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Global warming



  • Registered Users Posts: 5,117 ✭✭✭Shoog

    I will support policies which have a demonstrable positive impact on emissions. Theres no faith based belief here - if it doesn't work then I won't support it.

    However adaptation is not a solution to the magnitude of climate change we face. It's a trope of climate change deniers. If all we do is adapt them many people will simply die as climate change will continue a pace and outstrip our ability to adapt.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,202 ✭✭✭yagan


    The smoky coal ban, leadlless petrol etc.. happened long before the Greens jamboree decided to actually have leadership. Yet they act like they and only they are the only trustworthy ones.

    I had one green fool trying to convince me that the smoking ban and plastic bag charge was brought in by them.

    Edit to add all those positive environment improvements probably encouraged some to think of having a political career because they felt they'd never have to face hard choices, it would all be one way.

    So you end up with very thin skinned types who instantly cry the minute they're called out on hypocrisy when they're in government. I'd be very happy if the Irish green party were voted out of existence.

    Post edited by yagan on

  • Registered Users Posts: 10,478 ✭✭✭✭tom1ie

    sorry chief but your failing to realise that commercialism and humanity striving to better itself is directly linked to requiring more and more energy which means more and more carbon being released.
    To reduce carbon emissions we have to reduce consumption.
    That’s not something humanity is willing to do.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,117 ✭✭✭Shoog

    I wouldn't disagree which is why ultimately I am pessimistic. My assessment is we are dead men walking just most people dont realise it yet. People will call me a doomster for reading the obvious signs so I tend not to say what I really think.

  • Registered Users Posts: 187 ✭✭theValheru853

    And you think the Green Party are going to be our saviours…Just how naive are you? We are talking about the party that blocked the Galway city bypass, because it would allow cars to travel faster which to them meant more emissions, which is not quite how engines work. Now there are cars trying to get through Galway city stuck in traffic, with engines idling, putting plenty emissions into the athmosphere and going nowhere fast, instead of going around the city, at the vehicle's optimum speed, at it's engines optimum RPM for the gear they would be in, which on a bypass, is usually top gear, for the speed they would be allowed do!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,161 ✭✭✭zerosquared

    "Since August 2023, there have been significant allegations of fraud against climate protection projects in China, which are used to count towards the greenhouse gas reduction quota," said Daniel Rinkert (SPD) in a plenary session of the Environment Committee on Wednesday. "In today's meeting, the topic was discussed in detail and allegations were dispelled."

    According to parliamentarians, the allegations of fraud in the upstream emission reduction projects - UER projects for short - are significant and require consistent clarification. According to the Federal Environment Agency, 40 out of 60 projects in China are currently suspected of fraud. "This is economic crime on a large scale," said Rinkert.

  • Moderators, Politics Moderators Posts: 39,747 Mod ✭✭✭✭Seth Brundle

    The Green Party did not block the bypass, one of its members did. As did others unrelated to the GP.

    Plus the council also confirmed that overall emissions would rise as a result of the planned bypass . In addition, the council did not put anything definite in terms of transport alternatives e.g. active travel, just a load of wishy washy nonsense.

    But let's not let facts get in the way of your rant!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,161 ✭✭✭zerosquared

    That’s like saying the Nazi party didn’t murder 6 million Jews, some of their members did


  • Moderators, Politics Moderators Posts: 39,747 Mod ✭✭✭✭Seth Brundle

    No - the claim was that the party blocked the road when in fact they didn't - it was just an individual who did. Making the stupid comparison to the Nazi party is, well, just stupid!

    Here is a list of those who made their observations & submissions to ABP (and the GP isn't one of them)…

    One could easily assume that many of those in this list are members of a political party - under your logic, those parties also blocked the road!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,161 ✭✭✭zerosquared

    She is a Green senator no?
    it’s funny seeing how all the “mentalists” are trying to distance themselves from Green Party after their wipe out across local and eu elections Europe wide

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  • Registered Users Posts: 13,510 ✭✭✭✭Igotadose

    It's godwinning is all it is. Is this a global warming thread, or a bash the green party thread? I think those are different topics, frankly. Maybe this should be the 'global warming denier thread?'

  • Moderators, Politics Moderators Posts: 39,747 Mod ✭✭✭✭Seth Brundle

    I'm not trying to distance anything. I'm merely pointing out that the previous claim that the GP blocked the road was, to my knowledge, not correct.

    Furthermore, none of those that objected to the development blocked it. The courts did!

  • Registered Users Posts: 187 ✭✭theValheru853

    And once again, Green Party supporters show how much they know about internal combustion engines and how they work. Several thousand cars/truck/vans idling while stopped in a city centre emit more damaging emissions than those emitted by several thousand cars/trucks/vans moving along a bypass at their optimum speed, where the engine is working in the optimum gear for the optimum RPM at that speed, fulfilling the purpose of the car/truck/van, which is moving goods and people from A to B, preferably without long durations of being stopped in a city centre causing emissions fir no purpose!

    As to those that blocked the bypass, as far as I know, it was the Green Party member, who was representing the Green Party, who led the group in the charge for blocking it.

    Now do us all a favour and learn how engines actually work.

  • Moderators, Politics Moderators Posts: 39,747 Mod ✭✭✭✭Seth Brundle

    Firstly stop with the high and mighty patronising crap. I'm quite well aware of how ICE engines work.

    Secondly, that individual who challenged the decision was not the only challenge - other challenges were made including by the racecourse. However, the decision to stop the road was made by the judicial system based on facts. If you're unhappy that the road isn't being developed then focus your ire on either our courts or on the Council who, despite spending millions on their plans, still cannot do it right!

    Thirdly, it was the council who made the claim that emissions would rise if the bypass were developed.

    Lastly to demonstrate a level of independence, I'm not a member or active supporter of any party. I just dislike this rabid anti-GP hysteria that one sees online and where people feel the need to make stuff up about them in order to score some kind of political point.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,161 ✭✭✭zerosquared

    They are two sides of same coin

    The ever increasing religiosity and nastiness / all sticks and anti scientific posturing from {greens/enviromentalists /socialist turn green watermelons}, whatever they want to call themselves these days turns people sceptical and pushes them to kneejerk against environmental issues such as climate change

    I myself went from caring to actively pointing out how counter productive a lot of the greenwashing nonsense has become, precisely at a time the world can least afford it

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,117 ✭✭✭Shoog

    Attacks on the GP sound cool in your head, but pathetic when they dribble out of your mouth.

    The policies of the GP will not change the reality of global warming.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,161 ✭✭✭zerosquared

    ”The policies of the GP will not resolve global warming.”

    Fixed that for you

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,202 ✭✭✭yagan

    The Green Party blocked the N20 upgrade as part of the deal for forming government in 2020, so towns along the route stayed traffic clogged and dangerous for pedestrians. Absolute muppets.

    The sooner they're out of power the better.

  • Moderators, Music Moderators Posts: 12,195 Mod ✭✭✭✭iamstop

  • Registered Users Posts: 187 ✭✭theValheru853

    It is indeed a global warming thread, but you need to understand the Green Party and their supporters have done more damage to the environment, by turning people away from the green movement, than any oil or gas company could ever have.

    No one I have seen on here outright denies that global warming is occurring or mankind's contribution in it, but the constant Green Party narrative of that it is all mankind's fault, the denial of the natural world factors beyond humanities control that are also contributing to it, and the constant taxation being inflicted on the people of this country have done the damage. The way the Green Party are going on, you would think the Irish people were the primary cause of global warming when the reality is that nothing could be further from the truth. Our nation's contribution to the causes of global warming is only a drop in the ocean compared to the rest of the world and even before the Green Party started the constant barrage on people, the Irish, as far as I can see, are one of the most environmentally conscious people in the world

    Even the new deposit return scheme, introduced by the Green Party, has had a negative affect on people's attitudes towards the green movement. Most people I know were pretty good at recycling their plastic and aluminium cans and bottles as it was. We would rinse and crush them ourselves and put them into our recycling bins, put the bins out on collection day, job done. Now we have to budget for the deposit in our shopping trips, when finished we need to make sure that they are stored undamaged until our next shopping trip, or make extra trips if no place to store them undamaged, and put them into a machine that will reject them if they have the slightest bit of damage, meaning people lose the deposit on that particular item and then it crushes them!

    And after all that, we still need to pay full whack for our bin collections.

    Another repercussion of DRS is now, if people have a damaged bottle or can, they are as likely to throw it in the rubbish bin instead of the the recycling bin, as a form of protest, seeing as the deposit is gone anyway.

    The green movement is losing support, and It's the Green Party's own fault. That is why a global warming thread involves comments on the Green Party.

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  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 26,886 Mod ✭✭✭✭Podge_irl

    Because famously when you build new roads vehicles then travel at optimal speed on them and congestion is a thing of the past.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,117 ✭✭✭Shoog

    Take you demented fixation on the GP to an appropriate thread.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,117 ✭✭✭Shoog

    It's been shown that every road that's built generates more traffic overall. So building roads is not the magic bullet to reducing emissions no matter what their impact on per trip efficiency is. Then there is the not insubstantial issue that if you build a motorway average speeds increase with substantial increases in fuel consumption as a consequence.

    A massive reduction in private road use is actually what is required - but that requires real radical solutions to societal issues that are hard to achieve - such as the 15min Cities concept which has got the right wing zeolots into a meltdown.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,161 ✭✭✭zerosquared

    Europes fastest growing population needs more infrastructure, that’s not a difficult concept

    Especially when we busy importing people

  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 26,886 Mod ✭✭✭✭Podge_irl

    I agree. More infrastructure and more roads are, however, not the same thing.

    I'm somewhat agnostic on the Galway ring road and pro the M20. Though that's about it when it comes to anymore Irish roads. However, there are perfectly cogent arguments against the Galway ring road.

  • Moderators, Politics Moderators Posts: 39,747 Mod ✭✭✭✭Seth Brundle

    Nobody is disputing that infrastructure is needed in Galway. Galway city and county councils approach to transport development is abysmal for all road users (and it looks like nothing will change in the short to medium term).

    However, what some of the anti-GP posters here seem to ignore is that the council themselves admitted that emissions would be worse for Galway if the road is built, given the nature of transport movements in and around Galway (there was a long thread discussing it if you'd care to research this further).

    The ring road is not the panacea people are being led to believe. The councils documentation confirms this.

    But apparently it is me who hasn't a clue about how ICEs work because I'm repeating the message from those proposing the road! 🙄

  • Registered Users Posts: 187 ✭✭theValheru853

    No, doesn't totally remove congestion, but it does remove the traffic that is only in a city or town in order to get through it, removing a lot of the congestion from the town or city that has been bypassed….if you want proof just look at Limerick, prior to the building of the tunnel when it often took an hour or more to get through the city on the way to Dublin or Cork or anywhere along those routes. Now the only traffic in Limerick since the opening of the tunnel, for the most part, is that which has business in the city itself, but manageable. Instead of an hour it took in the old days, regardless of time of day, it's a pleasure to drive through with the only congestion really being at the rush hour periods.

    And concerning optimal speeds, learn how engines work…. MPG is less going 100 KPH in top gear along a bypass/ dual carriage way/motorway than 0 to 5 kph in first gear being stuck in traffic in the middle of a city or town. Less MPG means less emissions for the distance travelled. What is so hard to understand about that?

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,161 ✭✭✭zerosquared

    I have a suspicion that if every car in Ireland was electric the *mentalists would still find something to complain about

    We already see it in the strange crusade against datacenters and now AI by the *mentalists even if the companies involved buy “green” tinted and greenwashed electrons, which like their hate of nuclear power is bizarre if these datacenters result in less traffic on roads

  • Registered Users Posts: 187 ✭✭theValheru853

    read my reply to Podge and again I will say look to Limerick

    As to taking it to an appropriate thread.. Why? does the truth offend you? If you read my comment properly, you will see I was answering why Green Party bashing happens in a global warming thread.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 5,117 ✭✭✭Shoog
