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The new recycling system



  • Registered Users Posts: 40,163 ✭✭✭✭Boggles

    The shop pays their suppliers who are charging them and if not passing on it is the shop losing 15c/25c on every bottle

    Well clearly not, the wholesalers charge the retailers for products that qualify for the deposit.

    The criteria for qualification has been set in stone and flagged for months.

    Unless you are trying to tell me that if a retailer bought a palette of stock in December and are only putting it on their shelves the wholesaler will issue a new invoice to cover the deposit?

    They won't because they can't.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,139 ✭✭✭JVince

    You've repeated exactly what I said.

    The retailer is paying the supplier (wholesaler) 15c/25c on each and every qualifying bottle.

    You are saying that the retailer is not charging the fee.

    The retailer is losing the money.

  • Registered Users Posts: 40,163 ✭✭✭✭Boggles

    There is no one losing money except Re-Turn who have unwritten what they thought would be a small anomaly in the transition period.

    No wholesaler fee has been charged to items that didn't qualify, therefore the retailer is not losing out by not charging it to the customer.

    My local shop has zero qualifying items either on display or in store. They have paid zero deposit fees on any of it.

    Now going forward Re-Turn to save their own skin may strike a deal with the wholesalers, but the retailers are not obliged to buy and sell their stock.

    Personally if I was retailer I wouldn't stock these items until the mess was sorted out, so who do you think the wholesaler will side with? They are completely dependent on the retailer to sell their product. Not a quango who has fúcked it from day 1.

  • Registered Users Posts: 15,037 ✭✭✭✭elperello

    Because any manager worth their salt will realise that this is a ridiculous proposition to put to a customer.

    "Here is your six pack of water I'm changing you 90 cent extra as a deposit but you can't get it back".

    The customer will be annoyed and like our earlier poster will leave the shop without the water.

    Breaking two golden rules of business never upset the customer and always close the sale.

    If the manager had any sense the bottles would go back into the storeroom until somebody comes up with a better plan.

  • Registered Users Posts: 40,163 ✭✭✭✭Boggles

    Breaking two golden rules of business never upset the customer and always close the sale.

    Stealing 90 cent off the customer is going to upset them.

    I can't see how you are struggling with this.

    It's not the shops fault Re-Turn are incompetent.

    They did the 100% the right thing by not lying and stealing from the customer.

    It's up to Re-Turn to put in a remedy for the 90 cent.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,139 ✭✭✭JVince

    You said the retailer was not going to participate and will not charge.

    They will have no choice but to buy the return products, so they'll have to participate.

    If a small number of transitionary items get through, it won't be the end of the world.

    You, like a few others are searching for any minor issue and trying to make it a major issue.

    Quite laughable.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,631 ✭✭✭bren2001

    In this case the shop isn’t losing anything. They would have bought the items before the transition period (and possibly before Jan 1st). No logo would be on these items and no deposit would be charged.

    Cans with logos being sold on? Different story if the deposit isn’t. Ring charged there. In a small shop, they’d certainly be losing.

  • Registered Users Posts: 40,163 ✭✭✭✭Boggles

    You, like a few others are searching for any minor issue and trying to make it a major issue.

    So the Green Man must be obeyed without question?

    Aren't you a super disciple.

  • Registered Users Posts: 15,037 ✭✭✭✭elperello

    Well in this instance it's not really stealing but making them an offer they must refuse.

    I'm not struggling at all.

    I'm just discussing the dilemma faced by our earlier poster.

    Return certainly have questions to answer but they aren't on the floor in the shop today.

    Any shopkeeper putting the ridiculous proposition to a customer that he should hand them a deposit they can't get back also needs to think again.

  • Registered Users Posts: 12,539 ✭✭✭✭Varik

    Went up to local centra which I wouldn't shop too much in but to have a look at their machine as its near enough to walk with a few bottles.

    The things built into a little enclosure beside one of those large washer/dry coin machines but it's got a shutter down over it so either they forgotten to open it today or it's broken.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 6,631 ✭✭✭bren2001

    Every retailer is obliged to sign up to ReTurn (link below). Every retailer must also accept the membership rules. Auditing is one of these rules. A retailer can be brought to arbritration if there is a dispute. This is also part of the rules.

    I’ve given you a link to these rules. The shop, in my opinion, is in breach of these by selling in scope containers without charging a deposit. Next you wanted a link to the legislation.

    I made no mention of a court or legal proceedings. I’ve linked you as to how disputes are settled, arbritration.

    What I said in the original post is not untrue as you claim. My opinion is that there is a risk. I am still of that opinion. No information has been presented on the contrary, only differing opinion.

    Im ending this back and forth there. If you want to continue it, I’m not going to reply. I’ve comprehensively shown where my opinion comes from. There’s nothing more I can add. Believe what you want. Claim what you want about my original statement.,empty%20drinks%20bottles%20and%20cans.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,024 ✭✭✭Genghis

    Re-turn have focussed on ensuring that, no matter what, they will not lose a cent on deposits, and they have skimped or avoided any investment in getting this scheme started.

    They will pay for this during the next four months with retailers and consumers being annoyed at completely avoidable issues. This stingy pose, the attempt to not lose or spend cash, could risk the entire scheme and even undermine, delay or endanger other planned initiatives (like takeaway coffee cup levy).

    They should have made sure that from day 1 all items would work, even items that may not have had a deposit or logo on. They could have left it loose for the transition and then, once people are familiar, strictly enforce the logo after. No need for 4 months transition either, 30 days might have been enough.

    This would cost them, for sure, millions (like €20, €25m), but what they would get is a smooth launch, easy first experience of using RVMs, and people becoming familiar with the scheme before they need to become familiar with logos, barcodes etc. it would even have boosted their initial collection ratio stats.

    Frankly, it's how a private business would do it, e.g. mobile networks, tech platforms, or streaming services, who seek to introduce mass, consumer change, lose money for years while they get set up. They understand a happy and engaged customer base is vital.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,063 ✭✭✭BoardsBottler

    Again you are wrong and what you said is entirely untrue, the "risk" you was talking about quite clearly looked like fear mongering due to lack of understanding how legal system. i gave you a simple way to solve this at the end of my reply and you decide to spam a bunch of text and a link then run away instead of playing.

    legal process and reasoning demonstrating re-turn don't have a leg to stand on, has been given to you more than once already by myself.

    when you said "Seems a big risk to take. Essentially relying on ReTurn to not go after then" boggles was infact right in saying they dont have a leg to stand on, and you were infact wrong. Then you spewed more untruths to try back up being wrong and not having knowledge of how the legal system works. You were told by myself re-turn can't just go after people. You then said it does'nt matter if they think they will win or lose in court is not for debate and they will still go after people. like wtf?

    there is no such thing as a court case being made in bad faith or with no proof or argument, from that point on all you've posted responding to me with is nonsense and links to re-turns own policies.

    as boggles said "The only way they can go "after them" is in the criminal courts. No crime has been committed."

    And also as i said Return can't just decide to go after someone, there needs to be a legal reason for it. if no law has been broken, there's no case and no argument. also a company would never take someone to court if they didn't think they could win

    if you can't find a law being broken (a legal irish law, not some policy word salad any company can make up) then you have no case to argue and lost. Again what risk? where is the risk? and how can they prove it? you're spoofing nonstop. if there is no answer to any of those questions, then your "risk" comment is untrue and fear mongering at best.

    They just want the quick easy money cash grab recyclables and to up their recycling stats at your expense.

  • Registered Users Posts: 40,163 ✭✭✭✭Boggles

  • Registered Users Posts: 40,163 ✭✭✭✭Boggles

    Any shopkeeper putting the ridiculous proposition to a customer that he should hand them a deposit they can't get back also needs to think again.

    That is solely of Re-Turns making not the shopkeeper.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,631 ✭✭✭bren2001

    ReTurn can go after anyone who is in breach of the membership rules. It’s equivalent to a breach of contract. First via arbritration of course.

    No crime has been committed. You do realise there’s a difference between criminal law (ie crimes) and civil law? Link below explaining.

    Your standards for proof are simply ridiculous.

    Ye can bold things all you want. It doesn’t make you correct. You’ve zero evidence. Thats all entirely your opinion. You’ve said my opinion is untrue and can in o way back that up. I’ve backed up everything I’ve said and given you links.

    It’s incredibly unlikely it would ever go to arbritration or that ReTurn would investigate them. It is a risk that ReTurn can and may do.,between%20you%20and%20an%20organisation.

  • Registered Users Posts: 40,163 ✭✭✭✭Boggles

    I’ve given you a link to these rules. The shop, in my opinion, is in breach of these by selling in scope containers without charging a deposit.

    There is no shop doing that.

    Qualifying in scope containers are charged a fee by the wholesaler which is passed onto the retailer.

    Re-Turns incompetence and moving the goal posts in a panic last minute doesn't change that fact.

  • Registered Users Posts: 30,282 ✭✭✭✭odyssey06

    If the manager had sense may the bottles wouldn't be on the shopfloor? They are responsible for the rollout in their store.

    Or, the manager doesn't care because maybe the vast majority of people will buy it and only realise too late they've been conned.

    "To follow knowledge like a sinking star..." (Tennyson's Ulysses)

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,631 ✭✭✭bren2001

    You’re entitled to that opinion. I disagree.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,063 ✭✭✭BoardsBottler

    again you're making alot of claims without really answering any of the legal questions i put forward, with the whole "go after them" approach again. a judge would ask where has the shop breached this contract, and what proof have they got for this accusation.

    You're saying i have 0 evidence? i'm not making any accusation or claim towards any business, wtf would i need evidence for?

    You have no case. all you're doing is saying "x business broke a contract so re-turn can get them and its risky because of this". There is no risk at all. Burden of proof would be on re-turn proving the cans put into their rvm machines came from x persons shop, infact how would they even know it was those cans? legally speaking theres nothing, no proof, no evidence. Nothing. no leg to stand on. and how would re-turn even know they are being cheated out of deposits anyway? their own machines destroy the cans once they go in and give the deposit voucher. What would make re-turn even aware that there are non-logo containers being put into their machine and giving out a deposit? and more importantly how can they hold this up in court as evidence to present to the judge? there is no case, as a can could have came from anywhere, or could have been purchased before feb 1st. this is specificly in refferense to cans without a logo.

    No breach of contract has even been done in this scenario.

    Legally speaking they infact do not have a leg to stand on. civil or criminal. no case! nada

    again pretend you are return, and i am a shop that sells sodas and whatever, go after me. What is the court summons or solicitors contact with me going to accuse me of? a solicitor isnt going to take on a case with no regard for winning/losing, or unsure if a person has actually done wrong. There needs to be a crime or civil wrongdoing that has happened.

    They just want the quick easy money cash grab recyclables and to up their recycling stats at your expense.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 11,226 ✭✭✭✭Furze99

    Interesting to see that ReTurn have made a complete balls of this. Despite their glossy PR drive.

    No effort to integrate their scheme with the existing functioning scheme.

    No understanding of the complexities with manufacturing & supply chains.

    Little or no understanding of how customers think.

    Typical quango that make up rules and then expect everyone will fall into line.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,063 ✭✭✭BoardsBottler

    i dont think its a case of little/no understanding of how customers think

    i think its more of a case of "total disregard" for customers entirely. its really badly set up, and too punish based. People won't respond nice to this, its bullying

    They just want the quick easy money cash grab recyclables and to up their recycling stats at your expense.

  • Registered Users Posts: 40,163 ✭✭✭✭Boggles

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,182 ✭✭✭batistuta9

    I don't think that's happening, the staff member is probably wrong on it.

    My understanding is of it is that there's 3 streams of product on sale for the time being, 1 with return logo, deposit. 2 old stock, no logo, domestic barcode, no deposit. 3 old stock, no logo, international barcode, deposit.

    With 3 the fee has been payed to return by manufacturers because there's so much of it in the chain to destroy/repack whatever.

    The tills will know which products to apply the deposit to, you aren't being charged it if you can't get it back

  • Registered Users Posts: 40,163 ✭✭✭✭Boggles

    The tills will know which products to apply the deposit to, you aren't being charged it if you can't get it back

    Even the CEO has acknowledged that isn't true.

    But if you ring Re-Turn they sort will you apparently. Which seems to be his stock answer to everything.

    Retailers are telling people they can't guarantee their deposit back, so some retailers are not charging the deposit.

    Others apparently are being honest when actually asked.

  • Registered Users Posts: 15,037 ✭✭✭✭elperello

    The shopkeeper is the one dealing with the customer and expecting to take his money.

    That means he has to think on his feet and find a solution.

    Offering to relieve his customers of deposits they can't get back won't hack it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 40,163 ✭✭✭✭Boggles

    It's not up to the shopkeeper to find a solution to a mess not of their making.

    They are entitled to sell their product, if an incompetent quango financially penalises the person buying that product, that is not the shop keepers fault.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,063 ✭✭✭BoardsBottler

    exactly, so either sell the non-logo cans without charging a deposit, or don't sell the cans at all. Choice is simple

    They just want the quick easy money cash grab recyclables and to up their recycling stats at your expense.

  • Registered Users Posts: 30,282 ✭✭✭✭odyssey06

    Computer says no. Not worth his hassle over one lost sale, will make more money back from conning people who don't realise they've been scammed.

    "To follow knowledge like a sinking star..." (Tennyson's Ulysses)

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  • Registered Users Posts: 15,037 ✭✭✭✭elperello

    Yes they have a problem on their hands.

    They should be burning the midnight oil over the holiday weekend and hopefully come up with a solution by Tuesday.

    Seeing as their Board is mostly made up of reps from the industry they should have a lot of understanding of the complexities of the business and dealing with customers.

    Now is their chance to prove it.

    I have stated before that it is not a quango but that's a small issue in the face of current difficulties.

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