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Immigration to Ireland - policies, challenges, and solutions *Read OP before posting*



  • Registered Users Posts: 2,747 ✭✭✭DeadHand

    And make no mistake it WILL get to this unless Ireland matures in its approach to border control.

    People are underestimating the sheer numbers with the desire and ability to get here and stay.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,562 ✭✭✭MegamanBoo

    We could spend a lot of money on controls like that at our airports. Bear in mind Australia has a pre-clearance system to greatly minimize the likelihood of anyone flying in and seeking asylum, or not having the correct documentation.

    Seems a bit silly though when people can just fly into Belfast and get a bus across the border. Do you think they wouldn't do that?

    Wouldn't we be better off spending that money on housing and healthcare?

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,002 ✭✭✭ToweringPerformance

    There's an epidemic at the moment of young qualified people leaving Ireland for Australia because they can't afford to live here and being replaced with people from the 3rd world who are of little or no use to us except cycling fast food delivery bikes. My daughter has lost two of her best friends to Australia the last month alone as they are crying out for skilled workers and both have been offered fantastic salary packages to move there.

    I know it's just a matter of time before she herself decides enough is enough and goes over to set up a life, a life this nation no longer can provide for young people. Honestly i despair as to what's unfolding right before our eyes and the depressing thing is we haven't got an opposition to FG/FF/Greens as SF and Labour are even more pro immigration than them.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,453 ✭✭✭BlueSkyDreams

    Pretty much the same number of irish citizens return to ireland as leave each year. Circa 30k pa.

    So although plenty of young folks are leaving, there are plenty returning also.

    Australia also has a housing crisis and the cities now are very expensive to rent/live.

  • Registered Users Posts: 172 ✭✭Honesty Policy

    It is horribly sad to see our children go abroad and feel like they have a hopeless future in this country.

    I have 2 older school going children and 2 younger children- a baby and a toddler. The difference in Ireland is crazy between the 2 age groups. I have no creche place for my younger 2, everywhere is oversubcribed. I don't know how I'll get back to work. Schools here are heading the same way. You can't even get your children into the gymnastic and swimming classes. Everywhere has huge waiting lists! .

    I had no bother getting my older 2 into anything, including creche places.

    The local creches have 500 children on their waiting lists with no places.

    One local primary school has applied for a 21 classroom extension, with nowhere to extend after that!

    What will it be like in another 10 years, horrible!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,389 ✭✭✭Lotus Flower

    You keep talking about building a wall but genuine question, have any Irish politicians said anything about building a wall?

    As for a solution to the crisis, people on this thread talk about international obligations, I've no idea why government ministers can't just contact their counterparts in other countries with international obligations and say that we currently have thousands of men camping in the middle of the city centre leading to unsafe and unsanitary conditions and could they possibly take these people as until we have a handle on the crisis we are not in a position to take them here? Surely governments of different countries can work together? I don't buy that it's impossible to fix. If the appetite was there solutions could be found

  • Registered Users Posts: 670 ✭✭✭creeper1

    To the comment above I would say the idea that other countries would take AS camping out in Dublin is somewhat ridiculous.

    France won't take back those arriving at Dover.(Even though shutting this down would save lives). They seem to be happy to be short of them.

    Italy took on 120 thousand odd last year and Germany still wanted to return some of theirs.

    Of the bad bunch of peers I'd say Denmark is the one to emulate.

    Luckily Ireland has the same option out clause as Denmark.

    Unluckily we don't have politicians with the gonads to exercise that opt out.

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,795 ✭✭✭Backstreet Moyes

    Can anyone advise on what is the process to know why a post was removed?

    I posted a few minutes ago and it's disappeared with no explanation and I have no idea based on the post why it would be deleted.

    I don't think I deleted it myself.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,226 ✭✭✭Patrick2010

    Won't be long before someone will be here to post that opt out we negotiated is invalid and will quote a 73 year old treaty as taking precedence.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,802 ✭✭✭Ahwell

    Message one of the mods who have been active on this thread and ask them, they will tell you.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,149 ✭✭✭mistersifter

    More ridiculous 'no-border' nonsense out of you there, comrade.

    You're saying, "let's not try to improve border controls because some chancers will be successful in coming anyway"

    So should we therefore just remove all border controls altogether then? Sure people are coming here illegally regardless, so we might as well just have no border at all according to your theory. Have you any idea how much worse things would be if we ceased to implement the weak controls we currently have?

    Imagine applying your absurd logic to other areas of law. Let's legalise all crime, sure, as it's probably going to happen to some degree even though we prevent huge amounts of it.

    You also claim that we should be building houses for BOTH asylum scammers and Irish people simultaneously, because the two things are separate, yet here you make the contradictory claim that we cannot enhance border controls and build accommodation at the same time (two things which are genuinely distinct).

    Your Marxist nonsense is getting out of hand now! 😂

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,562 ✭✭✭MegamanBoo

    I'm going to have to call you out again for deliberately misrepresenting my argument.

    If you reply to what I actually said I'll respond.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,389 ✭✭✭Lotus Flower

    I agree that it's a ridiculous situation but posters here are constantly saying that Ireland has international obligations. Why should Ireland take more than other countries even when it's evident we can no longer accommodate any new arrivals? Ireland should be pushing back on others, that's what I was trying to say. However as you say they lack the gonads to do anything

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,389 ✭✭✭Lotus Flower

    Speaking of misrepresenting, who are the politicians that are talking about building a wall? You've mentioned building a wall in several posts

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,149 ✭✭✭mistersifter

    You're arguing that we shouldn't bother investing in border controls because some breaches of immigration law will always occur. That's your argument and it's stupid. There's no way to misrepresent it. Others have highlighted it too.

    And since you brought up the topic of responding to posts, you've been avoiding replying to one of my points for quite a while now. How about you acknowledge the nonsense you were spouting previously i.e. that visitor visas are a non-issue. Yourself and your comrades went quiet on that after I called you out for posting misinformation.

    Reply or not. Stick me on your ignore list, sure. It matters not. It's clear to one and all that you're preaching hypocritical Marxist nonsense.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,562 ✭✭✭MegamanBoo

    My apologies, I didn't think anyone actually thinks these anti-immigration candidates are calling to 'build that wall' (yet). I'm only using it to highlight how daft and pointless their actual promises are.

    There is no magic bullet on immigration. Not only that but in our situation there is nothing that will significantly impact numbers arriving without getting to extreme measures that will likely make things worse overall.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,562 ✭✭✭MegamanBoo

    Ok so, I'll take the more generous view and allow that the reality of the situation hasn't clicked with you yet.

    There is an open border just up the road from Dublin airport where many asylum seekers already arrive. Do you really think that if you put very expensive border controls (pre clearance) at our airport it would have any significant effect on people arriving without documents?

    It's not that 'some breaches of immigration law' will still occur, the same number of 'breaches' will, because people who want to arrive without documentation will just use Belfast airport.

    What you're suggesting is akin to having two flat tyres on a car, fixing one, and saying 'job done'.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,562 ✭✭✭MegamanBoo

    I have no idea what you're talking about with 'visitor visas are not an issue'

    If you share the post with me I'll have a look but I'm not sure you're not, well, misrepresenting.

  • Registered Users Posts: 16,548 ✭✭✭✭Galwayguy35

    Kinda funny seeing a SF voter talking about daft and pointless promises.

    McDonald and her merry shinners are going to magic up thousands of houses a year, solve the health system and as for the whole immigration question, well lets just not talk about that one.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,149 ✭✭✭mistersifter

    No. This is total speculation on your part. You cannot possibly know that "the same number of breaches will occur" via Belfast if we tighten our borders in the Republic. This is a typical fallacy argument of yours. It's wild speculation because most of the people claiming asylum via our airports would simply NOT BE GRANTED LEAVE TO LAND in the UK. In other words, they would not get into the UK or Schengen zone via airports.

    You're assuming without any grounds whatsoever, that ALL of these chancers would, without access to Dublin airport, succeed in entering the UK and then travelling via Belfast to Ireland. This is bullshit because many of these chancers would not be given leave to land in the UK at all. They are not all arriving by boats in the UK.

    At the moment, a significant proportion of our asylum chancers arrive via our Irish airports, Dublin airport in particular. About one third of overall chancers at least. If we tighten our borders, we can eliminate this. This would be enormous progress.

    Your point is completely defeatist and it is utterly depressing. I suspect it is a thin veil for some Marxist ideas you have. The fact is that we need to tighten our borders at ALL POINTS OF ENTRY.

    You also implied that implementation of tighter rules would come at the expense of housing - outrageous mental gymnastics. You should admit this is rubbish if you are in any way genuine.

    You asked me to dig out the nonsense you were spouting before about visitor visas not being important, so that you can "have a look at it".Well, I don't need to dig this out because you stated in a recent post that there's no point in us trying to implement pre-authorisation systems because people might try to circumvent this by abusing the Common Travel Area anyway.

    The Schengen area is planning massive changes to pre-authorisation requirements, meanwhile you are suggesting that Ireland shouldn't bother following suit. God knows the consequences if we lag behind too far.

    You have also admitted in a recent post that you were exaggerating when you were stating that others on the thread were saying "build the wall". So you have admitted to misrepresenting arguments, yet you accuse others of the same even when quoiting you directly. You should be ashamed of the **** you're spouting on this thread.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,954 ✭✭✭Gen.Zhukov

    Wk10 was a record at 462 but it's been beaten by Wk11 at 479 so congrats to everyone in the Government - The trend is not great folks and I think we will see it grow steadily to well over 500 pw

    If that were the case, the EoY figure will be over 25k - Build more houses they say

    Nigeria is leading the field by 4 furlongs with Bangladesh making a move on the inside - If Haiti gets wind of this we'll be sunk

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,024 ✭✭✭Vote4Squirrels

    I may not be the only one - but for the life of me I can’t fathom why grown Nigerian would be seeking protection in little old Ireland.

    Girls yeah, given Boko Harum’s predilection for kidnap, but so many big lads who are quiet capable of looking after themselves not so much.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,002 ✭✭✭ToweringPerformance

    Refugees my foot. If they where genuine refugees they'd bring their women and children with them. What kind of a refugee or man leaves his family behind if their lives are in danger. Let's call a spade a spade and stop talking pony, they are economic migrants looking for free money and accommodation.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,149 ✭✭✭mistersifter

    In addition to my previous post, and in response to this post in particular, I'll say the following:

    You're stating there is no point in having pre-clearance requirements because asylum chancers will come anyway via Belfast.

    Do you know that we already have pre-clearance requirements for many nationals? This is what a visitor visa is. We have visitor visa requirements for MANY nationalities.

    So if your logic were correct, we can remove all of these visitor visa requirements and it will have no impact on arrivals.

    The thought that you believe this is frightening. I mean, even the lunatic McEntee has recently increased pre-clearance requirments for some nationalities including Vanuatu Dominica Bolivia and others (not enough but some progress at least).

    I cannot even begin to express how much shite you are spouting on this thread. It's outrageous.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,149 ✭✭✭mistersifter

    Thanks for posting.

    Nigerians, Zimbabweans, Congo citizens, etc. How do these people get into Ireland to claim asylum?

    Well, many of them buy South African passports from the corrupt South African passport officials. They do this because South Africans can travel to Ireland without visitor visas. Just hop on a plane and over they come. No questions asked.

    Once they arrive at passport control with those fraudulently obtained (yet REAL!) South African passports, they pose as tourists and enter the country. Then once they are in Ireland, they destroy their South African passports and present at the International Protection Office (sometimes with their true nationalities Zimbabweans, Congolese, etc)

    More crazy still is that Ireland is the only European country where they can do this!!! South African nationals cannot enter the UK without a visitor visa. So this defeats any nonsense argument that "they might come via Belfast" anyway. So while the UK has put measures into place to stop this, Ireland continues to allow South African passport holders access to our country without visitor visas. This remains the case even though South African passport holders are among our top nationalities to receive deportation orders in Ireland!

    Also, Swaziland and Botswana nationals for some mental reason can travel to Ireland without visitor visas. So the same applies for this lot. What an absolute fúçking shitshow we are. This would cost very little to change - just a small investment in administrative work for visitor visa applications, and that would go a long way towards deterring chancers.

    But sure according to the open borders headcases on this thread, let's not introduce visitor visa requirements for these scammers because maybe they'll find another way into Ireland anyway, so what's the point in trying. Let's not make their criminality difficult for them!

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,149 ✭✭✭mistersifter

    It might be useful here to take a look at how the Common Travel Area (CTA) works, since there are a few posters here using it as a reason to open all ports of entry to Ireland.

    The CTA applies to Irish and British citizens only.

    It is an offence and grounds for deportation to enter one CTA country with the intention of illegally entering a second CTA country.

    For example, it would be illegal for a South African tourist to arrive in Ireland (where they do NOT need a visitor visa) and then head up to Belfast without a UK visitor visa (they DO need a visitor visa to enter the UK).

    We could refuse a South African national entry to Ireland at Dublin airport, if indeed we suspected that their intention was to travel illegally to the UK.

    This is encapsulated in Section 4.3. of the Immigration Act 2004, which states that a non-national can be refused entry to the State if:

    (h)the non-national intends to travel (whether immediately or not) to Great Britain or Northern Ireland, and would not qualify for admission to Great Britain or Northern Ireland...

    The reverse also applies.

    At our Irish ports of entry, we already do monitor UK travel and deport some people for this reason. The reverse also applies from the UK.

    However, we do need to enhance our efforts in this regard on both sides of the Irish sea. We need to work more closely with UK border control and have officials monitoring all ferry crossings for abuse of the CTA. We need major changes to ferry boarding policies and immigration control at ferry departure points. This is not difficult to implement.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,954 ✭✭✭Gen.Zhukov

    I should have posted this graph earlier - I'm struggling to figure out where it all went wrong and how we ended up where we are today - Maybe some MSM outlet might stumble across this graph and run it as a story - They have really well paid people (reporters/correspondents) with great researchers and top of the range technology - I'm stumped as to what happened

    @mistersifter - Good post - Helen doesn't want to upset anyone and there's very few likes to be had on the socials for that kind of thing

  • Registered Users Posts: 18,597 ✭✭✭✭Strazdas

    I bet not one of those people would claim they left Ireland "because of immigration" (and indeed it would be the height of hypocrisy for anyone to complain about the phenomenon and then become an immigrant in another country).

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,389 ✭✭✭Lotus Flower

    Oh for goodness sake, how many times does it need to be said that there's a world of difference between going somewhere to work and showing up as an economic migrant expecting free accommodation, social welfare etc

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