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Immigration to Ireland - policies, challenges, and solutions *Read OP before posting*



  • Registered Users Posts: 1,954 ✭✭✭Gen.Zhukov

    The only two times immigration hit the headlines in the last month or so was Ballinrobe and Roscrea,...

    It certainly makes me think who controls the headlines though. Pre-empting a reply about that being a 'conspiracy theory', it isn't. This was demonstrably obvious during the lack of polls after Peter Casey said a few mild home truth's about our nomadic friends in the 2018 PE - This was all the proof I needed to smell a very large rat

  • Registered Users Posts: 72 ✭✭thoker

    random lad from Albania ??? couple of thousand mafiaso more like , nothing to see here folks

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,363 ✭✭✭1800_Ladladlad

    Part of the government's new strategy on migration will include a "fresh" communication plan that will outline Ireland’s “fair” immigration system. That's great n'nall but this is what popped out at me.....

    It's expected it will seek to inform the public how inward migration is beneficial for Ireland in a socio-economic context given the demographic challenges that the country is increasingly facing with an ageing population.

    It'll point to how migrants work in vital sectors such as housing, construction and healthcare."

    Ireland's 2040 plan is already in motion. The “pyramid scheme” to enrich investors by adding consumers at taxpayers’ expense, and as a globalist program to “replace” the native population via mass immigration. If you haven't read it, do. It's like reading a eulogy prior to a death.

    As the number of international migrants reaches new highs, people around the world show little appetite for more migration – both into and out of their countries, according to a Pew Research Center survey of 27 nations conducted in the spring of 2018.

    • Across the countries surveyed, a median of 45% say fewer or no immigrants should be allowed to move to their country, while 36% say they want about the same number of immigrants. Just 14% say their countries should allow more immigrants. (Those who said no immigrants should be allowed volunteered this response.)
    • In Europe, majorities in Greece (82%), Hungary (72%), Italy (71%) and Germany (58%) say fewer immigrants or no immigrants at all should be allowed to move to their countries.”

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,724 ✭✭✭ShamNNspace

    One things for sure, her ass will be as clean as a whistle when our shower of sycophants in the media are finished with her, her primary allegiance is not to the Republic, never has been, she's done better than her wildest dreams out of the project, our "journalists" will lap it all up unquestioningly... Joe, Mary, Pawel, liuda whoever will still be up in the morning at 6 to keep the wolf from the door a couple of weeks away from defaulting on an overpriced box in some anonymous housing estate and they're the lucky ones but but but International obligations... The Catherine Days of the western world never lose, they're full time loading the dice in their favour "they'll never loooooose🎶🎶" as Christy used sing onetime when he was one of us

  • Registered Users Posts: 18,597 ✭✭✭✭Strazdas

    But where is the story? A couple of hundred people protesting in Ballinrobe and another couple of hundred protesting in Roscrea is hardly something that has the entire nation gripped and talking of little else (two towns that most people in Ireland have probably never even set foot in or could find on a map).

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  • Registered Users Posts: 6,825 ✭✭✭RobbieTheRobber

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,906 ✭✭✭enricoh

    You put up a post a while back that had the average number of family members each asylum seeker repatriated when given the nod to stay here.

    Much obliged if you could post it again. I gave up googling trying to sift through quango after quangos website!

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,906 ✭✭✭enricoh

    Random bloke from Albania, oh dear!

    The kinahans would be well advised to take the early redundancy offer!

  • Registered Users Posts: 219 ✭✭Carlito Brigantes Tale

    I'm not talking about the this June. Look 20 years down the road. This type of immigration destroys a country slowly. Look at the UK as an example of what we are facing into.

  • Registered Users Posts: 219 ✭✭Carlito Brigantes Tale

    Follow the money and who stands to make it. Massive immigration lowers normal people's wages, living standards, health care and education systems. Upper middle and upper class people are the ones who have private health care, send their kids to private schools and don't have to live among immigrants. Their businesses also take advantage of paying immigrants peanuts. There's no refugee centres in Foxrock, Malahide or Goatstown but i know of several within walking distance of me in inner city Dublin.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 7,387 ✭✭✭MrMusician18

    It will only be off the agenda if people stop arriving and there is no need to open new centres in small towns.

    How likely is that?

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,132 ✭✭✭malinheader

    What we're being told is.

    Country is awash with money . One of the richest countries in the EU. We have never had it so good. Record breaking tax receipts for government.

    What we know is.

    Irish citizens cannot afford to buy their own home. Irish citizens cannot access general G.P services. Hospitals are seriously under pressure leading to postponing of surgeries being put back onto an already years behind list. Education being seriously affected by lack of teachers and class room sizes being made bigger to try and ease pressure on new entrants to schools. Gardai totally depleted and under resourced, now looking to older recruitment as a remedy. Government happy to let our skilled workers in Health, Education and construction leave the country and replace it with less skilled workers leading to serious break down of all these services.

    The list is endless. This is only a few examples. Families waiting for mental, disability and other supports are being told there is none available.


    Yet this government are still intent in importing thousands more less skilled migrants and refugees who are going to need to access everyone of the services above.

    Think about it and try and make sense of it because I can't.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,773 ✭✭✭thomas 123

    Surge planning in 4 A&Es around the the country today. Not blaming migrants for it in any way shape or form but it just backs up your point on how far can we actually stretch at the expense of our own citizenry and legal contributors to society.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,825 ✭✭✭RobbieTheRobber

    And here we have a laughable attempt at insult.

    It's laughable because I doubt this poster could explain what they mean by woke or how they think I am being woke.

    What I think they mean by woke is probably along the lines of "George Soros Bill gates WEF microchip in the COVID vaccine taken over by the NWO."


  • Registered Users Posts: 5,132 ✭✭✭malinheader

    I hear that Lucky chancer on Rte now complaining about the 628 men. Yes 628 all Men on our streets waiting accommodation. We agree on one thing it's a disgrace. What we don't agree on is where they should be accommodated.

    Lucky the new voice of rte.

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,795 ✭✭✭Backstreet Moyes

    You seriously think it will take 20 years.

    We are a tiny country and the numbers arriving is staggering.

    The UK are implementing their Rawanda policy and other European countries are getting stricter, while we have basically open borders and a welfare state.

    This country will be destroyed in the next 5 years or possibly less.

  • Registered Users Posts: 480 ✭✭getoutadodge

    Imagine some Paddy from Ballygobackwards rocking up to Zimbabwe with no passport etc ...then spouting some bullshit sob story... and then going on local TV complaining about the inherent racism of the locals for not providing free housing, welfare etc in double quick time. The locals would probably lynch Paddy ...and they'd be right.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,825 ✭✭✭RobbieTheRobber

    Show me one post where I called someone a knuckle dragging racist.

    As it's my entire contribution it will be really easy.

  • Registered Users Posts: 892 ✭✭✭JPCN1

    No councillor will be either. If they are they will not only get elected again they will likely get elected to the Dail… look at Verona Murphy…

    The makeup of the new Dail will surely have a huge amount of independent TDs many of whom will be for stopping this madness. A further plus is there will be a serious cull in the upper ranks of FF and FG. Hopefully Greens consigned to the do not recycle bin.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,825 ✭✭✭RobbieTheRobber

    I thought Gemma was out with the In crowd anti immigrant groups

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  • Registered Users Posts: 5,962 ✭✭✭Cordell

    No, the thread is hating the irresponsible and destructive open door immigration policy which resulted in a mass influx of unskilled economic migrants posing as asylum seekers. Also, there is the hating of all the problems that come with mass immigration i.e. dramatic demographic changes and undue pressure on housing healthcare and education systems, crime and terrorism and last but not least, third world culture.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,132 ✭✭✭malinheader

    Rte doing themselves or the government no favours giving him airtime.

    Long may it continue because more and more will realise the total madness that is going on.

    Iascaigh eireann on this morning asking people to conserve water ffs. About time this government copped itself on and do what it was elected to do.put Irish citizens first.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,773 ✭✭✭thomas 123

    Ah come on Robbie - I know you are not stupid - you’re implying it of course!

    Again I’ll ask have you any serious ideas or suggestions on how to sort this?

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,764 ✭✭✭ArthurDayne

    But how does anything you have written there conflict with what I said?

    Of course reasonable people only want genuine refugees to be catered for under the refugee system, of course reasonable people would like those refugees to return home when it is safe. Who is arguing otherwise?

    My point is that there is a wider global context to the rise in numbers that goes far beyond any Irish domestic policy. If there was a trend beforehand, there would maybe be a counter-argument here, but there isn't. The trend is clear that a large spike followed the Ukraine invasion and wind-down of global travel restrictions post-Covid and this spike is observable across Europe. But this is all ignored and instead we are treated to the daily presumptions of this thread that all of this only happened purely because Roderic O'Gorman tweeted something and the welfare payments were grand.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,764 ✭✭✭ArthurDayne

    What I always find interesting about these polls is that they never actually ask the question in the reverse. What I mean by that is, why is the question never: "Should emigration be banned?".People on here treat us to their endless worry and misery over the horrifying vista of migrants and "becoming a minority in our own country".

    So why don't we lead by example then? Ban Irish people from leaving the country — don't let them head off into the world and form networks and relationships with foreigners. Keep our best and brightest for ourselves right? Banning emigration means Irish people stay here, procreate here, and we shall

    Actually, why stop there? While we are at it, let's ban marriage between Irish people and foreigners. Keeps the bloodlines pure and prevents outsiders getting security through marriage doesn't it?

    If its truly the huge problem that it is then why don't we lead the way? Why don't we show the world how great ending migration is by being a first world country that bans it for its own citizens. And with the stunning results we will achieve, the entire world will follow suit.

    Who's with me? Nobody I imagine.

  • Registered Users Posts: 892 ✭✭✭JPCN1

    Would have no problem with illegal Irish emigration being banned.

    For the thousandth time nobody has a problem with legal immigration.

    Rest of your post is just unadulterated drivel.

  • Registered Users Posts: 32 KloppOn

    Of course we are not immune to global migration trends but we are not helpless in reducing the numbers either. It's hard to imagine that Roderic's tweets wouldn't have served as a pull factor for some. In the same way that our benefits offering was a pull factor for some of our Ukrainian refugees. The government have belatedly acknowledged this. We have been communicating that we are open for "asylum seeker business" while Denmark have been communicating the opposite message. Just looking at the asylum application figures for November 2023, we received 282 asylum applications per million inhabitants while Denmark received just 34 per million. Both countries are subject to the same global migration patterns, but one seems to be doing a much better job of attracting asylum seekers currently. You can dig into the figures here:

  • Registered Users Posts: 11,166 ✭✭✭✭Furze99

    Speaking of Catherine Day - she was on with Claire Byrne earlier and laying down the law. I have no idea why she is so seemingly influential but her take was along the lines as follows

    • we may continue taking in as many migrants as arrive, NO LIMITS.
    • she'd hope to get decisions on applications in SIX MONTHS!! Not six days!
    • she see's problems with rural towns being overloaded and hotels closed
    • she's in favour of 6 reception centres owned by the government and on state land
    • she thinks some rural counties are underpopulated and there should be a population evaluation with a view to putting migrants into these counties. A sort of plantation I think!!

    All delivered in a plummy south county Dublin accent. Suck it up folks was the message.

  • Registered Users Posts: 11,166 ✭✭✭✭Furze99

    Well then you haven't read the thread properly. Of course it's not all down to Roderic O'G and his tweets - that's facile. However we are an island with an internal border and quite capable of managing who arrives if we wish and that's the key thing. There is no will to tackle the growing issue. And Roderic is part of that - it's his gig, he wanted it.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 7,873 ✭✭✭suvigirl

    What is wrong with living among immigrants. You speak about them like it's a nest of rats or something.

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