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Time for a zero refugee policy? - *Read OP for mod warnings and threadbans - updated 11/5/24*



  • Registered Users Posts: 13,589 ✭✭✭✭Goldengirl

    Are you asking that poster those questions ? Seriously ?

    Do you not know the answers yourself ?

    Maybe say what you think instead of skirting around someone else .

  • Registered Users Posts: 13,589 ✭✭✭✭Goldengirl

    Yes we don't. I said 'if ' .

    Not the central point of the post though .

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,483 ✭✭✭BlueSkyDreams

    The burden, whatever extent the bureen is, needs to be shared.

    Sone posters seen to belive rural area should be absolved from providing support to asylum seekers, but should still receive all the local services that they dont pay for.

  • Registered Users Posts: 13,589 ✭✭✭✭Goldengirl

    As is mine .

    Just another side to Hitler's Germany..which yes , YOU brought to the discussion , not me .

    There was a creeping awareness over time to many that were happily carrying on their daily lives and it didn't suit to see the dark side of what they as a nation had allowed in to govern them .

    You are trying to relate it I think to our present government .

    Show where we have thuggish criminal behaviour then instigated by our present government?

    Nothing has been done remotely anywhere near Hitler's government by our own, the opposite in fact .

    But if you look at it the type of government people here are espousing which would be more on the lines of more controls on immigration , sending people home with no respect for international law or treaties , harsher treatment of agencies and people catering for minorities , supporting thuggish burning and persecution of said minorities.

    This , as @lumphammer2 said earlier in an excellent post , would not stop there until we have a complete reversal of the last 20 years of equality legislation

    You are joking surely if you cannot see the parallels.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,483 ✭✭✭BlueSkyDreams

    In other words, dont put asylum seekers in my rural hamlet, but keep them all in Dublin and Cork.

    Nimbyism at its finest.

    Er, no.

    Your hamlet needs to do its bit also.

    And lets not forget that your rural area wouldnt even function if it werent for the money coming from Dublin to prop it up and that much of that money is generated by foreign born people.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 9,308 ✭✭✭Cluedo Monopoly

    Yes but I blame all of the cabinet for the poor policy, poor planning and poor communication. Especially the experienced ministers. FF and FG don't get off light on this one as far as I am concerned. The Greens only have 12 seats and most of them are one hit wonders. Everything is sanctioned by cabinet and they never intervened with anything O'Gorman did. He should have been replaced long ago by a senior hurler from FFG but they are too cowardly. The 2 Simon's are doing Mickey Mouse jobs in their sleep with their eye on the FG prize.

    Even O'Gormans department is a complete scapegoating exercise by FFG. It used to be called the Minister for Children and Youth Affairs. Nice small simple portfolio for a first time TD. But now they have lobbed on "Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth". All over the shop. Nobody in real charge. Eamonn Ryan should have refused that hospital pass. No no, I am not naive enough to see the stroke FFG are playing here.

    That gobdaw Minister for Housing seems to get away Scot free for example.

    O'Gorman will likely lose his seat. All the blame will be wasted then. FFG laughing at us.

    What are they doing in the Hyacinth House?

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,776 ✭✭✭thomas 123

    Okay - no need to quote me then? It would serve to discredit me if users don’t read my comment.

    Your point is valid but nothing to do with my point.

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,400 ✭✭✭MrMusician18

    Depends on whose game your playing to see this as a win. For the protesters and those that do not want AS in their community, the destruction of the hotel, putting a permanent end to the question over it, is quite obviously a win. Whoever did it will likely get away with it too, as there are unlikely to be any forensics and no one will talk.

    Taking the media view, such obvious destructive hostility to AS will see them be painted as having lost - they will be racist xenophobes.

    All the discussion about this seems to dance around the actual issue though - with all sorts of red herrings being pulled out: pressure on services, too isolated, fire safety (ironically) etc. the real issue is that shipping in large numbers of idle men from foreign cultures (of whom many don't get along with) will profoundly change the character of any community in which they are placed. Most communities in which these accommodation centres are proposed are settled and work well. They do not want change. Others, particularly our media, scoff at remarks like "I don't recognise my town anymore" as dimwitted racism, and dismiss their concerns out of hand.

    Ultimately, the failure here is to sell the change - and it's a hard sell, because I cannot see any community dividend for hosting these centres.

    The government have a problem on their hands that's only going to get bigger. Inaction will lead to radicalisation so they actually need to move on this. The atmosphere around the topic is starting to change though.

  • Registered Users Posts: 13,589 ✭✭✭✭Goldengirl

    I always quote the post I am replying to .

    I would never have brought up Hitler and his Nazi government in connection with this government...if any tbf .

    That credit is entirely yours , thank you ;)

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,859 ✭✭✭growleaves

    No the burden needs to be eased by taking in less numbers.

    Local services has been subsidised in small towns since forever. These tax monies are a basic of survival - they are not there to be politicised and linked to a system of bribes/punishments. The point of this spending is maintaining national cohesion, which is why Dubs (like me) accept net-negative spending for the capital. (Though I would like to see rejuvenation of D1 sometime).

    The refugee policy is controversial as it is. If you take dictatorial-like action to force it through even more then that is both avoiding the issue and making the issue worse. It is shoring up trouble for the future.

    Many people need to come out of the bubble of arrogance they are in. Not just the Minister for Disintegration but low-level officials, bureaucrats, members of the professional classes, charities etc. You're really flying against the wind on this one.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,377 ✭✭✭tom23

    Can’t disagree with any of that. the more the government do what they are doing the worse this will get.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,032 ✭✭✭dmakc

    This isn't the first time I've seen this nonsense out of you, are you proposing Ireland break off into 80 sovereign states and each town fend for itself financially? Have you an issue with democracy? Do people these villages not pay taxes? Does their vote count in elections?

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,483 ✭✭✭BlueSkyDreams

    Thsts why I ssid that whatever the burden is, it needs to be shared.

    We can agree or disagree as to whether we allow 10 asylum seekers or 10,000, but my point is that whatever the inflow number is, it needs to be shared across the country.

    It isnt the responsibility of urban areas to shoulder all the accomodation.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,483 ✭✭✭BlueSkyDreams

    Yes, all of the above is true and equally, rural areas need to support the asylum process also.

    It wouldnt be fair to house all asylum seekers in urban areas only and leave all of the rural areas untouched.

    Thats my point. Shared responsibility.

  • Registered Users Posts: 13,589 ✭✭✭✭Goldengirl

    I agree wholeheartedly.

    Bad planning , poor communication and allowing a fairly junior member of the government get further and further out of his depth in such an important area .

    All of this I have said before.

    I agree with @Cluedo Monopoly this is a spin so that FFG can turn around and say , " this was a Green agenda ..bad Greens !"

    Yes, a discussion needs to be had .

    People need to know what can be done and agree .

    But we will be a pariah like Hungary if we reject all the international treaties around refugees especially at a time when wars are ongoing .

    We have taken a few up to the last 2 years , now we are caught up , and its causing the pressure other countries have had for years .

    Same with rural areas, just catching up on refugee allocations that have been concentrated in urban areas till now .

    The reason that small areas are getting large numbers is not badness , but desperation, as there are so few smaller houses countrywide .

    If only 20 in a few small houses spread more would some people be happy then ?

    I remember people protesting small allocations even , but these would be those who will never be happy no matter how many, as a poster replied there , to me.

    For some , any number is too many .

    That is just unrealistic . The country cannot be ruled by 'some '. So the peoples view on this needs to be sought and the best forum for that is a general election .

    Then changes can be made if it truly is the will of the people .

    We have to make this an issue for our serving politicians, peacefully, in a democratic mature manner . An issue they can't ignore .

    We have done it before can be done without all this aggro. But those who try to push their agenda with violence as a matter of principle should not be tolerated in the country we have now .

    Give a thug a bat and it will be used indiscriminately.

    By all means protest but respectful peaceful protest gets listened to and is what works .

    Look, I know we all don't agree on everything but I think most people can agree that burning buildings and intimidation is not the way we want our society to be .

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,914 ✭✭✭Augme

    The Immigration system wasn't set up so local communities could pick and choose if they were wanted to get involved either. A fair solution needs to be found and if local communities need subsidies to survive they need to accept that they might have to abid by certain conditions to get those free subsidies. I hardly think that's particularly unfair to expect.

    I've never once mentioned collective punishment. I'm taking about collective decision making and collective responsibility for local communities. The freedom to do as the local community want with even greater autonomy.

    Yes, I mean the proposal was the property tax raised was to be ring fenced for local authorities within that area. I don't see why a system of ring fencing further taxes raised within a community is such a bad thing.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,032 ✭✭✭dmakc

    Irrespective of why we continue to take everyone after capacity has been reached, 70 men dropped into an established community of 300 isn't a case of sharing responsibility, it's a complete shift in dynamic with few services to support what's already there, never mind what's coming in.

    People aren't stupid, they know it's illogical, they know the benefits that hoteliers are getting from their derelict business, they know 60% of IPAs are tearing up their identifcation, they know of the violence in Gorey's hotels, they know Ballsbridge aren't taking their share, they know the media won't dare question why.

    These people would like answers, not "far-right" media deflections or the government hiding behind non-existent "obligations".

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,483 ✭✭✭BlueSkyDreams

    Because the local property tax does not cover all costs for services in local areas, especially rural ones.

    The folks that live in rural Mayo or Galway are not covering the cost of the services they receive, they are being bank rolled by central govt to cover the shortfalls.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,032 ✭✭✭dmakc

    This isn't a "local community not pulling their part" decision, these communities are paying their taxes, what are you actually on about? Seems that your issue is with democracy.

    These placements are driven by hoteliers with closed businesses taking the opportunity to make easy money. Irrelevant to whether it's a city, town or village. However, in the case of a village, lumping a significant number of men completely distorts things from a cultural and services perspective when compared to a town or city. And you're saying this is a fair sacrifice (so you agree it's a plight?) for the village already drained of services in the past (also by government?).

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,132 ✭✭✭malinheader

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  • Registered Users Posts: 9,308 ✭✭✭Cluedo Monopoly

    Oh I know you're not, just saying it won't be me doing any reporting.

    What are they doing in the Hyacinth House?

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,483 ✭✭✭BlueSkyDreams

    Communication is vitial and that has to happen. The govt have done a poor job on that front.

    I dont think many would argue with that.

    But rural areas cannot just absolve their responsibilities by burning down property.

    Commiting criminal damage isnt the answer and I would expect the govt will ensure those asylum seekers still goto the local area, so as not to send a message to all that people can set fire to buildings and avoid the asylum seekers being housed in their locale.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,032 ✭✭✭dmakc

    I'm fairly sure we've seen a few communities "win" (for lack of better word) via protest and the IPA's have been sent elsewhere as a result. I wouldn't be surprised if government back out of this one too, sure the hotel is not there anymore

  • Registered Users Posts: 569 ✭✭✭Long Sean Silver

    i disagree. it will work in 2 ways.

    1. these lads have mobiles and will be in touch with their friends back home. word will filter back to the local village, that Ireland is no longer the land of a thousand welcomes.
    2. 70 beds have now been taken out of service. have you ever tried sleeping in Co. Galway this time of year without a roof over your head? you would n't last 2 nights. in the words of that great philosopher P. flynn "you should try it sometime! it's not easy i can tell ye."

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,483 ✭✭✭BlueSkyDreams

    Possibly, but I expect the govt will take steps to make sure some folks are housed in the locality, one way or another.

    They cant allow the public to see arson as a way out.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,377 ✭✭✭tom23

    disagree. The white paper online promising everything for everyone will mean folks as in economic migrants will keep coming here.

  • Registered Users Posts: 13,589 ✭✭✭✭Goldengirl

    But ..they weren't..dropped in a village ..or anywhere as it happens .

    They would have been , in a house in" the arsehole of nowhere " as another poster put it .Not saying I agree with that cruel description but they weren't being ..dropped a village .

    As for people being stupid , but it's a bit stupid to expect hoteliers or anyone else to donate their properties for free, isn't it ?

    As for Ballsbridge , not too many empty places there now , are there?! Tourists staying in rented sheds called " mews" !

    And that house /hotel /whatever , maybe the owner was thinking make some money so I can do it up properly after, what's wrong with that ?

    Is Capitalim bad now if it pertains to refugees but leaving a house derelict is ok?

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,400 ✭✭✭MrMusician18

    I agree that O'Gorman is completely at sea in his post. It's a near certainty that when the Greens sought this post they didn't think it was going to be so contentious - which when aligned with their AS policy shows a stunning naivety. Not withstanding the pressures induced by the war in Ukraine, O'Gormans advertised policy of own door accommodation was alway going to be seen as an invite to the world to come here.

  • Registered Users Posts: 13,589 ✭✭✭✭Goldengirl

    So you support that sort of action in the name of democracy ,do you ?

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  • Registered Users Posts: 13,589 ✭✭✭✭Goldengirl

    What will happen now is pressure on homeless services in another urban location , services which have been ringfenced till now , and you will see the same " protestors " bleating about the amount of people sleeping rough over Christmas ...its so hypocritical and grating .
