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Hamas strike on Israel - Threadbans in op - mod warning in OP updated 19/10/23



  • Registered Users Posts: 16,739 ✭✭✭✭nacho libre

    It's still not a fight to the death. Russia won't use Nuclear weapons as they know it's a dead end for them . Putin will be forced to the table eventually. You can have lofty notions about Ukraine winning and not negotiating a settlement, but real politik will kick in Washington at some stage if there is no hope of either side winning. Its not morally right, but unfortunately geo politics has little time for moral niceties

    Your attempt to equate the Russians with the likes of hamas is flawed. Hamas and Hezbollah are not an existential threat to Israel. Russia at one stage certainly was a threat to the functioning of the Ukraine state, but they are not in a position to over throw the Ukranian government much less marching on other countries. This war has shown the Russian military is no match for the west's. Putin might be a lot of things, but he is not mad he will never march on a NATO country. Any suggestion that he will is nonsense

  • Registered Users Posts: 19,378 ✭✭✭✭Donald Trump

    Is it 'coz I is black?

    Israeli Ambassador to Ireland

    Israeli Ambassador to UK

    Israeli Ambassador to France (Seems she was until 2022 but can't find a more recent one)

    Israeli Ambassador to Spain

    Israeli Ambassador to Portugal

    Do I need to keep going?

    Is that how Sacha Baron Cohen came up with the Ali-g character?

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,188 ✭✭✭dmcdona

    I can't speak for anyone who was in NI. I lived in England in the sixties through to the early nineties, moved to ROI for 2 years, moved to Scotland for 2 years then back to ROI permanently (bar a 6month stint in Israel with a few years on monthly travels to Israel).

    You said:

    "Because Israel is constantly under attack from Lebanon and is defending itself."

    The poster replied

    "England was constantly under attack from Ireland, you would have been fine with Dublin, Cork, Galway etc getting bombed to the stone age?"

    The analogy and the question are valid. Whether England was under actual real constant attack is not relevant. The public mood was one of fear - I recall all the posters on the London Underground, the Public Information campaigns about "suspicious packages". Then there would be a bombing somewhere - London, Warrington - the fear would ratchet up a notch or two. If there were kids involved, four or five notches. The fear was very real.

    In my opinion, the analogy is good because I do recall my parents and adult relatives calling for action to be taken against "Ireland". In those times, I don't believe they were talking about "negotiations" - more like direct action. The Falkand's war was in 1982 - there were parallels drawn by the common people between that and what the "Brits" should do to "Ireland".

    Of course, as previously mentioned, when I came to live in ROI I learned the history. Not that the Brits were particularly lying to the population about the "troubles" - more that all I saw on TV in England was blokes in balaclavas (bad guys) and blokes in Pigs (good guys) getting petrol bombed etc. And only the educated (and the politicians) knew the distinction between the Irish and the IRA. Balaclava bad (Irish), Pig good (British).

    And some Brits still think that.

    So, do you care to answer the question the poster posed to you?

  • Registered Users Posts: 16,739 ✭✭✭✭nacho libre

    Outside of some extremists that is pure nonsense and you know it. I suppose Israeli Human rights groups and the likes of Haaretz secretly feel the same way.

    It also seems to suit you to conflate all criticism of Israel as coming from the left. Is it because of your own political views that you don't want to acknowledge that there are quite a few on the right who are critical of Israel too?

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,199 ✭✭✭ceadaoin.

    Some pictures of various ambassadors doesn't change the fact that the biggest group of Jews in Israel are mizrahi, who historically come from north Africa and the Middle East

    There are plenty of pale skinned, light haired Palestinians also. For example

    It doesn't mean anything. Why are you obsessed with skin colour?

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,188 ✭✭✭dmcdona

    Tell that to Colin Parry - father of Tim Parry (12). Or the parents of three-year-old Johnathan Ball.

    No-one cared one iota if the IRA were in Government or not. No-one cared one iota if anyone BRITISH woman got raped or butchered (yes, there were Scottish and Welsh people living in Warrington). A 12 year old and a three year old were killed that day. That is all that mattered.

    Yet, just like your staunch support of Israel, you seem to nonchalantly brush off any notion of humanity by starting to talk utter bollox like "The IRA were never in Government".

    Your colours are clearly nailed to the mast. I would strongly advise that if you ever go to the UK, you never repeat your words above.

  • Registered Users Posts: 812 ✭✭✭Hey boy

    Because he doesn’t have the good grace to concede that his point is complete and utter rubbish and that no matter how often he says it it’s still nonsense.

    Post edited by Hey boy on

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,188 ✭✭✭dmcdona

    30,000 innocent civilians dead (assuming those 'missing' are actually dead).

    22,000 innocent women and children are dead.

    These numbers do not include those already dead whom the Israelis dug up or bulldozed and desecrated their graves.

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,816 ✭✭✭SeanW

    Oh Putler is absolutely making long term plans. Firstly, they're preparing Russian children for generations of war. They're also plotting to gain allies in the West, which is also working as Victor Orban is basically on his side in Hungary and the US with the GOP is starting to buckle in their support for Ukraine. In particular, Matt Gaetz and Marjorie Taylor Greene (or as I call them Matt Putz and Marjorie Traitor Greene) basically wants to hand the whole thing over to Putler. If the US goes full-on isolationist, and/or if NATO is weakened by other events, then the Putler Jugend might just be up for the fight.

    And there will be no end with a "negotiated settlement" as Putler has already broken a number of agreements. Two with Ukraine (the 1994 Budapest Memorandum and the 2014 Minsk Agreement) and another with Chechnya (then an independent country which Russia made "peace" with and recognised in the 1990s).

    Any "negotiated settlement" between Ukraine and Russia would be nothing more than a ploy to give Russia time to re-arm and try again in 5-10 years when the West is distracted with something else. It would work no better than the Munich Agreement of 1938, because the word of a dictator is worth less than nothing. The only way to end this is to either cause Russia to collapse with sanctions, or to for Ukraine to put enough Russians into body bags. Or for Ukraine to surrender.

    Israel is in the same predicament. Their enemies won't stop plotting and scheming against them and it's very unlikely that there is a peaceful solution. Therefore, both Ukraine and Israel have to use force.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,188 ✭✭✭dmcdona

    So, you're good with Israeli genocide.

    The irony is palpable.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 25,520 ✭✭✭✭Timberrrrrrrr

  • Registered Users Posts: 19,378 ✭✭✭✭Donald Trump

    Why are you obsessed with making stuff up?

    You guys take exception to me accurately describing the kids being murdered. Because it's a bit too point to the bone. Then you concoct a fabrication that most Israeli's are brown. I googled Israeli Ambassadors to countries closest to here. I posted every one I searched for. Feel free to find a counterexample seeing as you are so obsessed with the topic rather than trying to project onto me.

    Posting a picture of a Palestinian girl, dyed hair or not, is an attempt to construct an irrelevant strawman. It adds nothing to your incorrect assertion that "most Israelis are brown".

  • Registered Users Posts: 16,739 ✭✭✭✭nacho libre

    Putin will have to abide by any agreement this time as the west won't be hood winked. Also the Russian army ,which has been decimated in Ukraine, will take years to reconstitute, even when it does, as this war has shown, it won't be a match for the west. As for Israel, The current Israeli Government is clearly not interested in peace, unfortunately, even with Hamas gone they will not tolerate a two state solution. You probably are in denial about this but the situation in the West Bank is testament to this. Indeed Bibi was so worried about Fatah becoming more powerful that he propped up Hamas in order to undermine Fatah and maintain the status quo.

    Perhaps if a more centerist or left wing Government take over in Israel things might be different. It's interesting you blame the Palestinians for their current predicament, but don't blame Israelis for voting in someone like Bibi who committed fraud, acted like a dictator with regard to tearing up the Israeli Constitution in order to avoid jail and was content to prop up Hamas until it blew up in his face.

  • Registered Users Posts: 18,481 ✭✭✭✭Strazdas

    The talk on Israeli TV seems far more demented than that on Russian television, as incredible as that sounds. They seem to free to say literally anything, no matter how extreme or vile (perhaps because they know they have a radicalised audience who regard the Gazans as vastly inferior).

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,188 ✭✭✭dmcdona

    I am completely and utterly stumped.

    How can Israel, who suffered unimaginably abhorrent treatment 80 years ago, do this?

    Those people on TV laughing at homes destroyed, soldiers deliberately driving over an injured person, shooting a woman waving a white flag, digging up graves.

    They regard the Palestinians as inferior, inhuman, animals. Like the Jews were regarded 80 years ago.

    I just don't understand this inhumanity to Palestinians given the history of the Jews.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,327 ✭✭✭Frank Grimes

    They're getting what they deserve, they voted for Hamas. You can't empathise with the Palestinians either, empathy is a leftist concept.

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,816 ✭✭✭SeanW

    Perhaps you should have done a little more Googling. The vast majority of the world's Mizrahi Jews live in Israel. Israelis have ancestry from all over the world, including many from the Middle East North Africa region. Additionally, intermarriage has been encouraged in Israel so many Jews there are effectively of a new Israeli ethnicity.

    But yes, keep up with the race-baiting.

    I fear you're being a little over-optimistic about what Putler will have to do. As things stand, I fear that the Russians will be one group of leopards that will not change their proverbial spots.

    As for Israel's government, they've had plenty of left-wing governments in their history, unfortunately none of them were able to change the underlying geopolitical situation.

  • Registered Users Posts: 16,739 ✭✭✭✭nacho libre

    Not being optimistic, just realistic. He has proved himself to be far from the strategist genius some were trying to portray him as prior to the Ukraine war. There is a parody account that does a great job highlighting his incompetence. He has set back Russia years, to the delight of right wingers in America. As for Israel, yes those Goverments didn't manage to change things but at least they were amenable to a two state solution , hopefully they have better luck in the future, but they do need a partner on the Palestinian side. What's clear is the current Israeli right wing Government have no interest in a two state solution. If you were capable of criticising the right, you'd at least acknowledge that.

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,338 ✭✭✭volchitsa

    It really is not a good analogy: for it to be so, the IRA would have had to be the government of Ireland, or at least Northern Ireland, and to have diverted most of the economy's resources into attempting to destroy England, leaving the majority of the country in poverty and depending on WHO and other NGOs for food and medical care.

    There is just NO comparison with the IRA, who only sporadically (if ever) had majority support within the nationalist community in Northern Ireland, and even then they definitely had no mandate for murdering English children. I can hardly believe that people think it's similar - the people of Northern Ireland, even those who would normally vote Sinn Fein, were horrified when two children died at Warrington. Compare that to crowds in the streets of Gaza cheering and spitting on the murdered body of a young woman.

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,338 ✭✭✭volchitsa

    Do you have a point here? Even assuming a few selected photographs did actually prove that Jews were white, WTAF?

    But in any case, the Israeli population is roughly evenly divided between between Ashkenazi Jews, with ancestral roots in Central and Eastern Europe, and Sephardi or Mizrahi Jews, whose roots are in the Mediterranean and North Africa or the Middle East:,Mediterranean%20or%20the%20Middle%20East).

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  • Registered Users Posts: 19,378 ✭✭✭✭Donald Trump

    The vast majority of the world's Mizrahi Jews live in Israel.

    What has that got to do with anything? The vast majority of travellers live in Ireland. That isn't a proof that most Irish people are travellers.

    Feel free to google the ambassadors of Israel to other countries to get a representation of who they are. The ambassadors are their representatives. It would be a bit strange for a country where "most of them are brown" to have almost exclusively white representatives ............

    You guys are obsessed with this. I think it's just a strategy to create distractions everywhere and anywhere while the murdering continues apace.

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,816 ✭✭✭SeanW

    I'm not saying I love Benjamin Netanyahu or anything like that or that Likud are above criticism. But I think much of the problem is outside the Israeli government's control. As for Putler, his background is in the Soviet KGB as a spy rather than in the military. So while he's not much of a military strategist, he's good at manipulating things, making dirty deals and plotting and scheming. And the next generation of leadership in Russia will probably be just as evil as him, if not more.

    You're the one who keeps banging on about race (not surprising as your kind likes to do so) and AFAIK the Israeli gov't does not have a DEI policy for its ambassadors, so I have no idea what this nonsense about Israeli ambassador skin colour is supposed to prove.

  • Registered Users Posts: 19,378 ✭✭✭✭Donald Trump

    Good man SeanW. Onto "your kind" posts.

    I won't return in kind about "your kind", because it kinda wouldn't be very kind

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,188 ✭✭✭dmcdona

    You missed the point. By a country mile.

    You're as horrified as everyone else is when Israelis are murdered.

    But when two innocent boys are murdered in Warrington you start trotting out totally irrelevant reasons to claim that killing 30,0000 innocent Palestinians is "different" to Israelis or IRA victims.

    Murder is murder.

  • Registered Users Posts: 25,520 ✭✭✭✭Timberrrrrrrr

    Who voted for Hamas? Certainly not a single person under the age of 35.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,188 ✭✭✭dmcdona

    Even the dead Palestinians in their graves deserve it...

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,327 ✭✭✭Frank Grimes

    That was sarcasm. It's one of the 'arguments' that was constantly trotted out to try to excuse mass murder, they seem to have moved on from that particular one though.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,188 ✭✭✭dmcdona

    But you have stated here that you are fully supportive of Israel ergo so you fully support Netanyahu and Likud.

    You support those who are murdering tens of thousands of innocent civilians, denying them food, water and medical aid. You support the IDF desecration of graves, looting and extrajudicial killings.

    You support the IDF who commit war crimes - killing those waving white flags - Palestinians and Israelis alike.

    Your attempted deflection is astonishing - your posts are supportive of genocide. Your posts give you no wriggle room for any other conclusion.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,188 ✭✭✭dmcdona

    So per the original question posed to you, you are perfectly comfortable that cities in Ireland were valid targets for the British and had they been razed to the ground, you would not have been outraged?


    "England was constantly under attack from Ireland, you would have been fine with Dublin, Cork, Galway etc getting bombed to the stone age?"

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  • Registered Users Posts: 25,520 ✭✭✭✭Timberrrrrrrr

    Yeah, hadn't had my morning coffee my bad 🤦‍♂️🤣
