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General Irish politics discussion thread



  • Registered Users Posts: 3,609 ✭✭✭Fionn1952

    I'm about as far from a Leo supporter as they come, told him as much in person when I lived around the corner from him...but I'm disgusted by the level of discourse that has been on display in some corners of the internet since the announcement broke.

    I have absolutely zero doubt that if he wasn't a mixed race, homosexual that three quarters of the bile on display wouldn't exist.

    F*ck me, I disagree with the man on a huge amount of his politics, but there is a significant swathe of the population who clearly don't realise they demean themselves more than they do him with their commentary.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,339 ✭✭✭robwen

    Sure that's just the hypocrisy of politics they all do it. FG were shouting blue murder when FF did something similar

    Post edited by robwen on

  • Registered Users Posts: 329 ✭✭myfreespirit

    +1 to this comment.

    However, it reaches a new low in Current Affairs forum when a Moderator joins in with deeply nasty vitriol against politicians. I will not name the Moderator in question. The comment was reported, but, surprise, surprise, absolutely no action was taken.

    One despairs at the standard of public discourse all over Boards in 2024.

  • Registered Users Posts: 12,493 ✭✭✭✭mariaalice

    The CA and X going the way they are might be a good thing in an odd way an amount if not the majority of content is so loopy no one takes any notice of it and any influence in the real world is is dropping away.

    Some of the CA content on LV and SH is nearly deranged.

    I don't use X.

    Shout out to the comment where a poster in CA wants Trump to squash SH like a snail.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,202 ✭✭✭yagan

    I think Leo himself leaving will be good just for general political discourse. In my life I've never seen a Taoiseach devalue the office so badly via his twitter addiction.

    Social media is profit driven and its profiteers don't care how socially corrosive it is as long as it makes them rich.

    It was very obvious last when someone, probably old heads in the party told him to reign in his posting.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 12,493 ✭✭✭✭mariaalice

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,202 ✭✭✭yagan

    Maybe someone in FG can tell us what kind of conversations were circulating over the last year, but he definitely toned down his SF bashing late last year.

    The thing is though I don't believe he divides people like Haughey did. I think history will be kind to him for his sober straight talking at the outbreak of the pandemic, I shudder to think how we would have faired in the first wave if Michael Martin had been in charge considering how his "meaningful christmas" no doubt help spread and deepen the second wave.

  • Registered Users Posts: 27,901 ✭✭✭✭blanch152

    100% agree with you on that. I think the reason behind his resignation is that he realised that Irish politics is no longer a welcoming place for a mixed-race homosexual man and that as a result, he was damaging his party by continuing.

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,209 ✭✭✭Brussels Sprout

    Last night I searched "Simon Harris" on Twitter. I was scrolling through the results for a good 10 minutes and didn't see a single post that was either positive or even neutral. Now that's probably a function of the Search algorithm - it shows the most viewed/engaged posts at the top and they'll be the angriest, loudest most scathing posts. It really does create a kind of funhouse mirror distorted view of the subject though. I know that that has always been the case, to some degree, but in the Musk era it's off the charts.

  • Registered Users Posts: 68,842 ✭✭✭✭FrancieBrady

    The handling of the pandemic mostly worked because everyone put their shoulders to the wheel. It wasn't down to just one party or person. That's a bit of mythmaking on Leo's behalf tbh. The government got as much wrong as everyone else did. What got us through was everyone knew that action had to be taken.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,202 ✭✭✭yagan

    I don't think it had anything to do with that. If that kind of thing was a central theme then marriage equality and abortion repeal would never have passed by a 2/1 margin.

    I think it was more he and his crew basked in the glow of those referendums and their Brexit wins while ignoring healthcare and housing. It's a copout to blame a few loons who live on twitter than accept they dropped the ball on those vital domestic concerns.

  • Registered Users Posts: 27,901 ✭✭✭✭blanch152

    You only need to read some of the threads on here or venture onto X to realise it is very much a thing.

  • Registered Users Posts: 27,901 ✭✭✭✭blanch152

    Yes, he did really well on the pandemic.

    When you look back at it and remember Mary-Lou screaming for the pubs to open down here, while simultaneously Michelle was screaming for the pubs to close in the North (or was it vice versa, that was only one example of several), that you then realise we were very lucky to have the government we did for the pandemic.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,202 ✭✭✭yagan

    A thing for loons unitied by twitter, but who struggle socially in every other context.

  • Registered Users Posts: 34,893 ✭✭✭✭Hotblack Desiato

    You'd be here criticising them no matter what they do.

    As for PP members being 'appointed' not elected, there isn't a facepalm gif in the universe big enough for that one

    IF we had FPTP, a two party system, 'safe seats' and large chunks of the electorate who will vote red or blue no matter what, there might be some merit in that argument.

    We're not talking about the UK though. With FF and FG in particular, the biggest rival to any TD is their party running mate. If a party head office tries to shove in an unappealing candidate, they won't get elected, it's as simple as that.

    The Dublin Airport cap is damaging the economy of Ireland as a whole, and must be scrapped forthwith.

  • Registered Users Posts: 68,798 ✭✭✭✭L1011

    " If a party head office tries to shove in an unappealing candidate, they won't get elected, it's as simple as that."

    Unless they're Cyprian Brady in 2007.

    I think that is probably the only example of that though!

  • Registered Users Posts: 34,893 ✭✭✭✭Hotblack Desiato

    Don't forget the subtle (or unsubtle) homophobia either.

    The Dublin Airport cap is damaging the economy of Ireland as a whole, and must be scrapped forthwith.

  • Registered Users Posts: 34,893 ✭✭✭✭Hotblack Desiato

    Leadership matters.

    Compare what happened here to the shambles in the UK.

    The Dublin Airport cap is damaging the economy of Ireland as a whole, and must be scrapped forthwith.

  • Registered Users Posts: 34,893 ✭✭✭✭Hotblack Desiato

    Remind me which party holds those two ministries again...?

    The Dublin Airport cap is damaging the economy of Ireland as a whole, and must be scrapped forthwith.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,202 ✭✭✭yagan

    That's what makes it even funnier, FG becoming ff mudguard.

    They really should have not renewed that pact after the last election.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 68,842 ✭✭✭✭FrancieBrady

    Why would I need to do that?

    Are you not capable of assessment without the need to point over there?

  • Registered Users Posts: 68,842 ✭✭✭✭FrancieBrady

    Your one sided view. We could get into the mistakes the government made that cost actual lives. Suffice to say, you cannot see past your own bias and will predictably engage in hagiography.

    The correct assessment is that everyone in government put their shoulders to the wheel on the pandemic and indeed Brexit. It was that which got us through, not a single person.

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,209 ✭✭✭Brussels Sprout

    I remember that one. 2.7% of the First Preference Votes and he still managed to get elected on Bertie's coat tails. Incredible stuff.

    Check out who the two candidates to lose out to him directly too were:

    Dublin Central has always been a Group of Death of a constituency

  • Moderators, Category Moderators, Entertainment Moderators Posts: 36,497 CMod ✭✭✭✭pixelburp

    I asked her what the reception was like on the doors so far and she said "It's actually been surprisingly nice. With the stuff you see online I thought there would be a lot of angry people but so far everyone I've spoken to has been lovely".

    As heartening as it is to hear that, you'd hope on a broader level politics here remembers that the outsized noise of an anonymous minority online shouldn't dictate how or why politicians here conduct themselves - but it does seem like part of the reason Varadkar stepped down was because of that toxicity.

  • Registered Users Posts: 14,508 ✭✭✭✭Arghus

    Yeah, whatever about the negatives. And I don't want to launch into a diatribe here - just beyond saying that Leo V wouldn't have got my vote for all sorts of reasons and if he had lost his seat in the next GE I wouldn't have been too cut up for him.

    But I'd have to say, that despite all that, I would give him credit with how he handled the Brexit negotiations. Maybe he was helped by the fact that he wasn't negotiating with serious people - but still I think he did broadly well there.

    And I think, tbf to him, in the immediate white hot chaos of COVID lockdowns - that opening 6-8 weeks - he was pretty good. Maybe it was a case of just sticking to the script, but I felt that was a tough gig for anyone at the time and he did alright.

    Maybe it's just me, but I think a lot of discourse here or anywhere is kind of useless without trying to find some balance. Did I like Leo overall as a political figure: well, no. But did he do absolutely every little thing wrong: well, equally, no. I find so much stuff online - I'll use CA on here as the closest example - to be totally unbalanced and one eyed.

    I find it interesting, to say the least, that Covid and how unprecedented and totally all encompassing it was is just an aside in so much of the conversation - if it's mentioned at all. It's like it was some minor event: rather than something that totally upended every aspect of everything for the guts of two years. It's had a huge distorting effect for the last four years, particularly in politics and economics. I don't know if it's that easy to pretend that the last few years have been normal - and throw into that the biggest land war and mass movement of people in Europe in 80 years - they've been crazy years. And I think you have to factor all of that into account when assessing any state figures performance over the last 4 years as a whole.

  • Registered Users Posts: 68,842 ✭✭✭✭FrancieBrady

    Josepha Madigan resigns as minister and won't be standing in next election.

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,209 ✭✭✭Brussels Sprout

    Wow. I wonder is that a reaction to Simon Harris's ascendency or her failure to get the European nomination.

    Actually speaking of which, now that Leo is out I wonder will his old nemesis Kate O'Connell be trying to run at the next election.

  • Registered Users Posts: 68,842 ✭✭✭✭FrancieBrady

    At this stage, you have surmise there is stuff going on in FG we don't know about.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,807 ✭✭✭antimatterx

    Very likely I'd say. If they are going to win two seats in a constituency, DBA is probably their best shot

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  • Registered Users Posts: 7,209 ✭✭✭Brussels Sprout

    Wonder does this have anything to do with it:
