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Immigration to Ireland - policies, challenges, and solutions *Read OP before posting*



  • Registered Users Posts: 8,721 ✭✭✭Tenzor07

    Left Israel and passed through two other Muslim countries to come here cos he couldn't get a job in Jerusalem..

    An economic migrant who should have applied to come here legally before he left a relatively peaceful city...

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,277 ✭✭✭bloopy

    When was this survey done.

    The article on references attitudes in November 2023 but then says the survey was conducted in March/April 2023.

    Is it an amalgamation of surveys?

    Maybe I've missed something?

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,794 ✭✭✭Backstreet Moyes

    If you knocked at 100 people's doors and asked them if they are in favour of young men turning up with no documentation and looking for housing, I would say you would get more digs than positive comments.

  • Registered Users Posts: 670 ✭✭✭creeper1

    Palestinians will be granted refugee status I would imagine. They'd be as much entitled as Ukrainians presumably.

    Unbelievably there's Indians, Sri Lankins, Nigerians and Pakistanis showing up claiming asylum.

    Because it's a free for all there won't be any room left for actual refugees.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,024 ✭✭✭Vote4Squirrels

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  • Registered Users Posts: 8,794 ✭✭✭Backstreet Moyes

    I wonder did the governent/media reseruct Joseph goelbles to carry out their polls lately.

    This farce along with the yes/yes going to romp home.

    Talk to anyone in person and they will tell you the opposite of these polls.

  • Registered Users Posts: 244 ✭✭Lofidelity

    It's just not believable in 2024.

    Who do they survey anyway? Nobody answers a strange number anymore. It's usually a scam, just like this ESRI report, from the entirely government funded ESRI.

    Widely reported all the same, on both rte and newstalk.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,149 ✭✭✭mistersifter

    You don't have any business accusing posters of misrepresenting you - you've been accusing people of being "anti-immigration" and far right to beat the band, even thought it's blatantly clear that all posters want is to reduce the abuse of the international protection system to prevent the current crisis becoming even worse than it is.

    Any time someone makes a point you're telling them it's futile because of the CTA or Australia being far away, whatever that means. You also clearly stated that we would be better off investing in housing than border controls, as if a relatively small investment in border controls would somehow make us less capable than we already are of developing housing, and not taking into account that tighter border controls would probably pay for itself by reducing costly abuse of IP systems.

    You don't seem to realise that we have proven to be unable to build houses for Irish citizens, let alone every chancer that shows up without documents. And you don't seem to realise that, the more houses you give to these chancers, the more will show up. So your idea of "build our way out of this" is just naive. And quoting international obligations doesn't solve anything.

    My specific points about border control haven't been repeated by anyone else here, contrary to your claims. I'm the only poster to point out how crazy it is that certain nationalities don't need a visitor visa for Ireland while they do need visitor visas for the rest of Europe and UK. This is what's allowing many chancers to board planes to Ireland.

    You clearly stated that this was not worth changing, yet in the post I'm quoting here, you state we should be in line with Europe. You said, "if it's agreed to collectively implement a pre authorisation sytsem, we should do the same" . Well, visitor visas ARE pre-authorisation and it has been collectively agreed in the Schengen zone and UK (and beyond!) that Swaziland, South Africa, El Salvador, Honduras, etc, etc, should have pre-authorisation via visitor visas.

    Ok, so you think if Ireland introduces these measures they'll only be 5% effective? Where you're getting that number from I don't know but even if this were accurate, that would be 5% less chancers sleeping in tents on our streets. South Africans cause enormous issues for us here - we should not be allowing them to come without a visitor visa. Such a requirement would make a huge difference to our own illegal residence situation, unnecessary asylum applications, and those people illegally entering the UK. South Africa is a safe country yet it is one of the countries associated with most asylum applications and deportation orders.

    Expanding our list of safe countries list would also help. There is little costs involved with doing these things, contrary to your arguments. You talk about "negative consequences" of taking these measures? What would be the "negative consequences" of introducing a rule to state that Swaziland and El Salvadoran nationals need visitor visas to come to Ireland, just like they do in the UK? Do you think it would cripple the tourism industry because of all the genuine tourism that comes from Swaziland and El Salvador 😂?

    What my points confirm, is that the government won't even take obvious, basic measures to stop chancers coming here.

    Do you know that we have pretty much zero technology to detect counterfeit documents and lookalikes at our airports? I guess we shouldn't bother investing in this either, no? We barely monitor arrival gates and we have no exit checks. Again, this is all stuff that IS done at most airports around the world. So while other countries have "collectively agreed to implement" many things, Ireland very often doesn't bother to do the same. And according to you, we shouldn't bother because the CTA exists!

  • Registered Users Posts: 13,375 ✭✭✭✭Goldengirl

    No way getoutadodge .

    It has zero to do with now or immigration to Ireland or housing .

    This is in reference to the Nurses' strike in Ireland , 2019 . These nurses are standing in support of improving pay and working conditions for their nurse colleagues in Ireland fact I think I posted this on another thread .

    So get outta there with that ! ;)

  • Registered Users Posts: 13,375 ✭✭✭✭Goldengirl

    Well that's clear then .

    What's not is how you know that EVERY Irish person who emigrated is being " pushed out of their homeland their birthright " to accomodate asylum seekers ?

    Such high drama ! :)

    Most that I know of (and I would not presume to say I know them all, unlike yourself , but I know a few ), are happy out travelling , and working abroad , and yeh, they would like the housing situation to be improving before they return , I agree .

    But its not what they are ruminating about in Australia or Canada or wherever they are .

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  • Registered Users Posts: 13,375 ✭✭✭✭Goldengirl

    So he is biased because why ?

    Experienced very qualified English researcher .....come on tell us why you think he is biased ?

  • Registered Users Posts: 13,375 ✭✭✭✭Goldengirl

    It's not good .

    But why are you misrepresenting the number .

    There are about 10 s if 100 now .

  • Registered Users Posts: 223 ✭✭minimary

    This isn't punishing people who have no documents this is punishing people who destroy documents. As far as I'm aware all of the people who have been prosecuted arrived via the airport.

    Mfaco added that Masi believes it’s a “violation” of the Geneva Convention and is hoping any future District Court decision can be challenged by the person prosecuted.

    “The government is trying to scare people from coming to Ireland but it can be challenged,” he said.

    “We are concerned because generally it is understood in international law that you can’t punish a person seeking asylum for not having a travel document or passport,” Mfaco said.

    “For that reason alone, the prosecution of people for these is a violation of international law and we are hoping that someone will be able to challenge this in the courts soon. But it’s difficult for people in the asylum process to challenge decisions.”

  • Registered Users Posts: 670 ✭✭✭creeper1

    Above is an example of the parasitic lawyers erasing Ireland borders.

    Here's another

    I was initially upset in reading this but then realised none are being sent back or deported anyway so it will effectively mean no difference.

  • Registered Users Posts: 670 ✭✭✭creeper1

    A bone of contention I would have with the Irish freedom party is their insistence that borders can only be protected by an exit from the EU.

    We say a couple of years ago Poland (a member of the European union) vigorously defending their borders from IPAs.

    They used water cannons and tear gas and had the full blessing of Germany in their actions.

    Where TF were the NGOs and lawyers then bleeting about "legal and moral obligations"?

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,900 ✭✭✭enricoh

    1400 of them homeless currently and 450 a week arriving, that number will rise coming into summer.

    In ngo clown world we just need to build more!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,024 ✭✭✭Vote4Squirrels

    Reading there “Roderic O’Gorman denied he was putting barriers in place to prevent refugees arriving”.

    He should be though!!!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,277 ✭✭✭bloopy

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,821 ✭✭✭irishproduce


    I read the story below

    We're being ridden by all and sundry chancers including all our own solicitors and anyone else who can make a buck. Problem is we are stuck with these people forever

    I learned today there is another NGO operating called Africa Solidarity Centre. Jesus F Christ

    Oh and if course the journal has comments off. Propaganda is one way traffic remember. There's no feedback loop by design

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,277 ✭✭✭bloopy

    How the f**k does this masi guy think they got on the bloody plane in the first place.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 670 ✭✭✭creeper1

    That's it. It's going off the rails.

    All the hullabaloo about acquiring the D hotel and that would accommodate a week's worth of arrivals.

    Surely even this woke, incompetent and useless government are now going to have to begin to address this issue.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,776 ✭✭✭Sunny Disposition

    It is incompetence and a wilful refusal to face reality.

    SF are going to be as bad. They are proposing further measures restricting landlords rights to sell property and how much they can charge. The real effect of that is going to be a large amount of people leaving the market and very few investing. Which ultimately means less money being invested and fewer houses built. All of this while not acknowledging the imperative of dramatically reducing the number of people arriving.

    Basically the country is bollixed unless we get a Government that can reduce the numbers coming, encourage greater training of tradesmen, spend heavily on social housing and hugely incentivise private investment in housing.

    Even if all that happens it’ll take years to resolve the crisis. But at the moment it’s still getting worse.

    One of the big problems is that obvious statements like the above are controversial.

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,794 ✭✭✭Backstreet Moyes

    If things keep going the way they are we will have reached a huge milestone of 20,000 homeless by the summer.

    It will be great for the tourists to have lots of people to chat with on the street and the warm weather will be great for the lads in the tents.

    Winter might be tough especially for Christmas shopping If the numbers keep going the way they are with having to step over people on the ground and not great weather for the lads in tents.

    The fact anyone thinks this is helping people amazes me.

    It's time to face reality now and the governent to start being sensible.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,900 ✭✭✭enricoh

    A d hotel for new asylum seekers. We'll need somewhere else for ukranians and family reunifications of older asylum seekers given the nod to stay.

    But hey, st Patrick was an undocumented migrant as Leo told us before he jacked. Hope you get offered some tasty gig while in Brussels Leo!

  • Registered Users Posts: 13,375 ✭✭✭✭Goldengirl

    Talking about on Mount St..just over 50 tents there yesterday.

    600 of those you number have been accomodated and the rest in temp accomodation. As in the article you quote even.

    Not 100s on the streets as the other poster said,.

    You can blather all you like about NGOs something clowns something, but they keep coming .

    And if you read my post I said ' no its not good " so don' t reply in that manner to me again without acknowledging my point. I don't support large numbers coming in either

    All wailing about numbers but no rational solutions from you or anyone else.

    The thread is a complete waste of time and going around in circles. Same isdues being duscussed explained and then trotted out again and again. See above posts all discussing passports etc which has been explained over and over again over the last year.

    Realistically all we can do is deal with people when they arrive and process as quickly as possible.

    People might be deterred by homelessness issues ending up in tents, but we see that is not happening so far.

    Step up enforced deportations but that doesnt work if we don't know where they have come from as they won't be accepted back to any country unless it can be proved they came from there. .

    Not only that but then detention centres like prisons will need to be built at every point of entry. And staffed with police or army personnel. Is that what anybody wants really??

    The majority of asylum seekers are coming via Britain and Northern Ireland and unless you reinstate a border there that will continue.

    Again who the fxxx wants that? Except the DUP.? . Think about it.

    UK doesn't care if people travel on to Ireland and they won't do anything at their end like somebody here suggested.

    Why would they? It would just mean they are left with the problem instead of us. They have their own significant issues despite all the hype about barges and Rwanda and no help anymore forthcoming from Europe.

    Stopping people at points of entry and checking documentation only works if a country does not comply with international treaties on asylum.

    If we pull out of our obligations in this regard I hear you say.? . But then no country has to comply with us when we need to deport people. Like UK we will be on our own.

    So yeah its a problem.

    Not going to be solved by anybody on here thats for sure and not any time soon.

    Its not just a problem for our government but all governments all over the developed world.

    Saying there are simple solutions is just that... Simplistic.

    Edited typos

    Post edited by Goldengirl on

  • Registered Users Posts: 670 ✭✭✭creeper1

    Just in the same way France does nothing about migrants entering the UK. The UK will do nothing about migrants entering Ireland.

    They may get their Rwanda plan off the ground. That would be their deterrent. What is ours?

  • Registered Users Posts: 54,264 ✭✭✭✭Headshot

    Asking migrants to leave nicely is our deterrent

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,225 ✭✭✭Patrick2010

    So let’s just give up then? Like another poster posting constantly that because asylum seekers can come via the north there’s no point in increasing security in Dublin airport. Regardless of how the economic migrants get into Ireland they still have to claim asylum, that’s where we should be building asylum centres and processing claims quickly and sending failed claimants home with charter flights. Word would get out quick that Ireland is no longer a soft touch.

  • Registered Users Posts: 13,375 ✭✭✭✭Goldengirl

    I said that. In the post above you are replying to and previously.

    I never said we should give up.

    Also I have not seen any poster say we should give up only others inferring that a poster is saying that. 🙄

    I am saying people should stop whinging endlessly and making ridiculous claims that it is easy to stop people coming.

    It isn't easy and it is a worldwide problem.

    It can't be stopped, only managed better.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,130 ✭✭✭lmao10

    Human beings that are in terrible situations will always try to survive by any means necessary and other human beings who have empathy for them will always try to help them. It's unrealistic to expect them to sit down and die or to expect people who have empathy for them to sit down and let them die. Common sense really.

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