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Russia - threadbanned users in OP



  • Registered Users Posts: 1,703 ✭✭✭Paddigol

    Speaking of tubby little f**ks… his day will come too.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,703 ✭✭✭Paddigol

    Surely you're not suggesting its a 'statement' of fact? It's an opinion. An opinion made by an amoral, pampered billionaire with no more insight into the geopolitical nuances of the region than any clown on the internet. Its an opinion of a man interested purely in power and money, who cosies up to whatever political power will further his ambitions. Its about as 'correct' as the time he used his global platform to label a stranger on the internet a paedophile.

    The issue isn't even whether his opinion is well founded or not, its the abuse of power by someone who has openly displayed scant regard for the basic human rights of ordinary people. Someone who thinks its perfectly fine to fire employees on the spot for not going along with his deranged views.

  • Registered Users Posts: 153 ✭✭randomuser02125

    I wouldn't be one bit surprised if his main source of information is Douglas McGregor.

  • Registered Users Posts: 164 ✭✭Roald Dahl

    Yet another one. There's no shortage of them, is there?

    But you see, he was motivated by the greater good and just wanted to avoid nuclear war.

    It's not the fact that he's an angry Alternative against Germany supporter, whose spite and hatred drove him as far as to commit high treason against the nation which he doubtlessly professes to love. No, all he is saying is give peace a chance.

    There's one thing that's certain and that is that he can count his lucky stars that he benefits from living in a civilised country and not the kind of Germany that he longs for, where he would have had to answer as a traitor to Judge Roland Freisler.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,161 ✭✭✭zerosquared

    Re: Russia will stop at <X> (haha pun) arguments, few thoughts/questions;

    • Why would they stop at let’s say Ukrainian border when in the last major war they had (this war is being also painted as existential against Nazis) they kept right on rolling, raping, looting and murdering across Europe until they met US/UK troops at the Elbe?
    • Why would anyone believe anything Russia, Putin and Russians claim with their track record?
    • Why stop when the economy is in war mode and needs to feed on its men? Stopping the war means the end of Putin for Putin now, he bet everything on an existential war
    • Why stop when he realises his gambles paid off, just like Hitler who kept on gambling that European countries are too chicken for war and kept appeasing him
    • In ww2 the more land Stalin conquered the more he could keep behind the iron curtain he erected as the other allies had no appetite to take on USSR after Hitler, and in many respects USSR was as brutal as the third Reich

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  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭saabsaab

    Pretty clear to everyone that Putin won't stop until he is stopped.

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,455 ✭✭✭weisses

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,161 ✭✭✭zerosquared

  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 26,893 Mod ✭✭✭✭Podge_irl

    No, because that is based on a hypothetical of stopping Western support for Ukraine and is focused on Russia's intentions moreso than their abilities.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,161 ✭✭✭zerosquared


    yeh even their unintentional typos give an insight into the aims of Russian muck spreaders

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  • Registered Users Posts: 9,455 ✭✭✭weisses

    You cannot have it both ways…

    Stating Russia reaching Odessa is just as farcical as, Russia wont stop at the borders of Ukraine (stated by various high ranking military and politicians in the west.

    If western support stops then Ukraine is in deep trouble, we all can agree on that, but anyone with a functioning brain can do the math and would come to the conclusion that any landgrab beyond Ukraine going westwards cannot be obtained by using a conventional military strategy by Russia. Our leadership stating "Russia wont stop after taking Ukraine" is as farcical

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,161 ✭✭✭zerosquared

    Well this NY times article thinks so

    And so does Putin

    Starting a pointless war in which half a million Russians died and the largest country in world got slightly larger while becoming a bigger pariah than North Korea with incalculable damage to Russian society, culture, economy was also “farcical”

    Yet here we are, in third year of Putin’s Three Day war with human wave offensives (for square meters of mud at a time) under the Zwastika banner

    what are your thoughts on points made here?

    Your whole theory boils down to “Putin won’t be so stupid” a point that was made in first few hundred pages of this thread. Only for this theory to be shattered when Putin did start an unimaginably stupid war.

    That NATO might win a war with Russia might be little consolation to the millions living next to Russia who would die, be raped and looted before the cavalry arrives (if it arrives under El Presidente Trumpo) or even to us on the far end of Europe who would immediately feel the economic and refugee shockwaves.

    IMHO that leaders are ringing alarm bells and not being complacent about Putin and his perverted version of Russia is a good thing, many have scoffed at the alarm bells in early 2022 only to endup with borscht on their faces

  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 26,893 Mod ✭✭✭✭Podge_irl

    Sure I can, they are different scenarios.

    Russia won't stop at the borders of Ukraine if the West stops supporting Ukraine and their resistance eventually collapses.

    Western support hasn't stopped and thus the idea that "the only question is whether Russia reaches Odessa" is clearly absurd.

    Russia's whole invasion of Ukraine began by not using conventional military strategy. They are currently involved in all manner of non-conventional activities in Western countries. They literally have troops west of Ukraine in Moldova right now.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,559 ✭✭✭roosterman71

    Without watching, I'd say he's talking through his hoop. Primarily because Brand is the interviewer. And he's away with the fairies and doesn't interview people who would be fundamentally opposed to his thoughts.

    Are there any indications that the Ukraine population want elections? Googling it shows no stories about Ukrainians wanting elections.

    Where is it reported that the American public are asking about the Ukrainian leadership? Why even would they care? Again, google showing no articles of the American public questioning the leadership in Ukraine.

    Zelenskyy (get his name right at least) is under constant threat of assassination, but still has the balls to be out and about through the country and the front lines of the war.

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,455 ✭✭✭weisses

    The war Putin started wasn't pointless if/when executed correctly, The tactical plan was decent but it went pear-shaped pretty quick for various reasons. I do believe in hindsight Putin would have never started this war knowing what the outcome would be. But he went in fully committed and he couldn't back out of it then without losing face. I don't have a theory as such so I don't know how this imaginary theory of mine could be shattered. In fact I always thought he was going to invade with the whole build up, western intelligence warning Ukraine. The one not buying it and not listening to the alarm bells was Zelensky.

    I just do the numbers game, and doing the numbers I can safely say that Russia doesn't even have the numbers to control Ukraine and containing any partisan activity within Ukraine.. let alone even attacking a NATO country.

    How in gods name do you think "millions living next to Russia who would die, be raped and looted before the cavalry arrives" ? Just give me a realistic scenario as to how such an event would unfold with NATO involved

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,455 ✭✭✭weisses

    What non conventional tactic was used to do a landgrab by Russia … That's the context I used.

    By using your logic their current GPS jamming is a prelude to invade a NATO country right ?

    I didn't say Russia would reach Odessa ..Its one of their goals yes

    If western aids stops do you think Russia can reach Odessa? … That scenario isn't absurd, just look how precarious the situation has become with a few months of US not giving anything. and the EU incapable of filling that gap

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,161 ✭✭✭zerosquared

    Putin launches a nuke on a missile from Kaliningrad and takes out a city in Poland or Baltics and threaten anyone who intervenes with same treatment.

    Would it be stupid? Yes, has Putin a history of stupid gambles? Yes

    Does he care if millions of Russians die in potential retaliation? I doubt it, would anyone in Russia stop him? Unlikely

    He has already shown clearly he doesn’t care if Russia is destroyed, all he wants is his name in history books. And you know what billions across the “global south” and far left/right here would celebrate the “rules based world order” being shattered because they blame that for all their problems.

    Even if he doesn’t go down the nuclear route, a 100,000 conscripts can rampage for weeks through Eastern Europe before being eliminated, in that time the markets would panic and implode and people living there would also panic of course. Would Putin care if they die? Nope, will NATO cross the border in retaliation? Nope, precisely because they will fear a nuclear escalation.
    In short Putin can cause much damage with little personal repercussions to himself, which would be little consolation to those who be have to endure his crap, and this is why imho alarm bells are ringing.

  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 26,893 Mod ✭✭✭✭Podge_irl

    There are literally Russian troops in Moldova today. The "separatist" movement in the Donbas was a Russian invention. They will happily sit there destabilising border countries as much as they possibly can with unconventional tactics.

    Could they reach Odessa if Western aid stopped? I'd lean towards no but I'm not certain. What is absurd was Musk's declaration that "the only question is whether they reach Odesa", when there are multiple other questions (Will US support stop? Will European support ramp up to replace it? Will the Baltic states and Poland become more aggressive if Ukraine is in serious trouble? etc etc etc) before you even get into a hypothetical scenario where they might be able. In short, he's a moron.

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,455 ✭✭✭weisses

    Can i suggest you put away the Clancy novels for a while. I asked for a realistic scenario.

    So you are saying that a 100.000 conscripts can be found… shipped to the border of a NATO country. all logistics being prepared etc etc (same as prior to the invasion in Ukraine) which takes time. followed by an invasion and they can continue this invasion for weeks before being destroyed.?!

    My theory is that they will be obliterated prior to even make it to the border once they are on the move. The west had solid intel thar Russia wasn't having training exercises prior to the invasion. They knew exactly when they would attack.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,161 ✭✭✭zerosquared

    When one stops thinking of Russia as a country and the Modern Putinism brainwashed Russians as Soviets 2.0

    And realises that it’s basically a criminal organisation that hijacked the largest country in world and is using well trodden fascist methodology to control a population of 140 million people to do things that are clear against the short/medium/long term interests of those people

    A terrorist organisation headed by Putin which already has a track record of attacking multiple neighbours, shooting down planes, killing opposition, using nuclear and chemical poisons

    Then it’s not a big leap to seeing them step up unconventional and conventional attacks outisde of Ukraine

    Putin’s manifesto and his propaganda network literally daily tell us they want to bring down the current world order and replace it with their oligarchic dystopia

    To dismiss them as a threat is the height of stupidity

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  • Registered Users Posts: 11,225 ✭✭✭✭Furze99

    Ah the nuclear drum being banged again, how many times on this thread is that?

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,161 ✭✭✭zerosquared

    I think you missed the point being made

    let’s do everything to ensure Putin is contained and loses in Ukraine so he doesn’t get any more stupid ideas and spreads the misery further

    It is also extremely dangerous to underestimate Putin and Russia as we have a clear pattern of stupid gambles just like it’s dangerous to overestimate them (aim of their propaganda)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,402 ✭✭✭nigeldaniel

    I don't share some folks pessimism for Ukraine right now. Even those in Ukraine itself including the army seem to think the worst. I seem to see it differently. Russia has spent its ground forces badly and are not likely to have much left over by the end of this summer. Put it another way even if Ukrainian forces need to step back from time to time I can still see them having the upper hand long term. Russia and it's PR boyos in the media can do nothing apart from sowing doubt and fear. Two things I have little time for myself. For now I am happy for Putin to be giving false hope his plans are working. He and his unhinged mouthpieces are in for a very unhappy retirement in the long term.


  • Registered Users Posts: 2,042 ✭✭✭rogber

    As you say, almost all informed commentators disagree with you, and most Ukrainian voices also (including their own military). These people are not pushing Russian propaganda, they are dealing with a brutal reality. Ukraine is outmanned and outgunned and this is unlikely to change, there is zero chance of them driving Russia from the occupied territories in the foreseeable future and they are doing a heroic job putting up such resistance so far. The new military aid will give them a reasonable chance of defending what they have, but nobody honestly believes it will turn the tide. Unless Putin is ousted from within Russia, we will still be here next year, guaranteed.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,708 ✭✭✭firemansam4

    This is pure delusion, and if this kind of thinking was prevalent in Western nations it would probably do more harm than good.

    Ukraine are screaming from the rooftops themselves that the situation is dire, this US aid package will help a lot but it is far from certain if it will be enough to stop Russia's advance., hopefully if it gets to the frontline on time and it will be enough for now.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,556 ✭✭✭wassie

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,826 ✭✭✭RoyalCelt

  • Registered Users Posts: 92 ✭✭Poon Tang

    This aid package will do nothing, other than prolong the misery a bit longer for those Ukrainian troops. There's no chance of them winning.

    And what exactly are you expecting if Putin is ousted? Russia are not going to walk away from this conflict, even if Putin is gone. They view this as a war against NATO/the west, so they're in it until the bitter end. Plus, they've annexed these territories into their federation, so whomever takes over next will be constitutionally bound to protect those territories permanently into the future. And there are many hardliners waiting in the wings, who would love to take over from Putin.

    The real question now, is how much of their nation can the Ukrainians salvage in some sort of negotiated settlement. Assuming the Russians are even still open to such negotiations. It's unlikely that Zelensky will be the leader that can bring them to that point. So either he gets ousted in some sort of internal power struggle, or the Russians take him out. Both of which are possibilities. The other possibility, is that the Ukrainian people become weary of the bloodshed and demand an election. Or even some US politicians demand a change in leadership. Without US funding, Ukraine would likely be a failed state right now - so perhaps they feel it's their right to make such demands.

  • Registered Users Posts: 12,435 ✭✭✭✭TheValeyard

    Strikes like that will definitely be felt

    All Eyes On Rafah

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,161 ✭✭✭zerosquared

    That’s a good example of “misery is being prolonged” for the Russian soldier

    What a miserable situation to endup in, get drafted in by a criminal regime to fight an illegal war, line up in front of some officer who despises you and sees you as nothing more than a number to be traded for a few square meters of mud, and then …. nothing

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