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Should older people be "forced" to change?



  • Registered Users Posts: 11,794 ✭✭✭✭Andy From Sligo

    The interesting thing about it all at the moment is that if an elder did say something out of line now is they would just more than like get a "Oh no dad/grandad you cannot say that about people these days" or "oh no, you cannot call them that now days" or "oh no, you cannot use that term these days" and thats about all they will get - I hardly think they will be locked up for it.

    I wonder at what age though it becomes apparent where its very serious saying things or terms in public to when it can be so serious and an official offence that can land you in a lot of hot water compared to when you say it that you are just informed by the family that you mustn't say it or act in a different way to how things were done or said years ago.

    I wouldnt like to see a world where everyone is nasty or offensive to someone and upsets other but then on the other hand i dont know if its right to change someone/change their views/ shut them up and make them be something they are not just for the sake of others

  • Registered Users Posts: 11,794 ✭✭✭✭Andy From Sligo

    here's another thing I just thought of, you know we are brought up to respect our elders (well I don't know about others but I was) - should we just let elder people then say what they have said for years and what they used to say as they were growing up and let them carry on with their ways as a form of respect ... as if they have earnt the right, to not conform to censorship of the days we find ourselves in - or should they just toe the line and change their ways like we all are expected to do?

  • Registered Users Posts: 312 ✭✭Madd002

    Andy I get where your coming from, the world has changed alot in the last 20yrs and not for the better. Advances in technology great. Better standard of living great. But I miss old Ireland, no one has time anymore you cant just drop in unannounced for tea, you nearly need an appointment. Nowadays every second child has a disorder of some kind so there's not one family I know not affected by it, where did all these disorders come from and why is there no research for what has caused them or anyone campaigningfor these answers. Then theres the female/male crap, I don't care what you identify as I'll treat you with respect but stop shoving rainbow flags down my throat and overly flaunt/get sensitive if ur called something you used to be as its an easy mistake to make, im now getting lines at bottom of my work emails signed off as Ann known as she like wtf. As for older people I love sitting with Aunts and uncles listening to the old stories of what they got up to. Personally I think all this you can't say such & such is brutal, behind closed doors I'll say what i like and alot of the older generation just don't get it and why should they i still don't. If social media was gotten rid off life would be so much better and all these youngsters would actually go get a life instead of living online.

  • Registered Users Posts: 15,552 ✭✭✭✭vectra

    Who cares.

    I'm 65 and I say go with the flow. Life is too short to be concerned about crap.

  • Registered Users Posts: 239 ✭✭tikka16751

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,856 ✭✭✭Ezeoul

    I feel you are skirting around what you really want to say, Andy.

    And that is, if someone from an older generation, says something offensive, or "uses the wrong terminology" etc, that they should get a free pass, because of their age and they're going to die soon.

    Well, no.

    No one can force anyone to change.

    But you can let them know when something they say or do, which may have been acceptable in their time, is no longer considered acceptable now.

    Everyday is a schoolday, even late in life.

  • Registered Users Posts: 723 ✭✭✭Slightly Kwackers

    I think this country is marvelous the way it has gone from being insular and very much church dominated to a modern very progressive country.

    I dislike the racism, the hate for migrants, although it seems to be rare here it reminds me too much of the eejits I escaped from across the water.

    My attitude there will never change, I dislike the human race equally and don't favour people with any extra hate because they are from somewhere I have not spent much time in.

    The other thing I dislike and will not change at all is my attitude to liars. Not so much here as far as I am aware but Trump and the bunch in government across the water use lies and hate routinely to gain and keep power.

    I have no time for liars no matter who they are. I wasn't even going to go to my mothers funeral because of the Santa Claus con, but the moaning from my sister was ridiculous! :-)

    So, lies and racism seem to be acceptable in the modern world. Not with me and I am not going to change ever!

    Anyway don't consider me an obstacle, change nothing, I couldn't care less. I have no intention of striking up a same sex relationship and frankly don't feel overly comfortable with the idea, but there again I know no couples anyway, things might be different if I met some socially.

    The only other gripe about modern times is the drugs, We only had booze and ciggies. I will not change my aversion and indeed now consider tobacco pushers the same as drug dealers because I know the damage it causes.

    So get on with it! Do whatever you want.

    I do miss those baking powder driven plastic submarines that they used to give away in cornflakes though. H&S gone mad :-(

  • Registered Users Posts: 12,125 ✭✭✭✭Flinty997


  • Registered Users Posts: 723 ✭✭✭Slightly Kwackers

    There lies the problem with the modern age. People hunt out information and news that agrees with their own views.

    Sadly the more right wing seem to exploit this in the West and I would assume elsewhere also.

    To communicate an idea generally decades back meant writing a book or being interviewed in the media.

    Even an amateur wireless licence didn't allow general broadcasts, each and every member of the group had to be recorded in each others log.

    Now rubbish can be broadcast as truth and the rubbish can have a following that eclipses the professionals communications on the subject. Covid was a classic example.

    That is something that is a major detriment to society and I think it's too late and too difficult to address the problem.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,826 ✭✭✭jj880

    I get the feeling old people know the clock is ticking and don't waste time. They say what they mean or say what they want and dont mess about 😆. This can definitely come across ignorant but I dont think its intentional for the most part. Theres a percentage of legit old ignorant assholes same as any other age. OP do you act the same in private as you do in public? I doubt it. Thats not an old people thing either.

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  • Moderators, Business & Finance Moderators Posts: 10,288 Mod ✭✭✭✭Jim2007

    You need to stop over thinking things. First and foremost most everyone is entitled to their opinions and expectations so why would you feel the need to impose your opinions and expectations on anyone, let alone old people?

    And what difference is it to you, what my internal thoughts and feelings are as a 60 year old. To be blunt it is none of your business! And in any case when you have less that 20 summers left you have a very different perspective on life than you seem to think! I find myself asking more and more if something is important to me or not, if not then I’ll go with the flow and just get on with doing the things that are important to me.

    So in answer to: what do you think? Spend more time concentrating on your own life and let the rest of us get on with living out our lives as we want provided there is no conflict.

  • Registered Users Posts: 16,272 ✭✭✭✭whisky_galore

    If anything, the younger set are more intolerant, they get into a strop when they come across things that don't align with their values.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,389 ✭✭✭Clo-Clo

    Let’s kill off anyone that doesn’t agree with your opinion 👍

    Honestly can’t see you getting much support

  • Registered Users Posts: 16,220 ✭✭✭✭Grayson

    How do you force someone to change? Never mind the age, how do you force someone to change.

    I know there's people with unfortunate views, but if we could change their mind, maybe we should start with murderers and rapists?

  • Registered Users Posts: 17,045 ✭✭✭✭Leg End Reject

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,170 ✭✭✭chrissb8

    It's not even being old I think, it's just having the ability to learn. So many people go through life with just a few skills picked up from their youth and just give up bothering after the fact.

    My aunt who is now 75 was told by my Dad (early 70s) in the early 00's that she would want to get a move on getting her head wrapped around computers and the internet because it's going to be a very digital world in the future. She paid no mind to it and thought sure I have teletext, the papers what else do you need?

    Now here we are 20 years later. My Dad is flying on his smart phone, uses apps for booking holidays, online banking, social media etc. While my aunt is now solely reliant on her husband to get anything done in the ways of life admin, holidays, and general information.

    The whole narrative of "what about the older people?" needs to stop. In most cases those who can't or say they're not able are just lazy, the "thing" they don't understand has generally been around for a long time but they refuse to get on board or pay attention. People like my aunt for example should not be conflated with people like my Dad under the moniker of useless old person.

    It's not a case of forcing people to change just that among certain people there's a refusal to accept change as a part of life and happens many times over, it doesn't just stop after a certain age.

  • Registered Users Posts: 281 ✭✭89897

    You're harking back to a time that was utterly disgusting for alot of people.

    Whats wrong with making the 2 second effort of sending a text or making a call and asking if someone is free? Where have rainbow flags been shoved down your neck and has anyone ever actually annoyed with you when you innocently used a term they dont identify with? Or are you seeing sh*t in social media and taking it as gospel.

    When someone says you 'cant say that anymore', listen, its usually because whats been said is ignorant, out dated and offensive. If someone being able to be themselves and express what they want is irritating you then you are the one whos privilege is hurting not theirs.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,184 ✭✭✭Jack Daw

    Older people should not be forced to do anything.

    One of the biggest crimes committed against older people is forced transvestism and it's a disgrace.A neighbour of mine, Mr Sweeney was involved in over 200 cases of forced transvestism last year.Poor man is traumatized from it all.

  • Moderators, Society & Culture Moderators Posts: 9,713 Mod ✭✭✭✭Manach

    Tolerance for thee but not for me.

  • Registered Users Posts: 163 ✭✭MoonMotorway


    Post edited by MoonMotorway on

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  • Registered Users Posts: 4,469 ✭✭✭FishOnABike

    I'm more concerned about getting to the kind of age where I can't still recall my formative opinions. It's getting closer and closer every day. Then every day will really be a school day.

    Post edited by Paul on

  • Registered Users Posts: 14,990 ✭✭✭✭elperello

    Interesting take but while we may think our opinions are important just putting them on a public forum does not attach any real validation to them.

    We might imagine ourselves as publishers or broadcasters in reality we are just unpaid content providers.

  • Registered Users Posts: 953 ✭✭✭mountai

    I am in the age bracket that you consider " Old" . If it was not for me , and others like me , who marched and " Rioted " in places like Grosvenor Square , London Civil Rights marches for the Catholics in NI and other protests against Establishment oppressive policies , where do you think YOU would be today . Having moved back to Ireland in the 70s , we were responsible for highlighting the abuse of the Catholic church , threw off the yoke of those dictatorial " Church Leaders " and their Political Lackies . Worked hard , and now have a great life . I voted for Gay rights in marriage , have taken in Ukranian Refugee family and one thing for sure ----- You will NEVER force me to accept is that --- " Chicks with Dicks" are real Women !!!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 11,217 ✭✭✭✭Furze99

    The funny thing about the OP is that they are aging every day. And their opinions will morph and change too in time. They may as well piss again the wind as try to stop it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 11,217 ✭✭✭✭Furze99

    News Flash!! The customer is always right. It's a basic of business. Your mother is quite correct.

  • Registered Users Posts: 723 ✭✭✭Slightly Kwackers

    The big problem is that the "content providers" develop a following that has considerable power merely by weight of numbers, most are actually paid in some way.

    The providers in turn are manipulated by those seeking to influence. Advertisers are the most obvious and usually the least damaging, but there are those with a more devious agenda too.

    A public forum in itself is not a problem, it allows a healthy exchange of ideas and opinions. Sadly there are impressionable people that freely adopt ideas without considering the implications and alternatives. Some of these will convert their ideas to actions with only too obvious results.

    A "content provider" is a trifle different, they are broadcasting and are aiming to get as large a following as possible. The large following needs simple messaging, which by it's very nature ignores the things that should influence thinking and provide checks and balances.

    There is a public forum that isn't much used now, Usenet was used to exchange ideas and the only validation would be in the feedback from the few users in the discussion. Validation wasn't important to most, in fact a disputed idea was of more value as it might highlight a flaw in One's approach or logic.

    The brilliant thing about the medium was that no commercial activity was permitted, no sponsors and anyone found to be pushing a product or cult could be filtered out easily.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,271 ✭✭✭Pwindedd

    Why do all threads seem to circle back to what people are packing in their undergarments lately ? It’s frankly bizarre and unnecessary. I’m a ‘real’ woman and I keep a pack of gum in mine…and my leap card.

  • Registered Users Posts: 177 ✭✭username2013

    I feel like watching Logan's Run movie again after reading this thread!

  • Registered Users Posts: 11,794 ✭✭✭✭Andy From Sligo

    I, (most probably shouldn't) laugh when old people say things uncensored its not out of embarrassment or shock I just find it funny and even more funny when a old person uses the old terminology and names that they used to use years ago I find it hilarious (most probably shouldn't, I am going to Hell!) - they just dont seem to say it in a vicious, abusive way ... if that makes sense?, so i dont find it hurtful then, but then again its not all directed at me - maybe if it was I would feel different .

    - I used to have an elderly friend from Yorkshire in the UK, think he was in his 80's , no longer here, but he always used to be unfiltered and if he was around today i think he would still be exactly the same, I couldnt see him ever changing or being forced to bite his tongue in public or otherwise or change his way. You most probably remember that Gran character from that comedienne - well he was like the male version of her LOL.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 4,322 ✭✭✭Potatoeman

    When I was young we were being lectured at by conservative bible bashing loons in school that thought they were morally superior, now kids are being lectured at by far left loons who also seem to think they are morally superior, whose cause seems to change annually. When kids these days want to rebel they will probably go against the narrative being pushed by teachers and the media.
