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Sinn Fein and how do they form a government dilemma



  • Registered Users Posts: 68,633 ✭✭✭✭FrancieBrady

    I don’t know is the answer.
    Why would it matter though if they intended it or not, they died on all sides.
    It matters to you because it scratches the itch to blame one side and characterise them as unique.
    They weren’t.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,886 ✭✭✭Clo-Clo


  • Registered Users Posts: 27,675 ✭✭✭✭blanch152

    Yes, unequivocally, the evidence demonstrates that the IRA did intentionally target children.

    Two examples:

    (1) Mullaghmore: This bomb was detonated by remote control, requiring a direct line of sight on the boat. The IRA murderer knew, as he pressed the button, that he was killing children

    (2) Warrington: Deliberately confusing bomb warnings were given to ensure that women and children out shopping would be murdered. One of the bombs exploded outside a McDonalds.

  • Registered Users Posts: 27,675 ✭✭✭✭blanch152

    This is quite a disgusting revisionist post, attempting to defend and justify the murderers of the PIRA.

    There was an alternative, it is what is there now, accept the democratic will of the people of Northern Ireland and not attempt to terrorise them. John Hume and Seamus Mallon, great men, others like Austin Currie too, they didn't fall for the stupid mindless justification of violence that there was "no alternative". They were men of peace, and the true debt of peace is owed to them.

    The PIRA achievements were the destruction of their community, the killing of ordinary people and the terrorising of millions. That is all, nothing else.

  • Registered Users Posts: 27,675 ✭✭✭✭blanch152

    The PIRA were pure evil, of that there is no doubt. Those that continue to succour and revere and defend them today must be viewed through the same lens.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 68,633 ✭✭✭✭FrancieBrady

    I didn't defend a single person or violent incident.

    This is the climb onto the higher moral ground that will happen whenever the issue is raised.
    It generally happens when a person refuses to try to understand what happened or why it happened or they are seeking to vindicate one or other of the combatants.

    All of them have blame and responsibility in differing ways.

    If you could explain rationally and without the emotional finger pointing why the prime responsibility should not fall at the feet of those who had the actual responsibility and power to ensure a society was governed properly and stably, please do.

  • Registered Users Posts: 27,675 ✭✭✭✭blanch152

    So there was an alternative to killing children, and Michelle O'Neill was wrong.

    We have finally got there.

  • Registered Users Posts: 68,633 ✭✭✭✭FrancieBrady

    Oh stop the emotive, 'I won the argument' rubbish.

    Appaling behaviour.
    You don't want to debate you just want to moralise and protect your own sides.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,241 ✭✭✭pureza

    @FrancieBrady and @blanch152 This is not the thread for debating the troubles,theres a united Ireland thread for that,would ye both continue that there please and keep this one for the topic at hand

    I read an article dicussing a new survey showing SF has up to 60% of the under 30's vs 10% for FG.

    This is surely good news for Sinn Féin after a dismal few weeks and its a vote that didnt bother to get out in the Euro's etc that will get out in the GE.

    So theres plenty of positivity in the growth story for Sinn Féin in the Dáil yet.

  • Registered Users Posts: 68,633 ✭✭✭✭FrancieBrady

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,241 ✭✭✭pureza

    It depends on who votes,if you can get even half that 60% out,you'll be up at or above 2020 again.

    That being said you'd need to be up in the high 60's in turnout as you've only a little over a tenth of the rest and do you know,they DO vote

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,305 ✭✭✭Francis McM

    Many young people are left wing in their college days but as they get older / get wiser / learn more about the ways of the world / get sense / move up the career and housing ladder etc, they leave their left wing tendencies behind.

    The obvious exception being FrancieBrady, he used to (or so he says) vote FG and FF but now has 60,000 posts for SF.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,886 ✭✭✭Clo-Clo

    I think the lesson we can learn is never believe what a anonymous account on the internet posts

    I know supporters of the PIRA during the troubles, none of them would make the excuses etc we see posted on here of the actions they did during the troubles.

    In terms of PSF, well trying to break the conversation of PSF and the PIRA is hard when they constantly bring it back up and throw it in peoples faces

    I see a little video today of MON on some program, I guess from the North, which said MLMD wouldn't attend PIRA events if she is Taoiseach, when asked if MON would not attend them as well she went around in circles, couldn't just answer yes or no. Typical PSF.

  • Registered Users Posts: 27,675 ✭✭✭✭blanch152

    You are correct, that was something I hadn't realised. Any older republican I know is now ashamed of what the PIRA did, murdering children. Only one exception to that rule.

  • Registered Users Posts: 27,675 ✭✭✭✭blanch152

    Do you have an article that shows that? I would guess it relates to polls from a year ago.

    If Sinn Fein has 60% of the under-30s, then it must be around 5% of those over 30 to reach a level of 23% in the polls.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,241 ✭✭✭pureza

    Look,have a bit of undeestanding of the politics of your island

    You cannot expect MoN to avoid Republican events,SF would lose votes up north,at least 10 to 20% of them to fringe lunatic anti gfa parties or they wouldn't vote at all,handing seats to unionists

    If you don't get that or don't get that for the time being,whats unpalletable to you needs to be catered for up north,you are being unrealistic and naive

    I've personally had enough of the goading and tat titting round here

    You should all go find a room on telegram somewhere

    Preferably a locked one and leave the thread to actual debaters

  • Registered Users Posts: 27,675 ✭✭✭✭blanch152

    People fully understand that Sinn Fein commemorate terrorists to hang on to their core vote, however, that is reason enough for decent people not to vote for them, and it is also wrong.

    I won't vote for Aontu because of their stance on pro-life and I won't vote for Sinn Fein because they refuse to apologise properly for the actions of the PIRA. Fundamentally, any political party that supports, or apologises for non-state actor terrorists is a threat to democracy.

  • Moderators, Business & Finance Moderators Posts: 10,241 Mod ✭✭✭✭Jim2007

    Even though you don't seem to understand the politics very well you have just explained why SF can't continue to run with the hares and hunt with the hounds. The Irish voters have spent over 100 years rejecting the type of republicanism that SF stand for. So if SF ever want to be part of an Irish government they will have to address their democratic deficiencies. If a hundred plus years of Irish politics can't teach you that then there is not much to debate.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,241 ✭✭✭pureza

    Northern Ireland voters have different priorities to Republic of Ireland voters

    Their priorities are very accepting and tollerating of Republican commerations and for a strong share of their vote up there expecting of that

    Ergo Southern voters asking/demanding MoN drops Republican comemorations is unreasonable

    Allied to that younger Southern voters minded towards Sinn Féin ,on the whole clearly don't give a twopenny damn about it

    That bit I undéstand very well

  • Registered Users Posts: 68,633 ✭✭✭✭FrancieBrady

    Are you standing in a historical blind spot?

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  • Registered Users Posts: 4,886 ✭✭✭Clo-Clo

    If MLMD says she won't attend, why would MON think it is ok?

    She is supposed to represent all the people in Northern Ireland, attending those events to celebrate the PIRA murdering people ia hardly a good representation of any community? after all the PIRA killed more nationalists than anyone else during the troubles.

    People want to move on, forget the troubles as much as possible. Yet PSF want to rub it in their faces whenever they get a chance. Of course this plays to a couple of people, but does is it what everyone else wants?

    Do you have anything to back up the 10-20% of PSF in the North are "fringe lunatic anti gfa"? the people I know are nothing of the sort, of course you have few but they are the people when they are drinking in the bar you go into the lounge if you get me

    In terms of locking down the thread, well you are here in the good times, before this you had one person running 10+ accounts, having full blown conversations with himself and a number of prominent accounts using PM's and all sorts to attack people who didn;t agree with them.

    If you ignore the nonsense and 101 posts on the same topic, you will find a good discussion.

    As I said, if PSF want to stop talking about PIRA, they should stop bringing them up all the time

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,886 ✭✭✭Clo-Clo

    Nobody is demanding, MLMD made the statement she wouldnt attend

    If MON wants to say she represents all communities in Northern Ireland, then explain how she does that by attending events celebrating the killing of people?

    In terms of the statement "young Southern voters" don't give a damn, based on what? a few online trolls seem to be the only one making this declaration. Any person is able to check into history, they can see what happened and not believe the spin pushed out by PSF which some lap up.

    You seem to think all young people are stupid and don't care about the past, or have any interest in finding out the truth about the past. I don't have that opinion at all. Like all generations you will have some people who will lap up the noise and others who will find out for themselves.

  • Registered Users Posts: 68,633 ✭✭✭✭FrancieBrady

    If MLMD says she won't attend, why would MON think it is ok?

    Personal choice.

    A harbinger of a UI too. Senior government ministers or a Taoiseach/President from a unionist background wouldn't be expected to attend commemorations of Independence or Unification, not by me anyway.
    It's called accommodating people and allowing them the freedom to remember their own.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,241 ✭✭✭pureza

    Based on polls clo clo

    You don t have to be stupid to at a young age give more priority in your choices to being an upstart at the polling booth versus caring about a troubles era you either know nothing about,don't want to know about and certainly haven't lived through or possibly your parents either

    Bashing @FrancieBrady here day in day out is all well and good but its not real for most under 40

    They look at policy,sound bytes,tik tok and the like

    So give us all a break with the annoyingly repetitive troubles bashing stuff

    It cuts no mustard

    It happened,we are where we are,Sinn Féin are pirrouetting into something more amenable to younger voters

    You're going to have to deal with them on a policy level

    Daily ribbing of Francie on his Republican beliefs ain't debate

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,886 ✭✭✭Clo-Clo

    So because the polls read that young people might vote for PSF, you think they don't care about the past? That's a jump isn't it? have any of these polls asked young people if they care about the past?

    I don't bash Francie, in fact the only poster on here who constantly makes personal comments is Francie. So you need to withdraw that statement and very quickly

    In terms of policies, I think you will find when they are discussed the topic is quickly switched by PSF supporters to something else, this thread and every other is the same. Policies are something PSF supporters don't want to discuss because they are a shambles.

    You are making a lot of assumptions based on polls, the last general election was a revolt election and well reported at the time. The local election no matter how PSF paint it was a mess for them.

    The younger voters are starting to see through the noise from PSF, will they be so amenable when they realise the plan for PSF and housing will set back Ireland years and instead of getting a house quicker, they will end up longer waiting?

    I couldn't care less about Francie, the number of posts on the thread is all noise and it is the same noise been posted on any PSF thread for years. I don't demand people to stop talking about a topic which you seem to think you can do. So best of luck on that, the last person I seen doing that was Francie and I posted the same to them

    Boards is full of threads, on all sorts of topic. Don't like the discussion on this one then go onto another one. Demanding what people can and can't discuss on a thread, well that's not your job. Contact the mods with your ideas and see what they say

    Strange you also pick me but say nothing to Francie, if you are so upset at the content would you not pick it up with that poster? especially as any decent discussion starts here they jump in with 101 posts of nonsense to shut it down.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,220 ✭✭✭mattser

    Another hard weeks work at the keyboard coalface for the few regular teams. The country is thriving with their input.

  • Registered Users Posts: 16,610 ✭✭✭✭astrofool

    SF isn't policy driven (bar UI), even their supporters don't worry about policy costs or manifestos and will never discuss those areas.

    It's populist politics using soundbites, if your goal is to impact votes, a discussion forum is probably the wrong place.

  • Registered Users Posts: 68,633 ✭✭✭✭FrancieBrady

     101 posts of nonsense

    This is your go to way to shut down discussion. You get challenged on a view and you pull on the 101 runners and bolt.

    Then you get up on the high horse and lecture people for trying to shut down discussion when they are just answering your post.

    On your point about the young, you assume again that they will care about the same things you do. A young person informing themselves about the past is just as likely to see it the way somebody from SF sees it, or somebody like me sees it or how a Unionist or dissident sees it. It isn't a given, in other words.
    With homeless figures reaching new records just yesterday I think 'young people' will not be flocking to FF or FG anytime soon. Their vote is all to play for.

    P.S. All elections that reject the sitting government are 'revolt' elections.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,241 ✭✭✭pureza

    Yawn,I do read this thread and participate

    Its perfectly obvious the threads here have been dragged down the current affairs gutter sniping road

    Nothing is being discussed here

    Don't like that being called out ? Tough

    I replied to your post becsuse,you're part of the whole laugh you're making of this place

    I've told @FrancieBrady the same many times

    Now any chance we all could go back on topic,discussing why SF might be unlikely to enter government in the Republic of Ireland anytime soon ?

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  • Registered Users Posts: 68,633 ✭✭✭✭FrancieBrady

    Maybe someone has an answer to this question that has been bugging me.

    How come all the 'policy experts' on here have never spotted the flaws in the policies that have caused the housing and health etc crisis's here?

    Why would you trust their take on any party's policy?
