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Time for a zero refugee policy? - *Read OP for mod warnings and threadbans - updated 11/5/24*



  • Registered Users Posts: 28,835 ✭✭✭✭_Kaiser_

    Harris is a privileged, insulated individual who has never had any real experience before he entered the political world as Frances Fitzgerald's assistant. As I've said before, he, McEntee and others are an example of Leo's "New FG" and when you think of their competence and ability for the job that's not a compliment. Even Enda "man with two pints" Kenny wasn't as bad!!

    Like Leo and Micheal Martin before him, he wanted the top job and he got it regardless of ability. In this case it's because like Brian Cowen, his predecessor ran before the fall.

    But don't worry, regardless of elections or protests or the other problems we're already seeing, Harris, Helen and all the rest will be just fine thanks to the salary, benefits, pension plan that we as taxpayers pay for, and the post-domestic politics options of the speaking/lobbying circuit or maybe the EU.

    Failing upwards no matter what.

    It's not a conspiracy theory to say that this is part of a larger plan to increase the population of the country. It's stated FG policy first mooted by Coveney several years ago now. It's also long since established that our governments are not only happy, but eager to hand over control to others - after regaining Independence they handed it off to the Church who held the country back for decades and abused the population (generally and otherwise) in the process, then when their grip loosened, they handed control to the EU, and even an unelected group like Tony Holohan and NPHET got their turn.

    It's thus no wonder that through this mix of incompetence, abdication, and subservience that we now find ourselves overrun with people we haven't a hope of dealing with - some legitimate and deserving, but most apparently chancers trying to get what we have and breaking what limited laws and controls we do have in the process.

    It's also no surprise that Harris (the second accidental/default Taoiseach we've had in 15 years) is both incapable of dealing with it, but unmotivated to as well. As I said above, it's stated FG policy and he certainly isn't going to go against our "friends" in Europe or our "obligations" to do so. Nope, he's achieved his goal (regardless of how long it lasts) and that is what matters.

    As I said a few days and weeks ago, at this point we're into damage limitation. It's too late now to stop or push back on this resettlement program (what else can it be) and there's no political will to do it anyway. The Government would rather send in our own police force against citizens who dare to speak out against this massive change in their communities.

    We may be "rich" as a country - on paper anyway - but we live in a society where the fundamentals of housing, healthcare, childcare, transport, costs of living and just even the prospects of improving your lot have been massively eroded by particularly 15 years of waste, incompetence and cronyism by FG led Governments. The social contract between Government and citizen has been broken. The former have forgotten they serve the latter, and the latter are just cash cows to fund the lifestyles and half-baked "solutions" of the former.

    Even though FF ran the country off an economic cliff, it was at the behest of a population who wanted cheap housing and investment, "free" money, and all the other Tiger excesses. Under FG what wasn't nailed down was sold off, our involvement in the EU project"/problems has been further entrenched, and our political leadership has (certainly in my lifetime) never been weaker and the electoral system damaged as a result of now bypassing the results through Confidence and Supply and Coalition.

    To be honest, I don't know how we as a country come back from all this. It's not really our country anymore anyway. We're now little more than a minor province of the grand EU experiment. An occasional thorn (thanks to our taxation and FDI policy which has also since been undermined), or "useful idiots" with which to beat the likes of the UK with (how dare they leave the club), but our leaders have sold out our country and our future and that of our children for.... What? Personal benefits and attaboys from our "betters"? Somehow I doubt that our kids and grandkids will thank us for it.

    The problems we're seeing are only the beginning unfortunately. We only need to look to other countries in Europe and just next door to see where this path leads. Ireland isn't special or unique and won't be spared the same consequences and outcomes. It's fantasy to think otherwise, but yet we have people here in public life, in NGOs, and even on this thread who insist that the concerns, the evident problems, the consequences are all the product of "far right" influences, racism, xenophobia or whatever other buzz words are trending today.

    Meanwhile real people (citizens and natives whose needs should always be first) are left to deal with the fallout of this agenda - but sure who cares about them, right?

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,372 ✭✭✭tom23

    it’s like your reading my mind. we have been destroyed by FG since 2011. Country is a mess. It’s depressing. just depressing.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,137 ✭✭✭airy fairy

    Of course they'll be back on the next bus if they're getting €75 reduction in their weekly payment. Weather is mild now, why stay indoors and get paid less?

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,870 ✭✭✭SuperBowserWorld

    Michael McDowell called that out the other day.

  • Registered Users Posts: 360 ✭✭Rustyman101

    Post should be pinned, an excellent synopsis of the current situation which will unfortunately come to fruition.

    History will not be kind to this gombeen government.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 16,129 ✭✭✭✭iamwhoiam

    This is really bothering me . That canal was where students and young people gathered to hang out .People walked along it to enjoy a sunny evening . Now metal barries in place to stop them too

    People live on Mount Street and now have metal barriers along their street

    And this because people arriving are not stopped at the airport and regulations in place to stem this tide

    This was on the cards for years and the tide was always going to come in yet nothing was in place , nothing set up , no minister put in charge , no increase in IPAS staff , no camps set up , no shipping containers brought in to house them

    Nothing whatsoever done to ensure that this mess would not happen and now genuine refugees and asylum seekers are missing out and at a huge disadvantage because no one is addressing the problem of financial migrants and separating them and deporting them

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,485 ✭✭✭MegamanBoo

    I've shared ESRI studies on IPA workforce participation.

    We don't capture data here to allow for your particular measure of contribution, perhaps because it's such so limited and open to misuse by those pursuing a hateful and prejudiced agenda?

    I haven't for a minute suggested that IPAs are "unable to do anything else or you think they are beneath anything other than a life of low pay".

    You've come up with that all by yourself and I find it quite repulsive.

  • Registered Users Posts: 255 ✭✭AAAAAAAAA

    There exists a digital ID system (MitID) which is required to rent any property, have a job, pay taxes, log in to your bank, make an online transaction, access literally any online public service, etc.

    It's extremely stringest and needed for everything, think of it as 2FA that requires you to be resident to be allowed to use it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,485 ✭✭✭MegamanBoo

    Misinformation 😂 😂 😂

    It's quite clear from the article what actually happened.

    It's published in a widely read international newspaper, if there was something inaccurate in the claim that two Irish citizens were deported, McDowell and the dept have had twenty years to correct the record.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,114 ✭✭✭StrawbsM

    I’ve been saying it for years that the Geneva conventions are not fit for purpose.
    If you look at the hate speech legislation thread in here you will find many posters that are pro hate speech laws will say that the laws as they currently stand are outdated and do not reflect the changing world. Same with those who advocated for the referendum changes.

    Why don’t they have as much passion about conventions that are based on the world as it was in the 1950’s?

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,114 ✭✭✭StrawbsM

    And if you search on the UN site and look at the conventions, you will see that different countries would put stipulations in saying that they wouldn’t do this part of it or wouldn’t do that part of it. These stipulations weren’t just added in the 1950s either.

    I must try and find the link

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,817 ✭✭✭Northernlily

    What a scant disregard for taxpayer money. Destroying the expensive Trespass tents.

    Wtf is this. They should be cleaned and reused.

    So just hand out more brand new tents to destroy and hope the problem evaporates.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,114 ✭✭✭StrawbsM

    Are these charities that are buying all these tents or would it be a state body who has to use the public procurement system?

  • Registered Users Posts: 93 ✭✭whatever.

    Forced deportations are a requirement of any fair functioning immigration or asylum system

    A forced deportation here is analogous to imprisonment for the committing of a crime.

    Imprisonment is hugely expensive last figure I can recall is 100k per prisoner per year but it serves as a deterrent and punishment to the individual and a protection to wider society

    The forced removal of the individual maintains the integrity of the greater system. I don't like it, I don't think I'll ever like it, I would fight very hard for peoples freedom of determination but I do understand like imprisonment, forced removals are necessary

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,770 ✭✭✭Sunny Disposition

    The Government's failure over the last number of years has been really shown up this Spring. Funnily enough it hasn't really discouraged those who urge very light touch regulation of immigration.

    The country is in a serious situation, people are very disillusioned, and this is at a time of full employment. There is big political change coming, not in the local elections, but in the next two general elections.

  • Registered Users Posts: 16,117 ✭✭✭✭whisky_galore

    I was disappointed to see a well-known shítbag's election promotional material come through my letterbox. These are the sorts that people will start turning to if the government doesn't get its act together.

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,304 ✭✭✭prunudo

    its too late, government parties and SF are past the point of no return for many voters now.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,817 ✭✭✭Northernlily

    Yeah I really think this is the culmination of all our issues not being addressed at once. And the Govt are reacting to it in the only way they know how - sticking a bandaid on it and hope it fixes itself. In this case throwing more money at them and moving them to the sticks.

    Like we have young people dieing here on hospital trollies, no housing etc. What's going to happen in the winter when our health system will crack with the added burden of our new arrivals.

    Everything could literally stop functioning.

    Incredible incompetence on display.

  • Registered Users Posts: 40 joeymcg

    What is the nature of this situation in the UK? When a migrant seeks asylum what happens? Are they given accommodation in UK owned centres or hotels or just given a few quid and told go away for now.

    I'm of the information that you could have any number of AS's/illegals in the one house and this is repeated thousands of places across the UK. All paying a bit of rent, but not much. Does someone know?

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,436 ✭✭✭BlueSkyDreams

    Unless there is a serious change in the number of independents running for govt, along with some form of Independent alliance of those candidates in order to form a cohesive govt, I dont think we will see any change in govt formation.

    It will likley remain FFG led.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,436 ✭✭✭BlueSkyDreams

    Does anybody know how much capacity is at Crooksling and City West?

    The govt have cleared the tents again at the canal, but how much capacity is there at those camps and how quickly will it be eroded.

    I wonder if the IPO functions will be moved to the camps ultimatley, in order to stop numbers that cannot be processed congregating in the city centre.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,762 ✭✭✭ArthurDayne

    Again — we always come back to the rub here.

    What do you do if the country to which you are forcibly deporting this person does not accept them? Whether it's a forced deportation under some revised version of the Dublin protocols to the EU member state through which the deportee travelled to Ireland — or you have definitively ascertained the deportee's origin country (if you can) — what do you do with them if that other country (be it Belgium or Afghanistan) won't accept or otherwise won't engage with you in the process?

    So I take it then you would imprison that person (notwithstanding the difficulty involved with imprisoning someone just because some other country wouldn't give us a dig out — so basically the person is being imprisoned on the basis of something they cannot control)? Imprison them for how long? Months? Years? Then where do they go after?

  • Registered Users Posts: 40 joeymcg

    whatever. : "Imprisonment is hugely expensive last figure I can recall is 100k per prisoner per year but it serves as a deterrent and punishment to the individual and a protection to wider society "

    Well not only that but a prisoner inside for 1 year costing the state/prison service 100k or whatever it is now with inflation, saves a hella lot of money with them not being arrested for other crimes within that year. And I don't just mean arrest, its the wider cost of them stealing something/criminal damage they may have caused/medical treatment/reports for somebody they've assaulted/ funeral costs of somebody's death they played a part in/free legal aid they benefit from whilst under prosecution/social welfare payments the scum receive. All of that would be astronomical and yes fool me and you the taxpayer are the purchasers of those 'goods.'

    Build Thornton Hall fcs

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,451 ✭✭✭TokTik

    As far as I know it is illegal to make someone stateless under international law. You're one Bagum tried it with the U.K. but she had taken up Syrian citizenship so it didn’t work.

    If a country breaks international law, sanction them. Cut off all EU aid. Stop trading with them. Pull out peacekeepers in the region. Etc.

  • Registered Users Posts: 16,129 ✭✭✭✭iamwhoiam

    Meanwhile while they throw money out and waste taxes my elderly friend is waiting 26 hours on a chair in A and E . I want to cry or scream

  • Registered Users Posts: 93 ✭✭whatever.

    I would second that you are engaged in misinformation

    The article is correct and accurate, no Irish citizen was subject of a deportation order

    Actually I'm going to call your claim an outright lie.

    Only if you had not read the article could it be categorized as misinformation; so it's either an outright lie or misinformation.

    If it is the latter that would call into question all references you have posted and that undermines your credibility.

    If it is the former then you have proven yourself a liar and not just undermined but destroyed your credibility.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,762 ✭✭✭ArthurDayne

    Fair enough, we sanction them, cut off all aid, cease trading and pull out peacekeepers.

    So an already impoverished country with already potentially dysfunctional state administration and already in potential conflict situation is driven further into those problems. Result? More people leave. More people seeking a better life elsewhere. More people claiming asylum.

    We somehow manage to cut that country off from the world and somehow manage to prevent migration from there? Great. Then they flee into the neighbouring countries and start the process from there.

    Punitive measures against these countries sound tempting. A kind of iron fist hardline shutdown that puts some manners on them. But all we gain from it is one more exacerbated situation somewhere in the world that increases the demand for migration.

  • Registered Users Posts: 10,969 ✭✭✭✭Furze99

    We had a local councillor call by the other day. They were quick to point out that they were a true independent and the only one on current council. There is definitely an awareness that to be an independent in upcoming elections will be an asset in getting votes.

    Unless of course your name is Mick Wallace , he can feck off. Freeloading Putin lickarse.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,817 ✭✭✭Northernlily

    Thornton Hall will probably get built when the Hate Speech Bill is passed. And anyone with a perceived slight will be turfed in.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,485 ✭✭✭MegamanBoo

    If you deport a two and a four year olds mother in a raid, without informing the father, you are in effect deporting the children.

    The article makes it clear these small children were effectively deported and McDowell or the department have not challenged the account.

    I'd suggest you take it up with the established media outfit if you have a problem with the content or headline.
