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Genocide in Sudan

  • 07-01-2025 9:23pm
    Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,270 ✭✭✭

    We have 4-5 threads here on various Israel v assorted Islamic states

    Yet nothing on Sudan where 150,000 people were genocided since 2023 by RSF (previously Janjaweed and Islamic Legion)

    The war between the RSF and Sudan’s military has plunged parts of the nation of 50 million into a spreading famine, created the world’s largest refugee crisis and sucked in fighters from neighboring nations. The death toll is unknown — large parts of the country have no internet or phone network — but U.S. officials estimated last year that about 150,000 people had been killed.The genocide designation and sanctions announcement will further tarnish Hemedti’s international image, already damaged by a drumbeat of reports that the RSF and its allied militias have engaged in a spree of gang rapes, looting, ethnic cleansing, kidnapping, enslavement, war crimes and crimes against humanity. Commanders frequently post videos boasting about their exploits, or showing them abusing villagers.

    Hemedti presides over a sprawling family empire estimated to be worth billions of dollars and encompassing gold, weapons, property and holding companies — much of it based in the United Arab Emirates, which has been supporting the RSF. ”


  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 15,767 ✭✭✭✭cj maxx

    I never even heard of this till now

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 5,174 ✭✭✭silliussoddius


  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,270 ✭✭✭j62

    The right doesn’t care

    The left can’t blame it on global Zionist conspiracy and are unable to admit that Islamics can genocide several times more people in same time frame than the Jews they hate

    Anyways on NYT now too

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 17,573 ✭✭✭✭nacho libre

    Do you really care about what is happening in Sudan, zerosquared/ that's daft?

    I ask because your post comes across an exercise in political point scoring.

    Should we excuse the Serbs war criminals on the basis that others killed far more somewhere else. Condemning Israeli war crimes as you know well does not equate to a hatred of all Jews. Your post also implies all Jewish people have a hive mind that agree with the actions of Israel- this is not so . In short stop being callous using the conflict in Sudan to stick it to left . There is enough hypocrisy to go around, but as a right winger you are not as keen to point out hypocrisy on the right.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,898 ✭✭✭RoyalCelt

    Actually very refreshing to see a war like this covered for once. Unfortunately most "peace" activists don't seem to give a **** about this one.

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 19,138 ✭✭✭✭Del2005

    The odd protest at the ethnic cleansing that is happening in Africa, and other parts of the world, would prove that the protests against Israel fighting in an urban environment aren't just against Israel.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 27,165 ✭✭✭✭Peregrinus

    This cuts both ways. The genocide in Sudan and has been progressing for some years. If supporters of Israel only mention it in 2025, and then only in an attempt to undermine criticism of Israel, this may tend to reinforce rather than refute the impression that their support of Israel might may be accounted for by a generalised indifference to genocide and its victims.

    Critics of Israel might be accused of being selective in their concern; they are concernd about accusations of genocide perpetrated by Israel but not about accusations of genocide perpetrated by others. But the counter-accusation would be that those on the other side of the argument are consistent in their indifference to genocide, which is hardly a more admirable position.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 35,016 ✭✭✭✭NIMAN

    Slaughter is slaughter, no matter who is carrying it out, but it appears not all slaughter is equal.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,270 ✭✭✭j62

    There are three times as many marches scheduled in every city and our government is set to pass various laws and will send aid

    ^ that’s sarcasm

    The fact that 3-4x the number are dead in Sudan in same timeframe as whole Gaza dumpster fire, and the Leftie pearl clutchers either have nothing to say or attack the poster (me) who put light on the story regularly covered in mainstream media but somehow managed to avoid having a thread here

    Says a lot

    I guess Islamic child soldiers backed by UAE money killing hundreds of thousands of people who skin colour is a bit too dark is not as worthy of discussion as conspiracy theories about Zionist imperialists /s

    By opening this thread I am hoping to

    • raise awareness of this terrible war
    • hold up a mirror to those outraged only about the Palestinian “cause” and hopefully they will ask themselves the difficult question of why they care about that genocide but not others

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 16,597 ✭✭✭✭Grayson

    It's pretty horrific.

    Question that maybe someone can answer. is there anything "the west" can do about it? Besides sending troops I mean.

    Since there's inevitable comparisons with gaza, people are asking the arms shipments be stopped to Israel, that people impose sanctions on israel. What's the ask in this case?

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 27,165 ✭✭✭✭Peregrinus

    There are already sanctions in place, imposed by Canada, the UK, the EU and the US, intended to prevent the supply of funds and weapons to the RSF and (in some instances) to other parties in this conflict. Thus the West has already done more to try to prevent this genocide than it has done to try to prevent genocide in Gaza, where no sanctions are in place and Israel in fact receives substantial funds and weaponry from Western countries.

    If there's a double standard at work here, it's not obvious that it's a double standard against Israel.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 245 ✭✭Frost Spice

    Why didn't you start a thread about it?

    People talk about/protest what they know. It's not that they don't give a sh-t, they just aren't aware. Whether vapid or not, there's no deliberate intention to ignore other mass slaughters. And part of the OP's reason for starting the thread on it is to have a go at those who condemn the mass slaughter in Gaza, which doesn't exactly look like caring either.

    I'm mint.

  • Moderators, Social & Fun Moderators Posts: 6,256 Mod ✭✭✭✭Irish Aris

    Mod warning:

    Good afternoon everyone.

    I would like to re-direct anyone that wants to discuss Israel in the thread we have about the topic. This thread is about the genocide in Sudan and all that are interested in this topic are welcome to contribute in a civil manner. Any more attempts to shoehorn Israel in this thread will be considered ignoring mod instruction and may lead to warnings/bans.

    Do not respond to this post on thread, pm me if you have any questions.

    2025 gigs: Selofan, Alison Moyet, Borderline Festival, Wardruna, Gavin Friday, Orla Gartland, Nine Inch Nails

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 13,203 ✭✭✭✭jmayo

    And you know the best, or should that be worst, twist in the long running genocides in Sudan.

    Good old South Africa, who these days are very fond of claiming some countries are engaged in genocide, actually in 2015 held an African Union conference in Joburg and not alone let into the country the then president of Sudan Omar Al-Bashir, but did not arrest him even though there was an international arrest warrant out for him.

    In 2017 the ICC found against South Africa because

    "Al-Bashir does not have immunity from arrest and all states parties to the Rome Statute must arrest him the minute he steps onto their territory and hand him over to the ICC."

    Since 2008 Omar Al-Bashir had been charged as having individual criminal responsibility for genocide, crimes against humanity and war crimes that had been committed in Darfur since 2003.

    Coincidentally these charges were ignored and dismissed for the most part in Africa and muslim countries.

    Actually several African leaders labelled the ICC as racist.

    They seem no longer consider the ICC as racist as they back bringing cases to it, so does anyone know if and when they are going to bring case to ICC about Sudan's genocides?

    And some think South Africa is great. 🙄

    BTW I do not want to drag the above mentioned country into this, but actually highlight South Africa and the rest of the useless corrupt cesspits that are in Africa that do not give two fooks about what is going on on their continent.

    As long as they all turn a blind eye and run the place like sh**holes they will always be sh**holes.

    I am not allowed discuss …

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 13,203 ✭✭✭✭jmayo

    You know what I find, I don't know would you term it maybe interesting or probably more correctly saddening, about this thread?

    It has just got 15 contributions and it is about a conflict, ethnic clensing and a proven real genocide that has been ongoing for the best part of two decades.

    Yet another conflict which is undoubted ethnic clensing, but not really a genocide given the huge disparity in military capabilities between either side, the tiny geographic area, the massive number of possible victims versus the actual number of victims, gets absolutely massive numbers of posts and posters.

    Is it that one area is closer to home ?

    Is it because who is involved?

    Is it that people in the West don't really give a sh** about some Africans?

    I guess one could argue why should we, when fellow Africans couldn't give a sh** themselves about yet another genocidal conflict on their continent.

    It is sad and I believe points to the hierarchy of victims that still to this day prevails despite all the modern shytology about equality of all cultures and the like.

    And no mods I am not trying to draw in a discussion about you know where, but trying to highlight how no one seems to give a sh** about this awful long running conflict.

    I find it all rather depressing.

    I am not allowed discuss …

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 53,633 ✭✭✭✭tayto lover

    People in Ireland don't seem to be worried about losing their jobs with regard to this conflict either. Maybe that's why there are very few posts.

    The Government here have given millions and denounced the war.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 12,073 ✭✭✭✭PopePalpatine

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 53,633 ✭✭✭✭tayto lover

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 8,331 ✭✭✭Odhinn

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 480 ✭✭engineerws

    Gaza has a population of 2 million.

    Sudan has a population of 50 million or 25 times that of Gaza. The lancet estimate last summer was 186,000 but the official estimate is currently 46,000

    Fo Sudan to be similarly effected as the official Gaza dead, the Sudan death toll would need to be 1,150,000 dead .

    Might help to understand that the Gaza people cannot escape and are being exterminated.

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 13,203 ✭✭✭✭jmayo

    That the least of the war crimes that have happened in Sudan.

    The stuff that the likes of the jangaweed rebels did in Darfur was often sickening.

    Oh and we often hear the phrase apartheid thrown around, but never for some reason about the way the Sudanese Arabs treated non Arabs.

    I am not allowed discuss …

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 13,203 ✭✭✭✭jmayo

    In Nov 2024 it was estimated there were 61000 dead in Khartoum state alone.

    And it is only in the latest 14 months of fighting up to that point.

    No one has a real ideal of how many in the likes of Darfur.

    The conflicts in Sudan have been running for decades.

    BTW some reckon the death toll from current fighting is more than than 135,000 civilians where they have already perished from violence and hunger.

    Nearly 25 million Sudanese —half of the entire country— are facing high levels of acute food insecurity.

    8.7 million Sudanese have descended into near-famine or famine conditions.

    Roughly 15 million people have been forced to flee their homes or have left Sudan as refugees. That’s nearly one in three of all Sudanese.

    Over 75% of Sudan’s healthcare system has collapsed and preventable disease outbreaks are becoming common.

    19 million children no longer have a classroom to attend and roughly 90% of schools are closed. This is the largest childhood education crisis in the world.

    Ah but shure they can escape unlike some others. 🙄

    I am not allowed discuss …

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 480 ✭✭engineerws

    You seem to think you have a point

    half of the entire country— are facing high levels of acute food insecurity.

    100% of Gaza are facing high levels of acute food insecurity etc. what is happening in Sudan is appalling. What is being perpetrated in Gaza is even worse especially on a per capita basis.

    Sudan was one of the seven countries targeted by the USA..

    Or more recently Jeffrey Sachs has said it was one of the seven Netanyahu wanted the USA to destroy.

    The West is not providing billions in military aide to slaughter babies in Sudan so that's where activist's are focused, on the genocide in Gaza that would be over if the USA stopped funding it.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 11,375 ✭✭✭✭suvigirl

    Why are one people more worthy 'victims ' then another people?

    War is not worse in one country rather then another. It's always bad, particularly for the innocents.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 9,350 ✭✭✭volchitsa

    Not all of Sudan is affected in the same way. You can't just take the total population and average it out. Three-quarters of all attacks have centred around three main regions, Khartoum, Gezira and North Dafur. More than half of all recorded attacks and 1/3 of all deaths occurred in the Khartoum region alone.

    Your calculation is simplistic and doesn't reflect what people in the affected areas are going through. It's like foreigners thinking that all of Ireland was equally affected by the troubles, when not even all of Northern Ireland was equally affected.

    ”I enjoy cigars, whisky and facing down totalitarians, so am I really Winston Churchill?”

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 245 ✭✭Frost Spice

    Your first question is a good one to put to the apologists for mass slaughter in Gaza.

    I'm mint.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 245 ✭✭Frost Spice

    Don't let it get to you. And don't read that much into it. Most people hate when innocents suffer. There are two reasons this thread has so little traction.

    1. Far fewer people are aware of the genocide in Sudan. People can't help it if they're more aware of some things than others.

    2. Everyone is agreed that the slaughter in Sudan is horrific. Nobody is justifying/undermining it. So that doesn't lend itself to much in the way of discussion.

    Not saying you're doing it but using Sudan to have a go at people for having the *neck* to be strongly critical of the Israeli military's operation in Gaza, is disgusting.

    I'm mint.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,270 ✭✭✭j62

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 245 ✭✭Frost Spice

    Nope, awareness. We were as horrified by the Rwandan genocide as the Balkan genocide occurring simultaneously - because Rwanda was covered significantly in the western media.

    Faux concern for other races by apologists for the mass slaughter of children in Gaza is insufferable. And as for only caring about white people, speak for yourselves lads.

    I'm mint.

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 13,185 ✭✭✭✭TheValeyard

    Its definitely a very underreported and maybe not a well understood conflict.

    I'd wonder if the Russian invasion of Ukraine and the destruction of Gaza by Israel were not happening would it be getting more focus and attention.

    All eyes on Kursk. Slava Ukraini.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 21,185 ✭✭✭✭Donald Trump

    I suppose that the main issue is that Sudan identifies as a "Western" country with Western morals and values (as far as that means). So that there are big links between the country and the West.

    Perhaps we need to put pressure on the likes of the US, Germany, and the UK to stop sending their billions of military and other aid to Sudan. I think the US alone proposed another $8bn there a week or two ago for Sudan in support of their genocide. We have a lot of links with the US so we should try to voice our opinions there.

    Similarly, we could ask the US to stop automatically exercising its veto over any UN resolution that the Sudanese might not like.

    We could also put pressure on the EU to stop the visa-free travel which it currently affords to Sudanese citizens. As a symbol of recognition that the EU does not support its genocide. If the Sudanese want to identify as being similar to us, they need to cut out the oul' genocide.

    Given the reasonably high level of trade between Ireland and Sudan, and the links across companies such as big-tech companies with large operations both here and Sudan, we could use our leverage through these to make our voices and objections heard. We should not allow ourselves to be cowed, for example in the case of the the Irish worker in Dublin who was fired by a Sudanese-owned company for a social media post saying she was proud to be Irish and be standing against Sudanese apartheid. The Irish founder of a Silicon Valley based unicorn who was forced to resign from its board due to a blog post detailing how he couldn't sleep at night thinking about the Sudanese civilians being killed.

    Perhaps we could bring in a bill to prevent the importation of goods from the areas which are illegally occupied by the Sudanese forces.

    Given all the strong links, including but not limited to the above, it is indeed strange that it isn't the top of everyone's list. It's not as if it's a country like Ethiopia or Chad where most Irish people would not have any direct or indirect contact with people or products from there. The above are all things that feel somewhat close to us because of the links. They are things that we can potentially influence or protest against as the decisions are happening here, and are being made by people who are connected to us.

    But in relation to the creation of this thread - isn't it a bit ironic that the "look over there" lads who have regularly included Sudan in their scattergun list of topics over the past year or so, took so long to get around to starting a thread on this issue they genuinely really care about.
