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Time for a zero refugee policy? - *Read OP for mod warnings and threadbans - updated 11/5/24*



  • Registered Users Posts: 18,615 ✭✭✭✭Strazdas

    They should definitely be criticised for how slowly they have responded to the crisis and for using hotels to accommodate them.

    Having said that, some of the protests at least been out of order. That place Crooksling for example is up in the Dublin mountains in the middle of nowhere and with no houses nearby.

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,388 ✭✭✭prunudo

    don't be so niave, anyone who protested against an ipa centre in their community has been called far right somewhere along the way. From ministers to internet trolls, the abuse has been whole scale. Even going as far as contacting people's employers to say such an such was at a protest or commented on social media post. We are in a horrible place in this country at present.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,821 ✭✭✭irishproduce

    The sindo must have worked really hard to find a picture that wasn't a load of African lads for this headline

    It does raise the question how a woman was there? I thought it was all men camped outside since city west for reserved for women and kids. I'm actually shocked to see a woman and kids were tented on mouth street. Unless now the sindo need to issue an apology in next weeks paper that the photo used was a lie and out of context of someone who wasn't tented on Mount St

  • Registered Users Posts: 60 ✭✭willyvanilla

    I firmly believe that at some point in the not too distant future, this whole fiasco in Ireland and elsewhere will become known as a bang up to date form of corporate colonialism.

    Powerful multinational entity chooses stable established nation to land in to maximise profits, based on how placable and manipulated the nation presents itself. Suckers, in other words, is what they want

    Soon after follows the relaxed laizzez faire attitude to mass migration, prolonged propaganda about how "its really great for your society, swear to god", followed in short course by deepening infrastructural problems, weakened states of identity via cultural "war", political extremism, destabilisation, escalating inequality, asset buyouts, vulture-like groups picking the corpse from many country's away, and so forth.

    Once the society has been sucked dry of profit making ability, the multinational entities will look for the next bunch of suckers and bow out. Needless to say, you wouldn't want to be living in the aftermath.

    We haven't reached the end point yet, but looking at the fortunes being made at the expense of a previously healthy and stable Ireland, what can only be described as wanton banditry in some cases, the jumping ship phase is probably going to happen within the next decade.

    Every single "disaster" and "crisis" in this country has someone somewhere either saving billions or making billions. That's all its about.

    Somewhat interesting article there on how these large corporations absolutely LOVE mass migration, wage depression and such, and they don't care whether its legal or not. Meanwhile, the politicians have their back and will provide, out of the goodness of their hearts, I'm sure!

    That government 2040 plan was basically a bat signal to every parasitic group on earth to descend on Ireland, "the party is over here".

    Its a switcheroo like never before seen. The "left" are the cheerleaders of this, for precisely all the wrong reasons. Meanwhile the "right", as far as it seems, are the ones throwing a wobbler about it. Strange days.

  • Registered Users Posts: 226 ✭✭Geert von Instetten

    A review from a questionable journal invalidates the report itself? I’m doubtful of that, regardless, the Danish Government commissioned a report with findings that reflect the Dutch report, with that in mind, I’d be interested in the objection to the content of the report itself, or of the Danish report instead.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 93 ✭✭whatever.

    Address the oireachtas figures then instead of gaslighting, nobody referenced mankind only you, you've not sought to disagree with the content only attack the authors, very big tobacco-esque

  • Registered Users Posts: 99 ✭✭Miharo

    I'm sure the economics department of the University of Amsterdam will be surprised to learn that they are a couple of Dutch racists.

  • Registered Users Posts: 15,956 ✭✭✭✭Spanish Eyes

    I was using "peasant" as a rather tongue in cheek comparison with the "non elites" of today. You know, those who are ruled (governed) by their overlords, who pay taxes, work the land, keep the overlords demesne (economy) going, provide income for the overlord, do not question anything and obey the rules, all that stuff. Overlord or Lord of the Manor is the medieval equivalent of those in power today.

    Have a look at "peasants in Medieval society", and take note of the peasant's revolt and the reasons for it in the 14th century too. History can repeat itself.

  • Registered Users Posts: 226 ✭✭Geert von Instetten

    The Danish model is designed to disincentivise economic migration and the secondary movement of migrants through policies of deterrence including increased thresholds for protection, reduced processing times, reduced protection time-limits, limited access to the labour market, limited access to welfare, increased use of detention, increased deportation, limited family reunification etc. The model is described as the Danish model because Denmark intentionally publicised the policy, deliberately advertising to migrants the limited provisions they would receive as asylum seekers in Denmark, that said, it is essentially used in multiple EU Member States and EEA members, including Sweden and Norway. For example, Sweden increased the threshold for protection by limiting leave to remain - a lesser form of protection - to children or families with children; Norway increased the threshold for protection by legislating for refusal of asylum and deportation based on the principle that there are ‘safe’ regions or provinces in an asylum seeker’s country of origin. Considering the Sunday Independent/ Ireland Thinks poll reported that 40% of those polled would favour replicating the Rwanda Policy, I expect a majority would favour adopting policies of deterrence.

  • Registered Users Posts: 60 ✭✭willyvanilla

    Welcome, make yourselves at home

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  • Registered Users Posts: 5,882 ✭✭✭Augme

    It seems up to October 2023 just under 1,000 people were refused leave to land and removed. So yes, to claim "practically none are deported or returned today" is simply wrong. I also can't actually find evidence to back up the claim that 3,700 peolle were refused leave to land and removed in 2011. In 2012 1,890 were refused entry to the state and removed. In 2010 3031 were refused leave to land, I can't get figures on how many were removed though. So 3,700 in the 2011 seems a huge anomaly.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,418 ✭✭✭Rosahane

    Yep, That only applies to people who worked.. if you never worked everything is free 😡

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,583 ✭✭✭MegamanBoo

    Ok I get it now, those figures aren't from the daily debate they're from your own calculations.

    I do think we spend far too much on IPAs, resorting to using hotels is ridiculous, but par for the course with FFG, who I expect to see back in power after the GE but supported by some anti-immigration independent grouping.

  • Registered Users Posts: 349 ✭✭slay55

    Nobody thinks this at all. Where did you get that notion from ?

    Keeps you relevant in this thread , I suppose.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,014 ✭✭✭eggy81

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,583 ✭✭✭MegamanBoo

    They didn't publish it or have anything to do with it, other than they employ one or more of the 'researchers' who self published it.

    Same as UCD employed Dolores Cahill, remember her?

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,822 ✭✭✭Northernlily

    The Tories will love getting their hands on these images as the week goes on and more people arrive.

    Meanwhile our lot will be bumbling around clueless.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,231 ✭✭✭Patrick2010

    lad on the news saying they came to Ireland for a better life and to get a house, no mention of fleeing war

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,583 ✭✭✭MegamanBoo

    Well I've yet to see anyone else review it other than the white supremacist journal founded by a nasty racist who used fake research to Irish people were a less intelligent group.

    I should mention that referenced it too (hilarious) as well as some far-right french website.

    I haven't seen the actual Dutch government report, feel free to share.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,240 ✭✭✭monseiur

    Heard a snippet of Brendan O Connors show this morning, one female guest mentioned that back in 2021 Leo Varadkar issued a tweet in 13 (or was it 30?) languages including Georgian and Albanian inviting immigrants from around the world to Ireland with the promise that they'd have their own 'front door' within 4 months etc. etc. Could this be true or did I mishear ? ………….Was driving at the time with very noisy kids on board😉

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  • Registered Users Posts: 93 ✭✭whatever.

    It does not say anyone was actually removed, that dail answer is even weaker than the last

    For deportation it specifically says "Numbers deported may relate to deportation orders issued" It does not state anywhere, actually removals from the state.

    If I remember correctly Lucky Khambule from MASI had a deportation order issued against him and it was reaffirmed until he was given leave to remain.

    Miss McEntee's use of deportation orders is obfuscation at best I suspect however it's outright deceit

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,014 ✭✭✭eggy81

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,308 ✭✭✭mikethecop

    In the last week I had the opportunity to meet and interact with a group of single adult males from Gaza who have been accommodated in Ireland ,

    i was surprised to see that they were all well fed to hefty in appearance with designer clothes and shoes, each had one or two smart phones and made multiple video calls while i was with them.

    makes me wonder who they are really and how they got here. what steps were taken to find out of they took part in the October 7th atrocity or other ones ? what they will do not that they are here.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,583 ✭✭✭MegamanBoo

    One of your 'anti-immigration' 😉😉 buddies posted the link from mankind quarterly.

    On the Oireachtas figures, we are spending far too much on housing IPAs, using hotels is crazy.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,583 ✭✭✭MegamanBoo

    Also the content is f**king disgusting, have you looked at it?

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,822 ✭✭✭Northernlily

    There's a couple in the tents saying they are here from Morocco.

    Surely the likes of that is a pisstake and the state have not given them 113 each a week.

    Sure Ryanair have direct flights. Its a secular holiday destination and completely safe.

  • Registered Users Posts: 93 ✭✭whatever.

    As you've not (can't) dispute(d) the figures as they are department supplied figures and instead have tried to change the subject I must assess that you have ceeded the fiscal impact point. You should recuse yourself from any other debate on this as it can only be assessed as vexatious

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,946 ✭✭✭suvigirl

  • Registered Users Posts: 99 ✭✭Miharo

    "I also can't actually find evidence to back up the claim that 3,700 peolle were refused leave to land and removed in 2011"

    Does a press release from the dept of justice not qualify as evidence? You know the one I've posted multiple times now in this thread?

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  • Registered Users Posts: 226 ✭✭Geert von Instetten

    The University of Amsterdam funded the report in as far as it provided the initial funds required to use the Statistics Netherlands data used in the report. In providing that funding, it signed a contract agreeing that the report would be published under the University of Amsterdam name. It appears as though it is less that you disagree with the methodology used in the report, than that you find the results inconvenient and are content to discredit it on that basis. I appreciate that the absence of a peer review would prompt scepticism but it remains that case that the only engagement you have had with the report is to dismiss it immediately on that basis ably. The findings of the report are consistent with the last Dutch Government commissioned report on the issue, Immigration and the Dutch Economy (2003) and with a Danish Government report on the issue. 
