on hearing his car being pranged by a tractor, and up pops AXA on home screen emergency speed dial. He lopes bandy legged down the hill trying to hold a telephone conversation at the same time, to where the tractor, in a wide open treeless and hedgeless flat space, has opted to kiss the arse of his car when it would have been easier to avoid it by a football pitch of space. It's nonsensical beyond belief. Who has their car insurer as a home page speedial anyway? He's happy again though once he whips our his.. telescope. Urrrggh.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,592 ✭✭✭Real Donald Trump

    Permanent TSB ad, just fook off!

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,443 ✭✭✭LambshankRedemption

    Theres an ad for a toy. It looks like its for totddlers. It has the toy 'singing' a high pitched tune. Every time it comes on I just imagine parents waking up to that on St Stephens Day to that high pitched noise at 5am

    The first time I saw the ad, I actually thought it was some sort of parody ad. No way was that a real and desirable toy, but it is.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 683 ✭✭✭blackvalley

    Couldn’t agree more but I still think the Allianz broken tap one is even worse. ( it’s been discussed a few pages back)

    The gormless idiot manages to break the tap handle off and soak the place with water.

    His even more gormless partners is casually asked to call Allianz emergency to sort it out.

    If my experience of calling insurance companies or tradesmen is anything to go by i hope he had a full loaf of bread to keep him going till his call was answered.

    First of all I’m no plumber but iv repaired taps in my kitchen and it’s physically impossible for water to escape if the handle simply falls off.

    Secondly they should have consulted a plumber before making the advert because the tap he has broken is the one on the left ( the hot tap) and not alone were it possible to happen he would have scalded everyone including the dog 🐕
