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Can we stop the “if you point out republicans are ahead”- you’re a sex offender posts please?

  • 18-07-2024 9:05pm
    Registered Users Posts: 6,080 ✭✭✭

    A long way to go in the US General election threads on current affairs forum- it’s clear that no matter what criticism made of Biden in recent months it was treated by derision - actually bullying by boards standards.

    The same people now rowing back slowly just because the future is crystal clear.

    Anyone pointing out Republicans are “ahead” in the polls are called “rapist symthaisers” or similar.

    Can we please have some clear posting guidelines for these threads? There’s about 3 of them - Biden thread, Trump thread and Biden/Trump thread

    I’ve reported a number of posts - not because they’re pro Biden - but because I’ve been accused of being a “rapist sympathiser” or words to that effect and also actions like posted pictures similar - it’s not a debate and discussion at this stage, it’s about dealing with trolls and d1cks.



  • Registered Users Posts: 6,497 ✭✭✭Silentcorner

    I'd like to echo the above, any thread that discusses US politics has simply gone toxic and has been for a long long time it gets taken over by posters with extreme views (I would consider anyone who thinks Trump is comparable to Hitler as extreme, given the complete lack of evidence, the fact that he has already served a term and did not in any way act in a manner that would suggest he is authoritarian). The point of boards I would have thought is that is should allow people access to alternate views, if that is the case, then posters with alternate views should at least be given the same protection on threads as posters with the opposite view. I've seen posters banned for nothing, and other prolific posters get away with trolling, swearing etc.

  • Registered Users Posts: 30,377 ✭✭✭✭odyssey06

    Trump is a rapist. This is a statement of fact established by a court of law. The threads have been full of bad faith arguments and weasel words trying to defend Trump on this. There is a large overlap with same posters jumping onto a poll with glee that shows Trump ahead. There have been vile comments directed at the victim too. Toxic.

    Not everybody and not the OP but at some point yes you have to start asking why someone wants a rapist to win the election as it is obvious they do. Thats another bad faith argument... obvious Trump supporters claiming to be 'centrists' yet never posting unprompted criticism of him. Posters who should have been banned long ago for soap boxing and bad faith arguments - which is low level trolling. Then when eventually banned for trolling pop up on one of the other threads and repeat the same crap. I havent seen anybody banned for 'nothing'.

    Below links show Trump echoing the language of Hitler. It is Trumps language that is extreme and echoes that of authoritarian dictators and it is reasonable to point this out.

    Trumps own VP pick Vance is on record comparing Trump to Hitler.

    There is also the fascist 2025 project in play by future Trump administration staff they will put into place if Trump wins. Trumps denials of knowledge of this are laughable and transparent. Trump already tried to steal one election, inciting a mob with violence to storm the Capitol. Another fascist action.

    Post edited by odyssey06 on

    "To follow knowledge like a sinking star..." (Tennyson's Ulysses)

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,080 ✭✭✭Oscar_Madison

    For the record I’m not a “Trump supporter” - I’m actually not a “Biden supporter” either in that I don’t believe him going for a second term is good for either him or the country.

    But merely pointing out that Trump is ahead in many if not most polls, or to have even questioned whether Biden is the best choice for the Democrats right now; is enough to get you called a rapist sympathiser on these threads- that’s just batshit crazy levels of trolling and should be stamped out at the earliest opportunity by mods- but it’s not which has led to a few posters basically running riot around posters who come into the thread looking for normal debate on the topic.

    I really don’t care if Trump is responsible for every murder in the USA for the last 50 years- he’s the Republican candidate and he’s currently beating the Democrats in the race to the White House.
    But instead of having a discussion around strategy of either party in improving or maintaining their position in the race, we just see absolute childish idiots keeping posting “Trump is a rapist, Trump is a rapist”- that’s it- that’s the so called “discussion”- like we haven’t all read the papers and watched the news for the last 9 years- it’s blatantly obvious to all rational posters what crimes Trump has been accused of- we don’t need to be reminded of it every second post.

    well to those people who said “rapist sympathiser” to me and others, you can all fck right off- we’re not going to stand for that level of trolling - we’re putting the spotlight back on you people now- lets see how you feel.

  • Registered Users Posts: 30,377 ✭✭✭✭odyssey06

    You are assuming all the posters on the thread are rational interested in sincere discussion. When did you start reading the thread? Because it has never been true.

    And it is hard to have a sincere discussion about the candidates, whether Biden is best candidate to beat Trump in the environment I describe below. Are you discussing with someone who really wants Trump to win? Someone pretending to be centrist but just here to bash Democrats.

    The simple question is do you want Trump to win versus an other Democrat or not? If you dont, why not?

    Is Biden the best choice for the Dems ... because you want to see Trump defeated? Why does the question matter to you?

    And are you prepared to answer questions which are entirely relevant?

    Do you accept the valid legal basis by which posters call Trump a rapist?

    Are you ok with a rapist being President over AN other Democrat?

    Can you understand why a poster who is ok with a rapist in the White House might be called a rapist sympathizer or apologist?

    So no merely pointing to the polls doesnt make you a Trump supporter ok with rape.... it is if you do so with glee and deploy weasel words to defend Trump of rape.

    And for a long time the majority of posts doing that were. Dodging questions about Trumps conduct, pretending not to be Trump supporters. And it was a form of trolling via bad faith argument and soap boxing.

    "To follow knowledge like a sinking star..." (Tennyson's Ulysses)

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,080 ✭✭✭Oscar_Madison

    And were such posts reported? And if so what happened?
    If someone is a genuine “Trump supporter” - and let’s face it, probably very few “genuine” ones in Ireland but they likely exist, then we’ll know quickly enough through their posting style if they’re just trolling or genuinely hold those views.

    It sounds like posters got pulled into a “Trump troll” or two and they won - but that doesn’t mean someone like me, who simply highlighted positive poll results for Trump, and wanted a discussion around how the democrats could best respond to that -got called a rapist sympathiser- NOTHING in my post, invited that response- NOTHING

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  • Registered Users Posts: 30,377 ✭✭✭✭odyssey06

    We don't always know the outcome of a reported post do we, but I can see a list of threadbanned posters, and judging from posts I have seen on the thread and elsewhere no surprise to see their name in the list.

    A couple of posters not banned but who if I was the one wielding the 'ban hammer' would be banned for persistent soap boxing. If you will see other posts I have made on feedback about CA in general I am in favour of a stronger approach from mods to low level trolling.

    In the previous post several specific and direct questions about Trump's conduct and the rationale behind your questions. You didn't answer them.

    Now I'm giving you the benefit of the doubt that your questions are sincere and from the perspective of "how best can the Democrats respond."

    However, 90% of the time on the forum when we see someone "just asking questions" and dodging such questions, it means they are a closet Trump supporter and their "questions" about the Dems are insincere and are loaded pro-Trump or Republican.
    So the questions about Trump's conduct come out to try to pierce that charade. Sometimes they maybe come out too quick but it is a reflection on the history of the thread, I can understand why.
    (I don't think I ever made an accusation like that against you on the thread, and nor does it mean I condone all the content of posts directed towards you, I am making a general point here)

    If you don't want to be tagged as a "Trump troll" (your words), wouldn't it be easier to engage with the questions?
    The answers to which (or evasions or rape apologia or attacks on the victim) makes it obvious what kind of poster is being engaged with, and how to respond. Whether this is someone just looking for pro-Trump ammo or someone who you can seriously discuss the Democrat strategy with.

    Because you can't have a "normal debate" with bad faith posters concealing a pro-Trump agenda like that.

    "To follow knowledge like a sinking star..." (Tennyson's Ulysses)

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,080 ✭✭✭Oscar_Madison

    This isn’t a Trump thread so I’ve no interest in going down rabbit holes with you answering YOUR questions about Trump - in fact it’s not dissimilar to the approach being taken on the thread - bottom line is Trump and currently Biden are the candidates for the presidential election -

    people have a right to post facts and also if they so wish, to praise or criticise either of the campaigns or the candidates themselves

    - calling a poster who describes accurately Trumps current position as “ahead in the pols” a rape sympathiser is completely out of order, that’s what this thread is about so you’re not going to start putting preconditions in my way through forcing a series of questions about my motivation for stating that fact - I’ve taken enough sh1t on the official threads without entertaining it here

    - I’ve a right to post that without having to answer your “list of questions” - but clearly you have illustrated the problem here- you’re gatekeeping who can and cannot express a view on Trump, even if it’s a simple statement of fact - if you think someone is trolling then report the post - it’s not your job to determine motivation of the poster.

  • Registered Users Posts: 130 ✭✭Raichų

    I am not defending trump by any stretch but you are wrong to say he’s a convicted rapist decided by a court of law.

    He was convicted in a civil trial not a criminal trial so it’s not really the same thing.

    Irrespective of that I wouldn’t agree with calling someone a “rapist supporter” because they think or support the republicans winning the White House in November.

  • Registered Users Posts: 30,377 ✭✭✭✭odyssey06

    But I didn't say that.

    I said he was a rapist. Statement of fact based on the legal finding of the act of sexual assault he committed.

    A civil trial can make findings of fact.

    "To follow knowledge like a sinking star..." (Tennyson's Ulysses)

  • Registered Users Posts: 130 ✭✭Raichų

    okay and does that fact therefore mean anyone who suggests he is ahead in polls/beating Biden/has a solid chance to win in November make them a supporter of rape?

    I don’t think so.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 30,377 ✭✭✭✭odyssey06

    It is not going down rabbit holes. They are directly relevant questions to the topic under discussion.

    If you won't answer such relevant questions to the topic under discussion, you can have no complaints when posters form their own conclusions as to why you refuse to do so, or what is the point of their question.

    Trump's ahead in the polls.
    Well what discussion do you want to happen?

    Trump's ahead in the polls… and how do you feel about that?

    Trump's ahead in the polls… would you like the Democrats to change strategy to give them the best chance of beating Trump?

    So yes, the motivation of the poster is relevant to the discussion that comes next.

    "To follow knowledge like a sinking star..." (Tennyson's Ulysses)

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,080 ✭✭✭Oscar_Madison

    I already told you Here is not the forum to answer those questions- if you wish to ask me those questions ask them on the relevant Trump threads where I’ve posted

  • Registered Users Posts: 30,377 ✭✭✭✭odyssey06

    You don't have to answer them here, I pointed them out as the kind of questions you can expect to be asked, questions which are very much in scope of the thread topic and a "X is ahead in the polls" type question.

    I would also add, someone declaring they won't answer questions X, Y, Z but only A, B, C - when X, Y, Z are related to the thread topic, that is also a form of setting pre-conditions to a discussion.

    "To follow knowledge like a sinking star..." (Tennyson's Ulysses)

  • Registered Users Posts: 30,377 ✭✭✭✭odyssey06

    I don't think so either and have said so repeatedly on this thread.

    But also:

    So no merely pointing to the polls doesnt make you a Trump supporter ok with rape.... it is if you do so with glee and deploy weasel words to defend Trump of rape.

    And let's not pretend there aren't such posters on the CA forum, dissembling that they are not Trump supporters. They are a material factor in how the Trump thread plays out.

    "To follow knowledge like a sinking star..." (Tennyson's Ulysses)

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,080 ✭✭✭Oscar_Madison

    You made the pointed remark that I didn’t reply to you with answers to your questions on Trump - for the final time This thread is about abuse of posters and trolling - it’s obvious where you stand on that topic

  • Registered Users Posts: 22,775 ✭✭✭✭The Hill Billy

    In fairness, from what I understand from declassified docs recently released - he's not a rapist - he's a child rapist.

    Apologies if this is not relevant to site feedback.

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,840 ✭✭✭Backstreet Moyes

    I Would have to agree, reading through the threads is tough.

    Anyone who says anything negative about Biden or doesn't abuse Trump is ganged up on by a handful of posters.

    I mean I seen people banned for saying Sleepy Joe while posters joking about an attempt on someone's life where an innocent person died are still posting in a thread.

    Just because Trump is a scumbag it shouldn't mean the thread should not be moderated.

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,496 ✭✭✭Quantum Erasure

    I was about to ask were there any admin around at all, because there's three or four threads in the last couple days in helpdesk / feedback that could do with their input, but emm....

  • Registered Users Posts: 28,193 ✭✭✭✭drunkmonkey

    You can't even directly quote Biden without your post being erased and no warnings given. Mods just deleating what they don't like. It's why I pretty much stay out of any thread the leftie/Biden gang are hovering over waiting to pounce, twist and erase.

    E.Jean Carroll is an absolute fruit cake who's story has changed multiple times. I really don't believe her and doubt very much such nonsense would hold up in a fair criminal trial.

    As for the revelation he's now a child rapist being allowed float shows exactly what's wrong.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,076 ✭✭✭tibruit

    Anyone with a brain cell who has even a minimal interest in US politics knows that Trump is leading in the polls. Why do you feel the need to keep repeating it?

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  • Registered Users Posts: 6,080 ✭✭✭Oscar_Madison

    Firstly I never “repeated it” - secondly when I did post in the Trump thread about it posters in addition to calling me a rapist sympathiser completely denied that he was leading - there’s probably still a few now that are in denial - like I said these people don’t let facts get in the way of a good troll

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,076 ✭✭✭tibruit

    You repeated it by starting a new thread about it ffs.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,292 ✭✭✭bloopy

    This is not a thread about Trump though.

    It is a thread about getting pretty serious accusations thrown at you when discussing certain aspects of U.S. politics.

    You are able to tell the difference between the two based on context aren't you?

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,076 ✭✭✭tibruit

    Oh I totally get it. I`ve seen the OP in action before on other threads. Likes to get the dig in and then claim innocence afterwards. Classic passive aggressive type. Does this mean I get reported and banned?

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,292 ✭✭✭bloopy

    Reported and banned?

    I am not sure if failing to grasp the context of a thread is a bannable offence.

    As for OP, the complaint is that they are getting serious accusations thrown at them when discussing American politics. The types of accusations that are usually considered bad forum etiquette on most sites and are discouraged or removed from the conversation. OP complains that this is allowed and ongoing and questions whether it should be.

    Does this help to explain to explain the context of this thread, or do you want a more basic explanation.

    Whatever beef you have with OP or the former American president is not relevant to the thread query.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,364 ✭✭✭paddyisreal

    So over 50 percent of American voters are rape sympathisers. Thats the logic some posters are trying to push. Crazy stuff. I didn't know there were over 70 million rape sympathisers in the states.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,076 ✭✭✭tibruit

    To understand the context of the thread, you have to understand that the OP is a passive aggressive. When he points out that Trump is ahead in the polls, he is really getting a dig in. He gets called out on it by someone calling him a rapist sympathizer, gets upset by that and has to start a whole new thread to claim that he isn`t.

    But if you already know the poster is a passive aggressive (and I do), then you know he isn`t really just pointing out a fact for the sake of it. He is getting the old dig in on Trump`s behalf. And if you dig for Trump….well you`re digging for the baggage that goes with him and there`s no use complaining about getting called out on it afterwards.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,292 ✭✭✭bloopy

    Again. You don't seem to be getting the concept here.

    This is not a thread about whether Trump is a great guy or not, nor is it a thread about the failings or otherwise of the OP.

    It is a thread about whether serious accusations can be, or should be, thrown around at opponents in what claims to be a civilised discussion forum.

    Should there be repercussions or is it a free for all.

    And to be honest, it has merit. I have seen some of the goings on over the last week in the assassination thread and I have to say that some of the comments were pretty shocking.

    Including many implying that the guy who did die deserved it for being at a rapist sympathiser event.

    That is some extreme logic regardless of whether you support it or not.

    I don't know if this is what goes on in the other Biden/Trump threads because I am just not interested enough to click into them.

    But if it is in any way similar, then it sounds like everyone involved is just splashing about in a septic tank.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,076 ✭✭✭tibruit

    You have completely failed to comprehend the point I was making. Anyway…

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