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Birth Stories Thread

  • 16-10-2011 05:52PM
    Closed Accounts Posts: 23,862 ✭✭✭✭

    ** Figured since we haven't got a thread for birth stories that we'd start one up! I'll start by sharing the birth of my third daughter, Ellen, born 04/10/11.**

    I didn't tell anyone I was pregnant, simply because I was terrified of it myself and of people's reactions. I'd have 3 kids under 3 at age 24 and thought people would think I was going way too fast and was doing myself no favours. People did start asking towards the end of the pregnancy if I was pregnant, but I fobbed them off because I had lied to them already I couldn't tell them the truth... (looking back now I was silly to do this)

    My waters broke at 6am on the 3/10/11 and my partner woke up to go to work, I told him he wouldn't be heading in as my waters were broken and he rang his mother to tell her, to say she was shocked was an understatement. I got my two older daughters dressed and ready and brought them around to my parents for 11am, my dad answered the door and I said "You're going to have to mind the girls for a little while, my waters broke this morning" he looked at me oddly and then gave me a hug and told me that he'd guessed but didn't want to say anything and that I shouldn't have kept it to myself all this time. My mam and dad minded the girls while my partner brought me to hospital where they admitted me (previous c section) for observation even though I wasn't contracting. They put me in the annex (for anyone who knows the Rotunda it's the pre labour ward there where they do inductions etc) as there were no beds in pre-natal. A lady gave birth in the bed beside me in the annex, her waters were broken by the midwife and five minutes later baby put in an appearance! Was pretty crazy listening to that one up close and personal!

    My partner was sent home at 10pm and just after he left I started contracting, no sign of midwife on the pre labour ward so just walked up and down the ward going to the toilet each time I contracted so as not to wake the other women on the ward. At about 2.30am the pains were very close together and I felt I needed pain relief so off I went in search of midwife, couldn't find the one who was looking after pre labour so just asked one passing by and she told me she'd check me out and see what they could give me, told her I couldn't wait and she said I could have gas and air in the mean time, so off she went to get the tube for the gas and air. I went back to my bed and started to feel really nauseous and shakey, got sick a couple of times while waiting for her to come back. When she came back told her I didn't think I could have the gas and air as I had gotten sick and still felt a little nauseous. She agreed and checked me out and I was three centimetres. Rang my partner and told him to get back in.

    Brought me down to the delivery suite and got me set up for the epidural, I was getting no break at all in between contractions at this point and as I was lying down to get the epidural I got the urge to push, midwife checked me again and I was 10cms and ready to push. My partner walked through the door just as I started pushing and 10 minutes later our beautiful daughter was born weighing 6lbs 15oz. Midwives delivered the placenta and I then breastfed her and went to have a shower (oh how great that was to be able to do just after giving birth!), they brought tea and toast and I walked up to the ward.

    Unfortunately, they had to put me on the gynaecology ward because there were no beds available in ante natal wards and there was a woman who had just had a miscarriage in the bed beside me, I felt awful, there I was with my new little baby and she'd just lost hers. Made me anxious not to have my daughter make too much noise in case it upset the woman. They moved me later that night to the other gynaecology ward where there was another baby and no other women so that was a bit better.

    We came home the next day and Ellen has settled in well and her two big sisters love her and have welcomed her without too much fuss even though they hated me being in hospital.



  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 9,626 ✭✭✭wmpdd3

    Brilliant idea, I kept searching for stories when I was pregnant last time but only found Hall-mark card American ones!

    This is mine from Sept 2010:

    Last Friday, at 35w 4d, my waters broke, in the car!

    I rang the hospital at 9.30pm and they told me to call out to be checked. When the doc saw me, she confirmed everything was gone. She also confirmed I wouldn't be going back home and told me to bring in my hospital bag. I was sent to the ward and told if nothing happened in 18 hrs, I'd be started.

    My idea of the hell, 'the drip'.

    So I settled in on the ward and OH was sent home. At 12:30am I woke with a contraction, not bad, just a period pain but all in my back, not in my stomach. I got out my pen and wrote down the time thinking they were just branston hicks. After an hour, they were comming very 7 mins.

    I called the nurse and told her, she gave me a heat pack and paracetamol. Lasted another hour and a half before I had to call her again, this time she gave me the tens machine and confirmed I was 2cm. I lasted another 40mins. This time I was 4 cm, she told me I was going to the delivery suite. and to call OH and get him in.

    By now my back was killing me. After 20 mins in the delivery site, I wanted and got the epidural. I didn't plan on it because I wanted to be able to move around and get comfortable, but I couldn't find any position they helped the pain.

    I had the epidural topped up 2 hrs later, though I could still feel the contraction the whole time and used gas an air as well. The contractions with the epidural is how I imagined them to be, they were waves of pain but manageable with the gas.

    By 10:00 am, the midwife said it was time to push, I didn't get any urge, maybe this was the epi? This was the hardest part. The midwife was looking at the monitor and telling me when the contractions were and when to push, but our timing was off. She wanted a deep breath then a long push, then repeat 3 times. By the 3rd time each time the pushes were ineffective and I was exhausted. With the contractions every 2 mins,I didn't have time to re-gain strength.

    By 11:45, I was beaten, bearly managing the 1st long push and the midwife looked worried. SHe pulled over a table and laid out forceps and a scissor for an episotosmy . That 12:09 my daughter was born.
    6 Ibs 7 oz.

    It really wasn't as bad as I thought it would be and 12 hours start to finish wasn't bad. I was expecting double that. It was weird going into labour in hospital, I always presumed I would be at home for most of it.

    Breastfeeding is another story, but for now I have to get organised as she's due to wake up!

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,507 ✭✭✭Ayla

    My first daughter, Lauren, born 24 Nov 2006, 7 days over EED.

    My first contraction was at 4am exactly, which I found funny since I'd been getting up for a 4am pee for the last month! Got up, had some cereal (figured it'd be a long day & I might as well have strength) & watched tv while timing the contractions. They were 10mins apart from the beginning, but very mild.

    By around 6:30 I woke hubby up & we went for a walk/hike down a local nature trail. I'd tell him when I felt something, but it was all very casual. Came back home around 9am & called the hosp, who told us to come right in. My hubby's reaction..."ah shucks, thought I'd at least have a cuppa tea" :D

    So we drove in but couldn't find parking so parked about 1/4mile down the road & walked in. They hooked me up to the monitor & we sat...and waited. Hubby was supposed to push some button everytime there was a contraction/movement, but of course it all stopped then. :rolleyes:

    Long story short, they let us go down for lunch, after which we sat in the lobby & I laid out & took a light nap on hubby's knee. Felt a pop & saw some blood so we went back up to the ward. Still nothing, so by about 4pm they put me in the maternity ward to wait it out. Hubby went off for dinner & rest & I sat and did one of those "find 10 differences b/w the pictures" puzzles. By the time I'd found the 8th I was having some good contractions & feeling pops but waters hadn't broken. The ward knew I wanted natural all the way (if possible) so they suggested a bath, which I happily did. Thing was that the bath was at the end of the L-shaped maternity ward, and the labour suites were on the other end of the ward. Hubby filled bath, which I was in for about 10 seconds before I was sitting on one cheek & whoooping that I wanted to push! Hubby pulled the emergency cord, the midwives came, put me in a wheelchair & threw a cloth over me & ran me through the ward to the labour suites. Of course, it was evening & full visiting hours by this point, so I still remember seeing *a lot* of feet as we ran through the ward :D

    Anyway, by the time I was in the labour suite I was 10cm & ready to push. I didn't take any gas/air or anything, so I'd say I was a bit noisier than they'd normally have. But all was well & Lauren was born at 9:45pm at 8lbs 8oz. She latched on instantly & we stayed in the room until prob after midnight. I got shower (bliss!) and loads of b/feeding time & later walked out back to the maternity ward (in the room right next to the bathroom where I'd had my "bath") :D

    Never did find that 10th difference in the picture though!

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,507 ✭✭✭Ayla

    Compare that story against that of my second & last child, Emily, born 23 Sept 2009 +3/13 days over EDD.

    From the beginning there was a lot of indecision with my EDD as the scan showed 10 days later than my LMP. But my (public) consultant was happy enough to let things progress as they would & would only advise inductions/ interventions if necessary. Problem then, was she went on hols right when I was due & I wound up under a different consultant with very different ideas. :rolleyes:

    I was determined to avoid induction if at all possible, so on the last day that I had before returning to the midwife clinic (and likely induction) I took some castor oil. Now I know this is very controversial, but this is what I chose to do and I don't apologize for or regret it. According to the instructions I'd read, I should take 1 tbsp early in the morn, then another an hour later if there's no progress. So that's what I did. One tbsp at 8am, but by 10:30am there was still nothing, so I took another.

    I was sorely disappointed, went for a nap, made some dinner & sent my hubby off to work at 3pm. Lauren - who was almost 3 by this time - and I went down for our daily nap at 3:30. It was about 5 mins later that I felt wierd. Not contractions, not regular anything. But it was some sort of feeling. So I got up, did dishes & tidied. The feelings were in waves, not contractions so I wasn't even sure it was labour. Castor oil is a laxative, so I wasn't sure what type of feelings I was having :eek:

    By about 4:15 I sent my hubby a msg & told him that maybe it'd be today afterall but that there's no panic yet. By 4:30 I phoned him & told him to get home now! He only works a few minutes away but by the time he was home the contractions (still waves & irregular) were pretty intense. But it was only when we went to wake Lauren from her nap around 5pm that I was sure that I was in labour & that's b/c my waters broke.

    We were loading up in the car around 5:15 when I suddenly couldn't sit down. My body literally would not sit in the car, so hubby called the ambulance. His brother collected Lauren & the ambulance arrived within minutes. We flew up the road & the EMTs phoned the hosp & arranged for a midwife to drive toward us in case of a "side of the road" delivery. We live about 45 mins from the hosp & the contractions were strong but manageable. I had worked hard pre-labour to work on natural labouring techniques so was feeling good & confident through the drive in.

    We arrived at hosp at 6:30 & only made it as far as the initial exam room. I was 10 cm & ready to push. It took one push to "remind" myself of how it felt, then Emily was fully born 2 pushes later. It was terrifying, truly, happening so fast, did not feel right at all. And I laughed minutes later thinking that if anyone was walking by hearing me they'd never have a kid of their own...Hollywood screams galore! But, all was well w/ Emily; she was born at 6:45pm at 8lbs 15ozs.

    I'd say she was quite shocked afterwards as well, and in hindsight I'd have taken her to a chiropractor/osteopath immediately. But I wouldn't have foregone the castor oil...maybe just would've sat in the hosp car park all day to avoid the rush to hosp. It worked in this case and helped me avoid something I really didn't want to undergo unless there was no other option.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 106 ✭✭sweetnjuicy

    well lil Thomás Paul was born at 9.33am on Thurs the 13/10/11. Weighing in at 7pl 14oz!!! Had sweep done on tues as I was pretty sure things were starting to move by themselves, well was hoping anyway :) Had a show within an hour and was crampy and achy all day tues. Slept for 14 hrs straight tues night!!!! Got up at 12 weds and by 2 pm was pacing around my nans backyard with tons of pressure up my bum and in my back lol :) Had a few contractions that i was aware of. Collected OH from work at 8 and decided it was time to go get checked as i was really uncomfy and had a few more shows throughout the day. Was 2cm at 9pm, walked around cumh till 1am when i decided to have a bath, which was great for all of 15 mins till my waters went, now that was a shock to the system. was 3-4cm so straight to labour ward. Had no pain relief till then and i begged and cried for epidural as had to stay in bed on trace as merc in waters. Oh well twas the best thing ever tbh!! Mister was facing up so i had little or no pain in my stomach at all and wasnt even noticing the tightening over the back pain, so getting the epi was a bit traumatising cuz i couldnt sit down. But i did it. Got oxytocin drip in at 3.30am or so as i wasnt moving fast enough for everyones liking, was at 8cm by 6 and 10 by 7am. So midwife gave me a rest and said i could start pushing at 8.10am. so it was all go from there. Started pushing and doc decided i needed a lil help so Thomás was vacuumed, got himself a nice lil cap atm :) Had episiotomy but tbh i didnt feel a thing except him being born so i dont care. Healing pretty well and ive no bruising TG, Pretty much begged to go home today as the thoughts of spending another night in were too much to bear, love my bed i do.
    All in all I totally enjoyed the experience. Crazy I know :) But apparently I was a pretty happy person throughout the whole thing, all giggly and smiling until I had to throw up before i had him. I dont get sick well. Of all the things to get upset over lol.
    Have to say the staff at cumh are fab, I lost bout half a litre of blood after I had him and it took approx 45 mins to stop it and stitch me up. So i couldnt hold him as they had to suction him cuz of the merc, so that was kinda scary not hearing him cry and knowing i was bleeding. But teh staff kept me calm and kept my bf away so he wouldnt pass out, which he didnt anyway cuz he saw the bleeding and placenta delivery etc. I would have panicked had it not been for them being so good and had one student midwife in particular whose hand i just held onto for dear life in the end and she didnt even try to let go.

    So not even the scary birth stories are scary really, but I suppose it depends on the person. I personally was absolutly terrified of labour and birth and loved it, complications and all!! :)

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,260 ✭✭✭Mink

    Great idea January!!
    I don't have a birth story to share... I could share my sisters as I was her birth partner - might be interesting from the viewpoint of the other person in the room, also she was stoned so doesn't remember everything....

    Anyway I love reading birth stories as I'm TTC & mad broody :D

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 23,862 ✭✭✭✭January

    Mink wrote: »
    Great idea January!!
    I don't have a birth story to share... I could share my sisters as I was her birth partner - might be interesting from the viewpoint of the other person in the room, also she was stoned so doesn't remember everything....

    Anyway I love reading birth stories as I'm TTC & mad broody :D

    I have one of those too... but she was drunk (oh yes...) and it was my aunt not my sister.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,301 ✭✭✭Cunning Stunt

    Great thread - more birth stories please! And make them positive ones :D Am dreading going into labour!

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 135 ✭✭Quins5

    Great thread January!

    12 weeks to go so its great to hear the stories :)

    Keep them coming


  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,617 ✭✭✭Cat Melodeon

    My boy (our first) was born in August 2009 in Kilkenny.

    I'd mostly enjoyed the pregnancy. My blood pressure started to go up in the last few weeks so I ended up on betablockers which really knocked the life out of me and put some of the doctors on high alert and wanting to induce me before we even got to our EDD, so I felt under pressure a bit towards the end. Have to say though, the midwife team in KK were absolutely brilliant and did everything they could to get me as far along as possible. Eventually I got to 9 days over and the fluid levels started to decrease so all agreed for me to be admitted for induction the following morning.

    I had a fairly sleepless night on 'the long ward' which has a load of beds and was occupied by a real mix of women - one was a long-stay chain smoker who nabbed every passing visitor looking for fags, another had just had her baby but there was no room on the postnatal ward, which sucked a bit for the two women in for threatened miscarriages. The rest were like me, either in for monitoring, for next-day procedures or for early stage labour. The nursing staff were great though, did everything they could to keep everyone comfortable and calm. Hubby stayed til after 10pm, then I sent him home to sleep before the big event the next day (which still seemed a bit unreal).

    Next morning the doctor came round just before 11am and I had the gel pessary inserted. That was completely grand, I had it all built up as some horribly invasive thing but it was less stress than putting in a tampon. I didn't have to stay in bed or anything and it was a beautiful August morning so I got dressed and went out for a walk waiting for himself to arrive. He got there around lunchtime so we had something to eat (bit of a mistake on my part - I was eating like a horse all day) and we did a bit more walking. I didn't think anything was happening at all, I hadn't even the slightest twinge and was getting a bit annoyed as the doctor had said I'd get a second dose if the first didn't work and after that, if nothing happened he'd be looking to section me (no stress there at all then!).

    Anyways, I was getting a bit sunburnt and hot and annoyed so we went back up to the ward. One of the nurses was laughing at me, saying she'd thought I'd run off, and I had to go on a trace and have my bp monitored for a bit. This was around 3.30pm. After half an hour, she came back, fiddled with the machine a bit and said she wanted to send me up to the labour ward as there was a better machine up there. I thought nothing of it as I still didn't feel a thing. The labour ward was dead quiet, no one else on it at all (it was a Saturday - I guess other babies decided to stick to Mon-Fri schedules). I hopped up on the bed there, had the monitor strapped on, about five minutes later I felt an almighty pressure in my pelvis, felt a sort of a popping, grinding sensation and the next thing my waters gushed out and I started contracting. I got a bit of a fright, going from nothing to quite intense contractions in the space of 2 mins, but apparently I had been dilating all along. The midwife gave me the gas and air and of course I threw up immediately, but I stuck with it and soon got the hang of using it through the worst of the contractions, which were coming every 3 mins or so and lasting about 60 secs a time. This went on for about 2 hrs, during which I used my gentlebirthing CDs and yoga stuff, but mostly I just lay there and wished it was over. I was quite freaked out by the contractions - I had it in my head that as it was my first baby I'd be there for at least 12 hours and couldn't imagine another 10 hrs of this getting more and more intense (contractions were now coming every 2 mins and lasted 90 secs or so). So when the relief midwife came on and started prepping me for an epidural (unasked for and against my birth plan) I let her get on with it.

    My own midwife came back 15 mins later and checked me over and said nope, no epi for me, I was nearly fully dilated. I couldn't believe it, we were less than 3 hours in and she was telling me I could push whenever I wanted. I did, and it felt absolutely brilliant to actually be doing something rather than just waiting for the contractions to pass. I don't remember much about the next bit, it all kind of blurs up, but it wasn't dignified, it wasn't pretty and it certainly wasn't how I imagined it would be (on my back, legs being held by god knows who, hubby a bit worried, me sort of wild and flailing about like a mad yoke). I have one very clear memory of a doctor sticking his head in at one point and me thinking I needed to get baby out as quick as I could or they'd start interfering. And then suddenly the nurses told me to stop pushing and to take deep breaths, which of course I couldn't do, I felt such an uncontrollable urge to push. And that was it, after one stingy, ouchy push, my little boy slithered out across the bed, barely caught by the midwife. I couldn't believe it, I just stared at him and he stared right back at me, not crying, simply looking at me like he'd just had the surprise of his life but was thrilled to see me. Then they whisked him away for a couple of minutes to check him over (there'd been a lot of meconium in my waters) but he was fine and they brought him back to us almost immediately.

    I was still dazed from the gas and shocked by the birth, so I held him for a few seconds and then passed him over to hubby while I got stitched up (should've listened to the nurses when they said stop) and I just stared at the two of them beside me. It took ages to fix me up, but finally they were done and I was back to myself and I took him in my arms and it just felt perfect. A different nurse came on then (my midwife was very pleased that we were all done by 8.30pm as she got to go home on time!) and she showed me how to latch him on, got us tea and toast and got me some blankets and then just left us alone for ages to chill out. Himself went off to make the calls, baby and I just stared at each other and got to know each other. Eventually around 11.30 we were brought to the postnatal ward and the lovely nurse made me so comfy in the bed and put the little lad in with me so I could feed him easily. She made it seem so simple and easy, I never had any serious bother breastfeeding from that first night. Hubby went home some time after 1am. I slept in fits that night but never felt more peaceful. It was so lovely, a mad experience but a magical one and if my experience is at all normal, no one should be too afraid of being induced.

    #2 is due in 5 weeks, hope it goes as well!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 142 ✭✭Mom2Be

    Birth story from my 2nd daughter.. Posted previously on a thread i had started about being terrified of being induced due to all the horror stories..

    10 days overdue so facing the dreaded induction (or what i thought)

    Went in at 8am, got the gel at 10:45.. Got my first pain 30 mins later. Coped really well with them too smile.gif
    Drove the poor midwife nuts though, must have asked her 1000 times if she was sure id get my epidural,haha!
    Once she promised me that i would then i told her id potter along on my own and try dilate as much as i could before going to the labour ward (not like me but i felt i was doing fine smile.gif )

    The doctor checked me at half 4 and i was 3cm.. Dont think i ever got so excited,ha! Then the nurse said she would ring up to labour ward and see what the bed situation was there. She came back 5 mins later and told me get my stuff, i was off up for my epidural ..

    Once i got up there i started with the gas and air until the anaesthetist came along (bout 45 mins)
    Epi went a bit pear shaped alright ~ Put it in and i suffered through that, cant remember it bein so painful but then he said, Im so sorry ~ Thats didnt go in. I was like, Aghhhhhhhhh! Cried a bit then with frustration and then he put it in again..
    Told me id be pain free in 40 mins but i never felt a single pain after it went in smile.gif

    Was still 3cm at 8:30pm so the put up the syntocin drip, checked me at 11:30pm and i was 9 and a half.. Woohoo!

    Was fully dilated at half 12 but was really tired so she told me sleep for an hour before i started pushing.. I did just that! She woke me at 1:30am and i started pushing. I had my little bundle of joy in my arms after 50 mins and needed no stitches or anything smile.gif

    A beautiful little girl who was born on the 7th and weighed in at 7lbs and 7oz (",)

    As for getting Induced and being terrified. I would do it again in the morning (",)

    Best of luck Quins5 xx

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 747 ✭✭✭qwertytlk

    Brilliant idea january!

    My First baby born 23.6.11 in rotunda hospital.

    I had a crazy pregnancy. Was not trying for a baby and due to irrgeular periods did not discover i was pregnant untill week 24. Was totally shocked, but happy. Spent the rest of my pregnancy in a mild panic about everything (as anyone who was on borads preg page, probably remembers my almost daily threads lol). Anyway ended up going the full 13 days overdue so was booked for induction. Was told to be at hospital at 8am, when i got there they had no free bed for me so ended up sitting in the waiting room untill almost 1.30pm. Was pretty pissed of at that stage! So luckily when we Went up to the ward and got examined, the first gel was inserted immeadiatly. I Hadnt slept the night before as i was so nervous so i went for a nap then, thinking that the first gel wouldnt even work. But lo and behold i woke up an hour later and was getting contractions. They were really light at this stage. Not even uncomfortable. By 6pm they were pretty bad. Doc came around and examined me again and said i wasnt even dialiated yet! By this stage i was very uncomfortable. By 8pm the contractions were almost constant and i was given the gas (which i was afraid to suck on too hard as i didnt want to be sick! So silly!) . I was examined again at 8.30 and at this point the doctor broke my waters. The contractions were still coming fast and hard so by 9pm, when i thought i could take no more, i was brought to the delivery suite and given the epidural- bliss! By this time i was absloutley knackerd as i hadnt slept properly in over 24hours so we decided to go alseep for a bit. I was only 3cm and midwife said it could be the early hours before i was anywhere near ready.
    I was being monoitored constantly and for some reason they kept loosing the heart beat with the trace machine so decided to put the clip on babys head. I fell asleep for a couple of hours and when i woke i immeadiatley told the midwife that i could no longer feel the dull pain in the bottom of my belly, but much lower, so she examined me and said i was almost 10cm! I was shocked! My partner was still asleep at this stage, so he woke to me in hysterics saying 'quick the babys coming,get up!'. The doctor came in then and said the heart rate had dropped and we needed to get baby out quickly. In my head i was terrified,but said nothing.
    I was trying to push, and with the epidural i didnt know if i was even doing it right, although they assured me i was! The doctor was getting quite concerned so she ended up using the forceps and suction! He was out in 3 more contractions! I couldnt see, but my partner said the cord was around his neck. They put him up on my chest and he started to cry. Which i have to say, was the most beautiful sound i had ever heard!
    They took him to be checked over then, while the doc stitched me up. I didnt even care id been given the episiotomy, even though thats the one thing i was terrified of! I was just glad the little man was ok.
    Dad held him for a bit, then gave him to me for skin to skin. We stayed in the delivery suite for about an hour before being transferd up to the ward. Got settled in and tried to breast feed but the little guy was having none of it, so 6 hours after birth i ended up bottle feeding.

    All in all it Really was the best experience of my life, and also quite scary at times but ultimatley worth it. I am now the mother to the most beautiful,precious baby boy. My life is complete. Iv never been this happy, and its all thanks to my little suprise. To think i was pregnant for 6 whole months and i didnt even know!
    Looking forward to trying for #2 soon!

  • Administrators, Business & Finance Moderators, Society & Culture Moderators Posts: 16,978 Admin ✭✭✭✭✭Toots

    I'll share the (probably very long) story of the birth of my little man Adam (my first). He was due on 11th September 2011, but I'd had a fairly complicated pregnancy and had a couple of scares where we thought labour was starting early (also had problems with pelvic stability, and my hips and they'd thought I might need a section so they sent me to have a consultation with the anesthetist just in case). The hospital and my GP had told me at about 30 weeks to have my bags packed because they were afraid he'd be early. He was fully engaged and ready to go at the 34 week check, so when I was still going to my antenatal appointments at 40+3 my consultant said she couldn't believe I was still pregnant and joked that she was going to send me out to do laps of Merrion Square to try and get him out. I was starting to get concerned that I'd have to be induced (really didn't want that) but she said she reckoned I didn't have long left and she'd be very surprised if I went the full 2 weeks over. Basically I spent the next 3 days moving around as much as I could, eating spicy food and bouncing around on my birthing ball.

    On the friday, (16th Sept) I decided to accompany my husband to the local scrap yard to try and find a prop shaft for his car (all part of my plan to try and get labour started). He wasn't keen on me coming at all but I insisted. Then when we got home we took our dog and my Mum's dog for a massive walk (picture a woman the size of a beachball 'running' in the local park with two mad cocker spaniels). We finished off the day by getting an indian takeaway for dinner. I was fully expecting my waters to break at that stage, but went to bed at about 11 all frustrated.

    I'd had woeful insomnia for about the last 6 weeks of my pregnancy so I sat up in bed reading and I started getting pains sort of in between my legs, like in my pelvis. I'd been having braxton hicks very strongly the last few weeks and I'd always felt them in my tummy and back, so I assumed these pains were from whatever way I was sitting in the bed. I moved around but no matter what way I sat, I was still getting the pains. Then at about 2am, I realised that there was a regular interval between the pains and suddenly I thought "Holy crap, maybe I'm in labour!" so I thought I'd time them using a handy pregnancy app on my iPhone, and it turned out they were coming every 15 minutes and lasting for 90 seconds. Seeing as it was in the middle of the night and I reckoned I had a while to go yet I thought I wouldn't bother waking my husband and I'd just try and relax, they were too painful to try to sleep through so I just kept reading and using the timer.

    By about 6am they were getting pretty bad and I needed to pee so I got up to go to the loo but got a massive contraction on the way past the end of the bed, so hubby found out that the baby was on the way when he woke up to find me doubled over hanging on to the dressing table. Stuck the TENS machine on and headed down to my parents house at around 9am, with the intention of having Dad drive us in after the rugby. Now I'm terrified of hospital, so I kept trying to put it off, but by about 2pm the contractions were coming every 5 mins and my mum bundled me into the car with Dad and hubby. When we got to the hospital they brought us up to the delivery ward but all of a sudden the contractions had slowed down, and I wasn't in active labour yet so they said I could go home if I wanted (I was ready to kill someone at that stage) so we went home. Of course the contractions started up with a vengance again in the car.

    Let’s just say that Saturday night was a long night, and by about 6am I'd gotten beyond the point of being able to keep quiet during the contractions, it literally felt like someone was trying to rip me in half from inside my pelvis. We started to make preparations to go into the hospital, and at that stage contractions were 2 mins apart and I was terrified we’d left it too late and he’d be born in the car. On the way in the contractions were 60 seconds apart and I had a massive urge to push and was telling the hubby to pull into Donnybrook Fire Station (firemen can deliver babies right?) and my poor Dad was in the back of the car trying to pat my shoulder and telling me not to worry that we’d make it. Got to the hospital and was rushed to the delivery room, fully expecting to be told I was ready to go, only to find out I was 2 cm!! 2 freaking cm!!

    There was a note on my file saying that because I might have to be sectioned that the anesthetist was to be called as soon as I arrived so I could have had the epidural then, but I said I’d see how I got on with gas and air. I was high off my ass on the stuff which was great for a while but then I started feeling really trippy and like I was losing control so I was only really able to take about one puff per contraction, as opposed to huffing the stuff until the contraction was over. I kept trying to convince my husband to have a go of it but he was worried we'd get in trouble :p They put an IV in my hand (I managed not to faint or puke) and put the first round of my antibiotics in (I had group B strep) and I figured since the IV wasn’t so bad I’d consider the epidural. About half an hour later I couldn’t take any more, the contractions were one on top of another so I got the epidural, and funnily it didn’t hurt at all! I was dreading it but as soon as it was in I didn’t feel any more contractions.

    At that stage I hadn’t slept since Thursday so I went asleep for a couple of hours and hubby went down to get some lunch. They had to hook me up to oxytocin because the I got stuck at around 5cm. By about 4.30pm I was at 8cm and had the epidural topped up because I could feel pain again. Also I could feel a lot of pressure in my bum and was absolutely convinced I was going to the loo in the bed but the midwife and my hubby ended up pulling back the sheets to show me I wasn't (I was starting to freak out a bit).

    They weren't happy with the baby's heart rate so they asked for a doctor to come and have a look. Our midwife was going on her coffee break then, so another midwife came to sit with me, and the doctor arrived to do a fetal blood sample. I wasn't quite sure what exactly the problem was but suddenly the room was full of people and the doctor said to me 'Ok, you're going to push him out now.' The next thing I knew my legs were up in the stirrup things and they were telling me they wanted 3 pushes per contraction and that the baby was still quite far up so I had a lot of work to do! So I started pushing and luckily got the hang of it straight away. The doctor tried to use forceps and got the first half in but apparently when she tried to get the other half in I let out such a scream (it was news to me that I made any noise at all lol) she decided to use the suction cup instead. My little man was born at 5.45pm, exactly 5 minutes after they told me to start pushing (I found out later on when I was reading the delivery notes). Our lovely midwife, who had sat with me since 9am, arrived just as the placenta was being delivered and couldn't believe he'd been born so fast, she joked that she couldn't even leave us alone for 5 minutes.

    I was getting stitched up for about half an hour - thankfully they did an episiotomy and didn't leave me to tear - and hubby did skin to skin with the baby until they were finished repairing me. We had about another half hour in the delivery room and then they moved us. By some miracle I actually got a private room (I was a semi private patient but was incredibly lucky) so I was thrilled. When we got to the room I was brought tea and toast and a delicious bun. The little man had terrible trouble breast feeding so in the end he got formula until my milk came in and I could express for bottles.

    We stayed in hospital for 3 days, and I really enjoyed it, the hubby would come in in the morning and stay til about 11pm each night so we had lots of time to ourselves to just enjoy our new baby and the midwives were wonderful, they couldn't do enough for us. I think if I ever have another one, I'll be getting the epidural as soon as I can, although the gas and air was fun for a while!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 767 ✭✭✭Hobbitfeet

    Toots* wrote: »
    I thought I'd time them using a handy pregnancy app on my iPhone,

    Hi what app was this?

  • Administrators, Business & Finance Moderators, Society & Culture Moderators Posts: 16,978 Admin ✭✭✭✭✭Toots

    Hobbitfeet wrote: »
    Hi what app was this?

    It's called Baby Bump, it tracks your pregnancy on a daily and weekly basis and gives you a little bit of info each day and new week. It also has a contraction timer. I had the What to Expect app aswell but I found Baby Bump much better!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6,498 ✭✭✭Mothman

    First 2 also born at home with same mid wife.

    There wasn’t much prep to be done. The pool was checked a couple weeks before and it was grand. Made sure to have hot water available at all times to fill pool. The mid wife was making regular visits. So fantastic not to have to travel to hospital during the pregnancy.

    The day dawned with some minor contractions during night. This was after a show the previous day. If pattern was similar to first 2 then this was to be the day.
    And a warm sunny day it is.
    Continued with daily duties and then we all went to beach at about 12 noon. It was hot! 21C at home and probably 20C at beach. It was glorious. Contractions started up again there and started coming every 15 to 30 minutes. We came home at about 13.30.

    6 yo son went to his cousins, just walking distance away, but I said that he may have to come home early because we were expecting a visitor :D I didn’t want to give the game away!

    We discussed where to birth and decided on outside in the garden meadow. We’d keep the birthing pool indoors for backup. Set up blankets for warmth and camping mats for comfort on the ground. Mum laboured away. Contractions becoming more frequent.
    We assured the kids that they would not miss out on the event :D and they went off and played. Curiously the dog who would usually be among us kept his distance, about 10m away. He knew something was up, but he was not concerned either.
    Called the midwife at 15.45. Told her that we’re in business but not to rush. She was less than an hour away.

    9yo daughter went to get her brother. They ran home:) Very excited they were.
    Meanwhile, I was starting get run off my feet :cool:
    I was required to rub back during contractions, keep mum warm, was also supervising the pool filling, not too hot, not too cold, not to overflow! I was getting drinks and whatever else was demanded of me :)
    Mum vomited at about 16.15, handy as she could just do it in the long grass, the waters broke at same time and then midwife called. She was only 20 minutes away but stuck in traffic. This had the affect of slowing labour and mum went into a sleep phase with contractions about every 7-10 minutes. The sun was still warming on the skin but the day was getting on and I reckoned we’d be moving inside as it would get too cool. We hadn’t got so far as to sort out a fire...

    Midwife arrived at 16.45. She had put her hazards and full lights on traveled the hard shoulder while passing about 4km of a traffic jam :D Gardai looked twice, but they were busy sorting out an accident :(

    At about 17.30 we moved inside. With sun setting mum could not keep warm. The pool was ready though a little cool, so put kettle on and pots of water on stove to get some heat into it. We also prepared the sofa to make comfortable for contractions and birth.

    Mum leaned on pool during one contraction and POP the pool burst.....:eek: Immediate deflation and water gushing into the house. I kind of stood there marveling at the chaos of the situation :D then into action....Get the towels to dam the water. Kids get down here and help. They rushed down and held up the sides to keep as much water in as possible. Meanwhile I started bailing out the pool with a bucket and had a siphon going to drain it. Contractions continued without my attendance. Got as much mopping up done before I had to get back to mum and final stages of labour. The kids had settled down a few feet away to get a good view.

    The next few contractions were intensive and painful, but each one was one less to go and then the kids saw the head and after another 2 contractions there was a new sound. 18.20. What a joyous occasion, the roaring of the little boy. :D The time being the same hour of day that the first 2 were born! The pain that mum had with the contractions immediately disappeared and she was on a high. She held the little fellow cord still attached.
    It was decided to pass the placenta in the bath, so ran the bath and mum, baby still attached took the awkward trip to the bath and she hopped in.
    Meanwhile, animals had to be fed and the cow milked but I got back to see placenta being passed which happened very easily. It was then the cord was cut by the 2 kids and we gathered up the placenta to bury in the garden later. The little man took his first feed and when he was done, the midwife measured and weighed him while mum showered and got dressed. Nearly 8 ½ Ib, heavier then the first 2.

    So we are one week on. Finding our feet well, settling into a new rhythm though not without hiccups:)
    The washing machine gave up the same day, so all our cleaning up washes were done in my brothers house. We now have a new machine installed. The water tank developed a leak and needs to be replaced. Its not too critical but we can’t light our wood burning cooker :(

    The birth really was a lovely occasion. For the birth of my daughter I was like a rabbit in headlights. For the 2nd, my first son, while it was great I don’t think I got the sense of occasion. This time though, despite the mishaps, I was able to take the occasion in as it happened. It was brilliant having the 2 siblings looking on as they are old enough to remember. My daughter was 3 when her brother was born and she doesn’t remember much of it.

    There you have it. I'm sure if I started writing it again, it would be quite different as it would have been if I wrote it a week a go :)

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,260 ✭✭✭Mink

    Ok so here's the story for my sister's baby born a couple years ago. It was her first baby & she was mid thirties.

    She was overdue by a few days and had a sweep. She started getting some mild contractions during the day the next day and then by about 11pm they were 5 mins apart but she could talk through them. We headed into the Rotunda and they sent her straight home again by about 1am!

    I made her some food and literally within 1/2 an hour she couldn't breath through them, she had diarrea and a bloody show. All systems go! So I drove her back to the hospital (not very comfortable for her).

    She got a quick scan and was put in the pre labour ward (vomiting on the way up there), we got in there probably about 4 or 5am. All the other ladies were trying to sleep and my poor sis couldn't stop groaning. She'd originally wanted no pain relief but was at the point where she'd take anything going. They put her on the monitor thing and wouldn't give her anything for ages as baby seemed sleepy.

    I'd say somewhere between 7am and 9am they gave her pethedine. It didn't do much for her, just made her feel drugged. The contractions hardly had a break between them and there was feck all I could do except rub her back and get her things as she needed them.

    I think by sometime before lunch she was maybe 2 or 3 cm dialated so they let her have gas and air. They gave her a massive tank and she sucked the thing dry by late afternoon. She was well and truely out of it but it did seem to take the edge off.

    She was continuously drinking water & other liquids but when she'd manage to get to the loo she wasn't able to pee. We told the midwives this but we never thought to actually do anything about it.

    By late afternoon (on the second tank of gas at this stage :eek:) she was 3cm but there was a delay in getting a bed in labour ward. I might add the contractions never let up the whole time, she just breathed through them as much as she could but it was really hard on her. I got my hubby to come in at some point in the morning to move my car & bring me a bit of brekkie. I snuck away in afternoon for 10 mins to stuff something in my mouth so that was it (so birth partners, be prepared!!).

    I think by maybe 6pm a bed in labour ward became available, the midwife in there was lovely and she got an epidural not long after arriving. This really calmed her down. She mentioned to the midwife that she hadn't pee'd in ages but had been drinking loads of water. The midwife had a look and we were shocked to see that her bladder was bulging out big time, it looked like a second pregnancy bump, how we all missed this I don't know. She hadn't been able to pee as I guess the pressure of the babies head was closing up her urethra (sp?)

    Anyway, when the epi went in, the midwife then put a catheter in & there was an almighty waterfall! She filled about 3 of those kidney shaped bowls! She then had a little snooze on and off, finally the first bit of rest. I popped out for a bit of grub again.

    Around 8.30 the new midwife (changed shifts) asked my sis if she felt any pressure down below, she didn't as she'd just gotten the epi topped up as we thought it would be ages yet. The midwife said she could see a bit of head (I had a look and confirmed this to my sis :D).

    So it was time to push and she pretty much did it in about 20 mins of pushing with a very small graze. When he came out he was 9lbs something and it was the coolest thing to see him born. I started crying but sis was all calm & collected and started telling me what to do haha.

    I got to hold him and clean him up and dress him a little while sis was getting cleaned up after placenta came out! Then she got him for a bit, got her tea and toast etc. She was moved over to the post-labour ward probably at about 10 or 11pm and I was shoo'ed out of the building.

    The next morning he was very yellow from jaundice and had to spend the next week up in the ICU under lamps. My sis found it very hard to express milk so she was very frustrated as breast feeding didn't go to plan. When she got him home she battled with getting her milk in and he needed a lot of fluids because of jaundice and she had to switch to formula.

    He's a a grand healthy little boy now. I was glad I got to be her birth partner as it was a serious eye opening experience for me. I'll never forget him being born though, I always get teary eyed when I see babies born on the telly etc.! The Rotunda midwives were very nice, they were just mega understaffed in the wards. But the ones she got for the delivery were great and there wasn't a whisper of a doctor anywhere and no interference.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 345 ✭✭freudiangirl

    The arrival of my wonderful baby boy! 25/10/2011 at 03:50

    So I was having backache for the past week and bump was getting really hard all over but it was not stopping me in my daily life so I kept on going.
    On Sunday night, I had 2 hours of cramps n backache, again I went to bed and could sleep thought nothing of it.I went to work on monday morning and had normal day. On monday night, I was a bit crampy but again I could sleep so .........

    At 2:15 am, I went to the loo and I got my bloody show. The pains then came on quite strong and stopped me in my tracks. I was timing them as 5 minutes apart and 30 secs in length.
    I then rang cumh, was told I should have cup of tea maybe shower then come in.
    BY 3:10 am pain unbearable, and I had terrible pressure down low. So we started to get ready to head to cumh. OH rang taxi at 3:20,taxi driver cut all red lights etc so we were there about 3:30, I could kinda walk in to hospital was checked immediately and brought to labour ward.
    On way to labour ward,I felt a gush, it was my waters. Apparently, the nurses saId " we should make it down to ward!?!". Glad I didn't hear that.
    I gave birth kneeling on bed and had about 4 pushes before baby Donal was born with no pain relief aside from gas and air for placenta. I found the gas n air hard to take as my throat was so dry.
    I was then left in labour ward til 6 am ish which was nice, he hasnt really taken to breast, he will latch but not suck so after a traumatic first night on Tuesday, we tried bottles so we were sorted.

    The staff in CUMH could not have been more helpful and great.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 7,073 ✭✭✭Rubberlegs

    Brilliant thread:)

    First daughter born in '93, elective c-section. She was breech, and still hadn't turned, so the section was scheduled for 3 days before my due date. I was young, and clueless, and looking back on it now, I wonder why didn't they even attempt turning her. I was a bit nervous about the op, but more excited about finally meeting the little gurrier, whose head had been wedged under my ribcage for so long:). The matron had a very brusque manner, and I remember being terrified when she brought me into a side room to insert a catheter into my bladder. I was sure she had to make a hole in my side to do this:o. I then had to walk back to the ward holding the wee bag in my hand. How dignified:rolleyes:. They came for me with a wheelchair, and I can remember a fairly hot fella smiling at me outside the theatre. He gave me a green liquid to drink, said it tasted like creme de menthe. I can remember being helped onto the table, a mask being put over my face, and being told to count to ten. I think I made it to 3! Next thing I knew I was awake again, and must have asked them several times what I'd had, I was so groggy. Baby girl, 6lbs 7oz:D. Recovery after the general anaesthetic was slow, I'd say it was a couple of days before I came around fully. I'd also been cut up the way, which was quite a shock. Must say it was annoying that everyone else knew I had a girl, and her weight before I did, that has always bugged me! Baby is now 18, has just started a 3rd level course in Childcare:)

    Baby girl no2, born in 2000. This time I was really hoping to give birth naturally. However, at about 26 weeks, we found out our baby had spina bifida and hydrocephalaus. I was advised to have another c section, as labour would put a lot of strain on the baby's head. When it's put to you like that, you don't argue. This time I was scheduled in for 13 days before the due date, to ensure I didn't go into labour. I made sure this time to opt for the spinal block, so I could stay awake, and be the first to know what I had. I walked down to the theatre, refused a wheelchair, and hopped up on the table myself. There were so many people around, because of the baby's disability. Two students also asked my permission to be present, sure why not, the more the merrier:). The atmosphere was so relaxed, the radio was on, the anaethetist singing along. The only thing that bothered me is that they'd cut me, and I'd still feel it. It's the maddest sensation, you can kind of feel something, but no pain. A nurse told me to squeeze her hand, as I may feel pressure as they lifted out the baby. Next thing, to the strains of Joe Dolan on the radio, I hear a cry, and see two little blue feet. Girl no2, 6lbs 15oz:D. Everyone commenting on her red hair. I briefly saw her, and she was whisked off to be treated in the neo natal unit. The 2 students are in tears, I didn't realise it was their first birth! My recovery was so much quicker after the spinal block, thank God. Baby though had to go to Crumlin for surgery the next day, to close her little back. About 8 days later, I finally got up to see her. She stayed their for a month, and then we could bring her home. At 6 months she'd a shunt fitted to deal with her hydrocephalus. She's 11 now, and after a couple more ops over the years, she is doing very well, despite the problems she faces:)

    Baby no 3, due in January, elective c-section.........To be continued.....;)

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 114 ✭✭SarahC11

    i was having mid pains the 2 nights before labour. they kept me up most of the night but they were nothing compared to the 'real thing'! i realize that now! i went to the hospital at around 3pm the next dayi was 1cm! (i thought that was bad!!) so went home at around 7pm. got to my ma's around 9pm (closer to the hospital than mine!)ate some chinese! the pains gradually got worse i had a couple of baths to ease the pain (it worked to some extent!) slept for about an hour and then i was up for the night! as the pains got worse i couldnt lie down so was half asleep sitting up most of the night! suffered the pain all night then finally rand an ambulance at 3pm cos i felt if i got off the sofa something was gonna fall outta my arse!! sat in the ambulance all the way to the rotunda and felt fine i was just thinking **** im gonna go in here and be grand like an ejit! got to rotunda and was 4cm. checked into labour ward at 4pm. had to walk from emergency room to labour ward and then it got really bad! got to the labour ward changed clothes and got the epidurl, everything was grand til pushing time and had my baby girl at 9.01pm. 5mins of pushing and had forcepts. it really wasnt bad at all i think i was just lucky i found the whole experience more exciting than anything else. was in hospital for a week afterwards tho cos i had to have a blood transfusion! sounds scary but seems fairly routine when ur in there! all in all i thought the whole thing was great cant wait to have another one!

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 190 ✭✭petalgumdrops

    Had my Little Girl a few weeks ago ( first child ) and she certainly arrived with a Bang

    I was 5 days overdue and went to my ante natal appointment where i was told I had high blood pressure and that I would have to be kept in to be monitored. After monitoring for a couple of hours the Doctor decided it would be best to induce me that day as my blood pressure was still high.

    I was sent to pre labour ward where I was going to be induced. The doctor exmained me and said that the cervix was closed and had not thinned at all. I was given the first gel and told I would be given another 6 hours later. I had no pains and felt fine.

    6 hours later the Doctor returned and checked me again- no change cervix still hadnt opened or softened. She gave me another gel and said she would see me in the morning and told me that they would break my waters and to be prepared for a long day!! The 2nd gel caused a little cramping. The midwife checked me 2 hours later and said there was no change and that my other half should go home and get some sleep as it would be a long day 2moro. I was in a little more pain at this stage and was convinced that this was labour I was feeling. The midwife assured me that what I was feeling was false pains as the gel was working to try to soften the cervix and open it up. she checked me again and there was little change. She said she could give me pethadine and that it would make me sleep. I agreed and after getting it my other half went home to get rested for the morning.

    The pethadine made me feel awful- Felt drunk and woozy.. I got out of bed and I walked to the toliet. everything was spinning! I walked back and at this point I asked the midwife for pain killers as i was starting to get severe pains.. I think she knew to look at me that I was in agony and she checked me again and found that the cervix had softened and I was beginning to dilate about 0.5cm at this point. The rest of this happened within minutes! Midwife asked me if i intended to get an epidural and i said yes. She took my bloods to get them checked before I got the epidural because of the high blood pressure. she said they would take 40 mins to come back and when they did I could go to the labour ward and that she would call my other half. ( this all happened in minutes) She took my bloods and as she walked away from me I felt sick and called her back - I felt the baby coming and told her I had to push. She ran over and called for a wheelchair. At that point my waters broke!! I was ushered into a wheelchair and rushed to the delivery room in a panic.

    We just about made it to the delivery room and My beautiful baby girl was born 8 minutes after my waters broke. 2 pushes and no pain relief and miraciously without needing stitches. My other half arrived 10 minutes after she was born.

    All in all I was in labour for about 10 minutes before my baby was born. The whole experience was a shock. It all happened so fast. I went from 0-10cm in minutes. All worth it now though :)

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 700 ✭✭✭nicowa

    Though I'd post this here so that they're all collated for those looking to read them all! :D

    Christmas Day - Lower Back pain on and off all day. Around 4pm that it was coming in waves rather than being there constantly. From 6pm they were coming every 4 mins and lasting nearly 60 secs. Had my Christmas Dinner - desert too! - before leaving for the hospital. My cirvex was started to efface but not in labour yet. Sent home.

    Spent the night in contractions and went back in at 6.30 next morning. Still not considered in active labour but they kept me in. They ran a trace and were happy to give me petadin. Did have some nausa after but managed fine.

    At 12ish they broke my waters. Had a shower. Contractions were coming much stronger but when they checked I still wasn't in active labour so I asked for more pethadin. They wouldn't do it without running a trace and by the time they had that done and checked me again I was 2cm dilated so transfered to labour ward.

    By the time I was set up in there the pains were coming quick and strong and my bp was high due to the stress of it. So they wouldn't give me the epi until they had run some blood tests. Instead I settled back on the gas until they cleared me - and boy does that stuff get you high!

    Once on the epi I was happy out!

    By about 5pm I was 5cm dilated. By 8pm I was 9cm and they decided to give me the drip to speed me up the last centimetre. The epi didn't fully make that pain go away but it was managable. By 8.45 I was fully dilated with some feeling so I started pushing. And she was born at 9.30pm.

    I won't say that I was good at pushing - I was terrible at the breathing and couldn't hold my breath for the length of time the midwife was asking me to and she kept giving out to me about it. But it was all over and she was fine at the end of it.

    A small labial tear (was how the midwife described it, it's written on my notes as a 1st degree tear, don't know if there's a difference), placenta came away fine (and boy is that thing big!) and we're all good.

    She got an apgar (sp?) score of 9.95 so I can't be happier than that. And I was able to get the early discharge home with the early transfer home scheme.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 8,574 ✭✭✭ceadaoin.

    Here is the birth story of my daughter, born on 17th December.

    I was a week overdue and went to the antenatal clinic for a sweep on the 15th. While I was there they booked me in for an induction on the 20th December which I was really hoping to avoid as I wanted to give birth in the midwife led birth centre and I would have to go to the labour ward if induced.

    The sweep wasn't as bad as I thought and the doctor said I was 2cms which even though is nothing was a start so I was happy! On the bus on the way home had some cramps but nothing major and some bleeding. The sweep was at 3pm - around 7pm I started having mild contractions which were about 5 mins apart. I couldn't believe it would work that soon so stupidly went about my normal business and didn't rest. That night the contractions were stronger and I couldn't sleep through them.

    We went to the hospital around 6am only to be told I was only 3cms and was sent home again. Once at home they continued to get worse and I still couldn't sleep so I spent the morning and half the afternoon pacing the flat. Around 3pm I couldn't talk through them and they were about 3 mins apart, so we went back to the hospital (nightmare car journey!) This time I was 5cms so stayed in. The contractions were pretty painful at this stage so I got in the pool hoping this would help. It didn't! I must be the only person who didn't like being in water. I actually felt like it was making the contractions more painful.

    5 whole hours later the midwife finished her shift and I was 7cm dilated. Another 3 hours later, still not much was happening so they decided to break my waters. The pain got really bad after that and there was a lot of blood so had to transfer to the labour ward so they could monitor the baby's heartbeat. I think the move slowed the labour down because I had to stay on the bed :mad: Long story short, baby was finally born 31 hours after the first contractions at 2.15am Saturday morning after 2 hours of pushing and a 2nd degree tear and weighed 8lbs 9!

    I was exhausted by the end after being awake for practically 3 days straight and was pretty much falling asleep briefly in between contractions. Afterwards though I was wide awake again. I managed to do it without any drugs, didn't even use the gas and air (I did for the stitches though) so I'm so happy I had the natural birth I wanted.

    She was so alert when she was born, I'll never forget when she first looked at me. And after I got to go back to the birth centre where I had my own room and my partner could stay overnight so overall, a positive experience. Don't know if I could do it again though!

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,242 ✭✭✭liliq

    Toots was your baby born on the 17th then? Same birthday as my baby :D
    I didn't post this here for a while because I didn't want to put up what I felt was a "bad" story, but I think it was more how I dealt with the situation mentally that made it bad!

    My little man was due on the 30th of August, and I was induced on the 16th September at 10am.
    I was brought in in the morning and given the gel, which started working within an hour but wasn't working properly if that makes any sense... I was getting contractions but they weren't normal contractions.
    I hadn't made a plan as such, but I only really wanted to use gas and air through out if it was possible!
    By 12pm I was struggling to walk but hadn't started dilating.
    BY 2pm I was in severe pain, I was screaming down the ward, but because I still wasn't dilating much and babies heart rate kept dropping they couldn't give me any pain relief.
    There was talk of a section then, asking me all the questions about havning no nail varnish on and taking out the piercings, which freaked me out completely! My waters were broken at 4pm and straight away I got relief, and dilated to 2cm. I was given pethadine once the babies heart rate settled, and sent up to the labour ward then where I started on the gas and air (which I loved!) The midwife told me I'd have my baby before the end of the night!
    I was kept attached to the monitor to keep an eye on babies heart rate, and it started dipping again and i still wasn't dilating much. The told me I should really get the oxytocin drip at that stage- about 10pm I think, although a lot of it is blurred memory so it could have been earlier or later!
    I knew I wouldn't deal very well with pain worse than I was already getting, so opted for the epidural first (The thought of them really freaked me out before, but getting it in was fine!) then the drip. The drip got me dilated to 3cm, but baby was getting pretty stressed and I had developed an infection at this stage and my temperature was really high, so I was being dosed with antibiotics,
    The midwives and doctors starting talking about c sections again at this stage, and I just paniced completely. Even after having one i still have a mental block about c sections! They all stood around me waiting for me to give consent, and as soon as I could make myself agree to it it was all go. I was rushed up to the theatre, the anaesathist (sp) was amazing, he was so reassuring. Mr q was brought in after they started cutting and my baby was suctioned out through the c section at 5:37am. Little beasty baby was 11lb 12oz. :D
    Mr q got to hold him for a few minutes while i was being stitched up and then he was brought up to special care for iv antibiotics. I got to go up to see and cuddle him about 12 hours later when I was able to get myself out of bed and into a wheelchair. I didn't like that I didn't get to hold my baby straight away, I feel quite guilty about it to be honest, but the guilty feeling is all it is. It hasn't affected my bond with my baby, breast feeding, or anything like that in the long run.
    I'm honestly quite traumatised by the whole experience, but not nearly badly enough that I wouldn't do it again in a heartbeat :rolleyes:

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,617 ✭✭✭Cat Melodeon

    I’ve been meaning to post this for ages but only getting around to it now. It’s a bit longwinded (but pretty much all positive) so skip to the end if you’re in a rush!

    Despite my conviction that I was going to go overdue (my first was induced at 10 days over), this baby decided to come a week before her due date and more than a fortnight before I was expecting her. It was a Saturday & I’d spent an hour that afternoon getting a tour of the labour ward as I’d transferred hospitals quite late in the pregnancy & hadn’t had a chance to book onto the relevant antenatal class. Little did I know I’d be back on the ward 12 hours later! I’d only packed my bags a couple of days before! Anyway, myself, hubby & Kid1 then spent the afternoon shopping & I had a mad urge to go for a long walk along the river – it was lovely, a beautiful crisp & sunny November day.

    That evening, himself cooked us a lovely meal & we settled in to watch a DVD. Maybe it was the crap movie (Existenz - don't bother) but at around 11pm I started to feel a bit funny and shortly after I realised that my waters were starting to go. I was stunned & sort of thrilled that I was going myself without help & hubby rang my Very Sensible Sister who was supposed to be on standby for babysitting Kid1. Unfortunately, my Very Sensible Sister had chose this very weekend to get totally ratarsed with my Slightly Less Sensible Sister (back-up babysitter #2) and my Completely Insensible Brother (back-up babysitter #3), so sure were they that I was nowhere near my due date (my own fault I guess!). So we rang my usually Utterly Unsensible Sister (who wasn’t even down for back-up) who immediately jumped in the car with her boyfriend and made the normally 2-hour trip in just over an hour to save the day (and hubby’s nerves!).

    Anyway, back to me & labour. After my waters went, I started to feel a bit nauseous and spent around half an hour ‘evacuating’ everything, both ends and sometimes concurrently. Once that finished, I felt a bit of a niggly pain, not much more than a period pain so I didn’t think I was in labour just yet and told hubby not to stress too much on the babysitter front (I’m glad he ignored me!). 20 mins later I felt the same thing, a little sharper and around 30 secs long, but although I noted it, I was reluctant to call it a contraction seeing as on my previous induced labour I’d had pretty strong ones and I had no idea how a naturally starting labour would end up feeling. Anyway, I went and got some big cushions and my iPod (Gentlebirth CDs are still excellent) and dimmed the lights and lay down for a while – for some reason I decided to nest by the back door beside the dog beds (and close to the loo) so I had the mutts for company while hubby got bags and stuff organised.

    My sister arrived then (about half past midnight) and almost immediately I started feeling the niggly pains 10 mins apart, still 30 secs long. 15 mins later they were coming quicker again so I rang the hospital, full sure she’d tell me to go to bed and call when I was no longer able to cope with the pain. Luckily she told me to come on in so we got loaded into the car and off we went, me in the back on my side, still listening to Tracy on the CDs with one leg in the air and a blanket protecting my modesty. I think the toll booth operator got a bit of an eyeful as we passed, poor bugger!
    It took about half an hour to get to the hospital (1.30am now) and after 15 mins or so I was brought in to the admissions room. I was stuck on a trace on the very uncomfortable, very narrow trolley for about 45 mins before the doctor could assess me. This was the worst part of the night as hubby wasn’t allowed in with me, I wasn’t allowed use my iPod, I wasn’t allowed to walk around or even stand up and there were no distractions to help with the surges that were becoming increasingly uncomfortable. The nurse on duty was a bit useless – I told her I felt things were moving along quickly and she told me not to be silly, my contractions were far too short, I wasn’t in enough pain (!) and she wasn’t convinced I was in labour (!!). Anyway, even without the iPod I was able to do my hypnobirthing, it was almost as if Tracy was there with me! Finally at 2.45 (not THAT long, in fairness) the doctor came and examined me and said I was nearly 5 cm so it was time to go up to the labour ward. As soon as I stood up I felt everything change, with mighty pressure in my pelvis and I started to retch. Nurse thought I was being a bit of a drama queen (although I had made barely a sound all night) and got me to take all the paper sheets from the bed and put them in the bin (I’m not at all precious but seriously – getting a woman in labour to clean up the trolley after herself – how bad are the HSE cuts exactly?). She then sent me out to fetch hubby and the 3 of us walked up together to the labour ward. Nurse then seemed to have a personality transplant (presence of a man?) and was really excellent on the corridor, helping me through the contractions which were now coming every 2 minutes.

    We got to the labour ward and met our midwife, a lovely lovely girl who I immediately trusted. She helped me along to the delivery room and no sooner had I stepped in than I felt the urge to push. She told me to get up on the bed and when I told her I couldn’t, I felt I had to push, she just said okay, wait til it passes, while the original nurse sort of tutted and sighed. Up I got and I immediately had to push again. The midwife had a look and said, yep, I can see the head! Nurse #1 nearly dropped! From then, it didn’t let up, I was basically pushing, breathing, pushing, breathing for 3 or 4 minutes and out came baby’s head, with the rest of her slipping out easily. She was placed immediately on my chest where they left her for a few minutes before clamping the cord. She was amazing, opened her eyes straight away, never cried at all and had latched on about 2 mins after she was born.

    Labour and baby were pretty perfect. I couldn’t believe it, how easy it was compared to Kid1 even without pain relief (apparently I said ‘Is that it?’ as she came out!). It really did not hurt much at all, whether that’s because it was a second baby or because of the hypnobirthing or because I was so glad to be at the end of a fairly rotten pregnancy or simply because I had absolutely no fear this time at all, I don’t know, but I’d gladly give birth twenty times over if it was like that. Hubby was brilliant, really focused me on the breathing, and the midwife did all she could to help when baby crowned, although I still had a tear. In all, according to my notes, I was in the delivery room for 6 minutes when she was born. We had to stay there for ages though as I needed stitches and the dr had been called away for an emergency c-section. It was all fine though and I got to get high on the gas for the embroidery and was able to walk back to the postnatal ward and take a shower straight away.

    8 weeks on and baby is absolutely brilliant. I always thought people who said their little babies slept through the night were dirty liars, but she is fantastic to sleep, goes down after a mammoth 2-boob feed at 1 am and doesn’t wake again until 7 or 8. I didn’t have that with Kid1 until he was nearly a year old! Breastfeeding has been grand again – the usual tenderness for the first week and later 2 bad days with a blocked duct, but it’s been grand overall.

    So, quick version – waters broke by themselves, baby born 4 hrs later without any fuss, a girl, 7lbs 10 oz, a titch compared to her big bruiser of a brother. Recovery has been so quick, again totally different to the first time – I was back to myself within a week.

    Only question now is – will there be a Kid3? :p

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,242 ✭✭✭liliq

    Loved that story Cat! Very well written, I gotta say!

    Gives me hope for if I have any more that I might go myself too :D

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 862 ✭✭✭red fraggle

    ok so here is my birth story for Emily born 5 jan 2012 8 days early wieghing 7 pound 2 ounces. First baby, no pain relief. Length of labour 12 hours maybe but I would consider it more like 6 hours pain wise.fairly positive birth. the pushing and urge to push unfocused me a bit ehich is prob why it was more painful. i listened to gentle birth cds for the last month or 2.

    Woke at 4.30am and felt a gush followed by another gush. Thought oh **** and ran to the bathroom. Looked like bloody waters. This continued to flow. Ran to bedroom turned on light to get clean underwear so I could get dressed and inform oh what was happening. Went back into the room and OH had turned the light off. Usually he is saying ‘anything yet?’ :rolleyes:so rang the maternity unit and they said I had to come in as my waters had broke. Had a shower and headed in. baby was monitored in labour ward and then I was brought to maternity ward to wait and see what happens.

    Around 9am there was a vague tightness/contraction every 30 mins. At 11.30 we went for a long walk and we just kept walking and walking. Back to the ward and I used the exercise ball which was great.
    3pm contractions were every 15mins or so but pain not bad. Easy to breath through using the ball.
    4pm contractions every 7 to 10 mins and pains stronger.
    5pm went back to the labour ward. Baby monitored and thingy put in my arm in case I needed anything. Contractions every 7 mins. Husband put on the TENS machine at this point. Contractions painful.
    6pm used the exercise ball and had TENS machine at 3. contractions 3-4 mins apart and 1 min long.
    6.30pm went into the labour ward.
    7.20pm 5cm dilated. Midwife a bit shocked. Contractions 2-3 mins apart and very painful. At this point got unreal urge to push and it was extremely hard not to. Got gas and air but this didn’t really help me with the not pushing bit. This was possibly the hardest bit!! Gas was only good for making me a bit out of it but not enough out of it in my opinion!!!

    8.25pm starting to get upset as I had pushed and was told not to and I kept saying I couldn’t help it and it was happening and how could I stop it!!! Midwife decided to check me and I was 10cm dilated!!!! To say she was shocked was an understatement. She was running around getting stuff ready saying please don’t push yet! Started pushing then and it was hard. First few I did right but then the pain came and was hard to focus. There may have been some noise made by me at this point even tho I know this used my energy on me.Then the midwife asked did I want to feel the head. I DID NOT! My husband did. Very hard to keep pushing when she wanted me to and I didn’t do all of them right but midwife and husband very supportive. First half of baby born and unreal relief from my belly. I could see her. I asked the midwife to stop touching me down there but she showed me her hands and said it was the baby wriggling!! I couldn’t believe it. I could see her wriggling away and she only half born!
    8.55pm baby born and held up to me so I could announce what it was! My husband was so busy counting fingers and toes we forgot to see what it was!! Baby lay on me for a while and my husband cut the cord. Very alert and wriggly kicking me and pinching me. Husband held her while I was stitched. Got 4 stitches.(that mattered!!) They numbed the area but I used the gas aswell. It hurt! Apparently I said some interesting stuff to the doc and my husband kept walking away laughing. I could hear myself say stuff but didn’t stop!! All stitched up baby breastfed for half an hour on each side.

    I have to say without my husband keeping me focused on my breathing and giving me support I would not have been able for it. He was excellent. and him saying somethin simple like 'shoulders down' helped me refocus/focus on something else. Midwife was also excellent and I didn’t feel pressured at any point by her. we joked in between contractions. She is talking about me none stop to everyone cos it was a first labour and was so short and I had no pain relief. As it goes I prob couldn’t have had a better labour/birth tho it didn’t feel like it at the time when it came to the push. midwife said i was born to have babies!! we will see:rolleyes::D

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 135 ✭✭Quins5

    Well done Redfraggle!
    Great story, I hope my experience is as 'pleasant' for want of a better word, I hope you understand I dont actually mean easy and Im quite sure it wasnt pleasant in the traditional sense! :o

    Thanks for sharing

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 767 ✭✭✭Hobbitfeet

    Red Fraggle great birth story great to see a 1st timer do it without any drugs :) I'm due my 1st in 2 weeks and don't want to take anything except maybe gas and air so your story is an inspiration to me :)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,666 ✭✭✭Rosy Posy

    Finally birthed at home with my third...the others were looong labours so we transferred to hospital, but the third was such a different, awesome, empowering experience

    Four days overdue...dreamt that I was with a friend (who has older kids and is finished her childbearing) and complaining that I would never go into labour- she put her hand on my belly and said 'It's happening now', and I woke up with the first tightening (painless as yet). I didn't dare to hope that it had actually started as I'd had several false alarms with my last pregnancy, so I stayed in bed and tried to rest. By the time the other children woke I was having regular tightenings, every half hour or so. Although they still weren't painful I found I couldn't sit and had a real urge to stretch through them. My mum called over to take the children swimming and I had the house to myself for a while. I pottered around the garden and did some knitting. My husband had an early afternoon appointment and came home and we took the opportunity to make love. Afterwards I noticed that the mucus plug (the show) had come out but I still was too afraid to jinx it by telling anyone! He went off to his appointment and my mum and dad came back with some shopping. They were bustling about and I felt like I needed some head space so I went into the garden and finished my knitting and watched the children playing. They had planned to cook dinner at my place but I asked them if they would mind cooking at theirs and we would go up to them. After they left I was still having regular contractions and they had gotten so I had to consciously breathe through them. I was getting excited and a little bit nervous so I went into the kitchen and made some bread dough (baking relaxes me...odd I know but I've baked a cake in all of my labours!!), then I made a baked lemon cheesecake, then I made some lemon curd topping for the cheesecake, and had started on some hummus when the contractions got a bit too intense for cooking. I had put some music on and was singing loudly and badly along to it. When a contraction came I would get down on my knees, hold onto the couch and sing at the top of my voice, then get up and go on with my baking. My husband called at some point and I told him that I thought I was in labour but not to rush home (as my other labours were so long I felt like I had a long way to go and was pretty happy at home in my little bubble of cake and bad music). By the time he got home the contractions were coming hard and fast and my ability to time them or effectively communicate (or bake for that matter) had deteriorated. He called the midwife and started blowing up the pool. I stuck with the singing and was chanting a ganesha mantra which is meant to remove obstacles at the start of a journey, as well as helping with good, rhythmic breathing. By the time the midwife got there and the pool was half filled contractions were about five minutes apart and fairly strong. I was feeling really cold so I got in before it was fully filled and my husband poured water over my back. The relief was amazing and it was really nice to be surrounded by my own little body of water. I ate some oranges in between contractions and moved around a lot, doing some fairly uncharacteristically energetic lunges (pulling all the muscles in my legs I later discovered but at the time it felt great). I was feeling a strong urge to push so during a contraction the midwife asked me to float up to the surface of the water (which was not too comfortable) and saw that the membranes were bulging out of my cervix. I got out of the pool and she did a quick IE and said I was about seven cms. My waters hadn't broken yet and after a while she suggested they rupture the membranes. I wasn't too keen as I really wanted to allow the labour to unfold as naturally as possible but after a few more contractions the pressure was pretty unbearable so I agreed. No sooner had she unwrapped her crochet hook (thats what it looked like anyway but I'm sure it was some kind of medical equipment) than I felt a pop and my waters broke into the pool. The pressure let up briefly but in the next contraction I felt the baby moving down and it returned even stronger than before. Night was just falling as I went into transition and singing gave way to some noises of the large animal variety before coming back to the singing again. In between contractions my husband held a flannel with ice in it to my face and I sucked on a lemon barley ice-pop. The other midwives had arrived and lit some candles around the room. My husband was trying to talk to me and one of them gently discouraged him, for which I was grateful. The contractions were really long and intense but there was still a few minutes gap between them which allowed me to regroup my strength. In a few pushes the baby crowned and the head was out. The midwife reached into the water and unlooped the cord from around the neck. In the next push the baby was out and the midwife told me to reach down and catch him. I passed him between my legs and lifted his face out of the water. My husband and I blew on his face and he started to breathe, and we saw that it was a boy. I just sat there in the water for the longest time with his head laying on my chest looking into his eyes. I put him to my breast and he had a half-hearted suckle. Eventually the midwife said we'd better get the placenta out so I reluctantly gave a push or two and it came out, turning the water red. The midwives fished it out and put it into a tub and my husband cut the cord. Then he took the baby and I was helped out of the pool. The midwives examined him (9lb 7oz, apgar of 9) and me (no tearing no stitches), then we popped a bottle of champagne and all had a generous helping of lemon cheesecake, while I fed my bonny baby boy. My husband dressed him in a silk gown I had knitted while I had a shower and then we all went to bed...magic!

    first tightening- 4.30am
    active labour started- 1.30pm
    baby born- 7.30pm
    baby born at home, in the water with minimal assistance

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 79 ✭✭Julie London

    First Baby Story

    06th Oct evening I had a bloody show, knew it would be soon now so started straightening my hair! and doing my nails! so I would look good going to hospital! (FIRST BABY ! GUYS I HAD NO SENSE!)
    07th Oct 2pm, started having mild pains. like period pains.
    By 3pm, the pains were worse and in my back my hubby came home from work and my waters broke at home.
    In the car and arrived at the Regional by 4.30pm, in pain but bearable pain.

    After a long wait, They checked me over and said I was 2cm dilated and to sit in the waiting room until a bed was available. Once I got to waiting room the pains were coming fast and hard and were horrendous. I was left waiting room in front of every visitor for onew hour until one nurse took notice and took me up to the ward. It was now 8pm.
    On the ward , covered in blood that was dripping out of me ( a ward where i was put in with mothers who had their babies and loads of men were in visiting) a nurse said she wopuld check me again but as my chart said i was 2cm and first baby i was making a fuss over nothing.
    On checking me she jumped back and said oh my god your 8cm, im going to kill that nurse who said you were 2cm. I was rushed straight to delivery.

    Laboured in there for about one hour and half and at 21.47 my lovely daughter was born naturally. I needed an episiotomy - which wasant as horrendous as I thought it would be.
    Found the hosiptal experienece degarding and stressful and left as soon as I could and went home.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 767 ✭✭✭Hobbitfeet

    Julie your poor thing thats awful way to treat anyone in labour especially 1st time mum. Did you make a complaint? I would be making an official complaint if I was treated like that.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 79 ✭✭Julie London

    No i didnt. I think I just thought it was normal at the time. That thats the best care you can expect on the public system. It got even worse while trying to breatsfeed one nurse told me my aorela (cant think of correct spelling)were too small to feed my baby and that my baby was hungry. I gave up then and there as my hormones were loop the loop and the comment made me cry

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 463 ✭✭dollybird2

    Finally I get to add my story! Have been following this up to a few weeks ago when my little girl was finally born!

    I didn't have a very easy pregnancy, lots of sickness and high blood pressure. I was admitted with hypertension and threatened toxaemia a number of times but the hospital didn't want to induce as baby was very small and was thriving in the womb.

    Finally two weeks overdue by the hospital dates and three weeks by my dates I was due to be induced but went into labour myself the night before. Had a bloody show and lost mucus plug, which was yuck!, and spent from 8pm until 8am the following morning literally on the toilet. Went to the hospital, they checked and I was 3cm and progressing nicely. Refused all pain relief and contracted away in the delivery suite, pains coming regularly and lasting longer as time went on. I thought this is a breeze, not at all what I expected. Had my book & ipod, tens machine was on and I was guzzling gas & air and having fits of giggles with it.

    After reaching 7cm and enjoying my experience suddenly the sh*t hit the fan. Baby's heart stopped and then restarted slowly and then went erratic. I was hooked to monitors, people started filing into the room discussing me like I wasn't there and anytime I asked a question I was told to suck the gas & air. Hello, I want to know what is going on. I heard a doctor mention a section so I said that I wanted that to be a last resort as I was very near the end of labour at this stage. They put a monitor on the babys scalp, very horrible experience, and then tried to syringe blood from her head. I was in so much pain with the insertion of these and my husband was green watching what was going on. I asked for a section at this stage, 2.30pm.

    Suddenly my waters went, very strange sensation, loud pop and a gush. They were brown and at the same time the baby's heart stopped again. I was put straight onto a trolley and ran down the corridor while being put into a gown and having anti acid injected as I had eaten. We ran into theatre, so many people around the bed it was scary. There I was knocked out. It happened so fast that I kind of didn't register what was going on. I didn't even read the consent forms, just signed them. I had no choice re: anaesthetic as the epidural would have taken too long to kick in so the GA was the only way to go.

    Came around in recovery room totally confused. A nurse told me I'd had a girl and I remember thinking she was crazy and that I must be dreaming. When I was brought to the ward my husband came with our little woman and my God every single thing I had just gone through was so worth it, I'd have done it all again just for her. She is beautiful and amazing. She was born at 3pm - that's how fast it all happened! When born I was out of it and my husband wasnt permitted into theatre but in her notes I read that she was covered in meconium (hence the panic) and had a weak cry and had to be suctioned. Her cry is anything but weak now let me tell you!She weighed 6lb 9oz which is tiny for such an overdue baby.

    I was TERRIFIED of the thoughts of having a section as I have severe needle & medical phobias that caused issues throughout my pregnancy. However it really was okay and the recovery wasn't half as bad as I expected. I was up walking around the day after it - slowly! I lost a litre and half of blood in theatre so I did feel tired and weak. I left hospital after 4 days, could climb stairs and lift baby no problem. I was emotionally fragile but I think that's normal after a baby. I was driving after 3 weeks. What I did find hard and wasn't aware that it would be hard was going to the toilet, the numbness of your stomach after - still find this weird and still wearing high waisted trousers as I don't like anything on the lower part of my tummy now.

    So anyone worried about sections and issues don't waste your pregnancy thinking about them like I did. When in labour and/or nearing the end of your pregnancy there is an inner strength that comes through and carries you through and it is true that the minute you meet your child it all melts away. And even if you aren't "present" at your child's birth don't think it will ruin the bonding process. Yes it took me a bit longer to fully bond with my baby but a few weeks on I now feel that I have and the whole process was worth it.

    Sorry for rattling on!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 767 ✭✭✭Hobbitfeet

    So glad your both ok Dollybird. Well done :)

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,992 ✭✭✭dublinlady

    Amazing story dollybird - cant imagine how frightened you must have been - I was in tears only reading it! So glad everything is ok now , as you said you can have all the plans in the world - the bottom line is that you and the baby leave the hospital healthy - whatever it takes ! Well done and thanks for sharing!

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 318 ✭✭littlemissfixit

    Great thread, before my first I kept googling "positive birth stories" to put me in the right mind set, well heres my own.

    Baby girl was born Oct 2010
    I had a 37wk ante-natal check up at Holles st, the midwife measured the bump and at the same time I felt a strong pain where she was putting pressure with the measuring tape (which I thought she was causing), I told her, but she measured again and again, to end up telling me I was measuring very big compare to the previous week (it was no news to me,
    I felt I had put a ton in only the last few days!) She checked with another midwife and booked me for a scan the following tuesday.

    Here's how not to follow your woman's instinct:
    Hubby was picking me up and we were due to spend the weekend in the new house in Cork, to finalise everything (after all every first mum goes overdue right, so 37wks was nowhere near the birth!)

    We went home to pick our stuff, I still had pain down below but I thought it was just my pelvis and hips a bit tired of the weight. One minute I was gonna stay in Dublin, since I didn't feel too well, the next I was gonna go to Cork cause it was only my imagination. Well, I dont believe it myself, \I decided to go to Cork anyway, my reasoning being, if its going to happen I'd rather be with hubby in Cork than by myself in Dublin. Telling him to stay in Dublin with me, strangely, didn't occur to me.

    Off we went, on the long and very uncomfortable journey down through the breath of Ireland (thank god for the motorway, on the old backroads I would have popped baba out before we'd got to Kildare!). On one of our stops, I thought there was slight pink show, but again, it wasn't proof enough for me.

    And here's how to not listen to your instinct and be over laid back on top of it:
    Down to the new house, the back was killing me and I said; if its still sore tomorrow, sure I'll just jump on the train back to Dublin again just to feel more secure and comfortable. See the logic? No, me neither!

    Next morning (Friday), the pain is no better so off we go to book train fare, and as Im checking the times, I just turn around and say; Actually, you know what, I'd rather we both drove back up to Dublin after all. So we waited for the eircom man to call around (the main reason for the journey, talk about priorities) and back up the road we went, and I started having what I know now were contractions, nothing too intense, every half hour or so.

    Got back to dub end of the day, contractions were every 12 min or so. Went to bed with a couple of paracetamol, woke up a couple hours later, had a very hot shower, 2 toasts and jam, went back to bed, woke up again, had another shower, went back to bed. Third time lucky, woke up at 4am, had another shower, contractions were every 6-7 min. Woke up hubby who had slept through the whole thing and we got ready to get to hospital.
    Jump in the car, as calm as anything, unlike hubby who drove us right in one ways the wrong way.
    Checked in at 6h15am, my waters had to be broken, put on the tens and started pacing down the corridor. Pains were very manageable I must say. about 2 hours later, I was brought to the delivery room, and my waters had to be broken again (mystery to me how that happened!).
    Used a bit of gas and air, moved around the room a lot and put in practice my yoga and self hypnosis. Must have worked, in a matter of a few contractions I told the midwife I needed to push, she told me it wasn't time yet, but I told her I couldn't help it. So she checked me and I was fully dilated.
    Back on the bed, I was so concentrated on the contractions that I forgot completely about gas and air and tens boost button. I remembered the midwife at ante-natal class saying first time mum will push for an hour, no less and very rarely more, so I just looked at the clock and counted down every contractions, after 1h baba arrived in my exhauted, delighted arms.

    Being relaxed was my best pain killer.
    Hope this second one (24 wks now) will be the same, although I will challenged myself to push this one out in much less than 1 hour!!

    Good luck to all!!

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 9,626 ✭✭✭wmpdd3

    Right so, baby no.2.
    On Saturday 28th of January, I was 39w 4d.

    I got up to find I had had a bloody show. Nothing major but atleast I knew I would probably have my baby by the 10th of Feb because I was really resigned to the fact I wasn’t going to go early and I was going to have an induction, even though I hadn’t even reached my due date of the 31st of Jan. Going at 37+4 last time meant I expected to be well gone by now.

    I didn’t get up until 12pm, as it was my turn for a lie in and my partners turn to get up with baby no 1 who’s 16 months. By the time I got up I felt a bit crampy but I spent the previous Sunday with cramps all day, but they disappeared in the evening.

    I went back to bed at 3pm when my daughter went for her nap and got up again at 5pn. I still had cramps but they were so light, not even as bad as period pains. Around 6pm I decided to check if they were regular. They were happening every 7 minutes and lasting about 30 seconds. If I didn’t have a daughter to sort out I would have ignored them and got on with the night, but I started to re-check the bag I had packed for her and the food I had ready to go with her.

    I didn’t really eat anything all day Saturday, I just had toast for breakfast, when I thought about it, I felt a bit nauseous, like morning sickness.

    At 7:45, I decided I’d call the hospital and see what they said. The midwife on the labour ward just asked me to get something to eat as I didn’t want to have hunger pains as well as everything else if I did go into labour. So I did. I told her the pains were less painful than period pains, she said things could go either way.

    At 9:00 I called my friend who was lined up to mind my daughter and arranged to call out to her. Cramps were a bit stronger now but I could still talk through them.

    We packed up the car and drove to my friend’s house to drop baby off. On the way I started breathing a bit deeply when the pains came and got through them OK. Once there I couldn’t get out of the car to say goodbye to my daughter, I just had to wave. I didn’t want to be sitting down in a seat, I wanted to be on all fours.

    On the way back we swung by the hospital and checked what entrance to go in as they are doing building work and have the usual maternity entrance blocked up, we left the hospital again and went home.

    We got back to the house at 10:15pm, I was now in a bit of pain and during the contractions I was breathing through them. They were still every 5 minutes and lasting about 20 seconds. I had a bath, I thought this would be really pain relieving but it was just OK. Even though the bath was full it didn’t cover all of me so the bits not in the water had no relief. Once out of the bath, I decided we had to go to the hospital NOW.

    It’s a 10 minute drive, we got there at 10:45, parked miles away from the door. The door we had to use after 10pm was a good bit away from the maternity ward. I had one contraction in the car, then made a run for it. My other half had put the baby carrier into the car to bring baby home but it had the strap of my hospital bag wrapped around it and the bag had to be left in the car. After loads of walking, I got to A&E and had another contraction bent over holding on to a bed in a corridor. I was offered a wheelchair by a poor porter but I couldn’t sit down, when it was over we just kept walking. At the entrance to the maternity ward I had another contraction; I fell onto a couch that was in the corridor and after that we went to the delivery suite. We got there just at 11:00pm.
    The midwife showed me to the assessment ward and asked me to give a urine sample, I went into the bathroom holding the bottle. Then another contraction hit and I went down on all fours doing my breathing on the floor. The midwife picked me up and said ‘OK, we’ll go straight to the delivery room’!

    There were just two midwives with me in the room, one was a student, both were lovely.

    In there, she hooked my up to the monitoring machine. I had another contraction and was offered gas and air. There was now less than a minute between contractions. I got two sucks of gas while I confirmed my details. After the next contraction I said I had to push, she said do if you feel you have to.

    On the next contraction, I pushed and my waters broke. Next contraction I pushed and the head was visible, then after the next one the head was out. One more push and he was born.

    Last time I thought the epidural didn’t work as I could walk right after the birth, but I can confirm it def did work because this time I felt everything. The feeling of pushing was so weird, it was an all-encompassing urge but it still felt wrong, like I was injuring myself. I really think if I had needed to push for longer I would have freeked out and said I couldn’t.

    So,at 23:23, I had a 7ibs 3ox baby boy. No stitches, I had a shower a half hour after giving birth. Tried to breastfeed but my little man doesn’t like opening his mouth wide. We spent the rest of the night side by side in bed having a go at feeding.

    All in all, I couldn’t have asked for an easier birth!

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,260 ✭✭✭Mink

    wmppd3 I'd literally give away a limb to have a birth like that! Fair play!

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 537 ✭✭✭angelll

    So i'll add my tuppence worth,love reading birth stories :D

    Baby no1,was due the 1st feb 2002. Had a normal pregnancy,no problems. On the 29th jan i noticed something brown and a bit streaky on my underwear,realised the mucus plug was coming out so it wouldn't be long til labour started. On the 30th i was getting mild back pains all day but brushed them off as being braxton hicks and thought no more of it. Got into bed at 1.15 am and literally 1 min later my waters went. I actually heard a 'pop' in my stomach,it was so strange. I didn't realise there would be so much of them,changed into 5 different pj bottoms before leaving the house. Got to the hospital at 2am and was checked and was 2 cm dialated. They put on the trace,checked the pad i was wearing and thought there may be a slight green tinge to the waters so i went straight to the labour ward. Things progressed at around a cm every 30 mins,at one stage they couldn't find the heartbeat so the midwife had to put a trace on the babies head (not nice at all) so i was stuck lying on the bed. I took gas and air and pethidine and was completely stoned. I barely take an aspirin for pain relief usually so it totally hit me. When i got to 10cms and started to push i found it quite hard. I was wrecked tired. The babies head kept coming into view and then slipping back and his heartbeat was decreasing. The mw decided to give me an episiotomy and gave me an injection to numb the site and got out a pair of scissors (really not what i expected to see!!!) After one small cut the babies head came out v easily and his body straight after and popped him onto my chest,he was born at 7.57 am. The mw gave me an injection of something (still don't know what) and pressed on my stomach slightly to bring out the placenta. My little boy was checked and weighed,apgar score of 9 & 9 when born and 10 2 minutes after,he was 7lbs 12 oz. I used the gas while i got 4 stitches and then vomited everywhere..also didn't expect that,nor that it would be dark brown :eek: Everything went smoothly though after that and i have a beautiful 10 yr old nutcase asleep atm :)
    Labour from waters to birth-7 hrs.

    My second pregnancy i was due the 10th april 2007. Had a horrific pregnancy with vomiting and bad heartburn throughout. Lost loads of weight on my body,as like a stick with a huge bump sticking out. On the 4th i started getting mild back pain and pressure,again v mild so didn't think anything of it. At around 1.15 am again my waters went just after i got into bed! (They don't like me to get sleep,lol). There wasn't as many as first time round but still a fair amount. Headed into hospital and got there at 2am. The midwife checked me and i was 2cm so after the trace in admissions they brought me up to a ward where another women was also in labour. We were left alone to deal with the contractions ourselves. At this stage i was getting really bad pains,the pressure was unreal. I was checked after an hr and i had gone to 4cm and they asked me to walk to labour ward,every single step was agony. Got to the labour ward and after an hr was 6cm and once again the heartbeat went awol so they had to put the trace on the babies head again. The midwife also had to break my hind waters (i hadn't realised there was a 2nd set ) as they hadn't gone with the others. Crept slowly up to 9cm and then the real pain started. I had decided to go without pain relief this time as i found it didn't agree with me the first time round. I was in agony,the mw asked did i need to push and i really didn't know,i just said ok,anything to get it over with. Once again the babies head kept slipping back,i couldn't push him out and they were once again urging me to push quickly as the heartbeat started to drop. I actually asked for the episiotomy but they refused...10 mins later i had 3 tears :mad: Finally got him out and he was all red and angry looking from being squashed in the birth canal,his apgar scores were 10 & 10 though and he weighed a huge 9lbs 5oz! (So that was the pressure!) Even the mw was shocked at how big he was. I'm only 5ft 5 and weighed 10 1/2 stone at full term. Placenta came out itself .This time round i was so clear headed as i had no drugs so i held him for ages skin to skin while the doctor came in and stitched me up. He used a continuous stitch but it was estimated i had about 40 stitches. He was born at 6.56 am and is a nutty 4 year old now :)
    Labour from waters to birth-6 hrs.

    I'm due no.3 in April and doctors are estimating it's another big one (and it's another boy :) ) so after my second labour i'm a bit nervous. I had no problems going again after my first...I'd like to try drug free labour again i think,there's really no need for epidural as i dialate so quickly. If at all possible i'd like to avoid having the trace put on the babies head as not only is it very uncomfortable,you are stuck lying down. I've read that going on all fours can help prevent tears so that would be my ideal,fingers crossed :)

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 7,073 ✭✭✭Rubberlegs

    Posted previously about my first 2 sections, both elective. Now finally get to post about the 3rd on Jan 18th:). Found that things had changed since 2000, most noticeably the length of the hospital stay. To my surprise I would only stay 4 nights in hospital, compared to 8 or 9 the first 2 times. Also I could go in on the morning of the op, rather than have to be admitted the night before. I had to be on the labour ward at 7.30am, so got up around 6am and had a shower, and packed a few last minute things.
    Myself and himself headed off just after 7, leaving our 2 daughters at home. Our eldest girl drives, so they followed us in a while later. I was admitted on to the ward, and told I was 3rd on the list. The first was taken down at 8am, so I estimated I'd be called around 11am. I was put on the monitor for awhile to check the baby's heart, and then it was a waiting game. Had to laugh when I was asked had I shaved down below. All I could do was apologise about the state of it, I hadn't seen it in quite awhile:o
    So we waited, and waited, and waited some more. Then we were told there was a couple of emergencies. Obviously they take priority. I actually began to forget what I was in there for. Eventually I was called at 14.20. Off I trotted down to the theatre, while himself gowned up. It's quite surreal climbing up onto the table fully in your senses. I'd to drink something utterly gross out of a little brown bottle, then the spinal block was administered. Very strange sensation! It's like something warm pouring down your legs. For some reason best known to myself, I'd kept my bra and knickers on, didn't occur to me to take them off. So off they came off at the last minute. You have to lie on the table with your right side on this kind of wedge, and your left arm strapped down, out straight. The only thing I didn't like was the oxygen mask I'd to wear. Like a big twat, I kept telling them I could still feel my legs, and not to start yet. You think I'd have remembered from the last time that you can feel sensation but no pain at all. Himself came in and sat beside me, which was great as he wasn't allowed in the last 2 times. In no time the nurses were telling me we'd have the baby any minute, and I could feel someone pressing hard on the top of my stomach. The next thing at 14.45, we could see a little blue body being held up, but neither of us could make out if it was a boy or a girl as the screen was blocking our view!! I think the surgeon was a bit on the short side! He held the baby up further, and we still couldn't see, so the nurse told us we'd girl no3:D. She was wrapped up and handed to Dad beside me for a few minutes, couldn't get over the full head of dark hair, actually about an inch long in places! She was taken off to be cleaned and weighed, could hear her crying mad. 7lbs exactly, and an apgar score of 9.5 at one minute, and 10 at 5 minutes. Some relief after girl no2 being born needing surgery, and being taken away from me. It takes awhile to be stitched back up again after, but you're on such a high you don't even realise it's happening. I was moved into recovery, where they placed herself under my nightdress, it was lovely:). Her 2 big sisters were snuck into meet her.
    Then it was back to the ward. After awhile I got tea and toast, I was so hungry after fasting since the night before. At about 10 that night, I was up out of the bed, and sitting in a chair for a bit, and managed to look after the baby overnight. The next morning, after my catheter was removed, I was walking about slowly. 3 days later I was discharged, to get my stitch out at the GP's on day 6. Unfortunately and to my disappointment I healed very slowly and it was actually day 20 when the continuous stitch was finally removed. I had been told healing would be quicker as I was cut across the way this time, as opposed to vertically the first 2 times. But in the grand scheme of things, baby is well, I'm well, and that's all that matters. I can honestly say that an elective c section is a very civilized experience, and nothing at all to be afraid of. Almost 4 weeks later, I'm fully back to myself again, apart from being knackered from lack of sleep:D

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 14,949 ✭✭✭✭IvyTheTerrible

    Here is my birth story, finally got a chance to write it all down!

    I was due on February 19th. February 1st, I lost the mucous plug, and on February 2nd, during my routine gyny appointment, I was told I was dilated to 2 cm. Thought the baby would arrive in a couple of days! But by the 17th of February, I was still waiting. I had a monitoring appointment with the midwife that day (over here we have a monitoring of fetal heartrate and contractions every week of the last month), and she told me to contact the gyny to organise an induction if he had not arrived by the 19th. (My gyny does not like his patients to go more than a few days over 41 weeks, as he thinks it’s harmful for the baby). So I did, and the gyny organised for me to go to the clinic on the Monday evening (the 20th) to be induced. It was actually a relief to have a definite final date, because I was starting to go a bit stir crazy! Did the final packing of my hospital bags (so much stuff!) on Monday afternoon and headed in. I was brought to a room in the labour ward. I started to get a bit apprehensive when the on-duty midwife examined me, as she was pretty rough. Took her ages to figure out how dilated I was (only 1 cm, didn’t know I could close up!!!). The baby’s heartbeat was monitored for an hour, and the midwife said they would put in the gel to start the induction that night, but then the gyny arrived, and said, no, he would prefer to put in the gel at 8am the next morning. He said it was important for me to get a good night’s sleep, because the labour after an induction can be longer (ie 24 hours!!!) and more painful, and that if he started it that night, I’d be nearly sure to have 2 very bad nights in a row! That was grand by me.

    Next morning, I was up bright and early, 8 came and went, gyny arrived at 8.30 to bring me to the same room to get the gel in (he said the reason he was late was because there was a woman in the labour ward delivering her baby without an epidural and she was making lots of noise and he didn’t want to scare me!!!). It was like a little strip of paper attached to a Tampax string. Then I got monitored in my room every 3 hours for an hour. For most of the day, I didn’t actually feel any contractions, but I could see contractions were getting more frequent from the display on the monitoring machine. I went for regular walks to try to speed things up. Then around 8 pm I really started to feel contractions, and especially a lot of pain in my back. Also, going for a pee got much more difficult, I could really feel the baby’s head was down!

    Once the contractions started, I tried walking as I had read and been told that this was good for easing the pain, but to be honest, walking did not help at all. Because most of the pain was in my back, I found lying on my side, doing my breathing exercises and having my partner massage my lower back was the only way to get any relief. I think it was about 10 o’clock when I was brought for a monitoring in the labour ward, that my waters broke on the examination table. I was at 2 cm at that stage, and they took out the gel then. The contractions started getting much stronger (still not feeling much in my stomach) and I ended up getting sick over myself L. Went back to my room and things really kicked off then, I had half an hour of pretty continuous contractions, decided then I couldn’t hack it without an epidural, but the problem was I couldn’t move when the contractions were going. Got sick AGAIN. Decide to go back to the labour ward in a short pause between contractions, praying I was at 3 cm so I could have the epidural. I was examined and I was at 5 cm already! (in the space of one hour I had dilated from 2 to 5!). So the midwife (oh what was great was, the shift changed at 8, and the midwife that looked after me then was the midwife I did my antenatal courses with!) called the anaesthetist straight away, brought me to the delivery room and sent the boyfriend off to get my delivery room bag (not sure why, but they prefer if the partner is not there for the insertion of the epidural). Anaesthesist was lovely, he had to put the epidural in nearly straight after the local anaesthetic because the contractions were so close together. I noticed a shortening of the contractions almost straight away, though I could still feel a bit of pain in my back. I was examined straight after and I was at 7cm! So I was really lucky to have gotten the epidural when I did, otherwise it would have been too late. This was about 11.30pm, and things slowed down a good bit after that, I could see the trace from the table and the contractions were only coming every 5 mins or so. I even had little sleeps in between contractions! I still did my breathing exercises when I could feel a contraction, to help move the baby down. The midwife examined me every half hour or so, and I got to 10 cm at around 3.30, but the baby still wasn’t completely down, so she waited til 4 to call the gyny. Things were getting kinda painful again at this stage.

    Gyny arrived at 4.15, examined me and found that the baby’s head was almost at the entrance! (he even got me to put my hand down and feel it!!) At 4.30, they said I could start pushing, the first push wasn’t great, I was pushing from my jaw rather than my stomach but the next one was better. It was a strange sensation to be numb but to feel the head. They were saying things like “Oh you’re doing great” and I thought they were just encouraging me, but the baby’s head was out at between 4.45 and 4.50! And baby was born at 4.50. He started crying straight away, but not for very long. They cut the cord, and put the baby on my chest. The gyny injected me with something to make the placenta come out quicker, so that was out in five minutes (didn’t notice it coming out). Apparently, I had to be cut at the end, so I needed two stitches, didn’t even notice that either!! (The funny thing, the main thing that struck me, was how I could see my bits for the first time in months!). We stayed in the delivery room for two hours so they could keep an eye on us, and then we were brought to my room. All in all it was a lovely experience and much less scary than I expected.

    EDIT: Oh yeah funny thing I just remembered, the minute he came out, he pooed all over the gyny! :) Little divil!

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 4,128 ✭✭✭cynder

    Since a few here have posted birth stories from a while ago i'll give it a shot.

    1st born sept 1999

    pregnancy was rough, have morning sickness all the was through was hospitalised 3 times. I went in for my check up on a Wednesday my bp was high so they sent me into hospital. I was just 39 weeks, on the way at around 2 give or take an hour my contractions started. When i arrived in they said my bp had returned to normal but they would keep me in as i was having regular contractions every 5 mins. I never slept a wink all night walked the halls.

    At 9am they said i could go to the labour ward as i was heading down my partner arrived and he came with me (took the day of college). I was 4cm dilated when i arrived in, i had a shot of pethidine, by 4pm i was still only 4cm dilated so they decided to give me a chemical to hurry up labour and also broke my waters. The pain after that was unreal, gas and air didn't work and i was having contraction start in the middle of another contraction so i had no break. they told me to have the epidural, after 30 mins i gave in and had it.... It was the best thing ever.

    At 8pm i started pushing as i was 10cms. She was bobbing in and out but eventually after 51 mins i pushed her out (20.51). She was 1 week early and weighed in at 9lb 1oz. She was perfect. The offered me tea and toast but i couldn't eat, they kept me in the labour ward for 2 hours as i went very pale and weak and they were concerned, i was fine. I had stitches lots of internal ones for grazing, they made no cuts and i didn't need any other intervention with her birth. She was breast fed in the labour ward.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 4,128 ✭✭✭cynder

    Baby 2 born July 2005 was due August 2005.

    Pregnancy was great, no issues.

    I was just gone 35 weeks and I was having a dream, in that dream i wet myself, i woke up and found i was soaked it was 1am. I thought OH NO i couldn't of wet my self. Any way i needed another pee. I then felt a contraction. thought nothing of it, then i needed another pee and another and another, i was wetting a small amount each time. I thought this never happened to me before i couldn't pee this much and then i had another contraction 20 mins later. i started timing the contractions and they were getting closer and closer together by 5 am i was 2 mins apart, woke my boyfriend (dad of my other baby) and he phoned his sister and she came over. we got to the hospital at around 6am.

    They checked me and told me i wasnt having contractions, i told them i could bloody well feel them and i was. she then set up a trace and that picked up the contractions (she couldn't feel them by hand) i told her i thought my waters went but wasnt sure due to having control over them. she brushed me off and at around 7 she tested for them (the duty doctor had not arrived yet to examine me) she didn't even have to stick the stick up it changed colour before entering me, so she sent me up, just then the doctor arrived. Typical... contractions were still 2 mins apart.

    I was up in the labour ward at around 7.40 and i asked for an epidural i was 5cm dilated. at around 8.50am i had the epidural, still contractions were 2 mins apart. They checked me again as i had the urge to push and i was 10 cm so they said i could, the epidural didn't kick in and i felt everything , i pushed once and then contraction was over i had to wait another 2 mins, pushed again and had to wait another 2 mins, pushed again and had to wait another 2 mins, pushed again he crowned had to wait another 2 mins, pushed again and he he came flying out full force and ripped me with his shoulder, he was badly bruised from his traumatic quick birth (9.15am) covered in the white stuff, plastered in it, there was 5 or so people in the room as he was a premature baby. (during the 5 pushes i screamed the place down as i could feel everything, yes it hurt) They rubbed the white stuff off him and then he peed all over the pediatrician.

    I was torn quite badly, a 3rd degree tear. took an hour for them to stitch me up and my little one had a feed (bottle ) and after his feed his blood sugars were low so they put him in an incubator to keep him warm (heat keeps the blood sugars up) He was 7lb 6 oz and 5 weeks premature. He was the only baby in the ward wearing a hat he had to wear it to keep his blood sugars up.

    We were transfered to the ward at 11 and we were released 24 hours later. I had a rugged placenta and my womb took longer than average to shrink, other than that all good.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 4,128 ✭✭✭cynder

    Baby 3

    Due January 2007 born December 2006, 1 week early

    Woke up at around 3 am with uncomfortable contractions, they were 4 mins apart, left for hospital at 5am. When i got there i was 5cm dilated, the labour ward was full so i had to walk the halls until 7am, i was 7cm dilated and they said that the epidural wouldn't kick if i had it, i told them i wanted it anyway, they then said the anaesthetist was going off duty but he made an exception for me and and stayed longer. I had the epidural at around 8.30 and they broke my waters.

    It was around just before 10 i felt the urge to push, they told me that my little guys heart rate was dropping and to PUSH him out (they shouted at me to push him out) i did and then they told me to stop i said i cant and they shouted at me to stop so i did, then all of a sudden there were lots of people in the room all taking a look at me, i started to panic something was wrong with my baby, so i asked them what was wrong and they said i was tearing quite bad and that i had to push gently otherwise i would do some damage. after a few gentle pushed he came out (10.22am), he was 4kgs ( 8 lb 15oz ) and very healthy.

    Took them ages to stitch me up ( my old wound from my previous baby had burst open with the pressure and did more damage) and i was sore for a while after. I was lucky i didn't get a 4th degree tear... Chances are if i ever have another one i will be looking for a section as i was warned that because i have big babies that another baby could do more damage, ending in a 4th degree tear... However i have no plans for baby number 4....

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 9,626 ✭✭✭wmpdd3

    Brilliant stories,
    (during the 5 pushes i screamed the place down as i could feel everything, yes it hurt)

    second this!!, but I only had a tiny tear this time, it was just the feeling of pushing him out that i found soo odd! its amazing how your body makes you push even though you are tearing yourself.

    7ibs 6oz was some weight for 35 weeks!

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 4,128 ✭✭✭cynder

    wmpdd3 wrote: »
    Brilliant stories,

    second this!!, but I only had a tiny tear this time, it was just the feeling of pushing him out that i found soo odd! its amazing how your body makes you push even though you are tearing yourself.

    7ibs 6oz was some weight for 35 weeks!

    The feeling was vert odd and painful so I really pushed. He ended up flying out unexpectedly and he was very bruised and his eyes were sheets of blood from the force if being pushed out at the speed of a bullet... The sensation is really weird and I was so embarrassed that I screamed. It just came out.

    He was supposed to be 10lb and they refused to give me a section. Told me if I could push out a 9 pounder I could push out a 10 pounder. Thank goodness he arrived early.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 9,626 ✭✭✭wmpdd3

    They were obviously wrong!

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 314 ✭✭LashingLady

    I had to dig out my birth story after reading some of these. Apologies for the novel but I wrote in soon after the birth so it’s pretty detailed!

    I was due on Sat 14th June 2008. I had been trying all the "natural" ways of bringing on labour ;-) over that weekend, and had been having almost constant BH's so was thinking that labour wasn't far off.

    Tuesday 17th June
    At 3am Tuesday morning I woke with a feeling of wetness. I went to the loo and I was all wet with a pinky discharge. It wasn't a gush by any means but I had heard that your waters can break and just leak a little so I called Holles St and they told me to come in and get it checked out. We got there and went to Unit 3 (aka purgatory). They couldn't tell if it was my waters so they did a trace on the baby and would check for my waters when docs did rounds in the morning. The trace showed that I was having mild contractions and I was starting to feel period like pains.

    In the morning the docs came and did an exam to see if it was my waters and also an internal to check if I was dilated. It turned out not to be my waters (still for the life of me don't know what it was cos it certainly wasn't mucousy like the show! - must have wet myself for the first time ever!!) She said after internal that cervix was stilled closed but starting to efface. I have to say I got the fright of my life when she did the internal as it was horrible!! I was planning a natural birth and had been doing hypnotherapy and was thinking Jeez if I can't handle this bloody internal how can I manage labour!!!
    ASIDE - turns out internals are actually THE worst part of labour - particularly if you're not dilated. RUMMAGE is the only word I can think to the describe it!!

    Hubby came and brought me home and got some sleep. When I woke that afternoon the period pains I had been feeling were getting stronger and coming every 15 mins or so. I was sitting on the ball and walking around the apartment to see if they were getting any more frequent or stronger. My mam and sis came over for the evening and my pains were getting stronger and coming every 8-10 mins - fine just breathing through them though.

    Wednesday 18th June
    That night I got a few hours sleep by listening to my hypnotherapy relaxation cds. The pains were getting stronger and I got up at around 5 and was walking the apt and breathing through them and timing them. They were coming every 6 mins at this stage.
    I remember feeling nervous that we would get stuck in rush hour traffic (LOL in hindsight) so woke hubby and told him that I thought we would be going to hosp soon. In pure his style he was very laid back about the whole thing but started to get himself ready. I relaxed a bit and kept through the pains and rush hour came and went. At around 10.30 they were coming every 5 mins and lasting around 40 secs so we decided to go in (as they tell you in classes!)

    We got to HS and I waited in the lobby while DP parked the car. The pains seemed to get stronger as soon as I arrived at the hosp and I really had to concentrate on my relaxation and breathing to help with them. We were brought up to the delivery ward to be assessed. The lovely midwife gave me another exam and then told me she was very sorry to tell me that I wasn't in labour!!! I was gutted! She did a trace on the baby and afterwards said that it was obvious that I was getting labour pains so we should go and walk the corridors for an hour or two and then she would check again. We did that and at this stage I couldn't think about walking or talking through them and had to stop and lean against the wall for each pain. After about two hours she did another exam but I STILL wasn't in labour!! She said that she thought we should go to Unit 3 for the day. We agreed as we felt that we just wouldn't know when to come in if we went home....

    So we went to Unit 3 and spent the afternoon walking the corridors and sitting on the birthing ball. The pains were still coming every 4 mins or so and were pretty painful, especially in my back. I was having a flip through my chart and noticed the mw from the morning had written "patient is back to back". I asked another midwife if this meant that the baby was in the posterior position she said yes (THANKS FOR TELLING ME EARLIER!!). I spent an hour or two on the bed on all fours wiggling my hips as I heard this was good for getting baby to turn.

    Our two mams came to visit that evening and about 9pm the pains were starting to come every two mins so I called a midwife over and told her and asked when I would be checked again. She sat me down and told me "I can tell you now - you're not in labour luvvey! I can see how you're dealing with the pains, you'll know when you're in labour! You're cervix has a lot of work to do you know!!". I was SO frustrated!! As far as I was concerned these pains were bad. I had thought I was coping well with them because I was using my relaxation and breathing (BREATHING IS THE KEY!!). I had had two friends who gave birth recently and they got pains, went to hosp and had a baby - none of this Unit 3 nonsense!! I didn't know what to do. I wanted to go home to my comfortable apartment, but again didn’t think we would know when to come back, and knew I wouldn't get any sleep with the pains, especially as it was getting worse in my back. If I stayed the night in Unit 3 I could get pethidine which would help me to sleep.

    Thursday 19th June
    I got the pethidine injection just after midnight and settled into bed and S went home. At first when I got the injection I felt drowsy and thought this is great I'll be able to sleep tonight. About ten mins later I felt a pain. They kept coming every 8 mins. And lying on my side wasn't helping them, I needed to be walking or on all fours (which of course didn't help with the sleep). I was so frustrated and got up and had a walk and asked the bitchy night midwife if I could get a hot pack (I had been told to ask for one) for my back. She was a complete wagon and snapped back at me that she was on her own and had to look after the whole ward. I said to her that I was only asking for it! She was a F**king b*tch!! Eventually a nice midwife brought me a hot pack and I tried to sleep again, think I managed about an hour with my relaxation CD's. When I couldn't stay in bed any more I decided to go have a shower. I spent about an hour in there. It was such a help. After the shower I tried to sleep again, then had to go walking again. I met another midwife and asked her if I could get some more pethidine (even though it was pretty crap to be honest). She said there was no way after only 5 hours. I couldn't stop watching the clock dying for when the lights would turn on again and when hubby would be back in to me - I felt it was the longest night of my life! Eventually the morning came and that bitchy midwife came to check my vitals. I told her I wanted to go home for the day and she said it was a good idea. She gave me the impression that she thought I shouldn't be there at all and she was a right cow about it. I was so pissed off with them telling me I wasn't in labour when I knew I was. I got the stage where I was doubting myself and my ability to cope with labour. If I wasn't in labour now and I was finding it tough did I have a really low pain threshold? How the hell was I going to cope with "real labour"?

    I went out the corridor to phone my mam. Before I called I had a pain and was standing against the wall breathing through it and some one tapped me on the shoulder and told me that she was the matron of the hosp and I was doing great with my breathing. Finally! Some one acknowledging what I was going through!! I got through to my mam and we agreed that we'd spend the day at home maybe got to the beach. Then I just burst into incontrollable tears on the phone to her, not from the pain, but from the sheer frustration of the whole situation. It had been 48 hours since I had got my first pain, three nights where I had had feck all sleep and I felt like I was never going to get into "real" labour".

    S arrived and I was due to have a trace before I went home. During the trace the contractions were whoppers and you could see them hitting the top of the scale. A nice midwife came in to check on me and she said "a couple more contractions like those and you'll be on your way." She said she'd do an internal before I went just to check. She did and said she did a sweep aswell and said that she reckoned I'd be in labour in 12 hours. Finally someone putting a time on it. The way some of the other midwifes were talking it could have been WEEKS before I had this baby.

    I was due to go home so hubby and I packed up and were leaving when I started feeling really shaky and sick. I felt terrible so we decided to stay and have a shower. They admited me to another bed and I went and spent two hours in the shower. When we got out I went to the new bed and saw that it was sharing a curtain with some one else. I didn't fancy another day in Unit 3 labouring beside someone else so I decided to go home after all. I was in my dressing gown and pyjamas and hubby had to get the car from Merrion Square so I waited across the road from the hosp with the bags hoping that DP would hurry up. I was leaning against the rails having a pain when people starting pouring out of the building. A bloody fire drill. I felt like a fekcing eejit!! And to top it off a girl I went to school with worked in the office, I was mortified!

    We finally got home and I took two pain killers (LOL) and lay down with my hypno tapes for an hour. I actually managed to get some sleep. In the meantime my mam was running around Dublin trying to get me a TENS machine and getting a Homeopathic Kit for Labour from her friend as we were going to try a remedy to try to get the baby to move (I'd try anything to get things along at this stage!!)
    I spent the day on the ball, on my hands and knees and doing exercises to try to get baby to move. I found the TENS machine a good for helping with the pain. To be honest I was coping well with the pain all along, it was just the sheer exhaustion that was getting to me. I was longing to get into labour so that I could get some pain relief and get some rest. I decided that I would go with the epidural at this stage (hadn't originally planned to have it) cos it would mean that I could get some sleep. I was also getting worried about how long it would take once I did get into labour, as it was taking so long to get there!!

    Friday 20th June
    That night I lay down for a couple of hours with a hot water bottle against my back and listening to my CD's. I didn't get any sleep but the relaxation helped me. I was trying to eat muesli bars and fruit to give me some energy. I woke Himself around 5 as the contractions started changing in intensity (this is what the MW told me to look out for). He told me that I still seemed to be coping well with the contractions and we shouldn't go yet. But I had had enough. These bloody pains were coming stronger than ever and I wanted pain relief as soon as I could get it so I could get some sleep!!

    We headed into HS at 6.30am and up to delivery ward again to be "assessed". Another nightmare of an internal exam and I was told I still wasn't in F***ING labour!!! The midwife left and we heard the lady in the next room give birth. When I heard the baby I just burst into tears. I WAS NEVER GOING TO HAVE THIS BABY, IT WAS JUST NEVER GOING TO HAPPEN.
    The midwife came back and put on a trace again. She said I would prob have to go home as Unit 3 was full. S was saying there was no way we were going home again - for what? To spend an hour having pains and then come back in??? At the shift change we got a new midwife and as soon as she introduced herself I felt better! She was German and just so lovely. She told me that I wasn't going home, that we'd have this baby today. At 9.30 a consultant came to give me another exam. When I heard her say "amniohook" and broke my waters I could have hugged her!! I didn't care about my Birth plan (which was sitting at home) which had asked for no Breaking of Waters and no oxytocin!!! I had had enough and I wanted this baby out as soon as possible. I told her I wanted the epidural and they could hook me up to the drip if they wanted!! DP burst into tears when they said I was in labour. It was like we would never get there. Obviously though this was just the beginning!!

    The angel of a midwife was getting me set up for the epidural and she was having problems finding a vain for the canular when the anaesthetist came in. She wasn't very happy with the way I was sitting and the mess with the canulars... She asked me a couple of questions, then she asked "Have you taken aspirin in the last 10 days?" The only answer I could give was "Yes" - I had taken two anidin on Tuesday as it was all that my friend had and we had no paracetemol at home!! The anaesthetist said "WELL THEN I CAN'T GIVE YOU THE EPIDURAL", then gave me a lecture about taking aspirin, and then WALKED OUT!!! I was stunned. I didn't know what to say. DP had a face of horror - he didn't want to see me in this pain. The midwife just said "We'll be fine, we'll get through it", and that really helped. She was going to help me through it! She said that she would give me pethidine. I said let's wait til later but she said I would need it as I was getting the drip. Again, I wanted to say that I didn't want oxytocin but I knew it would speed things up so went with it. The midwife snuck me in a glass of orange juice which gave me a little bit of energy aswell.

    The pethidine barely touched the pain, just made me feel really drowsy, and the oxytocin really gave the pains a cruel edge. They were coming on top of eachother aswell - 7 pains every 15 mins. The pain in my back was excruciating. DP was on the phone to my mam to find out what remedies to use under these circumstances. We were both popping rescue remedy and other pills I can't remember the name of now. Not sure if they helped!! I was coping with the pain by using my relaxation, breathing, and the idea that each contraction would be over and they I would have a break. I was getting more and more uncomfortable though and couldn't sit on the ball or lie on the bed. The only positions that I could deal with were standing and kneeling on the bed with my hands on the headboard. Unfortunately I had monitoring belts which kept slipping, and baby wasn't cooperating so had to keep trying lying down to see if he would wake up.

    After 4 hours the midwife did an exam. I was 4cm. Part of me was delighted that I had got there but the other part of me didn't know where I was going to find the energy for the next 6cm and for the pushing part. I had to push that out of my mind and just try to cope with each pain as it came. The pain was getting excruciating at this stage. I was sucking on the gas and air, and was quite out of it a lot of the time. I was listening to my hypno relaxation which was helping me stay focussed. Hubby said that I was falling asleep between each pain and then waking up for the next one. I remember at one stage looking at the midwife and him and wondering why the hell this was happening to me and not them!! I could also hear other women giving birth, and was thinking of myself here, half naked on the bed groaning through these pains, and how far removed it was from putting on a suit and going to work and sitting in front of my laptop and going to meetings. This was so primal, so real, and somewhere inside me I felt privileged to be part of it, even if it was descending into hell.

    At around 3.30pm (I know that some are in labour for longer than this, but it was feeling like an eternity to me, I was so exhausted and in so much pain, with no option to relieve it) the pain in my back was so bad that I was starting to groan through it to help me cope. I heard the consultant come in and say that was sounding very loud we should do another exam. I had dreams of being told that I had dilated really quickly and that it was time to push. But alas! The midwife said that she didn't even think I was at 4cm and that the baby's head was still very high. I would have broke down at this stage but had to stay focussed or wouldn't have been able to deal with the pain. S stepped in and told the midwife that he thought I had had enough, that she would have to talk to the consultant to get me a section. She asked me if that was what I wanted and I said that I couldn't go on like this. She went off to find the consultant and seemed to be gone forever. Finally a doctor came back with her and stood in front of me and said "Ashing - I really think we can achieve a natural delivery here". I said to her that I wasn't one of these girls screaming for a section as soon as I got in the door. I had been trying for a natural birth, doing hypnotherapy, hadn't even wanted the epidural, but I had been having pains now for nearly four days, hadn't had any sleep all week and had HAD ENOUGH!! The midwife told her that I wasn't dilating and that she couldn't feel the baby's head. As soon as the consultant did the exam her face changed and she just agreed that they would do a section. The relief!! This would be over within hours!!! One more consultant had to agree before the oxytocin was switched off. Then we had to wait another hour before the theatre was free. S told me that he thought I was amazing for dealing with this and no one could ever tell me I had a low pain threshold again!

    I think it was at this point that he realised he was going to have a baby, and the idea that he was going to have to look after him for an hour on his own while I was in recovery had him sucking on the gas and air along with me!! I was of course still getting pains but nothing like with the oxytocin, and gas and air was taking the edge off no problem.
    We were brought up to theatre. My mother in law was sitting outside the delivery ward at this stage, so he was happy to know she would be there with him and the baby at the start. When we got to theatre, lo and behold it was the same anaesthetist from that morning. I think she felt a little guilty about how she had been as she was nice as pie to me, and did a spinal tap so I would be awake for the operation. When that was all working S came in his scrubs and sat beside me. I remember reading that some women can get shaken and stressed out just before a section but I didn't feel like that at all. I was just happy and relieved that the ordeal was over and I would finally meet my baby!! I know I had a big smile on my face all through it!!

    The section was so quick I think it’s funny – three days of labour relieved by a ten minute operation. It’s a very strange sensation because you can feel lots of poking and pushing and pressure in your tummy. Sharif looked over the curtain and said “oh I just saw a face!”. The doctor exclaimed “Oh, he’s looking up at the stars!” This was a reference to the fact that the baby was posterior presentation, he was facing up when they took him out. The baby was presented to us to have a quick look before being whipped away. Our memory was that he looked like a “little gorilla”! He gave a cry soon afterwards and we relaxed. The doctor shouted over to us “does this child have a name?” That felt a bit weird cos we hadn’t seen him properly yet, but had decided to call him Zain. He was brought over to us and I remember thinking how perfect and calm he was. He hadn’t been affected at all by the drama that had gone on outside.

    Afterwards I did some research on the posterior presentation and how it can affect labour. The painful, unproductive back labour that I experienced seemed to be a fairly common occurrence where the baby’s back is against the mother’s back instead of to the front. My second was also posterior and I am of the opinion now that it’s the shape of my pelvis and I’m lucky that sections are now so safe as my babies wouldn’t have been getting out of me otherwise....

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 537 ✭✭✭angelll

    I know these aren't here to comment on really but just had to say you poor thing! I had 2 posterior births and they only lasted 6 & 7 hrs from waters breaking at home to finish! And due my third in april and for once baby is facing the right way :) Had my second 5 years ago and have found smears v painful since as my uterus had tilted a bit since so maybe that has something to do with the position changing this time....I will say though that the pain of back labour with an op baby is the most intense,back breaking pain i have ever experienced, don't know how you went through 72 hrs of it :( Did you have a section on your second then too?

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 314 ✭✭LashingLady

    I look back and don't know how I managed it and have a semi-positive view of the whole thing. Afterwards I remember thinking that as bad as it was I would do it all again!

    For my second I was planning on going for a normal delivery and my consultant was pretty confident that if the position was good etc it should be fine. When I was overdue by 10 days on my second I had an appointment where they scheduled me in for a section at 12 days. I was pretty sure that she was posterior again, could feel all limbs at the front. That night I started to get pains and it was the same all in the back. They were really intense and I was throwing up etc so I decided to go in evne though I'd only had them a few hours. I was convinced taht second labour would be quicker etc but when I got in they did an internal and it was the same again not even effaced, baby's head still had a long way to come down. So I was in there having pains, and the section was scheduled for the next day and they wouldn't entertain the idea of me having the section early. I did a few hours of walking the corridors and got them to check me in the early afternoon and there was no change whatsoever. I just got a few pethidine injections and kept going for hot showers to deal with the pains. They had kinda died down I think because I wasn't doing anythign like walking or bouncing to help them along, but it was always in my back, that horrible burning pressure in the bottom of your back..... Labour pains are very intolerable when you know that they are not doing anything for you!

    And to make it worse the day of the section I think they forgot about me and I didn't end up going up until 5pm! I had been fasting since the night before and I wasn't even supposed to drink water. I had those sponge lollipop things to rinse out my mouth and i was taking sneaky sips.... When they took her out they told me she was posterior again. Her ears were flattened against her head like folded pieces of paper, which made me thing that her head had been wedged in my pelvis in the same position for a long time. I've kinda come to the conclusion that the shape of my pelvis meant that they settled in the posterior position. If I have any more I'll be having a section at 39 weeks!

    I'm always a little torn when I'm telling my birth stories. While the first was long and horrible and the second wasn't what I was hoping for, I got through both of them and I wasn't traumatised or anything like that. To be honest, the first time round I felt that *they* don't really prepare you for just how long it can be. Nowadays I tell anyone that says "oh I'm going to get the epidural" that you could have a whole lot of labour before you can get the epidural! If I hadn't been doing the hypno the first time round, and I was really focussed on my breathing, I don't think I would have managed as well....

    So if anyone read the story and got freaked out, I would say, don't freak out, just be prepared. Be prepared that you might have a long labour where you're not officially "in labour" so you'll be responsible for your pain relief - breathing, breathing, breathing, relaxation, hot showers, tens machine, walking, positive visualisation, affirmations, have them all in your inventory. And during it there'll be times when you mgiht doubt yourself and your ability to get through it. YOU WILL GET THROUGH IT, and you'll have yourr gorgeous snuggly baby at the end of it and the pain and hard work of the labour will just melt away.

    Promise :-)

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