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Russia - threadbanned users in OP



  • Registered Users Posts: 2,634 ✭✭✭RoyalCelt

    Can ships around 100M fit through that canal? Great news to wake up to another ship down. Hopefully a few more go boom this year.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,982 ✭✭✭rogber

    In terms of NATO yes, in terms of Ukraine the war is still hell costing lives every day and bringing it to a successful end must be priority over endless slow bleed of Russia

  • Registered Users Posts: 674 ✭✭✭

    I doubt they would ever sink an oil tanker and risk an oil spill. Fairly sure it's a war crime to do so intentionally anyway.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,661 ✭✭✭Bobson Dugnutt

    Fresh Vatnik Soup about one of our own, the notorious failure in life, Chay Bowes. I wonder is he stuck in Russia or can he come back to Ireland?

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,503 ✭✭✭tobefrank321

    The only country who can end this war is, you guessed it, Russia. Its been a complete disaster for them that only gets worse with each passing day.

    The longer they stay in Ukraine the more the damage they do to their own country.

    Putin is borrowing from the Hitler playbook. "If I can't win, I am determined to drag my own country down with me". Most dictators are like that.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,636 ✭✭✭victor8600

    The war is a disaster for Russia, but not for Putin. Before the war, Putin was scared, ailing old fart hiding from COVID in an underground bunker. Now he is an old, cowardly, dangerous sick bastard, which is a massive improvement from his point of view. The war means that he can jail and kill his opponents with almost no consequences, any economic troubles are easily explained by the Western interference, and his own power can be consolidated to levels not imaginable before the war.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,982 ✭✭✭rogber

    Russia will not end the war as long as Putin is in charge, which is for the foreseeable future, which is why Ukraine needs better weapons. I don't really care about Russia being dragged down, what I want to see is a peaceful Ukraine where its citizens aren't dying fighting or because of Russian rockets. That will only come with Putin dying or being overthrown or killed

    Post edited by rogber on

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,234 ✭✭✭EltonJohn69

    Keep destroying their oil refineries and putin will escorted out of the Kremlin…. Hopefully burnt alive and buried in a shallow pit

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,065 ✭✭✭Brussels Sprout

    Nobodies going to be escorting Putin anywhere. Even if the siloviki were to turn on him (very unlikely since they're basically his trusted old St Petersburg buddies) he has his very own insurance policy in the shape of his private army the Roskvardia. So there'd have to be a war in Moscow itself to get him out. He wouldn't go quietly.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,254 ✭✭✭Virgil°

    Seems like russia actually manage to take out a HIMARS. First one in 3 years. At this rate just a few more decades until Putin gets the rest. Theres a cut in the video but it does seem to be more legit than the time they've destroyed the other 5000 HIMARS units.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 4,234 ✭✭✭EltonJohn69

    Those russians have always been for turning. putin turned on Yeltsin the second he got power. If his “special operation” causes the oil money to stop flowing then I think they will kill him. Hundreds of thousands dead will have no impact on his future, but if the oil industry gets destroyed I think he is in trouble.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,815 ✭✭✭aidanodr

    Brutal honesty from Macron today ..

    "Who launched the war in Ukraine? Vladimir Putin. Who threatens us, whatever we do whatever we say, with nuclear weapons? President Putin.

    If every day we explain what our limits are in the face of someone who has none and launched this war, I can already tell you that the spirit of defeat is there lurking. Not amongst us."

  • Registered Users Posts: 163 ✭✭Fastpud

    Whats going on with Macron, suddenly he is much more bellicose. Has something changed cos he was a lot less vocal for the past 2 years? Did I miss something?

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,815 ✭✭✭aidanodr

    Maybe realizes the gravity of the situation facing us which many others in Europe ( and US ) dont want to perhaps? Many maybe HOPING nothing will happen and tend toward appeasement of Putins Russia to try keep it this way .. FEAR at its route? Also like of Macron would be privy to intelligence that you and I would not be and saw credible scenarios recently?

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,815 ✭✭✭aidanodr

    Just leave this here

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,234 ✭✭✭EltonJohn69

    Maybe because it looks like America is bringing g back its Orange Daddy and Europe needs to act very quickly

    Post edited by EltonJohn69 on

  • Registered Users Posts: 11,409 ✭✭✭✭Say my name

    I see this floating around everywhere.

    So what do we take from this?

    The FSB have their handcuffs off and freely execute people around the world. We know this is true already from Canterbury, England and countless other poisonings around the world we know of and then the "suicides" and "accidents" we don't know of.

    But would the CIA and FBI take Trump lying down just because the spies may not have been american?

    Would the Queensberry rules just apply to the CIA. And every other non western Putin sphere get away with murder..

    The private security FSB staff Trump has must be on top of their game.

    Imagine Ronald Regan coming back to look at this.

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,078 ✭✭✭threeball

    I would imagine another deluge of Ukrainians into Europe and by extension France may end up hurting him politically more than getting more heavily involved in the war ever could. None of these politicians do anything unless it has implications for their careers. Look at Biden in the US, he could circumvent the blockaid on support for the ukraine but they know that wouldn't play well with voters ahead of the election.

    Putin doesn't have to worry about voters so does what he wants.

  • Registered Users Posts: 13,773 ✭✭✭✭Danzy

    Nothing will be able to force most of Europe to defend itself. Even suggesting the idea of European States paying for their own defense is causing incredible consternation.

    Trump tried to force Europe to pay its way but no one can.

    The will to not do it is ideological.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,503 ✭✭✭tobefrank321

    I'm no great Trump fan, quite the opposite. But forcing Europe to be self sufficient and defend Europe is not a bad thing. Some European countries really are taking the p*ss when it comes to expecting the Americans to step in and defend them. Most of the big European nations have only a couple hundred serviceable tanks and minimal artillery ammunition which would barely last a month in a real conflict. And they also have relatively small armies. Had the Russians invaded the Baltic nations in 2022 instead of Ukraine, NATO would struggle to push them out and it would take years to do so. The invasion of Ukraine was a wake up call for NATO countries.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 4,234 ✭✭✭EltonJohn69

    Trump was not the first US president to want/ask European NATO to meet their 2% commitment.

    I think the real prospect of the US leaving NATO though would be a game changer. Trump gets back in which is 50/50 then NATO is finished.

  • Registered Users Posts: 211 ✭✭highpitcheric

    Day 742.

    They're still taking bits of Avdiivka. And lost another ship.

    EU member states collectively spend over $250bn on defense.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,428 ✭✭✭macraignil

    Aid to Ukraine from a number of EU states is at a higher percentage of their GDP than it is from the USA. The USA for example has committed 0.32% of its GDP to support Ukraine while at the same time Estonia has committed over 4% of its GDP to Ukraine when its share of EU aid is included. Denmark another sensible contributor to the defense of Europe from putin's terrorist state has committed 8.4billion euro to military support for Ukraine. The published figures for support from European countries for Ukraine's fight against putin do not support your statement that Europe is not paying its way in defending the continent from terrorists. The best defense Europe has from putin's terrorists is supporting Ukraine and many European countries are now building up their military and related industries as putin has shown himself to be an empire building tyrant with no interest in the well being of the people of the russian federation or any one in Europe. An answer to putin's aggression is needed regardless of whether or not the USA can be relied on to play a role in Europe's defense and Europe is waking up to the challenge.

  • Registered Users Posts: 211 ✭✭highpitcheric

    Please keep in mind EU has 300 million more people than Russia, roughly 10 times the economy, and historically outspends Russia around 3-1.

    *1.4m active personnel across the EU.

    US adds 100k troops to the mix. 1.4m becomes 1.5m. Bit of perspective please.

    Trump hasn't forced anything new on Europe.

    US gets bases in Europe in return for their presence, and is the only nato member to use article 5.

    Whatever ways Europe may lack isn't really something which Russia has the ability to leverage since they're twice as lacking. Their ludicrously halfassed performance in Ukraine has shown that.

    Bring that same performance to an EU coalition, which will have air and sea dominance, and a full modernized continents worth of production. See what happens.


    Post edited by highpitcheric on

  • Registered Users Posts: 13,688 ✭✭✭✭briany

    Trump's a moron or is being willfully ignorant. When the stakes are this high, I don't really care about the difference.

    The U.S. has not headed up NATO for the last 70/80 years out of pure charity. The interest has always been the ability to project power overseas and to protect liberal democracy against the spread of competing ideologies. And when A5 was invoked, it was the US invoking it, and its NATO allies duly responded, as Radek Sikorsky recently reminded us all.

    Trump doesn't care about Europe 'paying its way'. What's happening here is an ideological shift where about one half of the US electorate is backing a man who is not particularly interested in liberal democracy, and he is therefore no longer particularly interested in protecting an alliance to that end. Trump and his backers want the liberal democracies of Europe to fail, and the new foreign policy toward Europe is to weaken it - to carve it into two zones of control between the new alliance of the US and Russia. The first step of that is to remove the guarantee of military protection. The second step is to light fires at the foundation of the EU. Under this pincer movement, the liberal democracies of Europe cannot hold. The ones who do not fall to right-wing populism cannot fully defend themselves against Russian intimidation. Conventional war might be one thing, but there is no comeback to Putin saying to the holdouts that he can nuke them with no comeback.

    That's the future if Trump gets back in power and is able to fully exert his foreign policy. The EU would likely attempt to respond to this by proposing centralised military structures, but the beauty of this for the right-wingers would be that it would possibly accelerate EU collapse as propaganda about this being EU overreach causes yet more populist backlash.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,815 ✭✭✭aidanodr

    You did say it at the end - "The invasion of Ukraine was a wake up call for NATO countries." BUT also a wake up call for EU and Europe, separate from NATO.

    So a point I would remake is we need to separate NATO and EU and Europe countries when discussing all this, of course there is crossovers. Nato is not a European or EU army, it just happens to have many European AND EU countries as members as well as non EU eg UK and non European countries as members eg USA, Canada.

    You also said "Some European countries really are taking the p*ss when it comes to expecting the Americans to step in and defend them. " .. I would have to count Ireland as an EU and European country in this statement

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,078 ✭✭✭threeball

    In reality, Americas investment is much lower than the headline figure they proclaim. They cost everything as if it were built new and not the 2nd hand/surplus stock/due to be decommissioned/end of life equipment that the vast majority of what's supplied actually is. The cluster munitions are a good example. They would have had to spend millions decommissioning these weapons plus all the headaches of where to dispose of the material. Instead, they got to ship them off to Ukraine, degrade Russia and save themselves all the cost and headaches in the process.

    Even new stuff is propping up alot of jobs and boosting revenues of alot of influential American companies plus feeding tax back to the exchequer.

    Europe is far more heavily invested financially not to mention bearing the cost of the refugees.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,503 ✭✭✭tobefrank321

    When Russia started this war, they had about 15 million shells at their disposal. Europe had far less.

    Russia has thousands of tanks in storage, and close to 10,000 artillery pieces and a similar number of mrls.

    Defeating all that would take time.

    By the time NATO would have properly mobilised, the Baltic nations would have been over-run and the Russians deeply entrenched on their western borders. So yes it would take years to push them out in a conventional war at the loss of tens of thousands of NATO troops as well as civilians.

    Ukraine actually had a pretty good army in 2022. They've been fighting the Russians for a decade and are very smart people. They've revolutionised warfare and NATO countries could learn a lot.

    I think if one comment summed up the unpreparedness of NATO for a Russian invasion it was the one made by a German instructor to a Ukrainian soldier when asked how to get through minefields. The instructor replied "we just go around it". The Germans were completely unprepared for war. But they are now firing up military production thankfully.

  • Registered Users Posts: 232 ✭✭IdHidden

    Interesting perspective from ex SAS Robin Horsfall, he does keynote speeches now and is obvious pro British but he does know war.

    "Russia is losing this war.

    Another Russian warship has been badly damaged by navy drones. Patrol ship, Sergey Kotov came under attack last night in the south of Crimea and was struck at least twice.

    The powerful effects of sea going drones must be forcing naval commanders across the word to review the safety of their entire fleets. Ukraine has sunk more than 25% of the Black Sea Fleet without possessing a warship of their own. The powerful results obtained by marine drones has forced Russia to cease many operations in the Black Sea region. However, Russian ships are not safe even in Russian territory. The cruiser, Olenegorsky Gornyak was sunk the same way in the port of Novorossiysk last year.

    Russia is helpless to defend its ships against these attacks. Their defensive guns cannot depress low enough to engage at close range and their radar cannot locate drones carrying up to 1000 pounds of explosive riding close to the surface with a profile that is often smaller than the surrounding waves.

    Although this is a major concern for Russia, NATO chiefs will be examining new ways of defending their own fleets in the light of this new development.

    In the air, Russia has started to take dramatic losses in fighters and fighter bombers. This included 10 Su-34 fighter-bomber jets, two Su-35 jets and another Russian A-50 airborne early warning and control aircraft. This equated to more than one billion dollars worth of irreplaceable aircraft.

    Some pundits have suggested that Ukraine moved at least one Patriot air defence system away from city defence duties and placed it close to the front lines. Reports or rumours from Russia indicate that pilots are loathe to fly because they feel helpless in the face of these top level US weapons.

    If Russia lose their air presence over Donbas and the Asov Sea their ground troops will find themselves at a serious disadvantage.

    Despite some minor land advances in the east at a terrible cost, Russia is losing this war.

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