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Time for a zero refugee policy? - *Read OP for mod warnings and threadbans - updated 11/5/24*



  • Registered Users Posts: 970 ✭✭✭Vote4Squirrels

    Post of the day, would thank more than once if possible!

  • Registered Users Posts: 500 ✭✭✭Marcos

    I think people might wonder if the ones pushing this permissiveness have skin in the game as it were. I'm talking in general terms, and not aiming this at individual posters on here because that may be against the rules.

    When most of us say "social justice" we mean equality under the law opposition to prejudice, discrimination and equal opportunities for all. When Social Justice Activists say "social justice" they mean an emphasis on group identity over the rights of the individual, a rejection of social liberalism, and the assumption that unequal outcomes are always evidence of structural inequalities.

    Andrew Doyle, The New Puritans.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,762 ✭✭✭ArthurDayne

    Depends what the expectations are though — UK politics shifted well to the right on the immigration issue and so far all the Take Back Control crew have achieved is record numbers coming in. The right wing government in Italy has also achieved effectively nothing in terms of delivering on the numbers.

    Anyone who thinks Ireland needs to shift to the right to tackle asylum seekers or migration numbers should also be honest with themselves about what can be achieved. The answers to the issue are not found in the Left / Right divide, nor have they ever been, as migration has become more and more a feature of the world regardless of the pendulum between left and right. That's because the demand for the things that make migration possible — our own desire to have the freedom to migrate, the admission that some form of inward migration is good, the demand for easy international travel, and instant reliable communication methods — are not going anywhere under either side.

    Neither Left nor Right have the answers to this and I think a level of humility as to the sheer enormity and difficulty of the issues is something that is lacking. Going through this thread you'd think it were the easiest thing in the world. That is a dishonesty and as long as people labour under that illusion they're damned to a life of being perpetually angry about immigration until the day they die.

  • Registered Users Posts: 970 ✭✭✭Vote4Squirrels

    TL/DR - "It won't be easy so lets do nothing and it will just get worse"

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,485 ✭✭✭MegamanBoo

    Leaving aside the far-left whataboutery, I think your theory falls quite flat on the basis of your claim that a small cohort have started voting far-right for the lack of a center-right alternative.

    Even if we were to accept that FF and FG are no longer center-right, despite how they align in Europe and their economic approaches, it seems very unusual that all these far-right candidates would start popping up to fill a center-right vacuum. Would it not be more likely to see an explosion in center-right candidates?

    In truth the reason I think we see a thankfully very small shift to the far-right, is simply because they offer far easier answers to the problems affecting the country. A centrist candidate might have to explain how to fund housing, deal with labour shortages, a dysfunctional construction industry, the necessities of an IPA approach etc. For the far-right they can simply blame the 'elites', the NGOs and the foreigners. This is where greater honesty from centrist candidates and education could make a difference imho.

    Our asylum approach is only really a free for all for hotel owners (more evidence it's not leftist, let alone far-left). What IPAs actually receive here, apart from some Ukrainians, is quite in line with typical rates and benefits around the EU.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,133 ✭✭✭Stephen_Maturin

    Well no, it’s a free for all for the IPAs because even if they’re not genuine or have no actual right to be here it’s been shown that if they just brass neck it out they’ll eventually be given leave to remain.
    Residency (and eventual citizenship) here is very valuable in and of itself, not to mention they are eligible for full welfare supports at that point including dole and housing

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,663 ✭✭✭DebDynamite

    No, see, you’re not getting it. Those of us with issues regarding our government’s handling of the asylum seeker/refugee crisis, only have the thoughts we do because we have been manipulated by the far right and bad actors. Nothing to to do with areas of our city covered in tents, scenic areas being boarded up, billions spent on bogus asylum seekers who shouldn’t even be here in the first place while our public services are at a all time low…

    No, we just need to be educated so we can ignore the above and have the correct viewpoint. How condescending! It’s like something the religious orders came out with back in the day FFS!

  • Registered Users Posts: 326 ✭✭chooey

    no one is suggesting that getting rid of 6000 AS is going to fix the housing crisis. Not one person has said that’s how it’s going to be resolved. But surely when there is a crisis, adding that many more to the list is stupid.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,762 ✭✭✭ArthurDayne

    As is often the case on this thread — (1) dismiss nuance; (2) apply the bluntest interpretation possible of what was actually said; (3) extrapolate a meaning that looks as bad as possible so that your argument looks better.

    I've never said do nothing, I said be honest about expectations. That helps to keep your views realistic and avoid idealism, aspirational thinking and absolutism as regards those who disagree with you ("I am totally correct, they are totally wrong. I am smart and have common sense, they are stupid and don't").

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,256 ✭✭✭twinytwo

    You don't get to selectively chose one side of the political spectrum to try and prove a point and then get to claim whataboutery when its pointed out you ignored the other side which makes your point irrelevant… unless you want to ignore world history.

    Maybe so, Maybe FF/FG are mistakenly still seen as C/CR, maybe they still consider themselves to be. But if you think the left/government are in no way responsible for the current political situation you need your head examined. People are fed up of the gas lighting and being called racist, facist, nazi or whatever the latest buzz word being used to stifle any questioning of the current situation.

    Easier answers? The only answer the left seems to have is sure its going to happen anyway so just let it, no questions asked. We owe the world everything, just build more houses, make it easier to get here and it will be fine. Uncontrolled immigration = good, point out the short comings of this = bad/racist.

    Funding housing, labour, the issues with the construction industry etc have nothing to do with the lack of control over immigration.. not really relevant.

    Just hotel owners? Not landlords?or Legal Professionals?….

    The last thing any of the IPA's come here for is the money, its not one of the pull factors. But you know this already.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 970 ✭✭✭Vote4Squirrels

    I'm not getting into an argument with you but you've actually described the pro-"let everyone in no matter who they are, where they are from and whether we can afford it and what adverse effects it will have on Irish society".

    To an absolute T.

  • Registered Users Posts: 10,969 ✭✭✭✭Furze99

    I can agree with you on this - at this stage there is little regard for genuine cases. And that is directly due to the publics opinion being soured by the large numbers of non genuine cases. And those that support these non genuine economic migrant cases are also guilty for the loss of public confidence in the processes. You plural are part of the problem and leading to this lack of concern for genuine cases.

  • Registered Users Posts: 970 ✭✭✭Vote4Squirrels

    100% - and exactly what most people have said. The chancers are being given all the resources available meaning nothing for genuine cases. We also seem to have absolutely no interest in separating said chancers, here for freebies from those seeking actual protection. If our Government doesn't care enough to distinguish between the two why should we ?

    I've said it before - we need a large detention facility at the airport, either Guards or Defence Forces patrolled. No one leaves until we have established who you are, why you are here and one single lie - out you go. If you're allowed in and commit one crime, out you go.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,762 ✭✭✭ArthurDayne

    Well yeah, that's precisely what I was saying.

    Of course however, you will be reluctant to admit that it also applies to the Right on this issue too — or at least the section of the Right who thinks "this is all because we have uNcOnTroLLeD oPeN bOrDeRs and the politicians are stupid and loony lefties and the NGOs control everything and, hey, check out these guys who say we need a common sense immigration policy whereby immigration is set at ideal levels that do not have bad outcomes for native people and the refugee system doesnt ever allow bogus claims through and deportations will be done easily and it will be impossible for any foreign person who comes into the country to ever commit a crime. Wow sign me up."

    Both as bad as eachother.

  • Registered Users Posts: 244 ✭✭Lofidelity

    That didn't last long. Tent city is back on Leeson bridge this afternoon. They just moved across the road.

    Looking at the election results, most people either don't care or feel the government are doing a good job handling the situation.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,995 ✭✭✭Quags

    Majority of people who voted for the Gov are not being affected by this. You look at how long they were at the IPO office before being moved then they moved to a more affluent area and bang moved asap. Its the same storyline as usual, working class get the whip while the upper class hold the stick

    Until it really affects those areas then the Gov are safe

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,716 ✭✭✭Augme

    The voting public have well and truly but that one to bed. There's no interest in pulling the plug on asylum obligations barring a tiny minority.

    When did I say peole have no legal right to be here soundtracks be ejected? Quote the post where I said that.

    Yes they are. Hence the reason they are constantly linking the housing crisis and asylum seekers. It's been a constant. So you don't think we should let any foreigners into the country? As you say, adding more to the list is just stupid after all.

    We will agree to disagree on that one. The little regard for genuine cases is pushed by people says Ireland is full, what's happening is a plantation, Muslims don't align with our culture, our culture and traditions are the most important thing. It's pushed by people who don't like foreigners, hence the reason they are think most Ukrainians should be sent back home at this stage as well. "Sure there's only a war in one half of the country."

  • Registered Users Posts: 244 ✭✭Lofidelity

    Im not disagreeing but Mount st leads directly into Ballsbridge and thats as affluent as it gets. I think the government just didnt know what to do when tents appeared in public first. Those old rich folks in Ballsbridge/Ranelagh would be traditionally FG voters and many of the comfortable, liberal, middle class office workers commuting past the tents would vote SD and Labour.

  • Registered Users Posts: 112 ✭✭LongfordMB

    Newsflash. Something can exacerbate a problem without being the sole cause of a problem.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,716 ✭✭✭Augme

    But I thought the non genuine asylum seekers were ruining our tourist industry because they are taking up all are hotel spaces? Is there anything they haven't ruined?

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  • Registered Users Posts: 438 ✭✭DaithiMa

    No, Roderic O'Gorman is ruining the tourist industry.

  • Registered Users Posts: 518 ✭✭✭Ironman76

    Far too much common sense and cop on in this post. Easy now . .

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,209 ✭✭✭Viscount Aggro

    The older people who in the majority own their property outright?

    They don't give a rats rear-end about other people's struggle to get on the housing ladder.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,342 ✭✭✭Lotus Flower

    “The voting public have well and truly but that one to bed. There's no interest in pulling the plug on asylum obligations barring a tiny minority.” @Augme not so fast. Let’s not forget how the government implemented some cuts on supports before the election

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,716 ✭✭✭Augme

    The government have never regened on their legal obligations and have made it clear they never will.

  • Registered Users Posts: 158 ✭✭Blind As A Bat

    Application for asylum can only be made when somebody is already in the country. They don't have a legal obligation to allow anybody to enter the country. The government has certainly reneged on its duty of care towards the people of Ireland and that includes all legal immigrants here. If the government behaved in a responsible manner that young Japanese man working in Dundalk wouldn't have been murdered back in 2018 by a criminally insane illegal immigrant.

  • Registered Users Posts: 13,004 ✭✭✭✭Goldengirl

    Maybe people here on this thread are fed up .certainly looks that way as another poster said ' 834'+ 'pages in .

    But according to our recent election results only a very small.percentage are very fed up too ./s

    Maybe a GE will tell us exactly how many are really fed up and how many are just spinning a narrative ? !

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,091 ✭✭✭Mr. teddywinkles

    Why the main party councillers being voted for back and forth over the years to fill the potholes. Hows the European parliment looking there gauging from your response here. Not looking as lefty as it once did. Minority. That one made me laugh. Any more good ones there.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,716 ✭✭✭Augme

    They have a legal obligation to process any request from asylum. As soon as someone lands on the island of Ireland and makes a request from asylum Ireland has a legal obligation to process that application. Whether the person arrived here legally or not is completely irrelevant in the eyes of the law.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,091 ✭✭✭Mr. teddywinkles

    Well there was a piss poor turn out for this. Reckon the General will be a different beast altogether.
