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Is there life after death or maybe life on other planets?



  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,490 ✭✭✭paddyisreal

    The word extreme I suppose, like everything in life some people are more doctorate in their ideology - love to push their beliefs on other peole. Atheism is the same. No difference between Richard Dawkins and the local priest imo

  • Registered Users Posts: 408 ✭✭Starfire20

    atheism is the lack of belief in the god claim.

    atheists would love if the religious could actually put forth a shred of actual proof for their supernatural beliefs but no such proof is forthcoming. instead we're treated to a display of mental gymnastics and word play to convince us that we don't need actual proof, we just need to "trust me,bro" instead.

    no thanks.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 17,423 ✭✭✭✭Leg End Reject

    Enoch Burke and his family are an example of religious extremists. There are plenty of religious people who quietly practice their faith.

    Extreme atheists talk regularly about their lack of faith, mock religious people and seem to believe they are more intellectual than believers. Less extreme atheists just don't have faith and don't feel the need to talk about something they don't have. No one suggested that some atheists believe in a god less than others, you either believe or you don't.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 21,303 ✭✭✭✭dxhound2005

    I expect they will only start to do time travelling when it gets near the time that the sun is going to eat up the earth and the rest of our local planets.They wouldn't want to be around for that. But it won't be for about five billion years, so they are probably in no hurry. And they would be happy enough to go back to some nice time, say two billion years from now. So in two billion years time, whoever is on earth then will meet them coming back.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 8,474 ✭✭✭AllForIt

    Oh that's 1996, this is the much more recent Venus one from 2020 I was thinking of.

    Scientists have detected phosphine on Venus. On Earth, this gas is created by microbes that live in oxygen-free environments. It means there is a chance that we've found signs of living organisms in the clouds of our neighbouring planet.

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 17,423 ✭✭✭✭Leg End Reject

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 21,303 ✭✭✭✭dxhound2005

    Bad idea to put life forms from Venus and Mars in contact.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 17,423 ✭✭✭✭Leg End Reject

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,490 ✭✭✭paddyisreal

    Organised religion or whatever have faith in a supreme being where as atheist have faith in the big bang. What's the difference ? Both require a certain amount of faith .

  • Registered Users Posts: 746 ✭✭✭Slightly Kwackers

    I find your logic difficult to follow.

    Why on a near infinite number of planets is there more likelihood of life than a god?

    You would be basing your assumption that as our one planet has life with no proven God in residence, then all these planets must also contain no God even if they do have life.

    Personally I would base my case for the visible planets having no God by the fact that the occupants are not all blowing themselves up in order to carry out their spiritual deities wishes.

    So life their might be, but the lack of planets being destroyed by nuclear devastation is a sure fire indicator that there is no supreme being to "guide the faithful".

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  • Registered Users Posts: 746 ✭✭✭Slightly Kwackers

    Strange, I wondered if anyone else thought that too.

    I tend to respect and agree with most of his writings, but I am always a tad concerned when someone is so absolutely sure.

  • Moderators, Recreation & Hobbies Moderators, Science, Health & Environment Moderators, Technology & Internet Moderators Posts: 92,367 Mod ✭✭✭✭Capt'n Midnight

    Probably not much life on those planets where it rains molten glass or molten iron.

    With winds of over 8,000Km/hr you're going to need a special umbrella.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 24,123 ✭✭✭✭One eyed Jack

    Ahh now, I’m with you on the first bit - atheism is the lack of belief in the existence of a deity or deities (I would usually have said absence, as ‘lack’ implies something is lacking - there’s nothing lacking, it’s just not there, ie - no value judgement).

    But as for what atheists would love? That strays into the territory of associating atheism with anti-theism, two easily distinguished concepts which are often mistakenly conflated to produce the idea of militant or strident atheists.

    Dawkins for example could easily be described as both an atheist and anti-theist, he did promote the concept of the spectrum of theistic probability in his book The God Delusion, although I’d safely say most of the people who recommend the book have never actually read it themselves (it’s a slog), not nearly as interesting as the blind watchmaker or the selfish gene.

    I couldn’t recommend any of those books though because the OP made it clear they weren’t interested in that sort of stuff.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 8,254 ✭✭✭07Lapierre

    Life after death? NO.

    Life on other planets? Yes...but be sure that once us humans are capable of travelling to other worlds, the first thing well do is exploit its resources, kill the natives, destroy the eco system and then once its all gone, we'll move onto the next one!

  • Registered Users Posts: 10 GeorgeStobart2022

    Have you considered that there's maybe no God but life after Death or a God and no Life after Death , its best not to dwell on it too much , feel free to believe what you believe and make the most of this life because even if you live to be 90 its short in the grand scheme of things

    Regarding life on other planets considering there are 200 billion to 2 trillion Galaxies the odds are there probably is some Alien life elsewhere however the Galaxy we live in is for all intensive purposes a universe in itself because its so vast and so far away from our nearest Galaxy that the technology probably will never exist to visit other galaxies either because its beyond our capabilities or human beings wont survive long enough . There could be 1 Alien life per Galaxy 200 billion to 2 Trillion but we are so far apart from each other none of us will ever meet . Another theory is that Aliens do exist but we are as oblivious to them as Bacteria or insects are to us. They exist on a much higher plane of consciousness

  • Registered Users Posts: 746 ✭✭✭Slightly Kwackers

    And after ridiculing them as spongers throw them out of their tents and ship the refugees off to Pluto when they come to Earth in their escape pods absolutely starving and destitute?

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 19,491 ✭✭✭✭Tony EH

    Except Dawkins backs up his assertions with the solid position that there is a sheer lack of evidence to account for the existence/belief in a god or, indeed, gods. Dawkins has also investigated his position and has tested it and had it subjected to tests over numerous decades. He has also debated, argued and discussed his position with many, many, people who are on the other side of the hill, as it were, in an effort to continually test his position.

    The local priest believes (assuming his does actually believe), simply because he believes.

    Dawkins has a scientific approach. An approach which requires a level of proof before proceeding. The priest simply has theology and made up stories.

    Saying there's "no difference" between the two is absolutely ludicrous.

  • Registered Users Posts: 209 ✭✭Murt2024

    My only fear of death is reincarnation, busting on my adversaries like a mental patient.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 19,115 ✭✭✭✭Strazdas

    If you could prove with science that God existed, then that would mean he/she/it was very much a part of the physical universe and not a supernatural being or entity.

    So it's a little idiotic of Dawkins to claim 'Science proves there is no God'.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 14,473 ✭✭✭✭cj maxx

    Definitely life on other planets imo . Intelligent life , ? I don’t know , but given the billions of habitable planets for us , you would expect intelligent life has started somewhere else .

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 38,819 ✭✭✭✭PTH2009

    You'd think himself would of came to help during Covid

    Not yet world Not yet

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,716 ✭✭✭firemansam4

    Where does time or space end? We as humans really know nothing at all. Of course, if you are not religious then life after death seems totally illogical, we see that people die, brain activity ends and then that's it. So in that respect yes proof shows there is no life after death.

    However when I think about things, so many possibilities play through my head, what if we are in an endless loop in time? Maybe we are destined to relive our lives over and over again but will never know anything about it? Or is our consciousness transferred to another plane of existence after we take our last breath?

    Or maybe there is nothing else. Either way, we can never know one way or the other for sure.

    As for life on other planets? There is no proof, but I just can't imagine how we could be the only life in our Universe, I think one day we may develop the technology to prove it, but I don't think any of us alive today will ever see this happening.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 39,565 ✭✭✭✭Mellor

    I understand what you are saying, but extreme is the wrong word. For example, somebody who is vocally islamic, is still just a Muslim, not an Islamic extremist which is another thing entirely. Using the same scale for atheist extremist would need them to be similarly radical. What you are describing is more like a person who is assertively vegan, always pressing their views on others, etc.

    Somebody using describing something as "extremely atheists" likely does understand the concept.

    What's the difference?

    Well for a start, there is absolutely zero evidence of a supreme being. And plenty of evidence that their supposed story of creation is incorrect.

    On the other hand, there is quite a lot of evidence that the Big Bang, or an event similar to the Big bang created the universe. Whether the theory is exactly right or not is irrelevant.

  • Registered Users Posts: 79 ✭✭Condor24

    Our consciousness is proof we're here for some reason. We're all individuals. Why am I me? I go to sleep every night, and wake up in the morning. I'm me, no one else. Surely there is a reason for this. So, there is something, I believe, after we 'die' here. And we cannot apply our limited human knowledge to how incredible that could be.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 39,565 ✭✭✭✭Mellor

    That first statement is not even remotely true. There is nothing about "supernatural entity" that states or implies they are not part of the physical universe. Vampires, Witches, Dragons are all supernatural beings. If they existed (they don't) they would exist in the physical universe and could be confirmed via the scientific method.

    The various religion's books (on which the main Abrahamic religions are based) are full of stories of "God" (under various names) interacting with the physical universe. The story of creation is literally God shaping the physical universe - therefore interacting with it at that time. And of course, Christ spent 32 years in corporeal form.

    So no, it would not be impossible for science to proved God exists because he is supernatural and doesn't interact with the physical universe.

  • Registered Users Posts: 898 ✭✭✭lumphammer2

    No evidence of either ... is the easy answer ...

    The more complicated answer is ... we do not really know what life means or how it originated ... or what ultimately created it ... or what its purpose is ... we know human religion is a man made thing and often abused to oppress us ... the concepts of heaven, hell, purgatory, limbo and other such 'places' are manmade too ... if there is an afterlife it will not be exactly any of these places depicted ...

    As regards life on other planets .... look at the sky .... most stars are suns like ours ... only a few are the planets like Mars, Jupiter and Venus ... each star that is not a vision of our fellow solar system planets is a sun .... each with planets around it .... so there is bound to be life out there but we have not seen it ...

    Life on other planets prob is not like what is here ... different types of creatures ... maybe more, the same or less advanced that here ... are likely to exist ... our concepts of 'little green men' are manmade too ... simply more ugly versions of humans !! ...

    UFOs are real ... but are not likely to be aliens ... indeed almost certainly not aliens ... they are likely to be American, Russian, etc. devices spying on each other !! ...

  • Registered Users Posts: 95 ✭✭Tiger20

    I have come back from the future, I am born on the planet { in the year 2345 (according to your current methods of recording time), but for future generations in the year dot, and die, thanks to the latest medical advances and our diet of only consuming inhabitants of the planet { (which we colonised in the year 6789), or the year dot for some of you, I die in the yea pi.

    In answer to the original question, having thought of it for some time, I think no and no

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 190 ✭✭NeutralHandle

    You weren't alive before you were born and you aren't going to be alive after you die. Those are the limits of your existence in the dimension of time. Imagining that you exist beyond them makes no more sense than imagining you extend infinitely into space beyond the top of your head.

    There's a lot of other planets so probably yes. We know that life can develop on a planet because we exist, so given an extremely large number of planets there are probably others that have life. We also know life can develop radio communication, because we did. We haven't found any clear evidence of alien radio communication though, and we have been looking.

    There has been life on earth for billions of years but radio communication only for about a hundred. One interpretation is that species don't use radio communication for very long, probably because they tend to die or regress relatively soon afterward, or possibly they find another technology that makes it redundant.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,490 ✭✭✭paddyisreal

    Let me put this another way can you or anyone be a million percent sure in what they believe in? It all requires some level of faith. And before the big bang ? Some gases ! And before the gases ? Something else . The big bang most definitely requires. a leap of faith

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 21,123 ✭✭✭✭Ash.J.Williams
