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  • Registered Users Posts: 20,030 ✭✭✭✭Cyrus

  • Registered Users Posts: 33,334 ✭✭✭✭Princess Consuela Bananahammock

    No, I don't. You'll have to enlighten yourself. And seeing as you pretend to not know, I think we're done here.

    You know what you object to but are unable to say why, which means your objections are baseless, and thetes no point continuing.

    Everything I don't like is either woke or fascist - possibly both - pick one.

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,779 ✭✭✭Backstreet Moyes

    I stated a man and a women is the best model because they bring different things.

    A daughter for example is going to be more comfortable talking to a women about boys and periods.

    A boy is going to be more comfortable talking to a man about girls.

    Two obvious examples and breastfeeding obviously.

    Now my post referred to the best model overall for parenting.

    You are going down so rabbit hole of talking about individuals.

    If you want to show me some research that two men or two women is the best model for kids then please go ahead.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,526 ✭✭✭eightieschewbaccy

    Except all the research indicates that there's no real difference between the quality of upbringing. No parents are gonna behave in the exact same way when given a situation.

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,779 ✭✭✭Backstreet Moyes

    What research compares man and woman as a couple compared to a man and a man or a woman and woman?

    Can your provide links to the research so I can have a look at what metrics they used?

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,526 ✭✭✭eightieschewbaccy

  • Registered Users Posts: 20,030 ✭✭✭✭Cyrus

    I honestly am not sure what you think you are reading or perceiving, but happy not to continue with this.

  • Registered Users Posts: 666 ✭✭✭taxAHcruel

    Firstly: Any two people bring "different things" by virtue of the fact they are individuals. Why does gender matter therefore? What "different things" are specific to being a man or a woman that A) they bring and B) is relevant or important to child rearing? Secondly if bringing "different things" is meant to be important then why do we magically stop at 1 man and 1 woman? Surely 10 men and 10 women would bring a massive amount of different things???? Curtailing it to 2 people would seemingly contradict your own assertions.

    As for your assertion that a daughter automatically will be more comfortable speaking to a woman about periods - have you read the thread? This nonsense has been dealt with and rebutted and refuted repeatedly. In summary however A) you do not know that, some daughters talk to their dads about it like mine did and some talk to no one at all. B) These days how often do kids talk to their parents about body or sex related stuff anyway rather than their peers, the internet, education in school, or a book someone buys them. C) Why is it always periods is the only thing anyone can ever think of? D) What does "more comfortable" mean anyway? All that would be required is a minimum level of comfort so communication happens. Anything after that is superfluous.

    There are so many many many things required and related to child rearing. Yet all anyone has on their mind is periods. It's seriously weird and creepy. And even then its a 5 minute talk out of anything up to 21 years of child rearing. It's barely a drop in the ocean of child rearing.

    As for your final sentence, why would I show you research for a claim I have never once made? Again have you not read the thread? Because people keep making this error and I have corrected it repeatedly. Read it again: I have NO WHERE ONCE claimed that two men or two women is "The best model". So why ask me for research to show that?

    No what I keep saying over and over is that I see no reason to think that any model is better or worse than any other. Any combination of parents appears able to provide what a child needs just as well as any other. And no one can give a single example of something that can be provided by "one man and one woman" that any other combination is magically precluded. Quite the contrary, earlier in the thread I linked to a collection of not 1 but 75 studies showing children of gay parents fare pretty much just as well. So why do people keep claiming one model is better or the ideal when all the evidence shows all the models are pretty much equally effective and ideal?

    The obvious caveat to that of course is single parenting. While single parents CAN still do all the things any other combination of parents can - clearly the stats and studies show they struggle a lot more to do so.

  • Registered Users Posts: 24,207 ✭✭✭✭Sleepy

    On your last point: have those studies ever controlled for the financial status of the single parent (i.e. their having a single income or being caught in the welfare trap)?

    My suspicion would be that the main cause of most "failings" of single parents highlighted by such studies are far more likely to be caused by their socio-economic status than the lack of a second parent.

  • Registered Users Posts: 17 sgsdfsdfsd

    2 narcissistic gays, modern equivalent of having a cat a couple of decades ago. Want want want. Best of both worlds. All part of being complete drama queens. More for the attention they get (from women generally) than any actual desire to have kids. Annoying gits. Bog off and be proud or whatever. But children aren't poodles. Ha!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 919 ✭✭✭gym_imposter

    None so blind to common sense as a committed ideologue

  • Registered Users Posts: 666 ✭✭✭taxAHcruel

    I think I agree entirely. Rather than control for it - I think it's one of the things they use to explain it. As in the reason parenting is much harder for them is that they end up with less time, less money, less resources, less everything required to guide and raise the kid. There is simply 1 person doing the same job normally done by 2.

    At the end of the day though it doesn't mean that there is anything about parenting a single parent can not do that 2 parents or 20 parents can. It's just overall harder for them for obvious reasons.

    There is a lot more to control for when looking at the out comes of single parenting than dual parenting too though. A lot more. For example the means by which the parent ended up being a single parent can often have massive implications on the well being of a child. Did the other parent die? Leave or divorce under arduous circumstances? Abandonment? When studying single parents therefore they should also have to control for the effects of whatever divide occured in the first place.

    For example I have not seen many (any? Struggling to remember now) studies comparing single parents who were single from the outset by choice for example - with single parents who ended up single parenting much later in the process due to death, divorce, abandonment or worse.

    So absolutely, much to control for there. You're dead right.

  • Registered Users Posts: 666 ✭✭✭taxAHcruel

    Another one of your throw away one liners that does nothing to address, rebut, or deal with a thing that is said. As such the only one acting like and ideologue is the only one who is throwing that word around multiple times while saying nothing at all.

    Can you reply to anything I have said? Or will it just be ad hominems and personal attacks?

  • Registered Users Posts: 919 ✭✭✭gym_imposter

    The party advocating for the peerless traditional parenting model can't seriously be accused of being ideologically driven

  • Registered Users Posts: 666 ✭✭✭taxAHcruel

    And I wouldn't accuse you of it. You threw the word out. Twice. Not me. I just think that the person closest to fitting it - is the only person using it. But I would not use it or throw it around myself. I prefer discussion not ad hominem and personal attacks.

    One definition of the word is "An ideologue is someone who has very strong beliefs or opinions and stubbornly sticks to them no matter what.". You will not address or rebut or answer anything put to you. You just throw out one liners that do not say anything to the person you are actually talking with. And you declare your own position "common sense" without advancing a single argument for it.

    So you appear to fit it better than I. I have at least argued my positions and thoughts, addressed what other people have said, rebutted much of it, cited studies and much more. Hardly comparable.

    I however am absolutely happy to change my position if a single person can (no one has yet) show me arguments for why specifically 1 man and 1 woman is the "ideal" for parenting and everything else is somehow lesser, deficient, worse, or harmful or anything else. Until such time it is not ideology but mere intellectual prudence to assume that if no one can find a difference - then there may in fact be no difference. If you look and look - and look and look and look for something and do not find it - it is perhaps time to consider the concept that there might be nothing there to find!

  • Registered Users Posts: 919 ✭✭✭gym_imposter

    Believing that two men raising kids is equally as ideal is an ideological position , for one thing it requires surrogacy to become far more common if gay couples raising kids is to reach an equal footing

    It's a massive upending of how things have always been

  • Registered Users Posts: 24,207 ✭✭✭✭Sleepy

    Absolutely. I'm firmly of the belief that the main determinant in the success or otherwise of an individual in a capitalist society is the resources available to, and utilised by, their parents in the process of raising them. Obviously there's a factor of diminishing returns with this and simply spending money on a child whilst never spending any quality time with them is a well known parental failing.

    Your point regarding "the means by which the parent ended up being a single parent" having a massive impact is very true: one obvious factor being that a widowed parent may actually end up with huge resources through life insurance, mortgage protection insurance or plain old inheritance. I remember reading a study once which theorised, with quite compelling data to back up their thesis, that the best thing a parent can do for their child is to die during the child's early twenties so the child gets the full benefit of their inheritance.

  • Registered Users Posts: 666 ✭✭✭taxAHcruel

    Hardly an upending at all. It is happening all the time. Surrogacy is only one. Adoption. Parents leaving a heterosexual relationship and entering into a homosexual relationship and parenting their child from there. And so on. That is the reality of our world today. No one is upending anything. It's already that way.

    And it is not a "massive" upending either so you are doubly wrong there. The % of our species that are in homosexual relationships is small. The % of those who seek to parent is smaller still. There is nothing "massive" about any of this. In fact the people arguing most against me make this point for me as they go on and on about what is "the norm".

    But you are changing the subject anyway. What you are referring to is conception and creating a child. What I am talking about is parenting a child that exists. Two different things. Once a child exists - is there any reason to think that one parental configuration can parent it better than another? Other than shouting "common sense" over and over again as if that is some magic abracadabra that makes you more right the more you repeat it with head firmly in sand?

    Again if I keep looking for it from several people and no one can answer it - then I am forced to assume it is not there until such time as at least one of you can show otherwise.
