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Which party will you give your #1 preference to in the upcoming European election



  • Registered Users Posts: 75 ✭✭Grey123

    Interesting poll. Confirms that is well to the right of the general population.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,233 ✭✭✭Markus Antonius

    Me too. I love seeing half my salary stripped away in tax and pissed away on welfare tourists from all over the world

  • Registered Users Posts: 51 ✭✭reactadabtc

    Well if you hate it now, you'll hate it even more if SF get in.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,233 ✭✭✭Markus Antonius

    Aware of this but hoping for an independent wave so huge that it will shake fg/ff/SF to the core

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,131 ✭✭✭Mr. teddywinkles

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,955 ✭✭✭Gen.Zhukov

    Just so everyone knows what's on offer along with the €120k salary

    An avg of €600k expenses over the 5 year stint! - I think a lot/most of these expenses are unvouched

    There's a very enlightening report on the gravy train by the Examiner in 2019 with the winner of the expenses grab being the lovely Mairead McGuinness (FG) with a whopping €709k - You go girl!

    The top claimant over the past five years has been Fine Gael MEP and European Parliament vice-president, Mairead McGuinness, who received €709,625 in allowances and reimbursements.

    I'd say the current crew will have ramped up the figures even further

  • Registered Users Posts: 13,186 ✭✭✭✭jmayo

    Yeah I mean why would anyone be bothered about politicians racking up huge expenses staying in nice places in Brussels/Strasbourg and dining out in fine restaurants.

    All of course working hard for us, the little people.

    Imagine how much worse off we would be without them out there fighting for us.

    I mean without them the country would be full of unvetted immigrants for all over the world, we would have signed up to continously taking tranches of those immigrants for years to come, the farmers would be facing having chunks of their land rewilded and their herds decimated, the commuters would be facing huge taxes on carbon to meet EU emission targets over the next 6 years.

    Fecking hell it is a good thing they are there.

    Of course one has to add our governments are ably helping them in their endeavours.

    I am not allowed discuss …

  • Registered Users Posts: 13,186 ✭✭✭✭jmayo

    Ahh it was really a step up from her RTE days.

    Shure even the old DG could only dream of those expenses.

    I am not allowed discuss …

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,368 ✭✭✭Silentcorner

    I have to say, the poll is reflecting what I'm seeing as well…a lot of anger and disillusionment out there from very normal people who would normally be Fg/Ff/(insert most popular lefty party of the day) type of voter.

    Like March, there is a spanking coming for all major parties.

  • Registered Users Posts: 13,384 ✭✭✭✭Geuze

    MEP salary:

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  • Registered Users Posts: 13,384 ✭✭✭✭Geuze

    MEP allowances:


    In addition to their salary, MEPs are - like Members of national parliaments, entitled to allowances that cover expenditure incurred in the performance of their parliamentary duties, often away from home. All figures below are as of 01/01/2024.

    General expenditure allowance

    The general expenditure allowance (€4 950 per month), or GEA, is a flat-rate sum allowing MEPs to cover expenses such as office rental in the Member State in which they are elected, such as IT hardware and software, office supplies, mobile phones/subscriptions and internet subscriptions.

    For MEPs, it is important to be able to organise such activities in their constituency, locally, and not only in Brussels, and Strasbourg. The rules and purposes of the GEA are laid down in the Statute for Members and implementation rules are set by the Bureau.

    The lump sum payment is used in order to safeguard the independence of the mandate and because this form of payment is the most cost-effective.

    Last revision increases transparency with a simplified list of the types of costs covered. MEPs can publish their expenses online in a transparent and accessible manner.

    MEPs receive half the allowance if they, without proper justification, attend fewer than half the plenary sittings in one parliamentary year (September to August)

    Daily allowance

    The daily allowance (€350 per day), also known as the subsistence allowance, is a flat-rate sum covering accommodation, meals and related expenses each day that an MEP is at the European Parliament on official business.

    MEPs must sign an attendance register while there are exemptions for the President and parliamentary group leaders.

    MEPs receive half the daily allowance if they miss more than half the roll-call votes on days when plenary votes are held, even if they are present and sign the attendance register.

    For meetings outside the EU, the allowance is halved.

    Travel expenses

    To and from the European Parliament:

    The European Parliament covers the cost of travel to allow MEPs to participate in European Parliament meetings, like plenary, committee and group meetings. They mainly take place in Brussels or Strasbourg.

    MEPs are refunded the actual cost of travel tickets for attending the meetings, upon submission of receipts.

    Ceilings are set to a up to a maximum of business class (“D” fare class or similar) air fare, first class rail ticket, or €0.58 per km for car journeys (up to a maximum of 1000KM). The European Parliament issues tickets.

    In addition, set amounts based on journey distance and duration to cover miscellaneous travel expenses (motorway tolls, excess baggage charges, reservation fees, etc.).

    Official travel

    During the exercise of their mandate, MEPs can travel beyond EP's places of works for different reasons while representing the EP: in the frame of committee fact-finding missions or committee delegations or official delegations to third countries mainly. These trips are organised following the EP Rules of Procedure and Bureau rules. Travel expenses fall under the budget of the committee or the delegation organising it.

    Individual travel

    Additionally, MEPs can organise travels on their behalf to carry out official duties. Members are often required to travel within and outside the Member State in which they are elected to carry out official duties as well as for other reasons (for example, to attend a conference or take part in a working visit).

    For commitments in the MEP’s Member State, the Parliament only reimburses travel expenses up to a maximum annual amount determined on a country-by-country basis.

    For commitments abroad - that are not as part of official Parliament meetings - MEPs may seek reimbursement for travel, accommodation and related expenses in other countries up to a maximum yearly amount of €4 886.

    Medical expenses

    MEPs are entitled to a reimbursement of two-thirds of their medical expenses. Apart from the proportion of reimbursement, the detailed rules and procedures of this system are the same as that which covers EU civil servants.

    End-of-term allowance

    At the end of their term in office, MEPs are entitled to a transitional allowance, equivalent to one month’s salary per year they were in office for up to two years maximum.

    When a former MEP takes office elsewhere, the new salary offsets against the transitional allowance.

    If the MEP is simultaneously entitled to an old age or invalidity pension, they cannot receive both and must choose one or the other.

    Other entitlements

    MEPs may make use of official vehicles to attend meetings or events in Brussels or Strasbourg.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,453 ✭✭✭BlueSkyDreams

    Subsidies can be reduced and food prices can still remain low.

    The vast majority of food produced in ireland is not sold in ireland.

    We clearly over subsidise agri output, from a domestic consumption pov.

  • Registered Users Posts: 16,607 ✭✭✭✭Francie Barrett

    Ciaran Mullooly and Independent Ireland for me. Second preference to Aontu. Probably won't bother adding any preferences after that.

  • Registered Users Posts: 65 ✭✭Eudaimonia

    It's amusing that some people seem to think that MEPs are on a "gravy train," especially when those leveling the accusations often hail from the same camp that begrudges anyone who has worked hard to earn a decent salary. Let's break it down for those who might not grasp the full picture.

    First, the expenses. Yes, MEPs claim expenses, and they do so to cover legitimate costs like staff salaries, office rent, and travel. Mairead McGuinness, for instance, as a vice-president of the European Parliament, has significant responsibilities that demand extensive travel and engagement. These aren't extravagant whims but necessary expenditures to fulfill her duties effectively.

    Now, let’s talk about salaries. The €120k salary for MEPs isn't just a handout; it's compensation for representing millions of people, participating in crucial legislative processes, and making decisions that impact the entire European Union. If some people think that's too much, perhaps they should look at the hours, dedication, and sacrifice these roles entail—something that many critics, especially those from certain socialist backgrounds, might not fully appreciate.

    You assume that the €600k in expenses over five years is "unvouched," implying a lack of accountability. However, expenses for MEPs are subject to strict rules and scrutiny. Many of these expenses are, in fact, documented and justified, covering necessary costs like staff salaries, office rent, travel, and other operational expenses. It's misleading to suggest that these expenses are frivolous or unchecked.

    A comprehensive list of some of these procedures are listed by poster “Gueze”above. However it is evident of Sinn Féin’s true motives in being “eurocritical and not Europesceptic”. Sinn Féin MEPs, for instance, have consistently voted for proposals to reduce expenses and enhance oversight. This is all while Lynn Boylan claimed over 500k during her tenure as a MEP as listed in General Zhukov’s Irish Examiner article. The stupidity and hypocricy is laughable.

    Interestingly, those clamoring for reduced salaries and expenses often belong to groups that resent high earners. This resentment often stems from their own life choices—perhaps they didn't put in the effort to excel in their studies, or maybe they chose paths that didn't require the same level of dedication or sacrifice. It's easy to criticize from the sidelines when you haven't walked the path of hard work and academic commitment that many people at the top of their professions have. The selection process is rigid and testing and perhaps the voters who put in Mick Wallace and Clare Daly are the sorts that resent the high earner tag associated with MEPs. To undermine the system by voting in chancers flouts your own vote and undermines a meritocratic system.

    Moreover, it's laughable to suggest that MEPs are in it for the money. Anyone who understands the workload and stress associated with these roles knows that the salary is well-earned. High-performing professionals at the top end of their profession, whether in politics or any other field, deserve to be compensated for their expertise and contributions. This is a basic economic principle that seems lost on those who think everything should be handed out equally, regardless of effort or achievement.

    In conclusion, before throwing around terms like "gravy train," it might be worth considering the dedication, qualifications, and responsibilities of those in public service roles. Envy and resentment are poor substitutes for understanding the value of hard work and accomplishment.

  • Registered Users Posts: 25,390 ✭✭✭✭Strumms

    Same, love a credible center left option who are anti mass migration… but… no point in longing for what won't be an option...

  • Registered Users Posts: 13,826 ✭✭✭✭Danzy

    It is in many places in Europe. Denmark and Sweden etc.

    The modern left is a very well heeled upper middle class creature.

    It used to be so dominated by the working and lower middle class, hard to imagine now.

    It may one day again, if not then it will continue to decline across Europe.

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,459 ✭✭✭Quantum Erasure

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,955 ✭✭✭Gen.Zhukov

    Cheers for that -

    1. You sound like a bot (no offence)
    2. It's a gravy train
    3. Brian Crowley -

    Brian didn't give a toss - at least the others try to hide it a bit better

    I don't think you read the article properly/fully

  • Registered Users Posts: 65 ✭✭Eudaimonia

    1. Thanks for thinking my responses sound so sophisticated that they sound like they were from a bot.
    2. It’s not a gravy train for people at the top of their profession to be compensated well. Your average man terminology connected to the masses act doesn’t undermine my point. People at the top end of their profession should be compensated with top end salaries.
    3. Brian Crowley- so he claimed he didn’t have to mandatorily submit his expenses. There are audits and checks on staff expenses which account for the largest part of those expenses if not the MEPs own travel, office supplies etc., expenses. MEPs have an annual budget of up to 300k for staff salaries and expenses. They must submit contracts, pay slips, and proof of work to claim these allowances. These documents are audited to ensure compliance with rules and prevent misuse of funds.

    Post edited by Eudaimonia on

  • Registered Users Posts: 16,888 ✭✭✭✭nullzero

    The political and media establishment has been telling the Irish people they're far right for so long now is it any surprise that there's a shift in that direction?

    I wouldn't vote for a fascist personally, but there's a definite feeling that Ireland is in flux politically right now, wing nuts who were never entertained previously could end up gaining ground.

    Glazers Out!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 68,767 ✭✭✭✭L1011

    You're quoting a post stating that the general populace are not actually that right wing.

    The userbase of this site has been significantly to the right of the general populace for probably about a decade at this stage; e.g. the >50% Casey polls back in 2018.

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,459 ✭✭✭Quantum Erasure

    Somewhat to the right all-right, but maybe not as far as some might think

    Independent Ireland, Aontu

    Boards: 17%

    S.Ind Poll: 10%

    National Party, Irish Freedom Party, Ireland First, Irish People

    Boards: 14%

    S.Ind Poll: 7%

  • Registered Users Posts: 862 ✭✭✭lumphammer2

    Anyone but them far right Trump type idiots …. leave them to Sean Uisci, Gemmaroid, Professor Dolly and Enoch Burke and his family ….

  • Registered Users Posts: 862 ✭✭✭lumphammer2

    National Party, Ireland First, Freedom Party, etc = Republic of Gilead riff raff …. far right filth ….. Trumpist trash ….. thankfully they are not getting much support ….. admittedly there are too many parties and breakaways from parties …. but this shower of Trump wannabes are not gaining as big as they would in other places ….

  • Registered Users Posts: 18,611 ✭✭✭✭Strazdas

    I was reading that there's a large number of misfits standing for election from these parties (as you would nearly expect) : petty criminals, fellas with barring orders taken out by their ex-partners, drug users and the rest….you couldn't really call them prospective 'politicians'. In that sense, they are completely outside the mainstream, just as they claim.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,846 ✭✭✭Polar101

    Once they figure out not everyone needs to be the leader and chancellor of their own party, they might actually get somewhere.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,322 ✭✭✭kowloonkev

    And yet the boards poll on the two referendums was bang on the money. Did only boardsies vote on that day I wonder.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,796 ✭✭✭Bobson Dugnutt

    FG 1 in both the local and European elections. I will continue my preferences for Labour and the Greens.

    No votes for SF, independents, far-left, far-right. All bad news for this beautiful country.

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,182 ✭✭✭Brussels Sprout

    A stopped clock is right twice per day.

    The poll at the top of this thread currently has FF+FG+SF+GRN+LAB+SD combined on 43%. There isn't a hope in hell that that is going to happen on Friday.

    It also has the 4 micro far-right parties on 14%. Again, not a prayer of them getting anywhere near that.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 51 ✭✭reactadabtc
