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Assassination attempt on Donald Trump - threadbans in OP



  • Registered Users Posts: 3,155 ✭✭✭techdiver

    There's no point in arguing with Trump loving Magas. Their sole concern is to "own the libtards". They will overlook everything else as long as their candidate fits that bill.

    They don't realise it but they have fallen for the same propaganda that enabled fascism to rise across Europe post WW1. In my opinion, for anyone to think someone like Trump is a suitable leader, copper fastens my opinion of that. The man should have been laughed out of the Republican race 8 years ago and would be laughed off the ballot in most educated civilised countries. The issue is the American education system which has long been a joke (outliers of top universities for a small minority of the population do not prove otherwise), has now gotten to the point of having a class of politically, sociologically and historically illiterate voters who now buy into the politician being a rock star type vibe which is sad and embarrassing.

    A healthy electorate should always be critical and forensic of every decision, action and position taken by even the people we vote for. They are not a sporting team that you follow regardless and that is where US politics has gone down a rabbit hole.

  • Registered Users Posts: 29,782 ✭✭✭✭odyssey06

    And yet all we see here are unprompted criticisms of one side. Not convincing at all.

    Trumps VP pick is recorded as comparing Trump to Hitler.

    I think that puts to bed the notion that comparing Trump to Hiter is somehow the result of concerted left wing messaging, or such a comparison means the source is trying to stir up political violence against Trump.

    Unless you think Republican Senator JD Vance is brainwashed by CNN or was plotting to inspire someone to kill Trump!

    And if he can do it, so in light of Trumps conduct, can Democrats and mainstream media.

    "To follow knowledge like a sinking star..." (Tennyson's Ulysses)

  • Registered Users Posts: 82,686 ✭✭✭✭Overheal

    ”You seriously need to expand beyond snippets on twitter for your "facts" aswell.”

    ^ this you?

  • Registered Users Posts: 388 ✭✭animalinside

    No, Trump is the way of the future.

    The right is rising all around the western world, it's the way forward.

    Is Trump awful in some ways - yes, but Trump is open about being awful and does it in public, while Biden is sneaky about being awful and will do it behind closed doors while proclaiming how moral and virtuous he is in every speech he does. Better the devil you know. It's emblematic of left vs right in general. A simple way to put a complex situation of course but you won't find a more accurate summary.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 133 ✭✭SpoonyMcSpoon

    So the one comment from JD Vance comparing Trump to Hitler is where all of the comparisons have come from in your view? This is actually what it takes for you to shine no light onto the negative actions of Democrat party supporters?

    You have just completely glossed over all of the Democratic party aligned media and celebrity examples to focus on some Facebook comments from JD Vance that have no explanation or context. I take it that you support JD Vance’s reasoning for comparing Trump to Hitler so can you at least share his reasoning since you align with it?

  • Registered Users Posts: 82,686 ✭✭✭✭Overheal


    That’s literally you comparing him to Hitler - AND suggesting violence against him.

    The article did not say anything to incite violence against him. There you go though. Just, wow.

  • Registered Users Posts: 133 ✭✭SpoonyMcSpoon

    This is just a monologue as to why you don’t want to change your mind or even defend your position, since you have stated “There’s no point…”. Just to hopefully get you to open up a bit more in a discussion!

  • Registered Users Posts: 133 ✭✭SpoonyMcSpoon

    Is this what troll posting is? The Democratic aligned media and celebrities with platforms have compared Trump to Hitler and I think quite frankly people that make this comparison are fuxking idiots.

    You are clearly not reading the thread which may be understandable given how many posts there are but the gist of what is going on is that some of us are trying to explain how this comparison is dangerous. Have you got that or will I explain it again?

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,155 ✭✭✭techdiver

    No I'm just not going to waste my time on people who are not going to change their mind about Trump and his ilk.

    I don't need to defend my point. There is ample evidence of his complete unsuitability to hold public office that anyone who ignores it is not worth my time. This is proven by those who defend everything he says or does. They are brain washed.

    You are of course free to think the opposite of that but based on what comes out of that clowns mouth over the last number of years I question either the motives or intellect of those who support him.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 133 ✭✭SpoonyMcSpoon

    ”I don’t need to defend my point”.

    Okay then, but no one is forcing you to post anything and you aren’t even replying to any particular post. Essentially, what I am getting at is that you are just soapboxing and that is not very constructive.

  • Moderators, Society & Culture Moderators Posts: 16,372 Mod ✭✭✭✭Manic Moran

    That was very definitely not a commentary on political opposition, starting off with WW2. You don't send the 'boys in green' or 'boys in blue' against your political opponents.

    "Some folks just need killing" is a pretty common turn of phrase in circles which approve of capital punishment for certain crimes around here, be it after the judicial process, or as necessary in the heat of the moment. I am reminded of the Sheriff last year who openly stated "we would prefer if you shot intruders. Saves us all money and trouble. That citizen who missed, give us a call, you're not in trouble, we'll train you so you don't miss next time."

    Whatever heightened rhetoric may exist from Republicans towards Democrats (or vice versa), that was an absolutely terrible example.

  • Registered Users Posts: 33 glockna

    Where are the trump loving magas ? So far all I see is people reasonably pointing out how ridiculous the Hitler comparisons are and how dangerous that rtheoric is.

    The irony of your post, you are the lefts version of what you are complaining about. The last paragraph in particular is a real doozie! The saying practice what you preach springs to mind!

    Here's a thought just because other people don't align with your political views doesn't make them uneducated.

    It is possible that people dislike the left and there views, aload of people hate the "progressive" ideology being pushed by the left, they really want something done about immigration along with other issues that the left are failing on in alot of people's eyes.

    Biden has been a very weak leader, he can barely talk now, from his speech about the "battle box" to calling the Ukrainian president Putin...

    Your view of "the other side" Is a problem and alot of people have that mentality of us vs them. And the real issues get pushed to the side for pride and winning.

  • Registered Users Posts: 33 glockna

    "You ok hun?"

    It wouldn't quote the rest of your post

  • Registered Users Posts: 82,686 ✭✭✭✭Overheal

    I’m not seeing where they incited violence. Can you cite the article where it incited any violence?

    Are you saying JD Vance has incited violence against the top of his own ticket?

  • Registered Users Posts: 21,594 ✭✭✭✭Tell me how

    The Google definition of Rhetoric includes describing the 'exploitation of figures of speech'.

    That was a GOP candidate in upcoming elections speaking in public and within the speech saying that Liberals would be offended with his view.

    There's some people on here (recent joiners) who would buy your waving off of a candidate using such language as not being part of the discourse of advocating violence. More so when you are using what should be seen as a wildcard sheriff to justify lethal force. I'm not one of them.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,155 ✭✭✭techdiver

    I've learned there is no such thing as being constructive with Trump supporters. I could somewhat see the reason of his first success as a form of protest vote against "the establishment". 8 years on after all that he has said and done, if you still support him you are immune to decency and logic so there is no point trying to persuade you. It's that simple.

    I did attempt to make a point that MAGA has many similarities with the rise of fascism and provided evidence but all that happens (like all pro Trump cultists) is they argue a point that wasn't put or they use whataboutery. An example of that is if you put forward the similarities between maga and fascism the rebuttal is that Trump hasn't killed millions of people. You are then accused of adding to the reason why this assassination attempt took place. It's childish and tiring and becomes cyclical and gets nowhere. It's the same with every Trump discussion.

    It is concurrently possible to think political violence is wrong whilst still believing that Trump is a fascist wannabe.

  • Registered Users Posts: 33 glockna

    Well no one is forcing you to be here but that's the topic, and if your too good for the discussion then why are you posting at all?

    I mean if your saying Trump is unsuitable for the office then surely for balance sake you must admit Biden is no longer suitable either.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,155 ✭✭✭techdiver

    How do you know anything about my political sensibilities based on my criticism of a single person. You see this is the issue.

    If I'm against Trump I must be an extreme leftist? Check some of my posts on other threads and you'll see I'm very much a centrist. I've even been accused of being a right winger on some threads. I don't question someone's intellect or education based on their political compass, I do it based on their support of this absolute scumbag Trump.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,155 ✭✭✭techdiver

    I will concede that both of these candidates are a joke. But the lesser of two evils is Biden. Hell, in my opinion a cardboard cutout of Biden is more suitable than Trump.

    Does is not say anything to you that Trumps previous VP and much of his cabinet no longer support him? Do you hold any weight in that considering these are the people that worked closest with him during his first term?

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  • Registered Users Posts: 33 glockna

    From the way you are talking the views you hold on this thread how you interact with people you disagree with you are very extreme you call people names and insult them.

    You believe yourself too good to discuss with people you disagree with. You aren't exactly coming across as a reasonable centred person.

    Your points are extreme aswell your comparing Trump to Hitler and calling all his supporters low brow morons ect.

  • Registered Users Posts: 16,631 ✭✭✭✭astrofool

    You've given up your points and resorted to personal slurs to try and get emotive responses from other posters.

    This is an unsurprising turn of events.

    All while whatabouting for a rapist fraudster.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,155 ✭✭✭techdiver

    Read back. I conceded that the Hitler comparison was perhaps too much it I stand by my comparison between MAGA and fascism. You do understand fascism didn't start and end with Hitler.

    As regards your claim "too good to discuss", what do you think I am doing? And as above you strawman the argument without addressing the point I made. As regards to to calling Trump supporters morons I also stand by that. If you ignore everything that has transpired over the last eight years or so you either fall into one of two categories.

    1. Moron/racist/christofascist
    2. Complicit and support everything that Trump aspires to and the hate and bile he spews.

  • Registered Users Posts: 33 glockna

    Elon musk supports Trump is he a moron? You know full well what your saying isnt true but your saying it out of hate.

    You need to come to the realisation that you aren't being level and fair towards Trump supporters which are a massive section of the US.

    You know full well it isn't as straight forward as you put it either.

    You have a collection of reasons to hate Trump and his supporters while giving the Biden and the left a complete pass on all they do, perhaps challenge your own biasedness.

    You can't really claim to be an centrist when these are your views.

  • Registered Users Posts: 596 ✭✭✭Yakov P. Golyadkin

    Lots going on here.

    Not particularly surprising that Trump dgaf about his supporters, but hey, he's the least worst option, apparently.

    It's all very sad, on many levels.

  • Registered Users Posts: 33 glockna

    Is that an automated response? by all means point out the "personal slurs". You ll find the poster infact conceded to my points.

    By all means tho if you have anything of value to bring to the table let's have it otherwise don't bother with your toys out of the pram replies cause you disagree with what I say.

  • Moderators, Society & Culture Moderators Posts: 16,372 Mod ✭✭✭✭Manic Moran

    Oh, he was absolutely advocating violence.

    Just not against opposing politicians.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,155 ✭✭✭techdiver

    Musk is another self serving piece of **** too. Birds of a feather and all that.

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,414 ✭✭✭AllForIt

    You know I was going to say given the level of Musk Derangement Syndrome I see on the X thread here that I wouldn't be surprised if someone took a pop at him as well. I didn't, but I am now.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 461 ✭✭HerrKapitan

    Conspiracy theorists will be crawling out of their caves now. The shooter featured in a tv advertisement for the money asset group Blackrock, who have just pulled it.
