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online dating



  • Registered Users Posts: 6,316 ✭✭✭Jequ0n

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,705 ✭✭✭PoisonIvyBelle

    Sorry… I shouldn't have assumed their pronouns.🙂

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,256 ✭✭✭Pwindedd

    I love being called that tbh. Current fella does it a lot. It's like a verbal slap on the ass. Another staple in my book 🤗

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,256 ✭✭✭Pwindedd

    This has been occupying a small corner of my mind since you posted the pic.

    The penny has only just dropped.... THE MUGS ! and the missuses fave colour 😁

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,642 ✭✭✭aero2k

    Well, as per the photographic evidence, she is definitely a she, and there's only one of her (thankfully, I couldn't manage two😂).

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,642 ✭✭✭aero2k

    Probably before your time, but Tony Cascarino, former Ireland international, played for Marseille and scored 31 goals in one season. He also played for Chelsea - perhaps he was also into blue?😃

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,642 ✭✭✭aero2k

    A staple in the ass… doubt some like that sort of thing😁!

    I have to be careful with slaps - she's a golfer, and I believe she has seen The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo😱.

    Actually, now that I think of it, I would occasionally say to her "hey missus", but I don't think of her as my missus. We're divorced (from other people😂) and as neither of us like the term "partner" we use the terms bf and gf.

    You haven't mentioned the current fella for a while - all going well I presume?

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,642 ✭✭✭aero2k

    They're not the actual mugs I bought though. She actually hadn't realised the extent of the problem when I started grabbing random stuff to slag her😀. I think it's actually a love for the sea and all things related, so I was impressed when you mentioned aquamarine. It does seem to be contagious, hence the paperback, and, for the eagle eyed, the bottle of milk with the blue top which I purchased subliminally.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,256 ✭✭✭Pwindedd

    Ugh partner sounds so serious, I'm not a fan myself.

    I think it's used frequently as it is, to avoid any assumptions. It's genderless and encompasses both the hitched and un-hitched.

    I just use fella, BF or "guy I'm seeing/dating"

    RE: Current squeeze… It's going well. We're boyfriend and girlfriend. See each other once a week, usually overnight. And there's absolutely zero stress about the whole thing. It's quite lovely. We talk about the imminent future, upcoming birthdays, trips etc. but nothing long-term has been mentioned. Which is just how it should be at this early stage.

    He's fun, enthusiastic and very appreciative and caring. Driven but not obsessed with his work. And we both like similar music, food, activities and entertainment. What's not to love, I'm having a wonderful time !! 😁

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,705 ✭✭✭PoisonIvyBelle

    Us and @YellowLead need to arrange a triple date when my fella is over end of June. Seriously, be gas craic😂

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,642 ✭✭✭aero2k

    Ah, that sounds lovely, and just how it should be. Pretty much like my situation, though we seem to need a midweek date as well. No stress, just enjoying each other's company. Similar enough to be compatible, different enough to be interesting. It might be an age thing in my case, but for most things I manage to enjoy the present without adding the suffocating weight of future expectations. Of course I do look forward to the planned activities as well.

    Since we've got away from mugs and back to the thread topic, I was musing on something @YellowLead said a while back, about "no arguments". Do people feel this is important? In the distant past, arguing was almost a hobby for me, intellectually pleasing whether I won or lost. Things are different now, again that might be just my stage of life rather than personalities involved. It does seem that some couples are blissfully aligned on everything, and others fight like cats and dogs a big % of the time, yet both types can have very satisfactory relationships. John Gottmann would say it's all about respect. What do ye all think?

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,829 ✭✭✭YellowLead

    It depends on what your interpretation of argument is. For me discussions where there are disagreements are important to have - but I’m not into shouting matches or exchange of insults.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,642 ✭✭✭aero2k

    I suspected that might be what you meant. Indeed, it is important to know how the other person feels about certain things, and this can only be found out by discussion / argument.

    On reflection, when I was referring to my previously argumentative persona, the things I was arguing about weren't of huge importance or at least direct impact on either party, so a "safe space" for argument if you will, and not emotionally draining. I think it's a bit more difficult when one or both parties feel like something of fundamental importance to them is being questioned / threatened. Of course, this heightens emotions, which doesn't help in a rational debate.

    To move it out of the OD dating world and take a more general example where I have some personal experience: I've worked in two fairly agressive industries: construction and oil exploration. Both are very macho, both have the pressure of daily deadlines and things constantly going wrong - in other words argument central. I've seen people who liked to shout and stamp their feet, and others who were able to be more measured, despite circumstances not being ideal. The calmer folk got better results.

    I suppose the trick is to somehow step outside the situation, feel the emotion but try to react in a way that won't escalate tension.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,256 ✭✭✭Pwindedd

    Oh I love a good argument. Any excuse for a bit of make-up nookie.... As long as its about something silly or trivial.

    For serious topics I tend to need a bit of thinking time (I think men refer to this as 'sulking' 😋) and then a Q&A ... followed by food. Sulking is hungry work.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,705 ✭✭✭PoisonIvyBelle

    My fella is very calm and non-confrontational - to a point. It can be annoying when he avoids discussing something he knows we won't agree on because he thinks that's an argument. I don't like arguments that involve raised voices and I don't take part in them, nor does he, but he'd often consider a disagreement or an issue being brought up as an argument and get quite defensive and stubborn. He knows he does this, which is what matters in my book, he told me that he finds it hard to express himself on the spot. I like to resolve things right away and I talk about everything, so it does take patience on my part, but I'm used to it now and I generally just wait it out until the next day when I know he'll have thought it over. Usually by then he will bring it up when he has found the words to express how he feels and I respect that. This doesn't happen too often, but if he didn't have that self awareness to have explained it to me, I wouldn't be as okay with it.

    He's also never had a relationship where they communicate issues without being arguments, it was all usually brushed under the carpet, so it's a new thing to him.

    I also hate sleeping on an argument. So although I give him his time to think things through and reinitiate the convo, we never go to bed annoyed at each other. That's a pact we made from day one.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,642 ✭✭✭aero2k

    Henceforth, you shall occupy a tiny corner of my mind, as the Incredible Sulk😂! As an alternative euphemism, let me offer "contemplation". I'm not blessed with patience, and I do like to get things over and done with, but heightened emotions are no help to articularcy and wrong words can wound, so it's sometimes helpful to walk away.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,642 ✭✭✭aero2k

    I recall one fairly serious disagreement with a more senior colleague. I think we managed not to fall out because I pointed out that I wouldn't be putting so much energy into arguing if I didn't respect her.

    I thought the inability to express things on the spot might be more of a male thing, but @Pwindedd has mentioned it above so maybe it's a personality thing, or perhaps it depends on circumstances.

    Sounds like you both respect each other anyway.

  • Registered Users Posts: 16,417 ✭✭✭✭Loafing Oaf

    Ugh partner sounds so serious, I'm not a fan myself.

    Also can be unhelpfully imprecise

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,642 ✭✭✭aero2k

    @Pwindedd , @PoisonIvyBelle

    Something's been going round in my head since the earlier conversation, I finally managed to get hold of it:

    "Here we are in our summer years, living on ice cream and chocolate kisses,

    Would the leaves fall from the trees, if I was your old man, and you were my missus"

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,705 ✭✭✭PoisonIvyBelle

    We do. But timing is everything. If 30 year old him had met 25 year old me it would NOT have worked out.😂

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,705 ✭✭✭PoisonIvyBelle

    Christ, I followed back this comedy tiktok account thinking it was a fella, and I thought to myself "that's a nice looking fella, in an interesting kinda way" (innocently of course). Well, it's a lesbian in her 60s and now I am very confused.🤣 I cannot unsee it. And of course my bf thinks it's fcuking hilarious.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,642 ✭✭✭aero2k

    Oh indeed, we've had a conversation re what if we met when we were much younger, and we both agree that we wouldn't have appreciated each other. I think as you mature you care less about the small stuff, appreciate the big stuff and most of all can tell the difference.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,316 ✭✭✭Jequ0n

    Who cares about that? Have you ever discussed what you’d do if an aggressive worm attacked you? Or a tame one even? Like the really big and scary ones who leave a trail of goo and bloody **** behind. That’s what you really need to discuss.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,642 ✭✭✭aero2k

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,316 ✭✭✭Jequ0n

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,848 ✭✭✭hoodie6029

    Talking of mixed signals etc, this was on the IT this morning. Long story short, separated father of three is dating regularly but nothing lasts as the ladies want kids. He doesn’t and is clear about it from day one.
    His sister is getting the hump because she likes his dates and thinks he should have more kids!

    Ta fuq??? Is this made up or do some people think like that?

    The road to Hell is paved with good intentions.

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,829 ✭✭✭YellowLead

    I didn’t read the article but that’s ridiculous if he is not being clear from day 1.

    Perhaps he is purposely doing this so he can have his bit of fun.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,848 ✭✭✭hoodie6029

    He is being clear about not wanting kids from the outset according to the article which makes it all the more baffling. He already has 3 kids, isn’t that enough for most people?

    The road to Hell is paved with good intentions.

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,829 ✭✭✭YellowLead

    Jesus, I just read that article. The sister, the women he dates, and the advice column writer are all insane. No wonder men think women are mental 🙃

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  • Registered Users Posts: 7,648 ✭✭✭Floppybits

    Ah you get people who think they can change someone's mind and spend years wasting there time trying to do it and end up resenting the person or settling for the situation and being unhappy. This guy is being honest, he already has 3 kids and doesn't want more and people have to accept that wish.
