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Harry and Meghan - OP updated with Threadbanned Users 4/5/21



  • Registered Users Posts: 5,477 ✭✭✭valoren

    Me suggesting they made a mess of things is a defence? I think it’s a case of damned if they do and damned if they don’t. What secrecy? That it was made known she'd convalesce at Kensington Palace? Clearly, despite the conspiracy loons, she is very much alive. The refrain from Sussex Squad types is how the palace wouldn’t protect Meghan but have protected Kate. When H&M went to Canada for an extended holiday in late 2019 there was no Where is Meghan? social media meltdown or clamor about them needing to show their faces.

    Nobody knew about the extent of the mental health struggles Meghan had beyond what she alluded to in the South Africa interview. It never got out. She was protected in that regard. Yet when Kate has what appears to be a serious surgery and, in an act of protection, it is made known that she will be out of action for a few months then people start losing their minds with a ream of increasingly outrageous conspiracy theories cropping up. Then when an edited photo is published histrionic types rooting for failure pathetically grandstand about an erosion of trust, credibility being shred and the likes of CNN in what is a crucial election year make it known they are launching investigations. I think if you were to ask someone on the street (someone who doesn’t spend their lives online) then their reaction would likely be along the lines of such people needing to get a f*cking grip.

    Of all the royal scandals and covering up through the years then I doubt a touched up mothers day photo will be what spells the end for the monarchy. I think what actually might portend the end of the monarchy is that W&K are still young and in looking at the absolute lunacy/sh*tshow created by one photo after wanting to convalesce and do their own thing they may well ultimately think that this kind of crap is only going to get worse and they could decide to think screw it and then step away.

    Assuming he would even want it then I doubt King Harry would be an easy sell. Speaking of which I’m sure H&M have been watching the furor over the past six weeks and it was nice of “sources close to” them (i.e. them) to contact Page Six and say they would never make such a mistake and that they would be annihilated if they ever touched up a photo (lol). You’d think they (oh sorry, the sources close to them) would be happy to have the media attacking W&K for once instead of them but weirdly they still feel the need to insert themselves and make it known that the negative attention they aren’t actually getting would be so much worse than the very real negative attention Kate is getting.  

  • Registered Users Posts: 40,099 ✭✭✭✭Boggles

    I'm struggling to see how Kate trying to pull a fast one on the paying British public has anything to do with Meghan?

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,477 ✭✭✭valoren

    Pulling a fast one. Lol. Your concern for the British tax payers is noted. 😄 The H&M thread has been discussing this W&K tangent and then Page Six has a story about this from “sources close to” the Sussexes (the topic of this thread) which passes comment on the W&K topic and refers to a comparison between the couples i.e.

    "If Harry and Meghan had ever encountered the same issue they would have been annihilated" and added: "The same rules do not apply to both couples."

    Relevant. Although now Newsweek via Archewell is saying the Page Six quotes are not from anyone close to or from the Sussexes at all. Hmmm. Here’s a thought. Set up social media for “The Office of….” Or Archewell or whatever and then there can be no confusion who the sources are about anything. They can even post pictures if they want but they better make sure the sleeves and zips are aligned when they edit them in case people lose their collective sh*t. 👍

  • Registered Users Posts: 33,650 ✭✭✭✭Penn

    If it was just a case of "She had to have an operation, she'll be in recovery for a few months, she'll be back", that all would have been fair enough. The media could post as many articles as they wanted with "Where's Kate? What's going on with Kate?", but it wouldn't have mattered.

    But posting a photoshopped photo of her and the kids on Mother's Day (when they could have just as easily have posted some sort of collage of old photos) has given rise to absolutely warranted questions about why did the photo have to be photoshopped and why couldn't a non-phptoshopped photo have been posted?

    In which case it has to be asked; Where's Kate? What's going on with Kate?

  • Registered Users Posts: 727 ✭✭✭Carol25

    Where is your evidence any of those comments to page 6 came from Harry and Meghan, there is none. It’s just another desperate attempt to drag them into William’s mess and take the blame.

    This time there is nowhere for William to hide, he took the photo, he runs Kensington Palace. It’s his wife who’s disappeared from public view with apparent health issues and it is they who are acting very strangely around it and not following royal protocol re photos, leaving hospitals, etc. William now also has to contend with US chat show hosts mentioning his alleged mistress mocking her title. These videos are all gone viral on social media. I feel sorry for Kate and the children in this mess.

    I honestly don’t think Meghan would want to be back into the Royal fold or Harry be King. They look far healthier and happier than anyone working in the institution.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,129 ✭✭✭Ms2011

    "Nobody knew about the extent of the mental health struggles Meghan had beyond what she alluded to in the South Africa interview. It never got out. She was protected in that regard"

    Let's not pretend Meghan's mental health struggles didn't get out due to the Palace protecting her, they didn't get out because the Palace was protecting itself & its image. Couldn’t let it be known that life within the Royal Family was so bad it was damaging someone's mental health, that's not the look they're going for.

    Isn't it funny how the things the Palace don't want to get out don't especially if you consider how many 'leaks' there are from 'Palace sources', its almost as if the 'leaks' are intentional.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,477 ✭✭✭valoren

    William has to contend with American talk show hosts making jokes? Whatever about William since his profile means he is fair game but using Hanbury, a private individual, for some quips? We've been over the alleged affair. A story like that is only as good as its sources and the sources for that allegation are quite terrible.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,477 ✭✭✭valoren

    Because the pre-Meghan days of Royals advocating the importance of mental health, the promoting of mental health campaigns/charities and being public with their own mental health challenges didn't happen.

    Tell me. How do you think Kates mental health has been these past few weeks? Is the institution protecting itself from allowing crazy conspiracy nuts on social media spreading their BS to go unchallenged? Or would there be an understanding, a begrudging acknowledgement that social media can be a cesspit of arseholes, that being a target is simply part of the role?

  • Registered Users Posts: 727 ✭✭✭Carol25

    Kate’s mental health and the resulting speculation is entirely the fault of Kensington Palace, Prince William and how they have behaved in regard to this whole saga from start to finish. This could be gone in the morning with a short video from Kate and William and the kids reassuring all is as was told, unless of course they haven’t been honest about the situation? They had the British press on their side and have the protection of the Palace and this is how they’ve handled the situation, it’s a spectacular own goal.

    How come you were never as concerned for Meghan’s mental health and all she’s been through for the last number of years at the hands of the British Press. You could include yourself with other posters on this thread in the daily pile on of her and Harry. It’s been a couple of weeks for Kate and William you’re crying the poor them card. Should be the same for both.

  • Registered Users Posts: 40,099 ✭✭✭✭Boggles

    Ah. No. This deceit has absolutely nothing to do Meghan.

    That's just fact, isn't it?

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  • Registered Users Posts: 5,477 ✭✭✭valoren

    Because nobody in the press questioned it all? Not correct. Usually a statement is deemed sufficient. Or would have been before social media but traditional print media is a dinosaur. SM drives things now and the palace are behind the times. Was the palace and William responsible for the whole Where is Kate? social media trend? There seems to be this ghoulish fascination by people to have to know everything and press releases giving high level details was like a red flag to the bullies eager to drop the hammer on W&K. She had abdominal surgery, wanted to convalesce in private and my guess is they refused to be bullied into performing just because of ghoulish people on social media suddenly developing (faux) interest in Kates well being. Don't feed the trolls as such.

    Who says I wasn't concerned about Meghans mental health? I think I've been pretty clear on how toxic the media is and what a stifling life being in the royal family must be. Daily pile on? In your opinion. I guess they're not supposed to be criticised or commented on? Double standards from you given your demonstrable pile on for anyone but H&M.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,477 ✭✭✭valoren

    Looks like Kate has passed away. Reportedly. I read it on Twitter it must be true.

    8.6k likes. We need proof of life or else it's Williams fault.

  • Registered Users Posts: 727 ✭✭✭Carol25

    I’ve actually criticised Harry and Meghan when needed, but the nonsense on here has led me to have to defend them against the hate and dehumanisation rather than have a proper debate. For instance Meghan speaks a lot of word salad on her podcasts as I’ve commented previously. Harry in Spare comes across as whiny and privileged but with genuine grievances from the world he lived in.

    Are you seriously suggesting a statement was ever enough re Kate’s condition? The Queen and Prince Philip never just issued mere statements. They were pros at handling this, allowing photos of them coming and going in cars, pictures and videos of them reading well wishes, etc. They would allow themselves to be visible but on their terms. The last picture of Prince Philip in particular showed a very frail man but still the photo was released and given permission to be taken.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,978 ✭✭✭wyrn

    I think someone (not sure who) threw Kate under the bus with that statement. Even if it was her who edited the pictures, surely someone on their PR team should have picked up those issues before sending it out.

    I do find this interesting, it seems the Kill Order for the Meghan and Harry image was due to them not having the rights to the photo, rather than image manipulation.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,978 ✭✭✭wyrn

    Likes mean nothing. I sometimes "like" a tweet so I'll remember to go back and what the video later when I can have audio on.

    I don't think anyone truly believes she has passed away. What would be the purpose in hiding it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 11,300 ✭✭✭✭jm08

    The photo agencies killed the photos, not the British media (who published the photos without question). And the British media have not been particularly critical of what happened. Basically, the royal family lied. Not a good look, particularly allowing Kate to take the blame.

    Whats wrong with the RF that in this day and age, Kate is expected to look stepford wife perfect (or that Kate actually felt the need to photoshop a photo of herself to make her look perfect?

  • Registered Users Posts: 277 ✭✭freebritney

    It's the most open secret in the world apart from the UK which has basically imposed a press blackout on the story. What's the strangest part is our press doing a self imposed blackout on the story. I suppose it's due to a small ownership pool but why haven't a few reported the story, the ones not owned by UK parent companies. It's great to see old Willy keeping up the family tradition of marrying the beauty while the equine featured family friend is the real love. Must be to do with the genes and having to go outside the upper upper class for breeding as they're basically all related. A devil for the pegging I believe is William. Lizzie must have been holding the whole sh1tshow together, no wonder Harry buggered off to the States.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,477 ✭✭✭valoren

    Yeah I remember when Diana was friends with and socialized with Camilla. Just like Rose and Kate. A story is only as good as its sources and the sources for the affair story are an alcoholic journalist who admitted he was drunk tweeting/spoofing/seeking attention, a grifter on Twitter future faking exposure of the story and fantastical social media speculation and hypothesizing. People have written books (e.g. Palace Papers, Courtiers, Battle of the Brothers etc.) where they research and use sources. None of them included this story because there is no substance to it. Have you considered that this is why the general press doesn’t cover it? Once legal threats were made (by Hanburys brother and William) the story was taken down.

    People getting a laugh from believing he personally likes it up the bum is one thing. It’s the sad reality of social media. People think Tom Hanks is a pedo and Michelle Obama was born a man. You just accept that people can believe whatever they want to believe. When Ryanair joined in the viral fun with a tweet they were reproached by the Palace. Attention moved on. What is different though is a salacious rumour about an affair which affects people beyond William personally. They are friends with the Cholmondeleys, their kids are friends with their kids. Reproachment won't cut it for stuff like that so nipping a tabloid story by legal means was a course of action chosen. Royals threatening to sue is nothing new. Recall how Harry and Meghan threatened to sue The Times over the bullying allegations. The difference though is that while The Sun article about the affair folded straight away the story about the bullying didn’t. Why? Sources. It was The Sun who actually broke the story about William having a new girlfriend. They had the pictures. Of Kate. The palace threatened to sue over invasion of privacy and went so far as to revoke their credentials for royal events. No Sun journalists were on the royal rota for a year. My point is once the tabloids feel they can pass the legal smell test, are confident in their sources then they don’t back down. So we must ask ourselves with The Sun backed down when they tried to float a story about a royal affair.

  • Registered Users Posts: 727 ✭✭✭Carol25

    The Washington Post…

    We can all see the U.K. press's games and nonsense at this stage.

  • Registered Users Posts: 11,300 ✭✭✭✭jm08

    A story is only as good as its sources and the sources for the affair story are an alcoholic journalist .......

    .... in vino veritas?

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,744 ✭✭✭Karppi

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,744 ✭✭✭Karppi

    The "story" about PoW and Rose Hanbury has been debunked so many times, it must be worn out.

    What a shitshow this thread has become. Giles Coren, in a lucid moment, has confirmed he made it up whilst "under the influence".

    Why are many people imbibing this crap?

  • Registered Users Posts: 11,300 ✭✭✭✭jm08

    You are probably protesting too much at this stage. Who is debunking it? Kensington Palace?

    What do you expect them to do? US Late Night Shows (Colbert and Oliver) having a field day on the whole thing. Next, Central Park will be doing an episode on it (though maybe not, they can just repeat the pegging /royal wedding episode of 11/12 years ago). Did anyone debunk that one?

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,744 ✭✭✭Karppi

    Who is debunking it

    I said, it's been (past tense) debunked already.

    Did anyone debunk South Park and the worldwide privacy tour?

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,744 ✭✭✭Karppi

    Central Park will be doing an episode

    Do you mean Central Perk? I doubt that Courtney Cox will take part, after the "Mushrooms moment" in Spare

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,744 ✭✭✭Karppi

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,876 ✭✭✭Oscar_Madison

    Jayzuz it’s war between the Sucksez and the Walzez at this stage - Meaghan launches rebrand throughout Williams speech honouring Dianna - oh the tabloids will have a massive biggie with this escalation 🤣

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,876 ✭✭✭Oscar_Madison

    All made in China no doubt for maximum profit -

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  • Registered Users Posts: 11,300 ✭✭✭✭jm08

    South Park. Gone now. Kensington Palace must be very busy bees getting everything unflattering content about William removed from social media. It will be interesting to see will they be putting the law on Stephen Colbert and John Oliver?
