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Site is a graveyard - How can boards save itself? [Threadbanned users in 1st post]



  • Administrators Posts: 14,033 Admin ✭✭✭✭✭Big Bag of Chips

    That's why my suggestion would be zero tolerance. Even a whiff of "uncivil" warn the poster. I honestly believe a couple of days of it would wipe out a lot of the behaviour. The 'school bully' will be dealt with and others won't react because they'll see its being dealt with.

    I've said it before (and was scoffed at 😉) fast moving threads can be difficult to moderate. Threads move on.

    But I think if it's made clear that there's zero tolerance then moderators have to know they have the backing of their Category Moderators and Admins to go zero tolerance.

    It will upset some, obviously. But I feel it's something that's needed at this stage. People will either cop on or leave. Win-Win either way!

    Post edited by Big Bag of Chips on

  • Administrators Posts: 14,033 Admin ✭✭✭✭✭Big Bag of Chips

    There are people who set up accounts and troll for a pastime! It's a hobby to them. We should not make signing up to the site a more difficult process because that just targets the wrong people.

    The trolls will still continue to engage in their hobby and genuine posters won't bother if it's too much of a faff.

    The only thing everyone can do is ignore and report. They get caught pretty quickly (often before they even gets chance to post!). I don't think rereg trolls who get to post a post or 2 before being banned are the biggest problem on the site. One click gets rid of them. It's the posters regularly disrupting discussions with nonsense that need to be targeted.

    Post edited by Paul on

  • Registered Users Posts: 11,226 ✭✭✭✭Furze99

    That is exactly the experience that I noted earlier up the thread. I recently brought up a case in dispute resolution as the same moderator warned me for 'anecdote' in a quite separate thread that had no such warning on page 1. But aside from that, this criteria about anecdote is clearly a means to censor certain posts and should have no place on boards imho.

    I've no doubt that you maybe correct when it comes to forums like personal relationships or nature. I think though your 'zero tolerance' approach would be impossible to police effectively on more contentious forums. Put simply, people have different views - one man's freedom fighter is another's terrorist. So such 'zero tolerance' would inevitably end up as censorship.

    In face such a 'zero tolerance' strategy has echoes of the current ministers 'Hate Speech' legislation. I suspect that if you ran a poll on the 'Hate Speech', you'd find that many posters here from all backgrounds would have reservations.

  • Registered Users Posts: 17,048 ✭✭✭✭Leg End Reject

    A zero tolerance approach is fine, but before it's implemented you need to weed out the very odd rogue mod.

    A mod sending a snotty PM to tell you you've been warned for being uncivil, or in response to a genuine query about the warning gets people's backs up.

  • Registered Users Posts: 10,755 ✭✭✭✭EmmetSpiceland

    Doxxing should be a capital offence on this site, and I believe is taken incredibly seriously by the mods/admins. It’s just a shame that they can’t police it when it’s committed on “other” sites.

    An excellent mod, poster and person was run off this very site by such actions. And the “Radio” forum has been the lesser for it since.

    Thankfully, the suspect in that “case” has, since, been banned from the site, but for other reasons, and, I believe, banned for re-regging and trying to continue their obsessive, and deeply personal, campaign against a, well known, public figure.

    The less doxxers online the better, as far as I’m concerned.

    Post edited by Paul on

    “It is not blood that makes you Irish but a willingness to be part of the Irish nation” - Thomas Davis

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  • tried to quote someone again, but when posted quote had disappeared ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,839 ✭✭✭Bobson Dugnutt

    It’s an absolutely appalling thing to do. Had to close a previous account here because I received a PM from some complete oddball saying he knew who I was and where I lived.

    If you find the differing opinions and posting styles of an anonymous stranger on a silly little message board makes you so angry and upset that you threaten to “out” them (which is a crime) then you really need to find something better to do with your life. It’s pretty tragic stuff and should be a warning that you are spending far too much time online.

  • well you yourself thought it perfectly alright to dox me. The person you pointed out as myself and another poster doxxing had already posted their own name very visibly on this forum. As in “my real name is Aaron”. But it didn’t fit the narrative of accusation.

  • Registered Users Posts: 16,959 ✭✭✭✭nullzero

    Surely moderation will soon be carried out by AI?

    A non biased (assuming it isn't written by people without a particular axe to grind) moderation tool that allows discussion to occur without the editorialising that has driven so many users away from this site (yes this is a thing, just cast an eye towards the sites created by ex users of this platform for clarification of this).

    If boards is faltering it is because it is pushing it's core demographic away, we all know discussion boards aren't attracting younger users and that the Internet is moving away from the discussion board format etc but at the same time boards has made it clear that certain opinions really aren't welcome here and while that's the sites perogative you can't be shocked when traffic decreases over time.

    If boards wants to continue to be relevant it needs to have a more agnostic, non partisan outlook.

    Glazers Out!

  • Registered Users Posts: 10,755 ✭✭✭✭EmmetSpiceland

    Excuse me? I have never doxxed anyone. That is a scurrilous accusation that should be withdrawn.

    I never “pointed out” you for anything either. You’re just making stuff up.

    Post edited by Paul on

    “It is not blood that makes you Irish but a willingness to be part of the Irish nation” - Thomas Davis

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  • the trouble with more people doing stints as mods is they are open to “revenge posting” as happened on this thread re my time modding. Who in the name of God would want to sign up for this?

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,873 ✭✭✭Ezeoul

    Also had a similar experience with my original account.

  • You have made absolutely scurrilous accusations of former poster ButtersSuki who DID NOT DOX anyone and who has not redress here.

    You accused me very slyly as a former mod for helping drive a fellow mod who voluntarily left of his own accord, adult that he is.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,873 ✭✭✭Ezeoul

    (Added this to my last post, but decided to edit and post it separately as BBOC had already responded….)

    With all due respect, @Big Bag of Chips you've said yourself that you moderate two forums, you do it to the letter of their charters, and you don't go into some of the other more contentious areas.

    I think we all learned in this thread that very few of the issues in moderation get far as the eyes of the admins.

    Maybe it would be better to allocate some time (a few weeks?) to visit and review some of these areas and see for yourself what goes on so you can get the full picture, and also review the charters, before making any changes.

    I will add, that if Mods need to feel the support of CMods and Admins, then posters need to feel they will be supported by them to, if they report being treated in an unfair manner.

    Right now, how many posters in this thread have said they won't even bother trying to dispute anything? Why do you really think that is?

  • Registered Users Posts: 10,755 ✭✭✭✭EmmetSpiceland

    That is, patently, untrue. I have never accused any user of doxxing or you, as a former mod.

    I have mentioned a suspected user, being very careful not to name names. Something you, yourself have just done.

    Post edited by Paul on

    “It is not blood that makes you Irish but a willingness to be part of the Irish nation” - Thomas Davis

  • Administrators Posts: 14,033 Admin ✭✭✭✭✭Big Bag of Chips

    I'm talking about zero tolerance on abuse, uncivil posting etc. Not on opinions.

    It's a huge forum with many many many voices. Nothing is going to be 100% foolproof. But I think a good start is shutting down the bitchy comments that simply derail threads. These are the types of posters that people have most complained about on this thread.

    That's a start.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,873 ✭✭✭Ezeoul

    Only, the rogues have now been forewarned, and will be on their best behaviour after this thread.

    For a while, anyway.

  • Administrators Posts: 14,033 Admin ✭✭✭✭✭Big Bag of Chips

    @EmmetSpiceland and @[Deleted User] if you have a personal dispute please take it to PM. This is not the thread for it.

    Post edited by Paul on

  • Administrators Posts: 14,033 Admin ✭✭✭✭✭Big Bag of Chips

    I will add, that if Mods need to feel the support of CMods and Admins, then posters need to feel they will be supported by them to, if they report being treated in an unfair manner.

    A poster above rightly pointed out that if a CMod or Admin thinks a Mod has crossed a line in their warning with unnecessary language etc the warning is more likely to be overturned. So DRPs do get overturned. And posters are often sided with against the actions of a moderator.

    I hear loads of people complaining that DRP is a waste of time. Yet decisions do get overturned. Regularly. Not every decision does, but many do.

  • Administrators Posts: 14,033 Admin ✭✭✭✭✭Big Bag of Chips

    So that's a win... For a while.

    Did you ever consider a career in politics Ezeuol?! You'd be fabulous in the opposition. You've argued every single suggestion and contribution I've made to the thread 😉

    Is it not good that an active Admin is on the thread. Listening to posters, hearing complaints, making suggestions? Rome wasn't built in a day. According to some was dying 8 years ago, 10 years ago, 15 years ago. There's an ingrained culture here that will take a lot of effort to weed out.

    It won't be done in one swoop.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 7,424 ✭✭✭Gusser09

    I went looking for access to the Soccer forum again. Banned now going on a year for little or nothing. It's personal with the mod over there and I won't be getting access back at all by the looks of it. Shamobuc.

    Losing posters and not able to attract new ones yet they some of them can't see the wood from the trees.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,873 ✭✭✭Ezeoul

    "And posters are often sided with against the actions of a moderator."

    Often? Apologies in advance, but I genuinely doubt that.

    Well, I've put my thoughts out there, as best I can. That's all I can do.

    Maybe we will see some improvement (on both sides) after this thread. Maybe not.

  • This is more for the Bugs feedback thread, but using the iPhone has become very difficult on Boards. I’m not sure how much it is a Vanilla issue or combined with more recent iOS updates. I have particular close sight issues but the spinning of the threads up and down, the disappearing of what you’ve just attempted to type, the automated changes of a sentence you’ve just typed making the semantics almost the reverse of what you intended have made using the otherwise (often) fun, useful, engaging and informative platform very tedious. It’s just another layer than can cause difficulties or misunderstandings if you don’t notice the automated changes by “spellcheck behaving badly”. I started a thread about funny typos where posters have noticed spellcheck with newer AI is broadly, not just on this platform, working against people.

  • Administrators Posts: 14,033 Admin ✭✭✭✭✭Big Bag of Chips

    You "doubt" that? But do you know for definite? Or are you just basing your opinion on disgruntled posters who didn't have their warnings overturned? As we say the disgruntled usually have louder voices than the happy.

    Decisions often get overturned in DRP. That means that Cat-moderators/Admins often side with the poster.

  • I think many of us, if we think objectively, realise that we have overstepped the mark and accept the sanction.

  • The dispute process is very transparent and can be viewed by anyone here you just need to go to the forum.

    Even resolved disputes are visible to all posters and I think a lot of them here should go and have a look before making up their mind. Having an unfavourable DRP personally should not mean you decry the system which it appears plenty are doing.

    We get compared to Reddit an awful lot but to my knowledge they have no such process at all. If you’re banned that’s you. No dispute no nothing.

  • Registered Users Posts: 11,226 ✭✭✭✭Furze99

    Yah but once you get into differing opinions that are held honestly and sometimes trenchantly, then these can easily verge on what some might consider uncivility and abuse. This can arise between posters but can also be directed towards individuals and their families, or the subjects of the thread.

    Anyway zero tolerance will always of necessity be subjective?

  • try using your iPhone to find anything on Boards 😁 it’s a treasure hunt

  • Administrators Posts: 14,033 Admin ✭✭✭✭✭Big Bag of Chips

    And that's where Cat-Mods and Admins can step in. Decisions get overturned. I think going 'zero tolerance on muppetry' as we like to call it will absolutely increase DRPs. Some will be upheld, some will be overturned.

    But people are calling for change. This is something that will help. We did it for a while in some areas and it worked. Trolling dropped. Serial trollers were sitebanned. Others copped themselves on.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,873 ✭✭✭Ezeoul

    A bit of both.

    I'm basing it on experiences that have been shared with me by others and also from the many dispute threads I have read in the Helpdesk, and on the Dispute Resolution Archive.

    Whatever those statistics actually are, they don't include the number of posters who won't even open a dispute because they feel it's not worth it, or if they do it will put a target on their back. Posters do talk to each other by pm about these things.

This discussion has been closed.