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  • Registered Users Posts: 7,829 ✭✭✭YellowLead

    I’m sure that was picked out even before she introduced you to the parents. Well done.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,317 ✭✭✭Jequ0n

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,829 ✭✭✭YellowLead

  • Registered Users Posts: 672 ✭✭✭taxAHcruel

    Yeah I put that into so many posts on so many topics. That you should be wary of anyone who has a blanket "fix" or advice for anything. The "If you do this you will turn your life around" or "Eat this diet and you will have more energy and focus" or or or. There is no magic formula.

    Worse if you become convinced that something will help you and it does not help you - you can end up thinking that therefore there must be something wrong with YOU. That you are just beyond help or flawed or broken.

    Humanity is too diverse for that nonsense. There are many paths to the same goal. Each has to find their own one(s). Like with diet. I tried so many in the past. High Carb Low Fat. Low Carb High Fat. All vegan. All veggie. All meat. You name it. All espoused by people who swore it was "The way".

    In the end I found the one that worked for me that sent my energy and focus and strengths through the roof. And it was simply to eat the absolute highest variety of all things possible. As soon as I eat something I try not to have that same thing again for as long as I can. I occasionally go "all meat" for a few weeks for other reasons but generally I am on this rainbow of diversity.

    So generally advice on topics should be taken as things to try rather than things that absolutely will work. Because quite often they won't.

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,829 ✭✭✭YellowLead

    I guess some people need to be told such things. Which still amazes me. The amount of dumbness out there - all of this stuff should be so obvious to anyone with a brain. I am guessing it’s low intelligence which can’t be helped.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 672 ✭✭✭taxAHcruel

    Stupidity feels a little too easy a blame for me. I dunno.

    Like the type I mentioned earlier telling a room full of married people below height X that you can not get a woman if you are below height X - I think people just get locked into their ideas and never really see the ideas tested. And confirmation bias and pattern recognition even when no pattern actually exist are very human flaws.

    The deeper one Navel Gazes the less likely one is to look up - look around - and see the ideas they have simply are not mapping onto the actual reality around them. On the face of it that might look like low intelligence at work. But even the most intelligent people can fall prey to that. Confirmation Bias for example has been studied and sometimes found to be higher in the more intelligent people, not lower.

    Humans look for easy binary explanations and labels for complex things. So if something complex in life is not working for you - like finding a romantic partner or getting the career break they want - it is very easy to find some variable (often one we are powerless over) and simply say it must be because of that.

    If only I had a car everything would be fine and women would love me. If only I had more money I'd be dateable. If only I was above this arbitrary height threshold. Falling for that stuff creates careers for the Andrew Tates and the David Meessens and the Jordan Petersons it seems sometimes. Because some of the things those people say will genuinely help a lot of people in those self made ruts.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,317 ✭✭✭Jequ0n

    Most people are stupid. It doesn’t really matter what flowery language you pick to describe the same concept.

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,829 ✭✭✭YellowLead

    Feck on off with yourself lol

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,208 ✭✭✭Ubbquittious

    I got super swiped on Bumble for the first time ever today. I feel so honoured

    But I cant see who the feck it was

  • Registered Users Posts: 701 ✭✭✭Ljmscooter

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  • Registered Users Posts: 7,829 ✭✭✭YellowLead

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,317 ✭✭✭Jequ0n

    Leap year?

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,829 ✭✭✭YellowLead

    Everyone is going to want the normal people 😂

    Post edited by Mike on

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,044 ✭✭✭Username here

    .... on 29th February.

    Throw Jeqa a bone, FFS - he's probably sh1tting himself thinking it could come any day next year! 👰

    Post edited by Mike on

  • Registered Users Posts: 567 ✭✭✭Facthunt

    Bitches be like ……

  • Registered Users Posts: 637 ✭✭✭gary550

    But there is a lot of uncontrolled variables that really do heavily influence attraction.

    Can't blame someone who is objectively ugly or short or bald and has experienced rejection based on that being in the mindset that the uncontrolled variable is a big part of the reason they aren't where they want to be or don't have what they want. It's because it probably is.

    From a mans point of view women generally want taller men who are more attractive more perceptually superior men to what they consider themselves to be. It just is how it is. If you aren't playing in the league of being a moderately attractive and well put together man your life is significantly harder.

    There are of course exceptions to everything, but if you're at a real tangible disadvantage getting beyond it can be more of a task than simply just getting on with it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,829 ✭✭✭YellowLead

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,829 ✭✭✭YellowLead

    You could say the same the other way around - if you’re not a physically super hot woman you are screwed etc. But that’s not how it is in reality - most people are average at the end of the day and aren’t fabulously wealthy or insanely good looking and they find partners. Just because the good looking / rich might have a starting gate advantage doesn’t mean the general population are screwed. You do need to have a positive and interesting personality - without that you are indeed screwed if not wealthy or hot. But that can be cultivate for free :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 672 ✭✭✭taxAHcruel

    I do not think anyone is saying that "variables" do not have "influence". I certainly am not for sure. I could ask you to roll a 10 or higher on a two dice. I could remove the 6 from one of those dice. That will "influence" the probabilities of you getting a 10 or higher. But it does not prevent it. You might just have to roll the dice a few more times than someone who has both 6s available.

    What I am speaking of - vicariously as it happens as I only even mentioned it in relation to summarising the videos of a "Reltionship Trainer" who came up in conversation above - are the kind of people who fall back on restrospective excuses to not only explain away why they have failed to find any relationship at all but sometimes go so far as to claim they will never succeed ever. I myself was very much one of those people in my early 20s in a bad bad way. And I was and still am short. I was balding and am now pretty much bald. I was earning bugger all. No car. And living in a pitiful box of a house share.

    As I said it is baffling to be sitting in a group of people under a certain height, all married, and being told by the single guy that being under that height means you will never get a woman. Or sitting in one bar being told that if you do not earn over Xeuro you will never get anywhere, but next door in a more working class bar - it is one wall to the other full of men earning significantly under that threshold who are all married with children.

    The theory simply does not map onto reality. But the people caught up in the theory that some arbitrary factor is a hurdle never seem to stop - look around - and see the sheer unending volume of people with that same factor who are all paired off, or married, or with children, and so forth.

    And the personal anecdotes I have experienced - some of which I have mentioned directly - are that when you really look at someone that thinks there is an arbitrary factor like their height that is forever the reason they are getting nowhere - what you actually discover is there is some other factor(s) at play that they are blind to themselves. Too close to the woods to be able to see the trees as it were. The guy I took Blind Dating for example - when I actually saw him interacting with women - I saw exactly what his issue was. He never saw it. We never saw it before. And in fact even when I explained it to him he still could not admit/see it. I had to actually set up a contrived massive trick to totally shock him out of it and see it before we worked on it. It was massive. Yet he was simply sitting there saying "Ah its hopeless women never go for someone my height" in a world FULL of people his height that are married off around him.

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,829 ✭✭✭YellowLead

    And this os why I’m dating 50 somethings :)

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  • Registered Users Posts: 7,829 ✭✭✭YellowLead

    We still have some of the lowest divorce rates in the world. It’s still mad to think it’s not that long ago when it wasn’t possible, and then when it was there was the whole 4 year thing which thankfully has reduced to 2.

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,829 ✭✭✭YellowLead

    I think unrealistic expectations can be at play also. Eg if you are poor and fat then you’re kind of looking at dating poor and fat - but people don’t want to, even though it’s how they are themselves.

    Im sure that sounds like a horrible thing to say, and I’m not being totally serious - but we all know there is a grain of truth there.

  • Registered Users Posts: 637 ✭✭✭gary550

    I wouldn't agree, I'd think most women have a good lot more options than their equivalent male counterpart and don't have to put in as much effort to find a mate. I think the part that keeps a lot of women single now is being hyper selective even beyond rationality.

    Being attractive is not really just a starting gate advantage, it's a massive advantage and probably negates a huge amount of the effort the average or ugly person would require to get the interest of another. If you occupy the top 10-20% of attractive people there is a good likelihood that most prospective people you meet will find you attractive without any effort at all.

    If you take it that you are in the bottom 20% how many of the opposite sex will seriously find you attractive? Maybe 5-10% if even? If you had to meet 100 people for 5 of them to be even somewhat interested romantically in you it's hard to blame people for not trying. Most people wouldn't even bother starting. I think this is much less stark for men than it is women being totally honest.

    To give a real life recent example, I friends of friends with a girl who is about as equivalently as attractive a women as I would be a man which is to say average or below average. She's only on tinder literally weeks and has already hooked up several times with several different men. If I redownloaded tinder now I'd bet my net worth it would be at least a month, maybe two before I'd even get the chance. It's such a stark difference it's not believable.

    I think telling an ugly, poor, short or otherwise awkward person that it's not any of their obviously tangible disadvantages that is the cause of their singleness but rather their **** personality is also a cop out, if they were attractive the prerequisite for having a good or interesting personality probably wouldn't exist.

  • Registered Users Posts: 672 ✭✭✭taxAHcruel

    I am not sure I said how paired off I think the entire population is. I think you might have misread me. But what I am saying is that I have not heard a single attribute someone is saying is a deal breaker and means they will be single forever - where the country is not populated all over the place by people with exactly that attribute who are paired off. But somehow they never seem to notice that.

    That there is a lot of single people still, is a different thing and a different conversation. There will always be a lot of single people I think, for many reasons. All I was commenting on is that some of the reasons people give to explain their being long term single, seem not to map onto reality in ANY way at all.

    I think there is a lot of reasons why people are single. I just have not seen all that many cases where the explanations for it people have for themselves seem true.

    Take my friend who I mentioned a few times above. He always had some one liner he was convinced was the reason he was forever single. Absolutely convinced. When I actually took him speed dating however I saw how defeated he was the moment he started talking to a girl. Like he was giving up and accepting defeat before conversation even began. And he was head down and arms crossed in an almost defensive position. And most of all he was not engaged in the conversation all that much. Like the other person was almost not there.

    He did not have any kind of connection. He got ZERO hits from the Speed Dating. No follow ups.

    When I explained all this to him after the Speed Dating Event he did not believe a word of it. He was convinced "Too short - women will never like me". Nothing I said could convince him that what I was seeing as his problems were VERY different to what he thought it was.

    So I set him up on a blind date with a friend of mine who he never met. She was not single but we did not tell him that. During the date she went to the toilet and came back. Only SHE did not come back. Her sister did. Different height. Different hair. Different voice. Moderately different clothing. He did not even notice. After 20 minutes of this me and the original sister came out and sat down and explained what had happened and he finally had this "Ah-ha" moment that everything I was telling him was true.

    So we worked on it in a few ways. Nothing interesting enough to go into here but I showed him some of my NLP/Illusion/Mentalism stuff and some random character work and so forth. Did speed dating again. And he got more hits/follow ups that misses. The majority of the women he did the speed date with wanted to follow up. He is paired off now with one of them.

    But his dedication to the beliefnotion it was all just his height was almost religious in it's fervor. Despite living in a country heavily populated by people the same height happily paired off. He simply could not see what was ACTUALLY going wrong for him. And it took a massive shock to the system to break him out of it. It's not often you get to see actual revelation in real time on another persons face.

    Got my a "Best Man" nomination for the wedding at least :)

    Post edited by Mike on

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,365 ✭✭✭raclle

    You've been spouting the same shite for the last few days. We get it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,829 ✭✭✭YellowLead

    Hooking up is not the same as getting a boyfriend

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,208 ✭✭✭Ubbquittious

    You are right! She didn't bother messaging when we matched

    Post edited by Mike on

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,256 ✭✭✭Pwindedd

    It’s so easily done by mistake… and irreversible unfortunately.

    Not sure what the preferred etiquette is TBH. A message saying I swiped on you by mistake ? No one wants that either.

    A quick unmatch is the lesser of two evils.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,705 ✭✭✭PoisonIvyBelle

    You're not wrong in what you're saying. But you're coming across a bit preachy, that's all.

    I do think when people are self-conscious about a perceived flaw, it makes it much more unattractive, and the self-consciousness/hang up can end up being the actual unattractive thing. Confidence goes a long way.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,198 ✭✭✭ruth...less

    Actually yelllowlead I didn't have a hard time in school. I loved secondary school. Wasn't really noticed much in primary but not bullied and didn't have a hard time. It did annoy me that some of the nuns picked favourites based on how much the children's mother's were involved in the school like parents/teacher association like Ciara Murphy got to play treble recorder when we were all left on the bog standard recorder and like I finished my maths before Ciara plenty of times but Sr Clare never put me on the 'harder book' but if Ciara finished first it would be like 'oh Ciara's finished we need to run around to find something to stimulate this child's genius' but for me it was like 'just let her sit there' 😆🤣😁 I did have a hard time outside of school but thats another story.

    I was never part of the popular gang in secondary but looking back it was more by choice. and me being naturally authentic. I had a little group in my german class that I had the most craic of the guys was a very flamboyant gay guy, another was a good looking shy guy who later came out and then another nerdy guy who loved tennis who I use to do a little duet with of fairgrounds attraction of It's Got To Be Perfect and we also had another girl who there was rumours she was a slut but she wasn't, she was sound. And then we had a funny sort of popular girl but she wasn't sort after by the boys so she was funny and she'd dip in and out of our group. My main bestie was in a year below me and she was the funniest person I've ever met 😁 anyway can barely remember primary school..but it was all grand...I loved general especially secondary....Even when I was leaving I knew I'd never have that time again 😊 anyway just had to get that off my chest dating...
