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Time for a zero refugee policy? - *Read OP for mod warnings and threadbans - updated 11/5/24*



  • Registered Users Posts: 13,004 ✭✭✭✭Goldengirl

    Any who equates somebody volunteering for a migrant or homeless organisation with the likes of Derek Blighe is not thinking straight .

    Volunteering is the backbone of a lot of charities .

    What have any of our paaatriots done for their communities

    There is a history of decent people gaining experience in areas that cannot afford to find them until they can get a funded job / or when they finish their studies And nothing wrong with that

    And she is a student so you are wrong again .

    What have any of our paaatriots done for their communities .? Nothing , except encourage violence and leech off our social welfare .

    She and other volunteers should not be for discussion on a SM forum

    It's a low ball ,even for this thread .

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,127 ✭✭✭Cluedo Monopoly

    I have never heard of her either and I do watch the news. Honest. I am not on Twitter or whatever. What other immigration threads are there?

    What are they doing in the Hyacinth House?

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,177 ✭✭✭ooter

    There's a gaa forum on here, the players are all volunteers, should that not be discussed?

  • Registered Users Posts: 13,004 ✭✭✭✭Goldengirl

    How would you feel if you or one of the other volunteers were targeted by a group on social media discussing your motives and your appearance even as has been discussed here on this thread before ?

    What I replied to were posts not discussing her opinions which if made public are fair game .The posts were discussing HER .which is wrong imo ..

    Like the 'NGOs bashing ' why are people working in the community now being targeted , with this vitriol and online trolling ?

    Somebody needs to ask that question .

    Why do people not focus on government , those getting paid for a job and not doing what they are paid to do ..

    I don't care if I am the only voice here saying it but this is a descent to the gutter and if allowed to continue them this thread is not worth reading

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,127 ✭✭✭Cluedo Monopoly

    What are they doing in the Hyacinth House?

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  • Registered Users Posts: 935 ✭✭✭boetstark

    Please Ireland is not the richest country in the world. When did this rubbish start doing the rounds.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,317 ✭✭✭PokeHerKing

    Immigration to Ireland in CA is another thread but across multiple other threads the narrative and spammy type tit for tat posting is evident.

    Olivia is quite literally interviewed everytime there's a piece about the canal. So you either don't watch the news every night or you've been very unlucky to miss her regular cameo.

    Given how much effort online Surgirl commits to this subject I find it suspicious shes never heard of her.

    But even supposedly not knowing or hearing of her she still managed a defensive POV discussing her.

  • Registered Users Posts: 158 ✭✭Blind As A Bat

    She (Olivia Headon)describes herself as an 'experienced media and communications specialist', all the more reason why her statements to the media should warrant some scrutiny.

    What do you mean by patriots? Do you just mean scumbag teens who beat foreigners to death or do you mean ordinary Irish people who are worried about the state of our country?

    There are plenty of working class Irish people btw who don't have the Dublin 4 accent, who might even be what my dear mother would call 'common' but who have done plenty for their communities.

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,127 ✭✭✭Cluedo Monopoly

    I have watched the news on the canals several times - very repetitive and boring to be honest - but I took no notice of her in that I googled her earlier and found zero recognition. I will watch out for her. I have just started watching the F1 documentary on Netflix so I am often behind the curve!

    What are they doing in the Hyacinth House?

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,372 ✭✭✭tom23

    according to a poster here we are the second richest country on paper in the world. On paper. So have we been bumped up to richest country in the world on paper?

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  • Registered Users Posts: 13,004 ✭✭✭✭Goldengirl

    Talking about those particular ones that are running for election which I referred to iny post ?

    Like Derek' kick a dog' Blighe and other lovely characters like him .

    "There are plenty of working class Irish people btw who don't have the Dublin 4 accent, who might even be what my dear mother would call 'common' but who have done plenty for their communities."

    Nowhere were 'ordinary people 'mentioned by me or did I say that it was one particular type of person volunteering

    That would be your twist .

    And that is BS.

    There are people from every group in society volunteering

    Students, retired people , young people, looking for something good to do , or to add to their CVs , people who have time before they collect their kids ...

    But you mention D4 accents is it her accent now and not just her qualifications that are the issue ?

    Not replying further on this.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,376 ✭✭✭jack of all

    We've got to turn off the tap that is proving to be the draw for these (vast majority) chancers.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,663 ✭✭✭DebDynamite

    Why couldn’t they do it 1/2 years ago though when it was obvious to anyone with a critical eye what was happening? No, they just dismissed it as far right talk, and their inaction encouraged thousands more to arrive in that time. They shouldn’t just “be moving in the direction of reforming the asylum system”, they should already have moved at this stage!

    Do we really want these incompetent people in charge when they have already proven they have no foresight and can’t see what’s going on around them?

  • Registered Users Posts: 158 ✭✭Blind As A Bat

    Her accent is of no consequence whatsoever. I was responding to the inference that all those opposing mass immigration are some kind of ignorant rabble and that it's only social welfare abusers and their ilk who are against the kind of immigration model we are seeing now.

    Anyway our Olivia is no shrinking violet. She spent ten years working for the UN. She was out in Ukraine with the IOM last year.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,451 ✭✭✭TokTik

    The IRA too, all volunteers too, roundly discussed, named and thrashed. I’m guessing it’s only certain “volunteers” that cannot be named

  • Registered Users Posts: 16,556 ✭✭✭✭Francie Barrett

    Illegal immigrants just sauntering into the country without a care in the world.

  • Registered Users Posts: 13,004 ✭✭✭✭Goldengirl

    I can't be responsible for whatever " you infer ' from my posts .

    The fact is I clearly referenced Derek Blighe and his colleagues .

    Mentioned him specifically .

    They are a bunch of ne'er do wells .

    Maybe their supporters are the salt of the earth ..I don't know nor did I comment about it .

    That would be you conflating the two .

    As to the accent come on , you are being disingenuous here !

    Why mention it if it doesn't irk you somehow... or the whole ' common people ' doing volunteering paragraph , what is that saying , especially when I did not talk about any of that in my posts ?

    Sounds like there is a bit of a chip there .

    If we are talking about inferences ...

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,372 ✭✭✭tom23

    If we could get Olivia Headon up there as they jump out handing them a ‘welcome to Dublin Treausre Ireland’ welcome pack would save a lot of hassle dishing it out in the city centre.

  • Registered Users Posts: 18,464 ✭✭✭✭Strazdas

    They have definitely been very lax around the issue of asylum, treated it with no urgency and lacked a cohesive long term plan.

    I'd still say 'better late than never' though. It seems Harris is taking the issue a lot more seriously than Varadkar or Micheál Martin did.

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,677 ✭✭✭Tenzor07

    Harris is just giving more soundbites and PR stunts because there's an election happening soon, and nothing gets approval without MM's say.

    So basically more bluster, no real action..still no long term plan apart from moving the migrant camps out of the leafy D4 areas and into places all over the irish countryside..

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  • Registered Users Posts: 18,464 ✭✭✭✭Strazdas

    Harris became Taoiseach and immediately started talking tough on asylum. But how do we know he is not sincere? As higher education minister, he would have had zero influence on the matter.

    Plus, there is an actual general election coming in six to nine months, meaning he is hardly likely to change tack at any point.

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,625 ✭✭✭Floppybits

    Where do they go once they are here? Is it to the IPA office on Mount Street to collect their tent and fill in a few forms or do they just disappear into the ether to never been seen or heard from again?

    It really is that pathetic that it is that easy to get into the country. We need to really crack down on the points of entry like this so these people can be caught. It is time that when IPA's come into the country they are sent to a holding centre, be it a building or tents and there they stay and only given basics till their claim is processed. Now they are free to leave if they want and can board any boat, plane or bus out of the state if they don't like the conditions or are not prepared to wait for their claim to be processed. Time to get tough on this and stop looking like an easy target.

  • Registered Users Posts: 590 ✭✭✭mykrodot

    I agree. Harris is well able to talk the talk but has yet to prove he can walk the walk. He is fast talking and sharp but on the immigration issue that doesn't mean he will deliver or that he even wants to deliver! He is all about the EU and impressing on the world stage. This is just optics coming up to elections. His tune will change if FG stay in power.

    For example what on earth is the plan with the hoards of migrants tents on the canals? Move them twice a week to Thornton Hall? And from there where do they go? There is no housing and nobody in the country wants hundreds moving into their towns. What is the plan for these single men, where are they meant to meet women? The local women won't be swiping right on any of them. So if there is 56 migrants a day coming into the country (and that's the "official" figure) then Thornton Hall will be full in a less than 3 months bearing in mind the backlog of tented men already in the country!

    These migrants need to be stopped otherwise as a country we are completely screwed. So the big question to Simon Harris is "what is the longterm plan here"??

    ( I live in rural Kerry, and today pulled into a layby to text someone. There was a white van with 2 Asian/Pakistan looking men sitting on one side of me, on the other side there was another Indian/Pakistanian couple out rooting around in the boot of their car for something). It just struck me as a white Irish person in rural Ireland how quickly the demographic is changing. These were not tourists. 5 years ago you wouldn't have seen this.

  • Registered Users Posts: 158 ✭✭Blind As A Bat

    To be honest, I've no idea what you're on about regarding a chip on the shoulder. We moved house a lot so I had the experience of growing up in a sea-side village, then a provincial Irish town, then Blackrock, then the north side :) only missed out on the rural experience but like most Irish people there are farmers in the family so I remember a few aul fellas with the Trilby hat and the pipe, up for a visit to the hospital ;) I'd say I've had a good rounded experience of Ireland's social structure, so no chips there, unless you're offering a single from Leo Burdocks :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 16,129 ✭✭✭✭iamwhoiam

    why are you replying to my post about other posts and how they seem ? Not once have I discussed this woman’s appearance or motives

    My post was about the right to discuss her opinions and how if she goes public with them then we have a right to disagree or agree as the case my be .

    If you have an issue with others discussing her appearance then address them with your concerns

  • Registered Users Posts: 13,004 ✭✭✭✭Goldengirl


    But think they are also using this particular situation to spin and deflect from all the other failings as a government over the previous years .

    Health..people dying in hospital A&Es ,scoliosis crisis .

    Housing crisis being actively encouraged by government interventions no state owned social housing being built .reliance on private investment which encourages high cost housing .Adult children living at home with no other options except to emigrate .

    Mental Health and Disability ..CAMHS scandal , lack of special needs school places , and discontinuation /reduction of respite and summer school services during this government's tenure .

    Childcare costs and lack of ECCE , appropriate supports .

    Child poverty and lack of specifically targeted child benefit payments .

    Third level funding and not enough places to train doctors and nurses .

    Ministers hiding for the last two to three years behind this issue and pushing ROG to the fore ..

    Catherine Martin

    Stephen Donnelly

    And the absolute worst of all ..

    Darragh O'Brien

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,485 ✭✭✭MegamanBoo

    And what are you trying to claim is the causal factor here?

    If you're ignoring poverty, unemployment, education etc will you go for the old fashioned genetic inferiority, or one of the more recent cultural inferiority adaptations?

    I'm open to hearing other suggestions if you have them?

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,485 ✭✭✭MegamanBoo

    Is this the same lady people were slagging off for being obese a few pages back?

  • Registered Users Posts: 16,129 ✭✭✭✭iamwhoiam

    Fine . Part of what might I ask ? Because you dont agree with any discussion of a public figure doesn’t mean we are all wrong and part of anything

    And that is my final word on it . I will not get into an argument

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,451 ✭✭✭TokTik

    Alternatively there is an election coming up. Lots of promises and “hard-hitting” plans will be made, and then once back for another 5 years the “international obligations” line will be trotted back out.
