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The new recycling system



  • Registered Users Posts: 1,063 ✭✭✭BoardsBottler

    i was'nt talking about the deposit, i was on about the profit for the recycleables being crushed down and sold as raw material

    They just want the quick easy money cash grab recyclables and to up their recycling stats at your expense.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,063 ✭✭✭BoardsBottler

    i don't expect to get anything for them now, i expect to get ripped off if anything.

    And it not just because some markets ran a limit time promotion, its for other reasons like principle and not wanting/expecting free help. They want free help in reaching their goal, and want to give nothing in return. Seems highly unfair

    They just want the quick easy money cash grab recyclables and to up their recycling stats at your expense.

  • Registered Users Posts: 68,644 ✭✭✭✭L1011

    You've spent all day going on about wanting to get paid for them, concocting insane schemes and trying to find examples of people being paid elsewhere (which are still deposit schemes); so its pretty clear that you do expect to get paid to do this. But without any valid reason whatsoever.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,063 ✭✭✭BoardsBottler

    There's a difference between expressing a desire/want to get paid some profit for them VS expecting. And the insane schemes thing is hilerious and creative and more than anyone else is doing. its funny.

    Also the whole "elsewhere" things was merely examples i gave because if being asked how it would be possible, i was like "how come they're doing it, if they can we can" sort of thing.

    i have 0 expectations of getting money for cans, unless i followed you up on that aluminium thingy you mentioned earlier. i can get like thousands of unused defect cans but its just not worth it, and it also wont help increase the numbers of the goal the re-turn system is trying to reach.

    And regarding the last part of what you said, a consumer being rewarded for all their effort and contributions IS a valid reason. This company have a cheek to expect people to do all the footwork and free help and then give nothing in return. The valid reason is decency, but they won't because they're a bushiness at the end of the day, a business masquerading as environment protection thingy lol

    They just want the quick easy money cash grab recyclables and to up their recycling stats at your expense.

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,041 ✭✭✭Red Silurian

    Return will not be going to every cafe and restaurant in the country.

    Do you have a source of proof for this or are you making an assumption? Cafes etc have the option to take back in-scope products if they wish so if they have the option I'd make the assumption that they will have the option to get collections

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,063 ✭✭✭BoardsBottler

    if i "somehow" magically acquired the valid recycleables before the cafe can get the deposit back on the cans, could i get the deposits elsewhere for them?

    They just want the quick easy money cash grab recyclables and to up their recycling stats at your expense.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,529 ✭✭✭bren2001

    Are you suggesting every cafe will be opting for takebacks? That’s the only way ReTurn will be going to them to collect containers.

    I said earlier, I have an email from them. I’ll post it when I get the clarification on my follow up email.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,063 ✭✭✭BoardsBottler

    can u think of any pranks or funny ways to profit from this recycling scheme? even funny theories or ideas.

    i keep thinking "bottle on a rope" but i know its not gonna work. still funny to think about though

    They just want the quick easy money cash grab recyclables and to up their recycling stats at your expense.

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,041 ✭✭✭Red Silurian

    You mean for example steal the can from the cafe and claim it at the RVM in Lidl? Sure - but that would be theft, which is illegal

    I'm suggesting that every cafe will have the option not to avail of the return opt-out so yes if that does happen re-turn should be going to them to collect containers, just as they would any other premises

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,063 ✭✭✭BoardsBottler

    no i'm not saying anything about theft at all, disregard how they come into my hands and my question still stands.

    For arguments sake lets pretend the cafe did not claim the deposit on them and for some odd reason decided to sell me each valid empty can for 1 cent, could i get the deposits elsewhere for them?

    They just want the quick easy money cash grab recyclables and to up their recycling stats at your expense.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 6,529 ✭✭✭bren2001

    And in a situation where a cafe accepts containers from the general public. I would expect the containers to be collected from the cafe as they would be from any manual return location. They are now an RPO. I’ve not disputed that, there’s a reason I’ve the wording of “every”.

    Return believe the majority of the hospitality sector will opt out.

    Where cafes apply for the takeback exemption. It’s their responsibility to return them to the RPO.

  • Registered Users Posts: 68,644 ✭✭✭✭L1011

    You're straight back to the Del Boy stuff. No cafe is going to throw money away.

    You are not going to find any way to make money out of this other than litter picking. That's it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,553 ✭✭✭lmimmfn

    So there will be a tax added to bottles and cans, that we have to redeem by using carbon fuel and delivering same to some designated unit.

    WTF is going on? We already have cans and bottle banks, fair enough there's no plastic bottle recycling currently but WTF is with the cans?

    More green bullshit, does anyone actually scrutinise this crap? Pay tax while buying a product, government takes tax, single 3rd party private company not doing brown envelopes or anything, collects the waste, charges the government that initial tax, then burn all those plastic bottles I'm an incinerator.

    Seems like creation of jobs for admin, wasting money, and apparently "more" green than what we have, ffs.

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,041 ✭✭✭Red Silurian

    That would be a very odd thing to do as that can could be worth around 17c to the cafe, but yes you could get the deposit elsewhere for them in that hypothetical situation and make a 14c profit

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,063 ✭✭✭BoardsBottler

    i love that tv show, thanks for the complement! but i was more kind of thinking/hoping to be along the lines of having the marx brothers in mind. In this case chico marx, the one everyone mistakes for being Italian.

    Also a cafe selling me deposit worthy cans for 1 cent a piece isnt throwing away money, it could be conspiring in secret with someone who you know works there. it's all legitimate in the eyes of the law if a worker decides to sell me their cans for 1 cent a piece. Thats the cafe's call and non of my businuess/concern where they obtained them from, or how. no questions asked, ask them no questions and they'll tell you no lies, bing bang bon, badda bing badda boom, and bobs your uncle!

    i'm a winner, they're a winner, everyone's a winner!... well except the cafe, but thats no concern of mine. As far as i know everything is legit, apparently, allegedly. or whatever

    They just want the quick easy money cash grab recyclables and to up their recycling stats at your expense.

  • Registered Users Posts: 68,644 ✭✭✭✭L1011

    A cafe selling you cans on which they have paid a 15c deposit is throwing away money

    A working 'conspiring in secret' with you to do that is committing fraud against their employer and will be sacked when found out. And once again, the person who accuses things of being a scam is planning criminal fraud. Criminal fraud for a pathetic amount of money, but criminal fraud none the less.

    The only way you will make money out of this scheme is via litter picking. Or get a job working for re-turn and earn a salary from that.

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,041 ✭✭✭Red Silurian

    Yes but if they are now an RPO do they now get their cans and bottles collected like other RPO's?

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,063 ✭✭✭BoardsBottler

    omg will you relax, hardly criminal fraud. if it makes you feel any better i might conspire in public rather than in secret then. its not actually fraud or a conspiracy if i just randomly went in and offered some new worker who didn't know any better, 1 cent for each of their cans. There's no law against making an offer to a cafe for their trash. its up to them whether they accept the offer or not. nothing illegal here.

    lmao how can you come to the conclusion that one earn enough for it to be considered a "salalmi salary" is beyond me, but i do admire your optimism there at that part of the message you posted.

    "You are not going to find any way to make money out of this other than litter picking" yeah, not with that attitude. we need to be more optimistic and creative and have a really positive outlook on all of this.

    Look i gotta be honest with you, i never thought that it'd be so difficult, but I found a way, I found a way. i always thought that it'd be too crazy, but i did find a way around it.

    They just want the quick easy money cash grab recyclables and to up their recycling stats at your expense.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,529 ✭✭✭bren2001

    Sorry, I should have made that clearer.

    If you’re an RPO - ReTurn collect

    If you’re not an RPO - ReTurn do not collect.

    ReTurn believe the majority of hospitality will apply for a takeback exemption. Hence, the majority will be responsible for returning their own containers.

    We only disagree on the second case.

  • Registered Users Posts: 68,644 ✭✭✭✭L1011

    You're still going to get a worker sacked. That is not a way to legitimately make money out of this because its not going to happen. Realistically if you walk in to a cafe and ask a worker if you can take or buy some of their rubbish, they will ask you to leave and never come back.

    Its litter picking or nothing. And you'll be competing for that.

    And you aren't actually reading my posts properly (this isn't surprising), my point was that if you actually worked for re-turn, they'd pay you a salary. Even the most enthusiastic litter picking is unlikely to get you enough deposits back to justify the effort.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,063 ✭✭✭BoardsBottler

    Look you're assuming things now and jumping to conclusions, relax no one is getting sacked. these are just ideas and brain storming.

    Also you don't know, a worker could already be planning on leaving anyway, or a boss of some cafe could just happen to be going on holiday at around that time and leaving a certain worker in charge of the cafe while they're gone. So they are legally allowed full control of the cafe or whatever.

    Also why should i care? at the end of the day its their loss, not mine. Blame re-turn for not making the scheme lucrative or adequate enough, with no reward for consumers doing their fair part.

    We need to be more creative! c'mon lads, lets get our thinking caps on. many minds and heads is better than 1

    They just want the quick easy money cash grab recyclables and to up their recycling stats at your expense.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,063 ✭✭✭BoardsBottler

    Thank you very much for answering my question, its appreciated.

    They just want the quick easy money cash grab recyclables and to up their recycling stats at your expense.

  • Registered Users Posts: 68,644 ✭✭✭✭L1011

    No, I'm going to blame the guy who thinks its his right to rob, con and commit fraud while also calling a scheme he just can't understand a "scam" actually.

    Enjoy the litter picking, as that's the only way you'll get a cent out of this that you didn't deposit first.

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,041 ✭✭✭Red Silurian

    I'd imagine if a place had a take-back exemption they wouldn't be able to get an exemption on charging the deposit though as the assumption for that is that the product will be sent back to re-turn by the cafe

    So the cafe could in theory charge you the 15c deposit and then claim it back later in lidl if you walked away and left the product on your table

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,318 ✭✭✭greasepalm

    Might i just add the price of a can in a cafe / chipper might be 1.80 or 2.00 and a lot more if bought in a supermarket might be 1.20 or 1.30 even without a tax.

    If you want some money back squashed can brought to metal recycling but as they are light would need many sacks to make 50c.

    I recycled a full car load of metal and batteries and only got E70 for my troubles.

    Forgot to ask as some places have it on tap meaning no cans needed.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,529 ✭✭✭bren2001

    All of hospitality automatically qualify for the Deposit Charging Exemption, it doesn’t work the way you’re claiming. The cafe is never exempt from being charged the 15c when purchasing a container. It’s whether they charge the customer or not is what the exemption applies to.

    What evidence do you have that suggests it works the way you’re suggesting?

    Section 5A Deposit Charging Exemption to Customers:

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,063 ✭✭✭BoardsBottler

    "you aren't actually reading my posts properly (this isn't surprising)" i did, you either edited your post before i could finish replying to it, or worded it wrong initially (or i may have read it wrong) as i was clearly directly replying to the last part you mentioned about collecting enough cans the legit way and saying its the only way i can earn a salary from it, which seemed quite odd i must admit, all i remember was refreshing the page and not noticing the text had been changed until after hitting out the reply i already had typed out.

    And no, for the record i do not wish to scam or rob anybody or break any laws whatsoever. If a person willingly hands something over, and agrees to it. a trade is a trade. infact i'll even knowingly tell them how much the cans are worth if they are willing to leave their shop and go deposit them, but i can offer to take the cans off of their hands for much less, and everybody's a winner!

    And why do you keep saying "enjoy littler picking" ? like seriously who would enjoy picking through litter? it seems like kind of an odd thing to say. Not sure if thats sarcasm or if you are genuinely meaning "enjoy picking through litter" because it just sounds weird if i'm being honest with you. no hard feelings and no need to take the whole thing so personally. it's not life or death its just a couple of cans for crying out loud lol. Lighten up.

    if i'm meant to take what you said seriously, then be reasonable and explain how undamged cans are going to be found in a bin. i'd like to know the context of how that situation would arise. Its really assumption based and not something i can really bank on. i can search 5 bins and most likely will find none, 10 bins and find 1 if im lucky. please be reasonable and practical instead of suggesting me to have fun looking in bins. Why be so begrudging about it?

    They just want the quick easy money cash grab recyclables and to up their recycling stats at your expense.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,063 ✭✭✭BoardsBottler

    exactly what i was thinking, thats why i would like to get to the cans before they do, otherwise they're getting double.

    They just want the quick easy money cash grab recyclables and to up their recycling stats at your expense.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,186 ✭✭✭Neowise

    Bottles returned to the rvms do not need to be cleaned and dried.

    Buy you generic fizzy drink, finish generic fizzy drink, put cap on bottle, insert into machine, it scans code and knows its a PET bottle, directs it to a shreder inside the machine and it is shredded. This shredded material is kept together and collected as 'shredded PET'. Some time after collection, it will enjoy some post processing including a bath as the sugar residue and glue and labels need removed.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,020 ✭✭✭Genghis

    Yet here we all are, 48 pages in, almost 1500 comments, discussing the universal convenience and astounding simplicity of the re-turn scheme.

This discussion has been closed.