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Time for a zero refugee policy? - *Read OP for mod warnings and threadbans - updated 11/5/24*



  • Registered Users Posts: 1,850 ✭✭✭nachouser

    The over whelming majority of immigrants we currently have in this country are working. Go to a hospital. Go to the shops. Work for a financial company. You'll find you're working with a lot of immigrants.

    It's very hard to see it as "colonisation" or "dilution of our culture."

  • Registered Users Posts: 18,546 ✭✭✭✭Strazdas

    But we also need unskilled workers - hospitality workers, cleaners, kitchen staff, agriculture, refuse collection, labourers, factory operatives, nursing home assistants and so on. We shouldn't necessarily get too hung on whether migrants are skilled or unskilled, just as long as they are fit and healthy and employable.

  • Registered Users Posts: 99 ✭✭BolloxChop

    I agree. Like Irish youngsters working on farms in Australia. But we don't need thousands. Like the 20,000 per year that's being quoted.

    Probably a small point but a good few of those unskilled jobs go to Irish youngsters trying to get on the job ladder...

    If these low skilled immigrants arrive here and work for very low wages they'll struggle to pay for accommodation. They'll therefore have to be subsidised by us, the tax payer..

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,338 ✭✭✭prunudo

    but they should still be coming via the proper channels. If the government encourage people to come here and they fraudulently claim asylum just to avoid the work visa system but then reward them with work anyway. You may as well just rip up the work visa system.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,850 ✭✭✭nachouser

    The vast majority of them are coming here via the proper methods. And they're working, and paying taxes. You probably encounter them every day as you go about your business.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 54,206 ✭✭✭✭Headshot

    Every country needs unskilled workers to help an economy grow as by in large Irish workers wont pick fruit or hotel cleaners etc however you cannot just open the borders like what this government is doing but rather we should have a scheme in place that looks at the different areas in our economy and see what area's are we missing unskilled workers for seasonal or short term work and the employer would have to justify why they need these workers etc

    I would also add that any migrant that comes here illegally should not be allowed in this scheme what so ever

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,850 ✭✭✭nachouser

    I agree that we do need migrants. I disagree that they are diluting / colonising our country. Unlike some posters on here. Just pushing back on that part of the debate on here.

  • Registered Users Posts: 338 ✭✭briangriffin

    The far left beleive none of our culture is being diluted, the ethnic irish people and their culture are irrelevant, national identity doesn't matter, sovereignty doesn't matter, borders don't matter, individual national culture (music, sports, religion, family values peoples attitudes to women,children, and each other how they treat each other none of that matters) traditions dont matter, shared history doesnt matter, historical societal values they don't matter. Judeao christian values dont matter. All humans are equal all religions and none are equal all societal values are equal all nations are equal all people are equal, tribalism doesn't exist we should accept people from any country in the world because that is the virtuous thing to do. Crime statistics from other countries are irrelevant, social unrest is irrelevant. All people will come here with virtuous goodwill and will be grateful for our generosity so much so that they will adapt to our culture they will speak our language within a year, know our history play our sports, sing our songs, adopt our values and integrate fully, they will become more irish than the Irish themselves. The best way to achieve this would be mass immigration to change the demographic from 3% foreign born to 22% foreign born within 25 years. 3% to 22% is not dilution its enrichment and all enrichment is good do not question it do not concern yourself with it, our politicians have it all under control, to question the merits and problems of any immigration policy is "far right,racist, and xenophobic".

    Take the 2021 white paper on ending direct provision for international protection it assumed 3500 applicants for asylum annually at a capitol cost of building 6 centres holding 330 each of up to 741 million with an estimated annual cost of processing and welfare of 175 million.

    That has since changed the new normal according to roderic was going to be 15,000 applicants this was in december 2023,is%20now%20between%2013%2C000%2D15%2C000

    Now the new normal going forward appears to be 30,000 applicants according to the latest figures this year.

    There will be homeless ghettos all over this country by the end of the year ifour politicians don't get a handle on this.

    Our tourism sector will be decimated by years end all over this country.

    It's not the fault of anyone coming here it's solely the fault of our politicians who have encouraged and enabled this.

  • Registered Users Posts: 40 Repro212

    Feel free to pushback but the reality is that Irish culture is being diluted. Referring to immigrants working in hospitals, retail or the financial sector is a red herring. Those people are integrating and contributing to our society.

    They may be the majority of migrants right now but with the floodgates well and truly open, they will soon be overtaken by the thousands who are destroying passports and rocking up under false pretences, expecting housing and other handouts. That starting point is hardly a sign of respect for the host country or it's culture.

    The longer this free for all continues, the more we'll start to see areas of the country becoming less and less Irish as more and more enclaves are established. Some people might see that as something to celebrate. For others it's all very unsettling.

    Being on the outer edge of Europe, we had a chance to look at and learn from countries that experienced high levels of immigration earlier in their history and avoid making the same mistakes. As I said above though, it's just been and continues to be, a free for all, with no thought to the long term consequences.

    Post edited by Repro212 on

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,361 ✭✭✭Jinglejangle69

    Are they fit and healthy?

    Since many are coming from third world countries where diseases are rife with no vaccines etc how do we know their health status?

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  • Registered Users Posts: 11,088 ✭✭✭✭Furze99

    "Probably a small point but a good few of those unskilled jobs go to Irish youngsters trying to get on the job ladder..."

    This is an important point and one that tends to be ignored by those who will defend immigration policy regardless of impacts.

    Everyone is different and like other countries we have a blend of young people with various skills and aptitudes. Some get good quality degrees and masters and get a foothold into a range of skilled work. Others are just unsuited to this, they will live productive and useful lives if given a fair chance and a good start. Retail, childcare, labouring etc etc. But these are all the sort of jobs that the 'pro immigration' lobby see as needing to be filled. So there's now competition for these between Irish school leavers trying to get a start and those who are here as refugees and asylum seekers as well as those brought in on permits.

    This aspect is why I'm constantly puzzled by the attitudes of the Labour Party, Social Democrats and PBP etc - you'd think they'd be standing up for Irish workers at the lower ends of the food chain. But no, they seem happy to have them as collateral damage so they can appear virtuous.

  • Registered Users Posts: 477 ✭✭Ozvaldo

    The party's mentioned above are largely irrelevant to the Irish public along with Sinn Fein who will soon just disappear with their sitting on the fence politics and no answers to this issue.

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,338 ✭✭✭prunudo

    But we're still expecting close on 30k this year and the language being used by senior ministers including the Taoiseach, is that we need these people here to work. The government are essentially saying, you can bypass the work visa system and come here, even fraudulently, and sure we'll look after you and give you work anyway. Its a dangerous policy and everything about this immigration mess sets a dangerous precedent, where the government just bypass the rules of the land which normal law abiding citizens must adhere too.

  • Registered Users Posts: 116 ✭✭LongfordMB

    "They therefore need to be subsidized by us, the taxpayer"

    Never heard such BS in my life. What about the Croation staff member in my local Cafeand the tens of thousands like him, how does he manage without any subsidies by the irish state as he is a legal EU worker?But these other lads from pakistan need to be put up in hotels?

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,666 ✭✭✭DebDynamite

    Your Croatian cafe worker is entitled to HAP as an EU citizen working in Ireland.

  • Registered Users Posts: 213 ✭✭Geert von Instetten

    The Irish Times published a piece on Saturday that reported that developing world diseases were rife in the expanding, predominantly migrant homeless population - far from the image of health. Obviously these issues relate primarily to asylum seekers rather than the broader migrant population but this is the refugee thread, so I’m not sure why other forms of migration were raised in the first place.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,850 ✭✭✭nachouser

    If anything, since Harris became Taoiseach, the talk has been about hardening things regarding illegal immigrants. But I think my point stands that's it not a good thing to talk about immigrants diluting our culture. But sure, whatever, it's an echo chamber on here when it comes to immigration.

  • Registered Users Posts: 213 ✭✭Geert von Instetten

    This thread is primarily a refugee and asylum thread rather than an immigration thread, at least that was the impression I had based on the title and the majority of the discussion. At present between 50% - 70% of asylum applicants in the State are secondary movements from other EU Member States, in addition to that incredible statistic, the majority are from countries of origin with low acceptance rates, this is appalling and marginally less supportive language from the Taoiseach on immigration will have little practical impact. Policies of deterrence in line with the Danish model are required.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,850 ✭✭✭nachouser

    Yeah, it was originally a thread about the op and then it degenerated to stuff about dilution of our country. Us being out bred. Us bring colonised. It's all there. Nasty stuff.

  • Registered Users Posts: 213 ✭✭Geert von Instetten

    Reading the thread, it remains primarily a thread focused on asylum. Repeatedly commenters have recognised the value of skilled migration in in-demand areas of the economy. To say that certain types of migration add value is uncontroversial, a large percentage of the population believe that, a large percentage of the population equally believe that immigration is excessive and that asylum in particular is incredibly excessive, especially considering the circumstances. What the majority find unfathomable is the widespread manipulation and incompetence of the asylum system, not skilled migration, and it seems to me that the person your talking to has mentioned those points in relation to asylum, so focusing on skilled migration seems misguided.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 222 ✭✭minimary

    This should have been done years ago when it was obvious it was being abused, its like McEntee is on a go slow or something

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,500 ✭✭✭MegamanBoo

    I have no idea how many asylum seekers coming here are 'genuine' or merely fleeing extreme poverty (how dare they).

    Nobody else on this thread has any kind of reliable figure either that I've seen.

    If somehow our immigration system could magically determine who was 'genuine' every time, with no scope for error, we'd still have to deal with the people who will try to come here to escape poverty. If anything it could be more difficult if people came undocumented, with all the consequences that would bring.

    How many should we take? I might as well say 7, for all the relevance it has. What I think will happen is that there'll be an attempt to step up deportations, and approx 90% of those arriving will still end up living here. They'll be working and living alongside us, their kids will go to school with our kids, and they will be part of our communities and lives.

    If enough people are upset about this we could try going for more extreme solutions a la Denmark or Hungary. These come with a multitude or risks and no guarantees of effectiveness, despite what the people looking for your votes will tell you come the next election.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,265 ✭✭✭twinytwo

    You are definitely one of the most fanatical posters on here. 856 pages now at this stage and you are still regurgitating the same nonsense.

    Even a basic understanding of primary school level mathematics should allow you to see that what you are purposing/advocating for is not feasible/sustainable.

    Lets assume everything goes the way you suggest, how do you see that ending? Repeatedly telling us to just accept it because some lad from Nigeria had a hard life and there is nothing we can do or seemingly should do about it isn't the answer.

    Post edited by twinytwo on

  • Moderators, Entertainment Moderators, Science, Health & Environment Moderators Posts: 14,396 Mod ✭✭✭✭marno21

    Seems quite clear now that:

    a) There is a greater push to make the system work properly under Simon Harris

    b) Simon Harris’s predecessor had no interest in actually solving the problem given how many straightforward steps have been taken since he took office

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,500 ✭✭✭MegamanBoo

    Thing is, I'm not actually proposing or advocating for anything in this post.

    I'm describing some realities, I know that's not generally acceptable in this thread, but the facts are deportations are extremely difficult to carry out. Unless the migration pact removes obstacles to deportation I think it reasonable to estimate our current moves in this direction will yield somewhere around 10% completed deportations. I'm sharing some deportation figures here from Meloni's Italy but similar are available for other parts of Europe, Australia, the US.

    Likewise, there are risks to pursuing a Danish/Hungarian approach. Again I can share the links to serious political commentators on the risk to EU division from a non-unified approach, but I suspect if you haven't read them by now you won't.

    I guess it's much easier live in this imagined anti-immigration world where all our problems are the foreigners fault, and they'll simply go away if we only get enough votes to 'build the wall', 'stop the boats', 'send them back' etc.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,500 ✭✭✭MegamanBoo

    As for how it ends, I can't predict the future but I suppose the worst outcome probably ends with a dissolved EU. Maybe less immigration because we're no longer a top-tier destination, think Ireland in the 80's. We could also see security threats coming from the militias the EU are currently funding to stop immigration. Historically funding militia's to do the dirty work hasn't worked out so well.

    The more positive outlook sees the EU working with nations in the Global South, perhaps trade deals and common market entry in lieu of human rights improvements. According to the current MD of the IMF, tackling poverty in the Global South is actually key to our own economic growth in the next century. So to me this looks like the direction to go for a multitude or reasons.

  • Registered Users Posts: 11,088 ✭✭✭✭Furze99

    Roderic O'Gorman is now the new leader of the Green party. A minister of a department at the forefront of riding rough shod over concerns around the rest of the country when refugees and asylum seekers are parachuted into rural communities.

    Post edited by Furze99 on

  • Registered Users Posts: 116 ✭✭LongfordMB

    The difference being we have agreed as a nation to treat EU migrant workers same as irish, so they qualify for HAP just like Irish. I don't recall the agreement of the nation to subsidize the labour of Ahmed from Pakistan by putting him up in a hotel.

  • Registered Users Posts: 54,206 ✭✭✭✭Headshot

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  • Registered Users Posts: 16,582 ✭✭✭✭Francie Barrett

    I am not sure what you are getting at.

    Are you talking about Ahmed from Pakistan who is an international protection applicant, or are you talking about the Ahmed who has been granted residency?

    If it's the first instance, then Ahmed is legally entitled to accommodation under the International Protection Act 2015. If it's the latter case and Ahmed is now a resident of this state, then he's entitled to HAP and any other entitlement that you and I qualify for.
