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Hamas strike on Israel - Threadbans in op - mod warning in OP updated 19/10/23



  • Registered Users Posts: 8,816 ✭✭✭SeanW

    Exactly. I do agree that average Israeli citizens have the right to ask serious questions now, as to how things got to this point.

    Holy $#%&, that is pure evil. I am not in the least bit surprised @brickster69 edited post 25023. Where does one even find an image so vile? Is Stormfront still a thing? No wonder this poster has such a problem with "Israel."

    As to substance, the Jews who supposedly "own" these media conglomerates don't actually own them. They're publicly traded companies whose shareholders appoint these people as officers. If one has a problem with the editorial content of these companies' productions, those responsible are the shareholders and sometimes other stakeholders, not the C-suite officers. At least not in full.

    How is this any different to saying "From the River to the Sea, Palestine will be free?" Both phrases call for the obliteration of the others: The original phrase calls for the destruction of Israel and the endangerment of the 7.4 million Jews who live there. The new one just seems to be a mirror image of the first.

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,028 ✭✭✭timmyntc

    Pure evil is murdering innocent women and children by sniper fire.

    Pure evil is murdering your own naked citizens waving white flags because they might instead be an Arab.

    Pure evil is trying to rationalise war crimes being committed by a nation state

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,188 ✭✭✭dmcdona

    An outrageous image indeed. But there are plenty of images even more vile than that...

  • Registered Users Posts: 11,978 ✭✭✭✭Flinty997

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,816 ✭✭✭SeanW

    "Pure evil" is expecting Israeli civilians to have to co-exist with those who want them dead. Even before the 7th of October, Hamas was regularly committing small scale acts of war against Israel (firing rockets over the Israel/Gaza border into civilian settlements) to the point where much of Israel has air raid warning sirens everywhere and civilians had to have bomb shelters they could flee to with little warning any time of the day or night.

    You can argue about how Israel goes about destroying Hamas, but they are entitled to do so.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 579 ✭✭✭batman75

    Israel created Hamas to counter Fatah and cause a split in Palestinian politics. Israel can't destroy Hamas. Hamas is an ideology facilitated by Israel maintaining Gaza as an open air concentration camp. Israel is committing genocide in Gaza. It has for decades illegally occupied increasing amounts of land in the West Bank. To say Israel is entitled to destroy Hamas is silly. It can't be destroyed.

    Israel has condemned the people of Gaza to a horrific existence for decades treating them no better than animals. Are you really shocked that the horrible attacks on October 7th happened? The only thing Israel is entitled to is exist. It is not entitled to treat another ethnic group like animals. It is not entitled to a greater Israel as promoted by Likud's doctrine of from the river to the sea. It is not entitled to illegally occupy the land of another state ie Palestinian Territories. It is not entitled to deny an ethnic group the chance of economic prosperity on foreign soil.

    The Palestinian people are entitled to a state of which Gaza is a part. Israel has no right to subjugate 2 million people depriving them any chance of economic prosperity. As I have repeated said here Israel treats Palestinians like the Nazi's treated Jews. The oppressed have become the oppressor. Their is no defending Israel. Their response to October 7 have been indiscriminate and disproportional. By so doing they have done possibly irreperrable damage to their international reputation and potentially put their statehood at risk.

  • Registered Users Posts: 13,434 ✭✭✭✭kowloon

    How does the trap work? It would look a little suspicious if someone "surrendering" tried to lead you away from your position and break cover. I'd expect them to come towards my position. I'm sure there are plenty of dirty tricks being played in this conflict, but I'm fairly sure the IDF are trained to deal with perfidy like this. The more plausible explanation is that some members of the IDF are opening fire on white flags and in one particular example the surrendering people happened to be hostages.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,188 ✭✭✭dmcdona

    You were describing a picture, a graphic. Someone gave an alternative definition of "pure evil" - and off you go again... One sided too - everything you say there about Israelis applies to the Palestinians.

    I'll refer you back to the graphic based on UN data I posted earlier - 22:1 death ratio.

    By the way, when I lived in Ashkelon, I regularly saw the Israeli Navy carrying out exercises just off shore. The tracer was like fireworks. I mentioned it to my Jewish friends. They explained (apologetically) that that was to terrorise those living in Gaza. And they added that the Israeli air force would regularly fly over Gaza, hit Mach 1 and break all the windows.

    And my bomb shelter was my bedroom - I didn't have to run anywhere. God forbid the inconvenience of me having to get dressed.

    It was rather inconvenient for the 10 year old in the West Bank who threw a stone "half the size of his palm". he was killed by the IDF. And yes, that is pure evil.

  • Registered Users Posts: 51,743 ✭✭✭✭tayto lover

    There are thousands upon thousands of documented incidents of Israeli forces committing crimes against the Palestinian population yet it is the Palestinians who are denigrated. If it not the IDF it is the settlers backed up by the IDF. Israel is a terrorist state.

  • Moderators, Category Moderators, Social & Fun Moderators, Society & Culture Moderators Posts: 23,197 CMod ✭✭✭✭Ten of Swords

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  • Registered Users Posts: 8,816 ✭✭✭SeanW

    Actually, it is very easy to defend Israel.

    1. With regards to the current conflict, the 7th of October attacks were merely an escalation of what Hamas Gaza have been doing for the last ~16 years. Hamas have made it clear that theirs is a fight to the death.
    2. Israel only blockaded the Gaza Strip AFTER Hamas took it over.
    3. More broadly, Israel has been fighting for its existence since it was founded.
    4. Israel is the worlds' only Jewish state and it is the only home for a plurality, verging on a majority, of total Jewish people.
    5. Up to 70% of Israeli Jews are native to the Middle East. And 80% of Israeli Jews in all were born in Israel. It is their only home.
    6. Radical leftists scream "From the river to the sea" based on their view that Israel is a white supremacist, colonial-settler apartheid state. None of these claims stand up to scrutiny. This is a genocidal call to obliterate Israel, which Israelis have a right to take very seriously.
    7. As we've seen, the Far Right (with their bizarre claims of Satanic Jews manipulating the media) the Far Left (with its equally insane claims about Israel) are working hand-in-glove with each other and evil powers like Iran and Hamas on a shared goal - the total destruction of Israel and the endangerment of the Jews who live there.
    8. Israel and Jewish people more broadly have a long history of excellence in the fields of science and technology. Few peoples, if any, have contributed so much to mankind. Their collective record is impressive considering how few they are in number.

    So, yes, for all of these reasons, I am an avowed Philo-Semite and am 100% behind Israel's right to exist and to defend itself vigorously. I think their militaristic attitude is understandable given their history. If some Nazi, Far Leftist or Islamist doesn't like that, so be it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 613 ✭✭✭Fuascailteoir

    They are burying civilians alive. That is some twisted way to go about anything

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,801 ✭✭✭Wolf359f

    So 20k civilian deaths, 8k under the rubble. Starving a population, destroying their hospitals and energy supply, ethnic cleansing... That's self defense in your eyes.

    What's the latest terrorist death figure? 5k... So another 180k civilians to go.

    So you think Israel can defend itself without, ya know causing the massive death toll they have done already?

    Israel are not even using all smart bombs and just recently decided to target Hamas leaders... Like wtf.... Wouldn't that be the first target? Cut the head off the snake? If your goal was the elimination of Hamas and not an actual genocide.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,785 ✭✭✭Greyfox

    Where did I say I disagreed with that?? Both sides have innocent blood on their hands but nobody is defending the actions of Hamas. The IDF should be doing more to limit civilian deaths.

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,816 ✭✭✭SeanW

    Here's the thing, if you don't like the way Israel is conducting its retaliation, you should note that the majority of support for the right wing government parties (and thus Israel's defence policy) comes from the Mizrahi Jewish community.

    The irony is that for Israel to have a less militaristic policy, the Ashkenazi population would have to take over the country and oppress the Mizrahi, actually turning Israel what the Left accuses it of: being a white supremacist, settler colonial apartheid state. Obviously for a variety of reasons, that's not going to happen.

  • Registered Users Posts: 655 ✭✭✭sock.rocker*

    It's a "settler colonial apartheid state" based on religion though, not race.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,801 ✭✭✭Wolf359f

    So we're now justifying the massive civilian death toll on politics?

    Does basic human dignity and respect not come into it?

    How about target the **** terrorists and do everything possible to prevent civilian death and suffering.

    Over 10 weeks in and Israel now just deciding to target the Hamas leaders and open up a humanitarian border on its own soil. **** me if the world turned away for a hot minute lord only knows the death and destruction Israel would do to Gaza.

    How has the 'are we the bad guys.gif' not been posted here yet

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,816 ✭✭✭SeanW

    Israel being an apartheid state would come as a surprise to the Israeli-Arabs and the Druze population, many of whom happily enjoy the full rights of Israeli citizenship. As to the settler colonial bit, I don't think the Mizrahim, who are native to the Middle East, could be called settler colonialist. Refugees from the rest of the Middle East might be more like it. Israel might have been planned by the Ashkenazi originally, but they're now a minority in Israel. Nor do I think anyone born in Israel could be considered a settler-colonialist, nor anyone even today who makes Aliyah and is welcomed by the natives, regardless of their skin colour.

    But it's funny how no Muslim states get the same criticism.

    I brought race and politics into it because people on the Left tend to be obsessed with race and politics. I think one of the reasons the Left hates Israel so much is that they perceive it to be a white country. When not only is that not true, but the militaristic policies are promoted by its Middle Eastern and North African ethnic majority. Of course, if the Left have deemed the Mizrahi to be "white adjacent" the way the US Left has done with Asian Americans, then this would be somewhat theoretical.

    I feel a much greater need to defend Israel, it's people and right to exist more so than the details of their policy, because many of Israel's detractors don't care how nice they are to the Palestinians or how much land they give away or whatever. They just want Israel gone, full stop.

    As to "How about target the efffing terrorists and do everything possible to prevent civilian death and suffering," that sounds like a good idea - to me. But then again, I don't have a bomb shelter in my house, I haven't had to defend my country with force, and nobody in my family history has ever had to flee their homeland as refugees to the only place they could find some kind of safety among people like themselves. Nobody is trying to drive the Irish into the sea ... at least not since the Famine.

    So what seems like a good idea to you and me, might not seem so to someone who actually is native to the Middle East.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,188 ✭✭✭dmcdona


    I thought you were vigorously defending the right of Israel to defend itself?

  • Registered Users Posts: 21,559 ✭✭✭✭Tell me how

    It all looks very one-sided to me: the Jews are subject to a different, and much more severe, judgment than everyone else. Why is that, if not antisemitism?

    This statement just has to be discussed. For two reasons.

    Firstly, in the post you responded to, there was no mention of the word 'Jews' that is something you have either interpreted as being implied or are deliberately phrasing your response so as to infer it was implied knowing that it wasn't. I'm not saying you have done either, just that it seems that it was one or other.

    And this is a critical part of this discussion. Time and time again on this thread, and in the broader discussion, the topic of Jews, versus Israelis (generally) and the Israeli state (specifically) is a bone of contention. I am one of the people who has been staunchly critical of the Israeli state, and anyone who supports their actions with respect to the Palestinians. But I also see myself as very supportive of the Jewish religion and I've said on this thread before that I will continue to advocate for their security as I have done in the past when individuals or the wider religion are being threatened.

    It is a unacceptable to conflate criticism of Israel as being criticism of Jews, and I frequently feel that this is being done so as to shut down criticism of the actions that are impacting the Palestinians so negatively. I don't just feel it, I know it is often being done, on here and elsewhere (not saying by you specifically) and that is unacceptable.

    Secondly, in the days after Oct 7th, most major world leaders rushed to support Israel and offer them moral and material support for what they were about to do. Within 2 weeks of the attack, both Joe Biden and the leader of the EU had been on the ground in Israel offering this support in person. Since then, the US has continued to provide the funds to facilitate Israels actions entirely. And has done so without any censure or condemnation of their actions in killing tens of thousands. President Biden publicly repeated some of the IDF falsehoods (twice) as part of his efforts to show support for Israel. The US Congress has passed one of the single most draconian pieces of legislation in my lifetime in equating antizionism with antisemitism. Essentially ensuring that the state of Israel can not be questioned for its actions.

    The leaders of the UK, Canada, Germany, Australia continue to make it clear that they see any negative assessments of Israel's actions as being inappropriate. A German state has introduced a requirement for immigrants to formally accept that the Israel state has a right to exist. The Presidents of Penn State, Harvard and MIT are being called on to resign (the Penn state president already has) after they appeared in Congress discussing how Jewish people felt unsafe because people were chanting free Palestine. This at the same time as 3 Palestinian students in Vermont were shot, one of them being paralyzed.

    So if all of this equates to 'a different, much more severe judgement than everyone else', then I think Palestine, and many other marginalized groups, in the middle east and beyond would only love to be judged in the same way. If you believe the statement you wrote to be true, which I'm sure you do, it's why you wrote it, then I'd ask you to think about these facts and consider if you stand over it.

    Where Israel does not see a predominance of support is in the eye of public opinion world wide, echoed by the constant marches in support of Palestine. But this mindset is unburdened by business deals, sunk costs, or beneficial relationships, but rather that simple reality of understanding that this is a situation of the oppressed, and the oppressor and the vastly different ratio in the support (in real terms) offered to one side versus the other is reflected in the death and suffering experienced by both parties and in the simple world of right and wrong, people can see this for what it is.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,188 ✭✭✭dmcdona

    And just how "nice" have the Israelis been to the Palestinians?

  • Moderators, Society & Culture Moderators Posts: 12,733 Mod ✭✭✭✭riffmongous

    It's like what's going on in the West Bank doesn't exist for some people

  • Registered Users Posts: 21,559 ✭✭✭✭Tell me how

    Disagree with 90% of this.

    Likud literally had in their founding charter that there would be no other sovereignty between the river and the sea but Israel, not just that Israel would be free, as is said by Palestinians, but that nothing else but Israel would exist. Their current PM specifically has said that he was spent the last 30 years preventing the foundation of 2 states and you're on here spouting about 'radical leftists'. A laughably blinkered opinion.

    The same PM again specifically said that an emboldened Hamas was helpful in Israel achieving its goals and as recently as September gave the ok for payments from Qatar to continue knowing that they were going to Hamas.

    Israel only blockaded the strip after Hamas took it over? They literally occupied it for nearly 40 years up to 2005.

    Talking about a fight to the death? Palestinians have suffered at a ration of about 10/15:1 in terms of deaths versus Israelis throughout this conflict. And these are direct deaths as a consequence of military action mind, ignoring the impact on peoples heath and life expectancy that comes from the sanitary and other natural concerns that exist for them. There's a reason the median age in the Gaza strip is just 18.

    As for Israel fighting for its existence since it was formed, it didn't event exist as a concept until the late 19th century when zionism emerged and gained traction. It is one of the few states in the world founded specifically so as to give a home for a particular religion, of course there are many states that have used religion to focus their state and so have gotten to the point where the state is seen as a representative of the religion (Ireland up to mid 90's for example) but I'm not sure of many that were specifically founded 'because' of a religion. And this is something I don't agree with being done. Religion is incredibly important and beneficial to many, but it is all too easily hijacked by others focused on their own motivations and needs and as a consequence has led to massive suffering of billions throughout human history. One of ISIS's stated goals was the foundation of an Islam Caliphate, given the justification for Israel, is this not something that is harder to argue against?

    I do appreciate you nailing your colours to the mast in terms of your view and support of Israel and its actions. I disagree almost categorically with them, but at least you're willing to declare your views.

  • Registered Users Posts: 13,445 ✭✭✭✭Igotadose


    "As for Israel fighting for its existence since it was formed, it didn't event exist as a concept until the late 19th century when zionism emerged and gained traction. It is one of the few states in the world founded specifically so as to give a home for a particular religion, of course there are many states that have used religion to focus their state and so have gotten to the point where the state is seen as a representative of the religion (Ireland up to mid 90's for example) but I'm not sure of many that were specifically founded 'because' of a religion. "

    Religious Zionism, one of the precepts of Judaism, has existed longer than Western civilization has existed. Political Zionism, a movement to establish a political entity for Jews in Israel, gained traction in the mid-19th century. Condemning 'Zionism' as racism, when applied to religious Zionism, would be similar to condemning Hajj as a precept and obligation of Muslims.

    As for states focused on religion, I submit to you, Vatican City. An extremely wealth state, corrupt and guilty at a minimum of supporting horrible crimes against women and children with little or no remorse.

  • Registered Users Posts: 20,416 ✭✭✭✭2smiggy

    time for Turkey and other countries to start arming Palestine to give them a chance to defend their country from this genocidal attack. Be nice to see how the tik tok dancers and instagram fighters do then

  • Registered Users Posts: 13,445 ✭✭✭✭Igotadose

    Welcome to WWIII. Remind me, why should Turkey give 2 figs for the Palestinians? Not like they let them or anyone else in.

  • Registered Users Posts: 386 ✭✭pjordan

    You would have to wonder, in the context of those three unfortunate hostages, how many innocent Palestinians trying to reach safety holding a white flag have suffered the same fate from the IDF and we will never hear about it (because in the IDF's eyes they "may have been terrorists")?

  • Registered Users Posts: 11,978 ✭✭✭✭Flinty997

    I don't understand the idea that that the Jewish people didn't exist in Palestine prior to the creation of the state.

    Ultimately the roots of this conflict is the failure to create a two state solution in 1947. Which is baffling.

    Not that I think it would have been a peaceful co-existance. Or that any of the above justifies Israel over reaction in killing civilians. But it's entirely predictable based on their reaction to previous attacks. As such Hamas knew what they were starting.

  • Registered Users Posts: 19,368 ✭✭✭✭Donald Trump

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  • Registered Users Posts: 7,338 ✭✭✭volchitsa

    The one that "translates" to free is a back translation from English. The original slogan was associated with the story of Solomon and the baby the two women fought over, ie, they felt that giving any part of the land to Israel was cutting the baby in two. So no Israel.

    Do I think people in the west who march for Palestine and use that slogan now are aware of that? No, I think very often they are not. I'm sure they're well meaning, and just want peace - but many are only reacting instinctively to civilian deaths, without grasping much about the conflict and what they're effectively supporting, namely Hamas' murders, including of Palestinian opponents. I even saw an American woman being interviewed at just such a march who didn't even know what river was being referred to. Like - how can someone like that have an informed opinion?

    But being a useful idiot is not much of an excuse, really.
