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Brian Dowling and Arthur Gourounlian expecting first baby.



  • Registered Users Posts: 33,334 ✭✭✭✭Princess Consuela Bananahammock

    You're contradicting yourself and as I said, you need to reword your posts to say what you think and not generalise.

    You can't find kids being raised by someone other than their biologial.patents "creepy" and then say it's best in some cases at the sane time - pick a lane.

    Were done here, proven what i need to prove, not sticking around for the personal attacks

    Everything I don't like is either woke or fascist - possibly both - pick one.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,647 ✭✭✭Ezeoul

    Not at all. Again, with the disingenuous replies.

    I'm not homophobic, and have no concerns about gay men raising children. Boys or girls, either biological or non-biological.

    Let's not forget that the two girls in this case are the biological children of at least one of their parents, and are being raised by him and his partner. Who just happens to be another man.

    I see you.

    Another also done here.

  • Registered Users Posts: 666 ✭✭✭taxAHcruel

    For my own part it's not just that I see no "specific" value so much as no one else does either. Because as I keep pointing out, when I ask all I get are "sure its whats always done" "periods! periods!" "Sure I had a mammy and I cant imagine not having one" and "sure arent men and women different"?

    None of which answers the question. Which leaves me wondering. If there are all these actual specific values and benefits - why is not one single person capable of giving one simple example of them and instead keep falling back on the above 4 scraps of pure non sequitur?

    So you can point at people similar to myself saying we see no benefit. But it seems the people who claim there is one can't see/find these magical airy fairy benefits either. Go figure.

    Well to be clear, what I think is, in the majority of cases, the best people to raise a child are the person or people who are in that child's individual context in the best situation to provide the things that that child needs. Mostly this is the biologcal parents sure often purely by default but A) it doesn't have to be and B) there is no apparent automatic great loss if it isn't them. Just so long as the person or people who DO do it - can give the child what it need.

    Another analogy to add to the two or three I have already used on this thread is that of diet. There is no one perfect diet. There is no one set of foods that is ideal. Rather there is a set of nutrients that is ideal for any given individual and any number of combinations of foods can provide them. You might think the person absolutely needs Food1 Food2 and Food3 in their diet or its not "ideal" and its somehow "deficient". But no Food3 can be replaced with Food4 and/or Food5 with the same "ideal" results. The error is looking not at what is provided - but what is providing it - and leaping to assumptions based on nothing but air.

    The same appears to be true of child rearing from what I have seen and from the 75 studies I cited earlier. A child does not NEED a single woman and a single man per se. Rather what they need can potentially be provided by (or fail to be provided by) any individual or combination of individuals.

    Put another way - whether a child needs one man or one woman is seeminly the wrong question to even be asking. Rather we should be asking what specifics any given child needs and doing our best to ensure they have the person or people in their lives who can provide those things. And as with the drug addicts example above - if the current carers, even their biological parents, abjectly fail to provide those things we should strongly consider removing that child and finding a parent or parents (even gay and lesbians ones) who can do the job.

    Adoption was mentioned. If we were sitting on the board trying to decide whether to place a child with coupleA or coupleB - should we be checking their capability to provide for that child or should we be checking their genitals? Should we place them with the couple based on merit? Or should we solely be doing so based on "Well one couple is a man and a woman and the other is two men" without any consideration for merit.

    Because from the man hating comment earlier of essentially (paraphrased) "I would give a child to two women but not two men because thats just unnatural and weird" it seems I and at least one other person on this thread would give VERY different answers to that question.

  • Registered Users Posts: 20,032 ✭✭✭✭Cyrus

    race cars and diet, definitely analogous to raising children.

  • Registered Users Posts: 20,032 ✭✭✭✭Cyrus

    I see you too, desperate to be outraged and therefore willing to infer things that were never said.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 666 ✭✭✭taxAHcruel

    I am suddenly not convinced you know what analogy is or is for. You know saying something is analagous is not to say its the same or DIRECTLY comparable? Right? Analogy is used to show a form of thinking about two things so as to allow the listener to understand something structurally and rhetroically about one - which then CAN be applied to the other.

    And in this case my analogy stands. The point of the analogy being that often we ask the wrong question when looking for the good and bad in something. We can instead of looking at what is required in a given situation - look at what is providing what is required. And thus assume that this provider is the "ideal" or "required" or "necessary" thing.

    The risk being that we miss that there are other things that can - even if very different - provide the same required things just as well.

    And I think that's the error we are making when we throw out this (as yet totally unsupported by anyone on this thread) fantasy that "one man and one woman" is somehow an "ideal" that is required to give a child everything and anything else is lesser, inferior, or deficient.

    The reality it seems - including in the 75 studies I cited while none of your lot have cited a single one - is that we can identify the things children need for an ideal upbringing and these things are just as readily providable by a single person, two men, two women, a group (such as in my case) and so on.

    As yet no one on this thread can come up with a single thing that a man can provide a child a woman cant or a woman can that a man can't. Except this totally comical farce idea that a man can somehow not know anything about periods or how toiletry products work :) Which to be honest is the funniest thing I have heard all week.

  • Registered Users Posts: 177 ✭✭NeutralHandle

    Genuine question: Is there a better route for a homosexual man who wants to be a father to his own biological child?

    I guess the existence of sperm banks work against them, as there is no need for women in the same position to seek more symmetrical arrangements.

  • Registered Users Posts: 150 ✭✭AnnieinDundrum

    his own bio child and a willing surrogate is the best route I think.

    in the past he’d have married a woman and lived a life of repression. Or stayed childless and had that grief.

    I think it is sad to see terms like degenerate being used here. Hate speech like that makes me realise that Ireland still has its fair share of bigots.

    as for media exposure, I have yet to see Vogue get the same vitriol. She gets a fair bit, but usually directed at her actions not her very being.

    Lots of people choose to live in the limelight. Hopefully they aren’t harming their kids. I know an Irish dancing mammy who’s life surrounds her dancing kids, makes be sad for them. They aren’t allowed do anything other than dance. But that’s her choice.

  • Registered Users Posts: 20,032 ✭✭✭✭Cyrus

    I am suddenly not convinced, are you living in a real life soap opera, i know exactly what analgous means, and my point stands.

    as for your link dump of 75 studies which im sure you havent read any of, it appears to conclude that the children of gay parents arent negatively disadvantaged by it, does that prove to you that its better then than biological parents? seems a bit of a leap.

    There are plenty of studies that cite that biological parents are best for children, im sure you can find them as easily as anyone else, here is the first thing that comes up when you search:,valuable%20to%20the%20parenting%20enterprise.

    You should get out more if the funniest thing you have heard this week is in this thread tbh.

    If you think a childs up bringing is better without both sexes being involved and ideally both of them being biological parents then we will never agree.

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,779 ✭✭✭Backstreet Moyes

    The best model is a mother and father as parents.

    Both bring different aspects to parenting that one can't bring.

    Are their wonderful single mothers and fathers, yes of course they are.

    Would two men raising a child instead of a couple of junkies be better, yes of course.

    It is not controversial but just blatantly obvious that the best model is a male and a female and it's nonsense to try argue otherwise.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,539 ✭✭✭StevenToast

    I'd like to think that I am a good dad to my 2 kids....but thank god that I have my wife to help bring them up....

    2 good dads just wouldn't cut the mustard....

    Theres a certain unique dynamic that only a Father and Mother can bring to rearing children.…

    "Don't piss down my back and tell me it's raining." - Fletcher

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,526 ✭✭✭eightieschewbaccy

    Wait, have you just linked to a blog that is explicitly related to opposing gay people from marrying? Really shows why you shouldn't trust the first link you find. Link to actual studies rather than bigots who are offended by the idea of same sex couples marrying.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,647 ✭✭✭Ezeoul

    I see you're reduced to attempts at gaslighting now.

    Not everything has to be said with words or in text, for the intent to come through loud and clear anyway.

    I'm not the one who is outraged here.

    That would be the likes of those who are so opposed to two men raising a family together - those who make claims like "it's not natural" or use terms like "degenerate" to describe them.

    I've a lot better things to be outraged at then how others live their lives.

  • Registered Users Posts: 20,032 ✭✭✭✭Cyrus

    References and Further Readings

    1. Byrd, A. Dean. “Conjugal marriage fosters healthy human and societal development.” What’s the Harm (2008): 3-26. 
    2. Moore, Kristin A., Susan M. Jekielek, and Carol Emig. Marriage from a Child’s Perspective: How Does Family Structure Affect Children, and What Can We Do About It?. Washington, DC: Child Trends, 2002. 
    3. McLanahan, Sarah, and Gary Sandefur. Growing up with a single parent: What hurts, what helps. Harvard University Press, 2009. 
    4. Parke, Mary. “Are Married Parents Really Better for Children? What Research Says about the Effects of Family Structure on Child Well-Being.” (2003). 

  • Registered Users Posts: 20,032 ✭✭✭✭Cyrus

    gaslighting, perfect, anything else on your bingo card?

    i havent used any of the terms you have quoted there. Although two men having a child isnt physically possible, so it would be hard to call it natural would it not? How would you argue otherwise?

  • Registered Users Posts: 666 ✭✭✭taxAHcruel

    Well I can take your word for it, but the comment you made about analogy makes it seem strongly you think you know what it is but actually don't. But who cares, because I made the same point without the analogy in response. And you still have not rebutted it.

    Speaking of things you do not seem to understand, why do you ask me if my "link dump" (which it wasn't you also do not appear to know what a link dump is… its when you drop a link but do not say anything about it but I have been talking at length about it) shows that gay parents are "better than biological parents"? Because I have not ONCE made that claim? So it seems you do not even know at this point, after many posts of conversation, what my position even is here! The "leap" you are complaining about is not something I have done, said, believe, claimed, or even once thought.

    No my ENTIRE point across multiple posts now is that I have not been shown a single reason to think ANY parental configuration is inherently better OR worse than any other. That they all appear to have equal potential and there is nothing a child requires that is available to any configuration that is precluded any other. With the sole caveat as I mentioned that specifically single parents struggle most of all and overall have the worst outcomes on average.

    So why would you think I would show you 75 studies (all of which I have read contrary to your imagination) to show one is "better"? That simply is not something I have claimed anywhere. The only one throwing the word "better" about is you.

    So perhaps you can do me the service of replying once again but this time to what my position actually is, rather than twice mentioning a position I never once claimed?? Then we might have a cordial and respecful adult conversation.

    Finally you say I can find the "plenty of studies" if I go look. No. If you want to cite studies, like I did, I will read them. But the "go find it yourself" approach is not kosher. Quoting opinion pieces so I have to trawl through the references is not kosher. If you want me to specifically read a study - cite the study directly and you will find me more than willing.

    Especially as the one link you just offered above is not to a study at all. But an opinion piece. An opinion piece on a site specifically created with the bias of pedaling "traditional marriage" and disparaging same sex marriage. An opinion piece is not a study. And it is an opinion piece that's opening line for example is simply a moral assertion with no basis. And they continue in this vein afterwards. Assertions are not evidence or arguments or studies. They are opinions.

    The problem also with science is you can usually find a study (or in your case an opinion piece) to support any position. That is why we do things like meta analysis and multiple analysis and more. I cited 75 studies that show kids of other configurations faring just as well as others. I even cited FOUR studies showing the opposite. You cited 1 single link which is not even a study. Thats a 75:4:1 ratio. If you are going to support a position contrary to a large body of studies, you are going to have to do it better than a single link to a single person expressing an opinion that conforms with your own.

    So yeah in general I would start by A) Learning what my position actually is and responding to it rather than one you invented B) Learning the difference between an opinion piece and a study and we can work from there.

  • Registered Users Posts: 666 ✭✭✭taxAHcruel

    Two men and two women both also bring different aspects that one can't bring. Why? Because they are two individuals. Nothing to do with their sex, gender, or sexuality. They are simply two different people and so they will each bring something unique.

    Just shouting something is "obvious" and anything else is "nonsense" is not an argument or a discussion. It is just head in the sand "blah blah I am right and you are wrong" stuff from the playground. If you are right, you should be able to show you are right in some way other than congratualting yourself for your own rightness.

    What are the "different aspects" specifically you think a man brings a woman can not, or a woman can and a man can not. Short of breastfeeding I literally can not think of a single one. And - since I have asked and asked and asked many times for some time on the thread now - it seems no one else can either!

    And why stop at two? If all this nebulous diversity is so special why not 2 men and 2 women? Or 1 man and 10 women? Why is it not just one man and one woman that is magically so special, but specifically 2 people in total? Does anyone know?

    Same question to you as the paragraph about. Can you be specific? Because so far it's all so vague and hand wavey and smoke screeny. We are told about all this unique special stuff. But no one appears capable of saying what even one example of it actually is. Except the comical "Ooooo periods!" which has been so funny so far.

  • Registered Users Posts: 20,032 ✭✭✭✭Cyrus

    You posted a link that cited 75 studies, you didnt cite 75 studies, ergo a link dump.

    So your position is that it doesnt matter a whit who brings kids up, any configuration can be as good as another? Fair representation?

    I fundamentally disagree, in fact i think thats utter nonsense.

    i get that you want to validate yourself.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,647 ✭✭✭Ezeoul

    No, that's the point. You don't have to use those exact terms directly for everyone to know what you really think.

    Which you just reinforced with this latest post.

    The fact is, in 2024, two gay men can have a family.

    Deal with it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 666 ✭✭✭taxAHcruel

    See you do not know what a link dump is as I said. A link dump on boards is when you make a thread or a post - with a link iink in it - and nothing else. It's when you do not talk about what is in the link, what the link is for, why the content of the link is relevant, or anything else. You just dump the link and run.

    I did not do that. I have been discussing my position AT LENGTH and when someone asked for citations related to my position I gave them a compliation of 75 of them. That is the exact opposite of a link dump.

    Your representation is much fairer now yes. This is progress. However I still would word it a little different. I am not saying any configuration "can be as good". What I am saying is I am get to see any arguments or evidence that specifically "one man or one woman" is better than all the rest. So it APPEARS at this point that any other configuration is as good. Because we can not find after a long discussion a single reason to think otherwise. Other than the comical "Oh no periods!" nonsense from earlier.

    Put even simpler if it helps: I am not actually making any claim at all. I am directly questioning and querying the claim others have made to see if it holds water. Not everyone who questions the validity of a claim is, or must, present a counter claim. One claim can be considered in isolation on it's own individual merits. Which is what I have been doing.

    Your last sentence is just petty, personal and false - so I will not dignify it but I am aware you disagree. The point is I am waiting to find a single basis for that disagreement. You have not shown me one yet. But I am a patient person. If you find a single reason or argument to think that a one man one woman is an ideal and others (like 2 men, 2 women, or my own situation of 1 man and 2 women) is lesser I am all ears. It hasn't come yet.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 20,032 ✭✭✭✭Cyrus

    The fact is in 2024 two men, gay or otherwise, cant concieve a child, and that will be the case in the 2124, im not sure why thats triggering for you, its just a fact.

    I'm not arguing that they cant use some other means to form a family unit.

    what i really think, who is gaslighting now?

  • Registered Users Posts: 33,334 ✭✭✭✭Princess Consuela Bananahammock

    'References and Furher Reading' - references from where and further to what...?


    1 - No ones actually denying this one....

    2 - Does not contain a hypothesis

    3 - Discusses a topic not relevant (the couple in question aren't single and you've stated you're not against single parents)

    4 - Does not contain a hypothesis.

    I'm inclined to think this is a random copy and paste job from another link you just randomly clicked on.

    Everything I don't like is either woke or fascist - possibly both - pick one.

  • Registered Users Posts: 24,207 ✭✭✭✭Sleepy

    That this thread has 18 pages is depressing. Two gay men started a family with the help of a surrogate. Big **** deal. The kids will be loved and raised in a more privileged life than most.

    It's certainly a better start in life than many kids will have in Dublin. Take a walk along Talbot street or Main Street Castlebar any day of the week and you'll see plenty of "naturally" conceived children who can only dream of the upbringing these kids will have being raised by two "degenerates" (as the couple in question have been referred to in this thread).

    For the record, I find Brian Dowling an irritating twit from what I've seen of him on TV and know nothing of his husband. That in no way invalidates their right to be parents or makes me think they'll do any worse a job of it than anyone else in this country.

    The bang of homophobia off this thread is utterly disgusting.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,526 ✭✭✭eightieschewbaccy

    The first study isn't readily available. The second explicitly states this "Note: This Child Trends brief summarizes research conducted in 2002, when neither same-sex parents nor adoptive parents were identified in large national surveys. Therefore, no conclusions can be drawn from this research about the wellbeing of children raised by same-sex parents or adoptive parents.". So it absolutely doesn't support what you're claiming.

    The third study relates to single parents and the fourth says the aspect of marriage might be as important as biology in terms of stability, however it also notes that the vast majority of children not living with biological married parents turn out fine. So you just linked to some studies without even looking at them? Right? 😂 In future, you should probably not just outright trust a random homophobic WordPress site.

  • Registered Users Posts: 666 ✭✭✭taxAHcruel

    ^ If it helps any @Sleepy, I do not own a TV or any of the big social media accounts - and actually have literally no idea who either of these two men are or what they look like or what they do :) If they delivered my amazon package this morning with a song and a dance I would not even have a notion it was them.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,647 ✭✭✭Ezeoul

    Question for you, (eta) and for those who thinks its "not natural".

    Do you also consider it "not natural" when a man and a woman who can't conceive or physically have children, go the IVF, donor egg/sperm or surrogate route?

    Or is "not natural" only applicable, when gay couples do it?

  • Registered Users Posts: 20,032 ✭✭✭✭Cyrus

    Natural (oxford dictionary definition) - existing in or derived from nature; not made or caused by humankind.

    So i think the answer to the question is obvious, although i'd differentiate IVF (if using the mother and fathers egg and sperm) from a donor material situation personally.

  • Registered Users Posts: 20,032 ✭✭✭✭Cyrus

    fair point! i just need cornell to summarise 70 odd articles that support my position, it would be a lot handier in internet arguments.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,526 ✭✭✭eightieschewbaccy

    Plenty of metastudies on the topic that cover the research. One such study below. You're making claims so backing them up should be expected tbh. The fact you used the dodgiest blog going isn't a great sign so far.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 33,334 ✭✭✭✭Princess Consuela Bananahammock

    From this, i could conclude you're against all forms of medicine and instead favour things like homeopathy and shamanic medicines.

    Everything I don't like is either woke or fascist - possibly both - pick one.
