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Immigration to Ireland - policies, challenges, and solutions *Read OP before posting*



  • Registered Users Posts: 9,780 ✭✭✭buried

    Don't flip a question back at me cuz, answer the reasonable and logical question I asked you first. That's how civilization works. What's the limit? You don't seem to want to answer that particular question for some reason, so, ergo, you have no limit. You are under the impression a small island with limited resources has total unlimited capacity to literally take an unlimited influx of numbers onto its tiny landmass, yes?

    "You have disgraced yourselves again" - W. B. Yeats

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,960 ✭✭✭suvigirl

    I believe there are smaller countries with much larger populations than Ireland, so I don't believe we are anywhere near a limit.

    And I doubt very much that the majority of people in this country wish for all immigration to stop.

  • Registered Users Posts: 13,472 ✭✭✭✭Goldengirl

    Nonsense . Healthcare workers from abroad are holding our health service together . I know because I have worked with excellent healthcare staff from all over the world here . Nothing to do with SD . Thank you and rock off there now .

    And yes our young people have better options no dispute there . But they are not leaving because " Ireland is Full " or whatever made up nonsense you parrot.

    They are leaving because they have qualifications, are well educated and have choices , and they choose the sun, a better standard of living and travel.

    Education ..One of the single most success stories over the last generation which is conveniently left out of any discussion here . Kudos our education system and even better now the last few years than ever !

    So next you say Housing .. our dearly loved young people are all finding those same issues abroad .They are all paying through the nose all over the world for rental housing and will be a long time citizens elsewhere before they have a sniff of an option to buy an affordable house abroad...sorta like here?

    Deluded again.

    Full Employment here . Those jobs that you say" drive down wages " attract migrants or young people and have one of the highest minimum wages in the OECD awful for them to be having to take those jobs , that we need filled to keep our shops and cafes and factories going .

    Are you so up there that you have never been glad of a job never mind a minimum wage job . Parttime or antisocial hours . Probably , one of the new Irish too up themselves to get a job cleaning or dishwashing to have enough money to pay the rent or bills or safe for a holiday .

    And these people are the people you would prevent even having the right to do that under the guise of protecting migrants welfare 🙄 it not better than languishing in direct provision dependant on handouts.

    Fair dues to those working there way. I applaud them .

    As for rents , so you ARE against those legitimately working here and finding their own accomodation ? Good to see that you are finally being honest there .

    Main problem with rent in this country is I government inaction on rent caps , vulture funds and landlords and lifting the eviction ban . But oh no it's the recently arrived scapegoats that get the blame.

    It is Hypocritical to say" Ireland is Full "and then on the other hand " oh we can't have you working low paid jobs .." off home on the boat/ plane with you now," or " back to the accomodation where we will protest at ye being put up at our expense " .

    Economic migrants days are numbered here niw , but you know what, I'd prefer those coming to look for and work for a better life than all the wastrels on numerous benefits sitting on their behinds here and think themselves too good to do a " low paid job " to make their own way in the world .

    We have more than our fair share of them and long before any asylum seekers touched our shore .

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,780 ✭✭✭buried

    And what are those smaller countries indigenous resources? Are they the same indigenous resources that we in Ireland have? Are they ran by the same sort of political regime that we have? You want it to be like for like, it has to be like for like the whole way. So state your smaller countries.

    "You have disgraced yourselves again" - W. B. Yeats

  • Registered Users Posts: 13,472 ✭✭✭✭Goldengirl

    If... if ...the sky was purple and the fields blue !

    However noted and agreed .

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  • Registered Users Posts: 6,489 ✭✭✭Damien360

    Between Naas and Newbridge on the dual carriageway is red house which was earmarked as a reception centre less than 2 years ago. A hotel that never happened due to not sticking to planning and the bust. It got it's planning retention before the bust finally finished it. Then roll on a few years and plans with permission for a nursing home. Finally a reception centre. That doesn't need permission. It's a wreak.

    Just a few years ago, the local councillors were clamouring to get this open for "Ukrainian's". Not a peep out of any of them now. Must be an election soon.

    Newbridge has already got one in the middle of the town since 2004 anyway called the Eyre Powell. I don't believe it ever operated as a hotel, I can't remember.They are not temporary accommodation. It's permanent.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,214 ✭✭✭combat14

    that doesnt explain the 35% who are open to voting for anti-immigrant politicans in the latest poll

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,960 ✭✭✭suvigirl

    Stop changing now. We were a small landmass a few posts ago. Now it depends on our political regime. There is no will among the population for no immigration.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,214 ✭✭✭combat14

    where are the extra 15k houses for asylum seekers (economic migrants) every single year on top of our existing housing needs going to magically come from - 50% of voters are concerned about housing here for very good reason - adding an extra 150,000 (asylum seekers/economic migrants who knows) in 10 years to the already volatile mix is a receipe for disaster .. we need tons of spare accommodation and additional planned resources before we import further problems

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,780 ✭✭✭buried

    I'm not changing nothing cuz, you brought up these other small countries. Just state the small countries you were talking about, you never said what those particular countries were so I'd be interested to know.

    You don't think how a political regime or an indigenous resource may affect the economy or well being of a nation state? Are you serious?

    "You have disgraced yourselves again" - W. B. Yeats

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  • Registered Users Posts: 7,960 ✭✭✭suvigirl

    Why you calling me cuz??

    Anyway, no matter what I say you will come up with reasons why Ireland is so completely different to them!

    But I suppose, the Netherlands, Belgium, Austria. for a start

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,780 ✭✭✭buried

    I'm only calling you cuz because its a term of endearment in the Irish locality I hail from. Sorry about that.

    The Netherlands, Belgium and Austria are all countries based on continental Europe. All three are former empirical regimes that went all over the globe forcing their will on other people. Not like for like with our tiny island Republic.

    "You have disgraced yourselves again" - W. B. Yeats

  • Registered Users Posts: 223 ✭✭minimary

    We definitely need immigrants to fill certain jobs but thats because there is never any real investment put into tackling the critical skills list. We know what jobs are essential and what professions we have too few of but there is never any plan put in place to tackle these holes in the labour market.

    For example lets take something like bus drivers which the department of enterprise didn't add to the critical skills list but made 1,500 non-EU employment permits available for last year, theres a massive barrier to entry for Irish applicants because in order to apply to be a driver for Dublin bus you have to already have your class B driving licence which at a minimum is €810 if you manage to learn in 12 lessons and not need any other driving practice. In reality for most people its several thousand euro and you need someone whos willing to let you get insured on their car and supervise you to drive. I would be interested to see how many people would take up the option of a loan for driving lessons and insurance to get their class B licence with the proviso that they would get the debt suspended and then forgiven if they took up employment with Dublin Bus and stayed for 5 years.

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,960 ✭✭✭suvigirl

    Well I knew you would come up with something 😂

    Former empires, former. It doesn't really matter today does it?

    Their populations are higher than ours and they have smaller countries than ours.

  • Registered Users Posts: 382 ✭✭Unicorn Milk Latte

    Limited resources??

    Irish people have the 6th highest annual income per person on the planet.

    It is a small island - that is thinly populated, lots and lots of space.

    There were some mentions about 'non-Irish' people on the housing list.

    The reason for the housing crisis is the greed of rich people, and a government that takes care exclusively of the rich. The housing crisis has nothing whatsoever to do with immigrants. NOTHING.

    If you throw every single immigrant out of the country, this will change nothing about the current insane rent prices. Does anyone seriously believe that fewer immigrants in Ireland would mean that rent prices in Dublin will suddenly become reasonable? How naive can one get...

  • Registered Users Posts: 13,385 ✭✭✭✭Geuze

    EU citizens, no limit, but removed if they can't maintain themselves (so none on social assistance)

    Non-EU citizens on work visas = limited, to roles/jobs that we really, really can't fill

    (we must abolish JSA first, move the 35,000 construction workers off the Live Register back into jobs first, etc.)

    Asylum-seekers = zero

  • Registered Users Posts: 13,385 ✭✭✭✭Geuze

    Source for 6th highest nnual income?

    If you look at our AIC, it's not great. We are not as rich as we think.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,310 ✭✭✭alias no.9

    You're the one inferring all immigration and trying to aggregate those gaming the IPA System with people granted work visa on a skills needs basis.

    The aim of the IPA System should be to see all applicants safely returned to their home countries as soon as safe to do so. In most cases, that's the next day. In difficult cases, we should be pulling out all the stops at a diplomatic level to resolve the root cause issues and help those granted protection return home to make their home country a better place. If they want to stay permanently, they should use their time here to upskill and gain a visa on a skills needs basis.

    Next on the list are English Language Students, this racket needs to be ended. Who benefits from it?

    Where there are actual skills deficits, people matched with jobs, there should absolutely be visas continued to be issued where there are no available EU candidates.

    After that, if there is a shortage of unskilled labour that can't be fulfilled through internal EU migration, then a Diversity Lottery should be used to issue working visas. Failed IPA applicants should be excluded along with anyone who has previously overstayed a work or holiday visa. Anyone arriving on a Diversity Lottery Visa should be expected to support themselves on arrival, no state provided accommodation or social welfare unless earned through PRSI entitlement.

  • Registered Users Posts: 13,472 ✭✭✭✭Goldengirl

    More of this needed. Good post.

    Where is Enterprise and Jobs Minister hiding.

  • Registered Users Posts: 25,392 ✭✭✭✭Strumms

    Record hospital waiting lists.

    Shortage of hospital inpatient beds.

    Shortage of rehabilitative beds and services, both inpatient and outpatient, I think now or certainly was recently, the worst in the whole EU.

    Capital projects that were badly required Metrolink, had to be kicked years down the road. Despite…Chronic traffic congestion even at off peak times and over subscribed public transport too.

    Chronic shortages of prison places with significant hike in crime.

    Chronic shortage of Gardai. Back in Autumn figures revealed we had 13,800 Gardaí approximately, same as about 20 years ago… yet a population over a million more and rapidly exploding..

    you cannot fix this stuff when so much money and resources is alarmingly dedicated to providing for wellbeing of people being facilitated when they arrive here. Billions of our money. It will have to stop somewhere, sometime…

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,775 ✭✭✭thomas 123

    Yes I do. We should also be reducing non eu inbound legal migration to sectors where people are not critically needed considering the scale of the multiple crisis. Ideally even free movement from eu countries should be curtailed but we are in the EU I suppose.

    There is undoubtedly an issue with population control, there’s no if about it. The country cannot support the population currently in it across multiple areas of society. Quality of life is reducing for everyone in the country in one way or another, while immigration and even illigal immigration into the country is a small part of the problem it is a problem all the same.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,278 ✭✭✭bloopy

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,825 ✭✭✭RobbieTheRobber

    Nicely ignoring the part of our nations history where single mothers in Ireland left to go to Britain because they would be treated better by social services there.

    Generations of Irish children supported by the British system

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,435 ✭✭✭batman_oh

    Ah yes, the super rich Ireland that's full of resources. Not at all completely skewed by the MNC's. We literally have loads of space, loads of amazing natural resources and loads of everything to support filling every corner of the place with anybody from anywhere in the world that feels like coming.

    Look how well everything is currently functioning, amazing and world class public transport, amazing healthcare availability, loads of free school places, a thriving refugee tourist industry. We need more people everywhere, especially ones with little education etc that will be reliant on state support, because as our government keep telling us, all immigration is exactly the same.

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,797 ✭✭✭Backstreet Moyes

    Why do you think people would be surprised.

    Sinn Fein are dropping in the polls because of their stance on immigration and their love of Palestine.

    It is a scary possibility that could happen which is why people like myself have changed my mind on voting for them and I can't see them getting into goverment.

    It's a bit like the analogy of the lad who turns up every odd day on social media to tell us the far right are everywhere in ireland.

    While then saying he can't wait to laugh at everyone when the far right do terrible in the elections.

    While most people on social media tell him their is no large far right in ireland and they will do terrible.

    It's very strange.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,910 ✭✭✭enricoh

    The housing crisis has nothing to do with immigrants- nothing! Just build up Paddy.

    Only yesterday rural areas can't get doctors taking on new patients n no secondary school places for kids.

    Naive is not the word unicorn, but bonus points for your post with gas chamber in it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,797 ✭✭✭Backstreet Moyes

    No of course not, I didn't say they were far right.

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