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Time for a zero refugee policy? - *Read OP for mod warnings and threadbans - updated 11/5/24*



  • Registered Users Posts: 13,004 ✭✭✭✭Goldengirl

    Who is twisting the narrative? Looks like someone other than the left is ...

    The only opinion poll that matters is an election ..we had that last Friday and this poll (article May 17th ,) now means nothing know this .

    Next opinion poll that is worth noting is whenever we have a GE .

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,712 ✭✭✭Augme

    Yes, let's take an opinion poll that doesnt involve everyone over an actually election.

  • Registered Users Posts: 13,004 ✭✭✭✭Goldengirl

    Yes ..and It worked .

    So expect more of the same .

    Should make some people happy one would think .

    Not being a supporter of FFG I can't say it would make me vote for them but there are many who will I am sure and be happy to keep the right out .


  • Registered Users Posts: 1,527 ✭✭✭Real Donald Trump

    Tents are really start to build up again.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,256 ✭✭✭twinytwo

    Well im sure you know, Ireland has at least in the recent past never voted extreme. So that was never going to happen, certainly not in a local election.

    Lets not forget they didn't vote for the pro asylum crowd either, the government prob did just enough before the elections to put some resemblance of order back or at least the perception of and in doing so saved more of their seats. With the exception of the greens, but that is another story.

    If the next government is FF/FG without the needs for the likes of the greens or labour expect a lot more of a correction. Which no doubt will lead to more cries of "pandering to the far right" but apparently pandering to the left is fine.

    If i use myself as an example, I am very much for massive improvements in our immigration/asylum policy. Did i vote "far right" in the election? No… i voted for the local FF CC because he he actually puts in the effort and gets things done. And i am sure there are many many like me.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 158 ✭✭Blind As A Bat

    "Nobody told the Polish border guards that. They are batting them away, using tear gas and generally doing battle against them."

    And that's under Donald Tusk, not a right wing or far right person by any means. Tusk has always been pro-Europe - and of course spent many years in the EU administration. He's liberal by Polish political standards where views are very polarised and the Catholic church still has considerable influence on some older voters, supports LGBT rights, wants to introduce civil partnerships for same sex couples etc.

    But Poles are very pragmatic and they have much longer memories than we have. Poles still remember that it was their king, Jan Sobieski that saved Europe from becoming part of the Ottoman Empire, back in the 1600s when the Polish forces turned the Turks back from the gates of Vienna. It resonates with them.

    Just a week or so ago Tusk spoke of the present situation in Europe regarding illegal migrants:

    The “brutal truth” is that the “survival of Western civilisation” depends on preventing “uncontrolled migration”

    "We [must] wake up and understand that we have to protect our borders...[or] our world will collapse"

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,762 ✭✭✭ArthurDayne

    The thing is though — who actually disagrees with Tusk on that one? People come out with this stuff as if there is actually an empowered administration out there that thinks otherwise. There is no political establishment in Europe that advocates a policy of uncontrolled migration. We have experienced a large spike in asylum seekers and refugees since 2022 — with the ending of Covid restrictions and the start of the war in Ukraine — and people have seemingly taken our reaction and lack of adequate ability to deal with this satisfactorily as being the same as having a policy of uncontrolled migration.

    Even Poland, with all its talk about migration, has taken in millions of Ukrainians who aren't "vetted" and there is no feasible way for them to fully understand the nature and character of every last person who has arrived. Even the countries that talk the talk on migration have ended up not quite walking the walk because there was, and is, a prevailing geopolitical event that has affected Europe widely and is not the result of some simplistic narrative on "open borders" or "uncontrolled" migration.

  • Registered Users Posts: 43 Fitzy149

    Would you prefer i use Al Jazeera as a source than the Christian publication ?

    Another video below - different source - reports on the same findings of the Danish research on Immigration.

    The point made is that we are being asked by posters here to "educate ourselves re Immigration" .. that if we "knew more", we'd all be happier about it.

    Well my education includes reports on what happened when Palestinian refugees have been granted refuge over the past few decades.

    Here's a little refresher for you :

    One poster already commented on these facts :

    1. King Hussein's Jordan was the only Arab country to fully integrate the Palestinians. They repaid his kindness by trying to assassinate him and take over th country
    2. The Palestinians were granted refuge in Lebanon. Until their arrival, it was a peaceful country - they managed to start a 15 year civil war and massacred Christians .. 150 000 people were killed. 1 million Christians fled for their lives.
    3. Under yaser arafat, the PLO gave full support to Sadam Husseins invasion of Kuwait in 1990.

    iT is no surprise the other Arab countries will not accept Palestinian refugees

    Armed with this education, I as an Irishman do not want Palestinian refugees in my country.

    I've been educated about Immigration

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,317 ✭✭✭PokeHerKing

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,426 ✭✭✭batman_oh

    Egypt literally have a giant wall to keep them out (a fantasy of one of our most vocal let everybody in posters). But sure we'd love to host them!

    Post edited by batman_oh on

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  • Registered Users Posts: 5,256 ✭✭✭twinytwo

    What media would you consider to be unbiased? I mean anyone could find something wrong with any publication that didn't suit their view point?

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,485 ✭✭✭MegamanBoo

    I think it's worth having some more details on what Tusk said and the situation in Poland.

    The prime minister said that his government “will do what we have to in order not to violate [legal] standards and to prevent situations that violate the core of humanitarianism…It cannot be that people are dying on the Polish side of the border”.

    Human rights groups estimate that dozens of people have died on the Polish side of the border since the crisis began.

    Tusk noted that the practice of so-called pushbacks introduced by the former Law and Justice (PiS) government – which involve sending migrants back over the border – “are illegal from the perspective of international law”.

    He said that he would seek to create a situation at the border in which “pushbacks are not needed at all”. However, he also “will not make any decision that will recklessly result in our border becoming less tight than it is now”.

    It seems Tusk is actually trying to pull back from this situation created by the last government, the populist right-wing PiS party.

    We've had several sketchy reports of violent IPAs on this thread at the Polish border. It does seem that there's violence alright, but it's not at all clear who the instigators are. One report in the link above reports that Belarusian guards pushed a migrant to his death at a border river.

    It's certainly the case that Belarus and Russia have been facilitating this new migrant route into Europe. Russia has even introduced direct flights to Moscow from migrant hotspots in the middle east. The purpose of this, and of course the Kremlin's involvement in the wider anti-immigration movement, is to sow division within the EU. Those calling for national solutions to the migration issue, such as Denmark's, which seems to only push migrants to other European countries, are giving them exactly what they want.

  • Registered Users Posts: 11,661 ✭✭✭✭klose

    But the minority isn’t war free and the minority is fleeing, and the minority grows as Russia slowly moves west. Such a nonsense sentiment.

    “The war is only 100km down the road lads so stay put ye are grand”

  • Registered Users Posts: 970 ✭✭✭Vote4Squirrels

    Dundalk is less than that from Belfast - I didn’t see hundreds of thousands becoming refugees in the 70s, and getting a fully paid up lifestyle in Spain did you ???

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,712 ✭✭✭Augme

    So you think we should reject 100% of Asylum seekers while also claiming that anyone who isn't in favour of rejecting 100% of Asylum seekers is "complicit in murder, death and genocide of actual refugees".

    You do see the flaw in your position yea?

    Sure all I've heard in the build up to this election is how it's going to be a watershed moment and how the established parties will get a shock and how it's time for change. All I've heard since is excuse after excuse after excuse as to why that didn't happen. I've no doubt it's always going to be "the next election is where things will really change".

    So FF/FG are not pro asylum? Asylum laws are the responsibility of a FG TD. If they aren't pro asylum why is everyone whinging about the current situation then? This notion that it's the greens in charge of everything in government is comical tbh.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,485 ✭✭✭MegamanBoo

    That other source you have then being GB news? I notice Nigel Farage is also promoting this story.

    I had a look at this last night. The origin seems to be a question asked in Danish parliament. It does seem that this particular group of Palestinians has a high rate of criminal convictions, but from what I can gather only a much smaller percentage of these crimes involved a custodial sentence.

    I'd imagine the reason more reliable news sources are staying away from the story is that:

    a) It's a small specific group selected by a politician to make an example. There is no evidence that these crime rates apply to the broader IPA population in Denmark or elsewhere.

    b) It's not clear what the crimes are. Previous reports like this have talked about high crimes rates amongst IPAs only for it to become known that the actual crimes committed were for very minor offences, such as non payment of fares on public transport.

  • Registered Users Posts: 175 ✭✭Highlighter75

    Plenty of room in Ukraine to accommodate those fleeing the battleground areas.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,256 ✭✭✭twinytwo

    We keep getting told that Boards etc is not representative of the greater public, are you now saying it is? You really need to make up your mind. You have tried to position yourself as the voice of reason but then use a few comments on here or from the dreaded "far right" (why are you even listening to them in the first place?) as a replacement for well… reality?

    If Ireland was as pro immigration as you seem to suggest or the far right actually an issue why didn't the likes of Labour and PBP get more seats? I mean we have to take a stand against the far right and their crusade against the poor unfortunates? Our democracy is under threat etc etc.

    McEntee is and is not up to the job. As has always been the case in Ireland - everything is always reactive and always done at a snails pace.

    Did anyone claim they were in charge? You know how a coalition government works right? The greens have a lot more sway than you are willing to admit.

  • Registered Users Posts: 11,661 ✭✭✭✭klose

    Well war is a hell of a lot different these days than it was then with the technology they had then, if it was happening today and the unionists had the technology Russia had to day (mortars/drones etc) I doubt you’d begrudge the people of Dundalk fleeing would you?

    I’m not pro senseless immigration fwiw, I have massive issues with it like most here, think Ukraine is at least not as pressing as the African/middle easter migration.

  • Registered Users Posts: 16,551 ✭✭✭✭Francie Barrett

    I just said that.

    Equally, just because many didn't vote for the National Party or Irish Freedom Party, it doesn't mean no one cares about immigration or that concerns have now somehow become invalid.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 158 ✭✭Blind As A Bat

    "It seems Tusk is actually trying to pull back from this situation created by the last government, the populist right-wing PiS party."

    Tusk has a tricky line to navigate. He has only a small majority over PIS so he has to run with the hare and hunt with the hounds to some extent and every EU leader has to have an eye to domestic politics. Polish sensitivity over their borders is part of who they are due to their unfortunate history and you can be sure that Tusk is genuinely committed to protecting them.

    I regularly read HRW and Amnesty, so I'm aware of the terrible plight of those at the Polish border who have been cruelly enticed there by Russia and Belarus and it is Putin and Lukashenko who are to blame for the situation, not Poland. While there have been some tragic cases of deaths there, there have also been aggressive attempts by some of the young men to break through the border fence and we simply can't let them all cross into Europe.

    We've always had wars and we still do so we have genuine refugees from those wars. We now have climate change and the prospect of parts of the world becoming virtually uninhabitable within a generation to add to the mess. We have to find new ways of dealing with these things or as Tusk says, our world will indeed collapse. What's the solution? There is no single solution but central and northern Europe simply cannot physically take in the vast numbers who want to come here.

    NGOs seem to be suggesting Winnie the Pooh solutions but this is not Winnie the Pooh. This is Game of Thrones - and winter is coming.

    Post edited by Blind As A Bat on

  • Registered Users Posts: 43 Fitzy149

    ".. a small specific group .. to make an example .." Really !

    Did you read my post ?

    You are the one of the posters asking us to educate ourselves about Immigration. I am educating myself

    This "specific group .." have a history of misbehaving

    Please read :

    1. King Hussein's Jordan was the only Arab country to fully integrate the Palestinians. They repaid his kindness by trying to assassinate him and take over th country

    2. The Palestinians were granted refuge in Lebanon. Until their arrival, it was a peaceful country - they managed to start a 15 year civil war and massacred Christians .. 150 000 people were killed. 1 million Christians fled for their lives.

    3. Under yaser arafat, the Palestinian LO gave full support to Sadam Husseins invasion of Kuwait in 1990.

    iT is no surprise the other Arab countries will not accept Palestinian refugees. Nobody wants them

    Does it really matter what kind of conviction these Palestinians received in Denmark over this 20 yr study.

    There seems to be a pattern with this "specific group of people", dont you think ? They seem to behave in a specific way everywhere they are welcomed

    205 of the 321 Palestinians (in the study) received criminal convictions and 35 % of their kids received convictions. It doesnt sound very positive whatever the circumstances

    Armed with this education, I as an Irishman do not want Palestinian refugees in my country.

    I am seriously worried about who is beng welcomed into our country in light of the above.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,485 ✭✭✭MegamanBoo

    You might be interested to know that while the data in that report comes originally from a Danish parliamentary question the actual interpretation shared by Mr Farage is from a Danish blogger called Emil Kirkegaard.

    This individual publishes pseudoscientific journals claiming to be a research fellow at a made up institute called the 'Ulster University for Social Research'.

    He's part of that group that publishes actual Nazi stuff about some races supposedly having lower IQ than others. Other members of this group have made many claims purporting to show the Irish 'race' to also be of lower intelligence.

    We've had this stuff in the thread before but what's especially disgusting about Mr Kirkegaard is that he also advocates for the legalization of incest and peadophelia. In fact he lost a libel case where he tried to sue a twitter user for calling him a peadophile online.

    I didn't think this thread could sink any lower than it has previously but thanks to Nigel Farage's hatred and lies we have.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,712 ✭✭✭Augme

    Of course boards isn't representative of the greater public. Just take a look at the percentages in the boards poll for the EU elections. Independent Ireland and aontu on 15%, the far right parties on 11%. Fantasy stuff. Even on the opposite side, 5% for FF and 10% for Greens. But that's also why I'm listening to the far right, becuase 11% of boards users have said they'd vote for them and becuase plenty of posters on this thread support them.

    So you're saying that FF, FG, and SF aren't pro-immigration? I mean, fair enough, that's your position to take. I don't even think many on this thread would agree with that. If the three main parties in Ireland aren't pro-immigration then I do wonder why so many people are complaining about our immigration situation.

    No, they really don't. They have sway in the departments they are responsible for, that's it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,485 ✭✭✭MegamanBoo

    I'm quite sure that specific group had nothing to do with any of the events you claim were caused Palestinians.

    They were in Denmark at the time.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,256 ✭✭✭twinytwo

    Exactly - so why would you think it would be close to that in the actual election?

    Perhaps I could have worded it better - by "pro immigration" I was referring to - the majority of the left/far left parties.

    They really really do. They have sway over the entire government, by virtue of being the only ones who would pull the plug.

  • Registered Users Posts: 43 Fitzy149

    Correct. All done in the name of their Palestinian brothers and sisters no doubt though, right ?

    For the greater good of Palestine.

    Its the uniformity - right across the board - in their behavior

    no matter who takes them in, they end up worse for the experience. Betrayed or beaten

    Thats the why i dont want them as refugees. There is a pattern ... and its all Negative

  • Registered Users Posts: 970 ✭✭✭Vote4Squirrels

    And don't forget that seeing the rampant anti-semitism around the world now (doesn't take much for that hatred to rise ro the surface again eh) and their support from well meaning but galactically idiotic mobs - they will be emboldened.

    If we take them in en masse - expect a 7/7 style attack in Dublin before the 20s are out.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,162 ✭✭✭Patrick2010

    Ukraine is 1316 km wide and Russia has barely moved anywhere in two years.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 5,712 ✭✭✭Augme

    When did I say it would be close in the actual election? It was never going to be close. There's very little support for those sort of parties in Ireland. But on this thread we are still being told that isn't the case and the wider public want change etc.

    Depending on how you define left, but I'd put their support at about 20% in the europeans. I don't think immigration is the major factor behind that though. As I said, there's beenclearly very little support for any drastic overhaul of our immigration system.

    They are the ones who least want to pull the plug because they know they won't be coming back.
