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Immigration to Ireland - policies, challenges, and solutions *Read OP before posting*



  • Registered Users Posts: 5,132 ✭✭✭malinheader

    Aw right, sorry. It gets threw at me so much now it's kinda par for the course.

  • Registered Users Posts: 558 ✭✭✭Gussoe

    It's somewhat amusing to hear among the rationalizations: demographics - that we need an influx of young men (mostly) to offset declining birth rates. And a 20 year old man is already ripe, whereas a child born today would take 20 years before they are ready to join the workforce/tax base.

    That's rather cynical, but it gets even darker when you consider : what will happen to those countries that those young men left? Declining birth rates aren't unique to THIS part of the planet. I guess we don't care about those countries; we'll take their natural resources AND their labourers.

    It's peak neo colonialism.

  • Registered Users Posts: 839 ✭✭✭Gussie Scrotch


    Its become a standard response to anyone who shows the slighest concern about the mess this government has created.

    Gullible readers could be forgiven for concluding that the streets of rural Ireland are swarming with jackbooted fascists goosestepping into the local spar and demanding the immediate construction of concentration camps throughout the country.

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,775 ✭✭✭buried

    True. We also get these young men who have abandoned and left their own women behind to fend for themselves in these diabolical kips.

    Great bunch of lads.

    "You have disgraced yourselves again" - W. B. Yeats

  • Registered Users Posts: 13,384 ✭✭✭✭Geuze

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  • Registered Users Posts: 5,132 ✭✭✭malinheader

    True, even RTE Radio this evening interviewing Dooley and carty their questions are well rehearsed in my opinion. Could someone not just ask how many of these asylum seekers are deported out of the country if found to be fraudulent. We know the answer and so do they. But probably anyone asking a question like this on the rte news would probably be classed as racist.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,906 ✭✭✭enricoh

    Relax people out dear leaders n media have reassured us we have robust immigration controls so it must be true.

    His previous 79 convictions wasn't enough to get him deported of course.

    "Gda Barker said Bazadye, who is originally from Georgia and moved to Ireland in 2007, is living here “in limbo”. He is married to a Lithuanian woman which would ordinarily qualify him to live and work here, but his visa was revoked as a result of his previous offending."

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,132 ✭✭✭malinheader

    It's not limbo it's the shadow economy that's acceptable to some. Poor souls.

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,885 ✭✭✭suvigirl

    Nope. Lies.

    Afghanistan refugees are here under a refugee program. They have been selected and interviewed and accepted.

    mostly women and their families, who were working people and are at risk from the Taliban. Do you have an issue with those people seeking protection?

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,885 ✭✭✭suvigirl

    You cannot comment on cases before the courts.

    The arson in Galway is not before the courts. Not difficult to understand, no conspiracies 🙄

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,899 ✭✭✭Peter Flynt

    For any journalist out there it would be interesting to know how many immigrants (containing up to 200/300) are in large buildings that are close to the living quarters/homes of leading politicians like Varadkar, Martin, cabinet members and also senior civil servants at the Department of Integration.

  • Registered Users Posts: 382 ✭✭Unicorn Milk Latte

    'Single young men from god knows where' - wow, you can't make this up.

    Go on, keep the prejudices coming.

    When 'god knows where' means Ireland, the young men are 'stupid'. When 'god knows where' means Germany, the young men have no sense of humor. When 'god knows where' means a place where people have slightly darker skin than here, it means the young men are violent rapists.

    'Locals should just take it' is exactly the kind of 'us vs. them' phrase that identifies racists, and has been used to great effect by Hitler and countless others of the same persuasion.

    In my local neighbourhood, I want young men to be welcomed. Women as well. Because - news flash - the vast majority of humans are fundamentally good people, regardless of where they come from.

    Racism is based on fear. Fear of the unknown. Fear of change. Fear of cultural differences.

    The Ukrainian refugees in my village - male and female - deserve every bit of support that they get. I, for one, am happy that they are here. Helping people in need - like those fleeing from a war zone - is a fundamentally good thing. And, as I said before - I encourage everyone to stand up to the whiny racists who bitch and moan about 'dumping' people in need in places where there is no active war going on - like villages in this country.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,775 ✭✭✭thomas 123

    Off you go again conflating protesting and actioning illegal migration with racism - yet again, its only you bringing race into this.

  • Registered Users Posts: 888 ✭✭✭nolivesmatter

    "When 'god knows where' means Ireland, the young men are 'stupid'. When 'god knows where' means Germany, the young men have no sense of humor. When 'god knows where' means a place where people have slightly darker skin than here, it means the young men are violent rapists."

    You should probably stop posting. You're only showing where your own dark mind goes with statements like that.

  • Registered Users Posts: 382 ✭✭Unicorn Milk Latte

    ...and about sexism, and men that see women as inferiors:

    Throwing all sexist Irish priests out of the country may seem like an entertaining idea, but it is not a meaningful, viable, rational solution.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,775 ✭✭✭thomas 123

    What do you propose we do on the subject of illegal migration into Ireland?

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,377 ✭✭✭tom23

    Interesting point.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,377 ✭✭✭tom23

    oh so it’s not da fare righ…?

    The far right… the new keyser soze for this hapless government.

    Yes there are dumb **** that refer to themselves as the far right but they couldn’t organise jack ****.

    Speaking this afternoon, the Commissioner said that all of the incidents are being investigated and added that there is "no evidence to suggest there is a coordinated effort that there's some in effect invisible hand or guiding hand in these attacks

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,885 ✭✭✭suvigirl

    My own hometown was one of those places influenced by outsiders, put barricades in place, thankfully the High Court forced them into removing those barricades before something ridiculous happened, like burning down perfectly fine accommodation!

    That accommodation ( never occupied since built, approx 15 yrs ago) is now full with asylum seekers.

    The local hotel (closed for years ) is now full with Ukrainians.

    The town hasn't shut down, amazingly🙄 everything is fine, and there are more kids in local sports and community groups, and there are adults working locally.

    There are literally no negatives.

  • Registered Users Posts: 561 ✭✭✭Hungry Burger

    E.U bringing in fingerprinting for all passengers on arrival to E.U countries, with only two exemptions, Cyprus and…. Any other wild guesses the second country? Wonder why??

    The longer this goes on, the more it stinks to high heaven.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 5,132 ✭✭✭malinheader

    My local hotel was a great Benefit to my area, great benefit to the town and the locals. Many local people were married there. Fell into disrepair and was going to cost a fortune to make it acceptable for accommodation ,lots of health and safety reasons. Hey presto now full again. Sad thing though. Sign on the door saying. NOT OPEN TO THE PUBLIC.

    No positives.

  • Registered Users Posts: 382 ✭✭Unicorn Milk Latte

    First step would be to establish an easy process where people who entered the country illegally can become legal citizens. Give them easy access to work and education - they are a resource, find the best way to take advantage of that.

    If, say, an American enters Ireland without a Visa, a practical starting point would be to collaborate with US companies, for employment and integration into society. Lower bureaucratic barriers. Be pragmatic.

    For refugees from war zones etc., again, look at their qualifications, and find easy ways to get started with education, like language. If you give it a little time, bi-lingual people in general are always sought after in the workplace.

    Imagine a young Irish man who enters the US for work without a visa - give him the best possible scenario on how to become a resource to the US society. Then apply the same principles to immigrants coming to Ireland.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,377 ✭✭✭tom23

    why are we not doing it?

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,131 ✭✭✭Mr. teddywinkles

    What about all this horseshite of environmental impact of higher populations round the world. Maybe ireland now is the model to attain.

    Lower population density. Considering we want all places to attain our modern lifestyle which requires more resources.

    Isnt that the end goal here by all these so called betters telling us right from wrong from on high.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,363 ✭✭✭1800_Ladladlad

    12th December 2007: Leo Varadkar told the Dáil that "a small number of foreign nationals" were committing "large-scale fraud" within the social welfare system.

    • I’ll talk about large-scale fraud that's happening in the social welfare system, particularly by a small number of foreign nationals. But I think this is a bigger debate for another day but think it's important that we have it at some stage.

    Lest we forget one of Ireland's largest welfare frauds in the history of the state.... A Nigerian couple living in Kildare who came here in 2006, were using social welfare payments to finance their mortgage... making a combined fraud total of more than €400,000.

    The wife came to Ireland in 2004 as an asylum seeker and the husband in 2006. Both applied for & received unemployment benefits using their real names. Using a fraudulent identity, the husband went under the name Patrick Akim, & worked as a project coordinator with Siemens. It's under this name he took out a €240,000 mortgage from EBS in 2008, but by the time of them being found out, they were €40,000 in mortgage arrears... Gardai believed the husband was “directing and controlling” the fraud as the wife could neither read nor write. A psychological assessment found she ranked in the bottom 1 percentile intellectually. He got a 3 year sentence with one year and the wife got 3 years on each of separate charges each being suspended.

    They were able to have 4 children and defraud the state, all while returning for a holiday to Nigeria, and a trip to Disneyland. Disneyland. A report the husband handed to the court stated where he states “some friends may have advised him” about the fraud scheme when he came to Ireland before he undertook the fraud. God only knows how many scammers like these we have in the country. Deport them.

    Leo knew then. He knows now. He's a rat

  • Registered Users Posts: 382 ✭✭Unicorn Milk Latte

    Have you heard of the American scammer who runs golf courses in Ireland? The guy scams gullible people with NFTs that are pictures of himself as a super hero, holding guns, etc.

    He even sells strips of the suit he wore when he was last arrested and had his mug shot taken - for literally thousands of dollars, for a very small piece of clothing.

    Should we revoke his license to do any business in Ireland? Like the scammers you mentioned, he made millions by defrauding people.

    Or maybe we should just leave him alone - he's white, and not from a scary place like Nigeria, after all....

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,885 ✭✭✭suvigirl

    Seriously? Did you even read the article?

    Firstly it is in relation to British travellers, do you suggest we do away with the CTA?

    Secondly, Ireland is not a part of the schengen visa area, do you suggest we should be?

  • Registered Users Posts: 16,551 ✭✭✭✭Galwayguy35

    As someone who was born and still lives in Galway it certainly isnt one of the best places to live in the country.

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,885 ✭✭✭suvigirl

    Unfortunate for your locality. If the owners wanted to make it safe for visitors, I'm sure they would have.

    for my hometown it's been nothing but positive.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 16,551 ✭✭✭✭Galwayguy35

    O Hara was never going to ask a question like that.

    It was obvious Carty just wanted the interview to be over because anything to do with immigration is a subject the Shinners hate talking about.

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