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Hamas strike on Israel - Threadbans in op - mod warning in OP updated 19/10/23



  • Registered Users Posts: 19,368 ✭✭✭✭Donald Trump

    Plenty of you guys on here. Defend to the hilt the rights for Israelis to arbitrarily murder and maim countless others based on their religion. But at the same time sneer at other religions.

    There is a recognized phenomena in the US of American paedos within the Jewish community using the "right of return" to Israel escape sanction in the US.......................and of course, if one mentioned wealth in the same sentence as "jews", one would be accused of antisemitism.

    The preceeding is as relevant to the thread topic as your own tangential soapboxing about the Vatican

  • Registered Users Posts: 20,980 ✭✭✭✭Ash.J.Williams

    They were attacked on Oct 7th , lots of Israelis are fairly upset still

  • Registered Users Posts: 11,012 ✭✭✭✭Furze99

    What's the end game here? What's the acceptable revenge kill rate for Israel - it's clearly not an eye for an eye?

    Wipe out Hamas, wipe out the concept of Palestinian state, raze the housing and infrastructure in Gaza?

  • Registered Users Posts: 653 ✭✭✭Fr D Maugire

    I don't think anyone has ever claimed there were no Jewish people in Palestine, but they were a minority group. In fact there were more Christians in Palestine than Jewish people before Zionism. By 1900, the population was about 20,000 Jewish and 500,000 Arabs.

    The start of this conflict was not the creation of Israel, it started when Britain back Zionism through the Balfour agreement and when the Great powers ignored the recommendations of their own commission of enquiry post WW1, which advised against Zionism and the creation of a Jewish state in that region. Based on their research in the region, The Commission recognised that any attempt to create a Jewish state would lead to conflict and here we are 100 years later.

  • Registered Users Posts: 11,012 ✭✭✭✭Furze99

    This is exactly the point. Right thinking people have no issue with Jews per se. Jewish citizens in Ireland have the same rights and obligations as the rest of society here.

    The problem arises with the aggregation of Jewish people into the state of Israel and how that state has conducted it's affairs with it's neighbours and with displaced people of the region. They have lost the right to be considered a civilised state and must now be isolated and prosecuted for war crimes. I expect that this onslaught has sowed the seeds of terminal decline for Israel. They are the authors of their own misfortune.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 557 ✭✭✭scottser

    Israel is not defending itself. It is engaged on a campaign to eradicate Palestine as a legal entity and is quite prepared to massacre innocents in doing so. It's a campaign too far gone to salvage a peaceful solution unfortunately. One thing that Israel might not have taken into consideration though, is that even if they repopulate all the occupied territories, do they really think they will have 'won the war'? If Palestinians are made to disperse worldwide it will certainly make international Jewish infrastructure and people targets in whatever new phase this war will take. Israel will have made themselves a new, invisible enemy.

  • Registered Users Posts: 21,913 ✭✭✭✭ELM327

    It baffles me that people still have this view. It's as if there were no jews in the area in 1946. Or 1846. Or AD46.

  • Registered Users Posts: 18,477 ✭✭✭✭Strazdas

    I saw a well known psychologist suggesting last night that Israel going straight into murderous revenge mode almost instantly after October 7th was hugely ill advised. People in Israel hadn't even a moment to grieve or to process the awful events - attacking Gaza and its civilians like this out of pure spite and revenge is just adding to the trauma.

  • Registered Users Posts: 11,978 ✭✭✭✭Flinty997

    You can see from past conflicts and wars Israel always does this. You kill one mine I'll kill 10 of yours.

    Seems to be the plan. Seems unreasonable to me. But then Israel has done this in the past. I guess Hamas upped the ante, thus so did Israel. Entirely predictable.

    Circle of violence continues.

    I guess I remember the Lebanon war/invasion. Feels like deja vu.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,188 ✭✭✭dmcdona

    The 22:1 kill ratio has been well surpassed so I think Israel is all in.

    Judging by recent statements from the Israeli war cabinet, they will continue this course, regardless of countless calls to stop, until the bitter end.

    The numbers of Palestinian dead will continue to increase as will the discomfort of those denying genocide - until the facts speak for themselves.

    And when all done, Israel will still be surrounded by people who would see them destroyed.

    Strategic failure indeed.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 11,012 ✭✭✭✭Furze99

    But they've well passed 10:1 now, have they not? I put it to you that they have no plan at the moment other than maybe to make Gaza uninhabitable, at whatever cost of human life.

  • Registered Users Posts: 18,477 ✭✭✭✭Strazdas

    Correct, but one major difference is that Israel were able to completely control the narrative in the past via their numerous fanboys / lackeys in the western media. Social media has changed everything and people in the West are no longer relying on what the mainstream media has to say - which means they are hearing way more anti-Israel and pro-Palestinian voices for the first time ever.

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,338 ✭✭✭volchitsa

    The neighbouring countries tried that before. It didn't go well: they ended up losing the wars they started, losing territory themselves (Sinai and the Golan Heights in particular), and having to take in the resulting Palestinian refugees, and finally in some cases ended up themselves killing, blockading or deporting said Palestinian refugees. So I think they may pass on that unless they're sure the west is all-in with them and will take the Palestinians as needed. Another reason not to support Hamas, IMO.

    I think Iran and Russia are happy to help Hamas though (and are probably behind the Oct 7th attacks), because they're that bit further away that they won't have to assume the consequences of their actions. Not sure about Turkey though: despite Erdogan's undoubted sympathy for fellow Muslims, I expect they won't want to get too involved in supporting troublesome guerrilla fighters using terror against an organised state - for obvious reasons.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,693 ✭✭✭Oscar_Madison

    That’s pretty much my take on it at this stage, and that’s coming from someone who supported them in the early stages of this invasion after the Hamas attacks- but not now.

    They are clearly wanting the destruction of not just Hamas at this point but also the complete displacement of literally millions of people - I don’t see how bulldozing houses graveyards ancient religious buildings and cultural artefacts is part of “going after Hamas”.

    Given the terrorist make up of Hamas, it’s not like you can simply target a few strategic buildings and bam, 80% of Hamas destroyed- they’re intertwined across that strip of land with 100,000s of innocent people - it’s an impossible task which is why after the first few weeks of this invasion peace talks should have been the next step.

    Whatever enemies Israel had to date, they’ve now multiplied 10 fold.

  • Registered Users Posts: 11,978 ✭✭✭✭Flinty997

    Your figures are off.

    The increase in numbers started before the Balfour agreement. Thus imo it's misleading to imply the great powers initiated it.

    None of this happened in a vacuum.

  • Registered Users Posts: 20,416 ✭✭✭✭2smiggy

    I always thought this suited Russia the most. Taking the eye off their own invasion.

    This may stop the unlimited supply of US weapons to isreal, as they don't seem to be as popular as they thought they were among the American population. Without America would be interesting to see how they do

  • Registered Users Posts: 21,559 ✭✭✭✭Tell me how

    I asked the above question a couple of day ago, and was specifically interested in the views of Israel supporters. It looks like no one has responded to this so am pointing to it again, with an added angle.

    If you think that Hamas is likely to be able draw on greater recruitment resources as a consequence of the last 10 weeks, would you say that this means that Israel's approach was flawed?

  • Registered Users Posts: 978 ✭✭✭Palmach

    Naturally they don't state it.

    "3. Respecting, protecting and promoting the rights of Palestinian refugees to return to their homes and properties as stipulated in UN resolution 194." In other words using demographics to destroy Israel.

  • Registered Users Posts: 653 ✭✭✭Fr D Maugire

    Look down that same wikipedia page and you will see population of Ottoman Palestine is more or less what I said, this might depend on which source is used but the McCarthy one is much more detailed as it gives yearly figures whilst the one you are quoting are less detailed and says estimated underneath.

    Zionism started in the 1890s, so that was when the idea of a Jewish state started and Jewish people were encouraged to move to Palestine. The area was under Ottoman rule, so the chances of a Jewish state were pretty .minimal. It was the Balfour declaration that promised the Zionists a Jewish state in the region after the break-up of the Ottoman Empire after WW1. Following WW1, a Commission of Enquiry was set up during the Peace talks to figure out how to best break-up the Austria-Hungarian, German & Ottoman Empires. That was primarily at the behest of the Great Powers, Britain, France and to a lesser extent Italy with the US overseeing things. The Commission looked at the feasibility of the creation of the various new states and made recommendations on what should happen. In most cases, they were listened to, but on Palestine they were ignored due to the interests of Britain & France. The British wanted control of Palestine as they had wanted to fulfil the promises they made in the Balfour agreement.

    So this is very much the fault of the Great Powers as they ignored their own commission and put their own self-interest ahead of the wishes of the local populations. The whole theme post WW1 was self-determination, were the Palestinians afforded that right? Of course not.

  • Registered Users Posts: 978 ✭✭✭Palmach

    None of this is true. Israel has said no such thing. No one knows what will be the end of this after Hamas, are hopefully eradicated.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 7,338 ✭✭✭volchitsa

    I didn't see your post before, but TBH I think the urgency for Israel now is to prevent more attacks such as already happened on Oct 7th. I mean, I don't really see how the risk of more supporters in the future can make the problem significantly worse than the existing crowds cheering as the brutalized corpse of a young woman was paraded through Gaza that day.

    Hamas have said they plan more Oct 7th attacks. I think Israel has decided that they need to deal with that immediate threat, and that any future potential threat has to come second to that. Especially as people saying that this will increase support for Hamas never seem to have any practical suggestions for reducing support for Hamas - other than for Israel to stop existing.

    But maybe you're an exception, and you do have alternatives to propose that will ensure that there isn't another Oct 7th in January or February? Or next year?

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,338 ✭✭✭volchitsa

    Israel should obey international conventions on civilians in war zones, right?

    Or do you think they should obey other rules that you think would be better than the Geneva Convention and whatever other agreements exist?

  • Registered Users Posts: 557 ✭✭✭scottser

    I think Israel's reaction to Oct 7th played into Hamas's hands. Israel is becoming increasingly isolated internationally and a huge swathe of Israeli citizens and Jews alike are becoming disgusted by the actions of Netanyahu's government. The most sensible, logical and beneficial thing Israel could do is agree to a ceasefire but they're obviously too far gone for that.

    It really is horrible to watch.

  • Registered Users Posts: 11,978 ✭✭✭✭Flinty997

    I'd still argue you're implying it all started post WW1. It didn't.

    I would agree that the Arabs / Palestinians got shafted. Arab revolt etc. That betrayal certainly was planned and deliberate by the great powers after WW1. They did the same after WW2.

    That certainly is what led to all this. So the idea of us looking at this from a western point of view and applying our opinions to them, is ironic and hardly surprising it's gets short thrift.

  • Registered Users Posts: 21,559 ✭✭✭✭Tell me how

    In other words using demographics to destroy Israel.

    You mean, 'In your words'.

  • Registered Users Posts: 557 ✭✭✭scottser

    'Who was here first' isn't really the point. The point is that now, Israeli law protects the civil rights of Jewish people only. It is by definition an apartheid state.

  • Registered Users Posts: 18,477 ✭✭✭✭Strazdas

    Absolutely. They are heading towards apartheid era South Africa status at this rate - a pariah state that nobody will want any dealings with. Anyone can see they are aggressive in the extreme and are not 'defending' anything.

  • Registered Users Posts: 653 ✭✭✭Fr D Maugire

    Well the creation of a Jewish state in Palestine was not really likely until it was given the official stamp under the Balfour declaration. When the British mandate was created post WW1, it was with the express idea of encouraging foreign Jews to move there. If there had been no Balfour . declaration, it is highly likely there would be no Jewish state. Maybe Zionists might have still moved there with the aim of creating a state, but it would have been much less appealing without the security of the British in Palestine. Would the Jewish people have lived under Arab rule?

  • Registered Users Posts: 978 ✭✭✭Palmach

    Any objective assessment would conclude that is the end goal. Allowing millions of people to flood into another country will change the demographic makeup of that country.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 978 ✭✭✭Palmach

    This is a lie. An egregious one at that. Israeli law is crystal clear. You cannot discriminate against a person on the basis of religion, skin colour sex or sexual orientation. It has been that way since they brought in legislation on it in the 70s.
