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Obama To Announce Moon Base and Aliens To The World In November!



  • Registered Users Posts: 7,236 ✭✭✭mcmoustache

    People rely on corrupt people for info. Do you honestly think NASA are going to tell you the truth. The truth they have been hiding since the late 40s.

    OK. This needs to be pointed out over and over again. Conspiracies are really hard to keep secret. You only need one leak and that's it. Think Watergate or the Lewinski incident.

    Working with alien technologies would involve loads of scientists, engineers, linguists and other bureaucrats. Think about the effort that would be required to get all of them to keep quiet. And no, paying them all off or threatening to kill them isn't going to cut it. Not with all of them.

    If you're heading the conspiracy, you can't have even one person leak. And you have to make sure there's no leaks for up to 60 years. No selling stories to the press, no telling loved ones, no deathbed confessions, no anonymous leaking of files, no drunken ramblings, nothing.

    If a government couldn't keep the embarrassments of the president secret, they have no hope of keeping a huge research project a secret.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,976 ✭✭✭profitius

    OK. This needs to be pointed out over and over again. Conspiracies are really hard to keep secret. You only need one leak and that's it. Think Watergate or the Lewinski incident.

    Working with alien technologies would involve loads of scientists, engineers, linguists and other bureaucrats. Think about the effort that would be required to get all of them to keep quiet. And no, paying them all off or threatening to kill them isn't going to cut it. Not with all of them.

    If you're heading the conspiracy, you can't have even one person leak. And you have to make sure there's no leaks for up to 60 years. No selling stories to the press, no telling loved ones, no deathbed confessions, no anonymous leaking of files, no drunken ramblings, nothing.

    If a government couldn't keep the embarrassments of the president secret, they have no hope of keeping a huge research project a secret.

    People do talk. They are threatened with their pensions and life etc but people do talk.

    The thing is that no newspapers would take them seriously and you also have a campaign to blacken their names by putting out false information etc.

    People who come forward are automatically seen as being mad or delusional by most people because it goes against the beliefs of most people.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,133 ✭✭✭mysterious

    OK. This needs to be pointed out over and over again. Conspiracies are really hard to keep secret. You only need one leak and that's it. Think Watergate or the Lewinski incident.

    Working with alien technologies would involve loads of scientists, engineers, linguists and other bureaucrats. Think about the effort that would be required to get all of them to keep quiet. And no, paying them all off or threatening to kill them isn't going to cut it. Not with all of them.

    If you're heading the conspiracy, you can't have even one person leak. And you have to make sure there's no leaks for up to 60 years. No selling stories to the press, no telling loved ones, no deathbed confessions, no anonymous leaking of files, no drunken ramblings, nothing.

    If a government couldn't keep the embarrassments of the president secret, they have no hope of keeping a huge research project a secret.

    There are whistleblowers everywhere
    There are leaks everywhere
    There are stories everywhere
    There are evidence all over the place.

    But people will only believe it if it' annonced by Al Gore, Obama, Fox new, RTE 6.1 news etc.

    BTW there is great effort to keep this all quiet. It's why NASA is privately owned and ensures their scientists are paid hefty funds. I know a few people who are masons and what not. Look like normal people but they will not tell you anything they know because there life is on the line and that's the life they chosed.

    Many are infact coming out now, Who were in the millitary and government speaking about this. Most of these guys are in their 70s and 80s. But so many don't come out because they will be ridiculed by the mainstream duo.

    Its not a conspiracy it never was one. Just people are not open to the bigger reality outside this matrix. The Canadian government gave disclosure on alien life.

    It's quite frankly hilarious that people assume none of this is going on. It's just many are not fully aware what is going on in the world around them. If you took active interest in truth seeking you will find out a lot of things. A lot!

    So it's absaloutely laughable they would even call on Obama to make a public disclosure on anything. :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,236 ✭✭✭mcmoustache

    The thing is that no newspapers would take them seriously and you also have a campaign to blacken their names by putting out false information etc.

    People who come forward are automatically seen as being mad or delusional by most people because it goes against the beliefs of most people.

    I can't argue with the first sentence there. That's Spin 101. We all remember David Kelly and the Dodgy Dossier. That shy fellow was was accused of being a "Walter Mitty type" in a whispering campaign after he had the gall to say the dossier was "sexed up" and was subsequently found dead in a field after he supposedly topped himself with tablets. Ad hominem is par for the course in many disputes.

    As for people coming forward being automatically seen as mad, well I'm not so sure. "Leak" and "Whistle Blower" have fairly positive connotations these days. People look favourably on the likes of Deep-Throat and those civil servants in Britain who leaked documents to the media. I think the general population is well aware that our governments lie to us and hide the truth. They've heard of Bertie and his faulty memory and the Brits remember WMDs. They really don't see whistle-blowers as cranks and people with an agenda.

    The problem is (for me at least) is that most of the leaks regarding alien stuff (autopsies and tech) seem to be from people with a newspaper/book deal or people on the lecture circuit. That and many of them are genuinely crackers.
    What I'd like to see is a leak to a reputable paper* by someone who doesn't want to be found out.
    Many are infact coming out now, Who were in the millitary and government speaking about this. Most of these guys are in their 70s and 80s. But so many don't come out because they will be ridiculed by the mainstream duo.

    The problem is the standard of evidence. A person's word can be anything. Documents are more reliable once authenticity can be established. A FOI request for other less sensational docs from the same period could verify those. If I'm not mistaken the British MOD has been releasing loads of this sort of stuff recently.
    Its not a conspiracy it never was one. Just people are not open to the bigger reality outside this matrix. The Canadian government gave disclosure on alien life.

    I had a look around the net for this info but the closest thing I could find was the release of their UFO dossiers and an interview with a dead astronaut who viewed an alien autopsy. If you have a link, it would be appreciated. If not, no worries.

    It's quite frankly hilarious that people assume none of this is going on. It's just many are not fully aware what is going on in the world around them. If you took active interest in truth seeking you will find out a lot of things. A lot!

    There are plenty of cover-ups. Anyone with any sense knows it because so many have been exposed in reputable papers*. That's why we have the word in our vocabulary. That doesn't mean every possible cover up is one. You need to look at the practicality of maintaining a cover-up.

    For what it's worth, I do believe that advanced alien life exists outside our solar system. The universe is so vast and the same laws of physics and chemistry apply the same everywhere all the time. I just find it hard to believe that a spacecraft is going to crash here of all places or that they bugger rednecks or perform light-shows near military airbases or speak to our leaders or share technology. I think far more likely that they would exploit us or occupy our planet (Carbon DNA based life I mean).

    *About newspapers: They don't cover this stuff up. They're in the money-making business and don't want to risk being scooped. They're also not afraid to pander to their respective demographics often with little regard for truth. The Mail: "random minority gets free blówjóbs", The Sun: "Kerry Katona Eats Puppys", The Mirror: "Tony Bliar Lied" etc. Whipping up a shítstorm sells. There's no "Protect the establishment" ethos there.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,133 ✭✭✭mysterious

    As for people coming forward being automatically seen as mad, well I'm not so sure. "Leak" and "Whistle Blower" have fairly positive connotations these days. People look favourably on the likes of Deep-Throat and those civil servants in Britain who leaked documents to the media. I think the general population is well aware that our governments lie to us and hide the truth. They've heard of Bertie and his faulty memory and the Brits remember WMDs. They really don't see whistle-blowers as cranks and people with an agenda.

    99% of people still don't take note of it. I know it's 2009, but I don't see people waking up this fast yet.

    The problem is (for me at least) is that most of the leaks regarding alien stuff (autopsies and tech) seem to be from people with a newspaper/book deal or people on the lecture circuit. That and many of them are genuinely crackers.
    What I'd like to see is a leak to a reputable paper* by someone who doesn't want to be found out.

    What kind of reputable paper do you need. Why do you need someone who isn't known to tell you? E.Ts disclousure is E.T disclosure that it is E.T disclosure. I find it facinating how people still have this notion TPTB are going to allow it to be more obvious than it is. Or we need someone reliable to tell us the truth. I think the real problem here, is peoples beliefs systems. What does it take to make it more reliable. Do we just want to escape the fact this is all going on behind our noses, so it's easier to escape the fact we are been lied too.

    Think about it, what if you were been lied to from the time we first invented technology on this planet. The universe has been around long before us and this worlds evolution. In this stage of the universe evolution it is impossible that we are not been affected by other life forms. Our solary system has a very active past, more than NASA will led you to believe. For real info about our solar system. You should researching Ex Nasa scientists and whistleblowers who had inside info on the going ons in Nasa. The more you look into it, the more things start to make a lot of sense. It kinda puts you into perspective realsing why the hell were we kept in the dark about things that are real as we are. "Why did we assume that Nasa were always telling us the facts" when they weren't? etc.

    The positive E.T races cannot interfere with our planet until we overcome the Orion rebellion on earth. Thus meaning face our darkness and let go the reality whereby we are controlled by elites. It's about taking power back and self responsbility for our own existence. Disclosure in it's physical form will not happen till we cross this threashold. I mention this because, it's natural to ask the question why can't our parent races save us. Our job is to complete our evolution and graduate on this world. The only way we get a chance in our life time to see E.T beings in walking daylight with us, is we have to face everything that we are, and take apart every belief system we were told to believe. The key is inside us and it's dormant in our own DNA.

    The problem is the standard of evidence. A person's word can be anything. Documents are more reliable once authenticity can be established. A FOI request for other less sensational docs from the same period could verify those. If I'm not mistaken the British MOD has been releasing loads of this sort of stuff recently.

    The problem is our society and our belief system. Whether your aware of it or not, you are skeptical about very real things but you don't realise it, because your not familar with the unknown that has been kept from you. If a civil servant or scientist worked for the government and regulary met other E.T beings working alongside them, they wouldn't percieve it to be crazy whatsoever. They also don't need to elaborate in great detail what they experienced. People have it built into them that other life just does not interact with our world. But it's the total opposite.

    I had a look around the net for this info but the closest thing I could find was the release of their UFO dossiers and an interview with a dead astronaut who viewed an alien autopsy. If you have a link, it would be appreciated. If not, no worries.
    There are thousands of links on the net. Just google UFOs. Google disclosure you will have millions of conferences all over the planet. But we the people who work 9 to 5 have no idea just how widespread and spoken this is. Especially in Ireland. People assume your a crackhead if you believe in E.T life.:D

    There are plenty of cover-ups. Anyone with any sense knows it because so many have been exposed in reputable papers*. That's why we have the word in our vocabulary. That doesn't mean every possible cover up is one. You need to look at the practicality of maintaining a
    Of course I don't think you need to go overboard on this point. Anyone in this field who has their heads screwed on will be able to discern whats a cover up and what isn't. Infact if your in this field long enough, you will realise the governments do all in their power to ridicule C.Ts in the mainstream as crack heads and what not. I also found something interesting in my own findings. A lot of the whistleblowers out there who were on the ball with their infomation were deemed as crackheads. The ones that were praised and not attacked by the media were less as reliable. The logic behind this is to distract the attention from the real people who uncover the gold in this whole cover up op.

    For what it's worth, I do believe that advanced alien life exists outside our solar system. The universe is so vast and the same laws of physics and chemistry apply the same everywhere all the time. I just find it hard to believe that a spacecraft is going to crash here of all places or that they bugger rednecks or perform light-shows near military airbases or speak to our leaders or share technology. I think far more likely that they would exploit us or occupy our planet (Carbon DNA based life I mean).

    They exist in this solar system, if they exist out there, they exist in our own solar system. They exist on the surface they exist in the inner earth. They exist in the lower dimensions, higher dimensions, they exist in all facets of reality most of us can't read.

    Why do you find it hard to believe that a spacecraft would crash here. lol It has, and it probably will again. It's not unusual.

    *About newspapers: They don't cover this stuff up. They're in the money-making business and don't want to risk being scooped. They're also not afraid to pander to their respective demographics often with little regard for truth. The Mail: "random minority gets free blówjóbs", The Sun: "Kerry Katona Eats Puppys", The Mirror: "Tony Bliar Lied" etc. Whipping up a shítstorm sells. There's no "Protect the establishment" ethos there.

    But people don't believe it when they read it on newspapers. I get a headache reading a newspaper now. Also you have to admit you will not find UFO reports on the Irish times or Independant. As it would tarnish their image:rolleyes:

    You will see it on the 6th page of the lies of the world (sunday world) Not for the truth or genunity, for the money. So this is why people tend not to believe these reports. To a lesser agree I can understand why.

    Here's a link
    The ex Canadian defense minister. God this man touched my soul when he went out there and spoke out for humanity.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 745 ✭✭✭cable842

    this guy has been out since the 60s making these claims could they finally be true

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,133 ✭✭✭mysterious

    cable842 wrote: »
    this guy has been out since the 60s making these claims could they finally be true

    Obviously. They are thousands.

    But we are like herd to the shepard. The shepard would be Washington, Vatican, world leaders, UN, The dail, The media, The science crew.

    We kinda.... ya know look up to these guy's for the same simple questions about cover ups. You will not get it, and you will never get it.

    So as Einstein said once, you will never fix the worlds problems by the same thoughts that created it. JFK obviously knew what Einstein meant. So did the people that shot him. Anyone with cop on would know Obama is on the bottom of power when it comes to the top/secret government. Obama cannot really say anything untill it's passed by all those above him.

    I still find it funny that people are still repeating history and living this notion that these people are going to save the world and tell us E.T life exist, are we fooling ourselves or what. All the American presidents sinces the 70s have made plans to end dependancy on oil in the middleast, Not done. All said they would use solar polar and alternatives rescourses, not done. All said they would create world peace, not done. All said we will have electric cars, not done. I just can't understand why people still follow the bull****.

    Obama is never going to say anything. Unless the people wake up more. This could, I mean could push them to disclose something.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 396 ✭✭steamjetjoe

    I have watched alot of the Camelot projects recently. The Pete Peterson one was the most interesting one so far:eek: All in all, its basically the same info with slight variations been spewed out:(

    I cant see and announcements been made regarding ET's or UFO's. All the major fantastic super duper technology that the US gov is supposed to have:confused: If they had such technologies im sure they would be putting them to good use .

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,133 ✭✭✭mysterious

    I have watched alot of the Camelot projects recently. The Pete Peterson one was the most interesting one so far:eek: All in all, its basically the same info with slight variations been spewed out:(

    I cant see and announcements been made regarding ET's or UFO's. All the major fantastic super duper technology that the US gov is supposed to have:confused: If they had such technologies im sure they would be putting them to good use .

    They are and the better it becomes the more powerless we become as we give our money to these satanic systems. Nasa keep saying things like looking for ice on the moon and nonsense like that, to distract us from what they are really doing. They want to keep their space program secret and keep us guessing with all the silly reports they make public.

    But there is literally millions of whistleblowers from all over the globa now speaking out and calling NASA out on their lies. NASA have been publically humilated last year for altering Mars pictures and true information about it's weather. But you will never hear it mainstream or on the screen infront of you.

    It's actually scary to think of it. They really are ensuring self interests while we are treated like sheep to give them the wool they need.

    The only way this stops, if we actuallly stop putting our money and time into these organisations. The high technology they are using, are been used. The CIA have been spending trillions on topsecret technology since the 40s. One guy told me that they spend millions on looking for people who have remote viewing abilities. It's a serious business. While we the people seem to laugh at these notions. Because we expect our leaders to come public about these things. But thats never going to happen.

    They can't even come out and say there is life on Mars or Venus:D. heck it would be a start if Obama was given an order to tell the world they have bacterial life on it. But that would be too risky for them.

    The Canadian defense ex minister is one of the only few government officials to give E.T disclosure to it's country. But we have half the world on their knees to an American president who doesn't even run the show.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 745 ✭✭✭cable842

    seen a clip what v for vendetta there and I watched it years ago and didnt get the movie. Im sorta into politics now cause of zietgiest.

    and I sort of understand what he wanted to do was tear it all down ever last bit to pieces

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 745 ✭✭✭cable842

    I do believe there is technology and they are holding back from us totally. I mean dvd player were out 10 years in china before we could by them in the shops.

    thats just the tip of the iceberg I bet we'll see what happens I hope something happens and he announces something the secrets have been goin on since the 50s maybe even longer.

    I hope something comes of it.
    mysterious wrote: »
    They are and the better it becomes the more powerless we become as we give our money to these satanic systems. Nasa keep saying things like looking for ice on the moon and nonsense like that, to distract us from what they are really doing. They want to keep their space program secret and keep us guessing with all the silly reports they make public.

    But there is literally millions of whistleblowers from all over the globa now speaking out and calling NASA out on their lies. NASA have been publically humilated last year for altering Mars pictures and true information about it's weather. But you will never hear it mainstream or on the screen infront of you.

    It's actually scary to think of it. They really are ensuring self interests while we are treated like sheep to give them the wool they need.

    The only way this stops, if we actuallly stop putting our money and time into these organisations. The high technology they are using, are been used. The CIA have been spending trillions on topsecret technology since the 40s. One guy told me that they spend millions on looking for people who have remote viewing abilities. It's a serious business. While we the people seem to laugh at these notions. Because we expect our leaders to come public about these things. But thats never going to happen.

    They can't even come out and say there is life on Mars or Venus:D. heck it would be a start if Obama was given an order to tell the world they have bacterial life on it. But that would be too risky for them.

    The Canadian defense ex minister is one of the only few government officials to give E.T disclosure to it's country. But we have half the world on their knees to an American president who doesn't even run the show.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 283 ✭✭Black Uhlan

    If a government couldn't keep the embarrassments of the president secret, they have no hope of keeping a huge research project a secret.

    That is only if you assume the president and the government are at the pinnacle of the power structure and that it doesn't serve a greater purpose in exposing them, (or killing them).
    I would suspect the greatest secrets are the ones that we could not even come close to imagining.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,858 ✭✭✭Undergod

    cable842 wrote: »
    I do believe there is technology and they are holding back from us totally. I mean dvd player were out 10 years in china before we could by them in the shops.

    Were they?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,133 ✭✭✭mysterious

    The powers of be are "reacting"

    CNN are now broadcasting a few clips here and there pushing the notion forward of evidence and proof, pictures from government source pictures. But again no actual Obama saying yes we have been dancing with Aliens on the moon. Just bush dancing with the South Americans or something..:D Oh that was funny. But on topic.

    The Vatican are now raising the question of life out there (cough cough) They know it already, but the secrets are out and they need to say something to keep people rolling.

    What are your thoughts. Do you think the powers of be are up to something. I feel it is so, but its going to be interesting to say the least.

    6th I was at the paranormal convention really good. I have to give it to you on that. Did you check out Sweep the UFO guy?

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,405 ✭✭✭Lone Stone

    So its the 27th and nothing happened :( aww i was getting kinda excited.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,434 ✭✭✭DigiGal

    :( Still no aliens

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,405 ✭✭✭Lone Stone

    We still have each other digigal (O_O)

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,942 ✭✭✭Mac daddy

    December, little bird told me it will be after Osama Barrack Obama accepts his false award this month.

  • Registered Users Posts: 10,894 ✭✭✭✭phantom_lord

    well that was disappointing

  • Registered Users Posts: 19,976 ✭✭✭✭humanji

    well that was disappointing
    Well the article says that it's timed to coincide with his Nobel Peace Prize on Dec 10th. So there's still time.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 33,670 ✭✭✭✭Penn

    humanji wrote: »
    Well the article says that it's timed to coincide with his Nobel Peace Prize on Dec 10th. So there's still time.

    Damn. Day before my birthday. Bad enough when people forget about my birthday because of Christmas, now aliens!

    That would be the best Nobel Peace Prize award speech ever though.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,133 ✭✭✭mysterious

    If they do annonce anything with all will be as good as ol mars fungus.:D

    It's more than likely going to be the the mars sample Bill Clinton was assigned to disclose. But NASA couldn't give a straight answer on that.:rolleyes:. It just goes to show that the real motive behind all of this, is they are trying to hide the bigger things by keep us distracted by these things and waiting for any proper disclosure. It's been discussed on at the moment. Where they say NASA has already made disclosure that the mars meteorite sample is infact life.

    Though having said all that. I don't seem really exhilarated or shocked at the result. If it looks like microbial life, wouldn't it be more than likely so?

    It seems that people depend to much on this corrupt system. There is going to be no E.T intervention or great disclosure. The greatest event, if it were to ever happen, is a staged alien invasion to speed up the NWO process.

  • Registered Users Posts: 10,894 ✭✭✭✭phantom_lord

    mysterious wrote: »
    It just goes to show that the real motive behind all of this, is they are trying to hide the bigger things by keep us distracted by these things and waiting for any proper disclosure.


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1 hope to live

    mysterious wrote: »
    There are whistleblowers everywhere
    There are leaks everywhere
    There are stories everywhere
    There are evidence all over the place.

    But people will only believe it if it' annonced by Al Gore, Obama, Fox new, RTE 6.1 news etc.

    BTW there is great effort to keep this all quiet. It's why NASA is privately owned and ensures their scientists are paid hefty funds. I know a few people who are masons and what not. Look like normal people but they will not tell you anything they know because there life is on the line and that's the life they chosed.

    Many are infact coming out now, Who were in the millitary and government speaking about this. Most of these guys are in their 70s and 80s. But so many don't come out because they will be ridiculed by the mainstream duo.

    Its not a conspiracy it never was one. Just people are not open to the bigger reality outside this matrix. The Canadian government gave disclosure on alien life.

    It's quite frankly hilarious that people assume none of this is going on. It's just many are not fully aware what is going on in the world around them. If you took active interest in truth seeking you will find out a lot of things. A lot!

    So it's absaloutely laughable they would even call on Obama to make a public disclosure on anything. :D
    mysterious wrote: »
    99% of people still don't take note of it. I know it's 2009, but I don't see people waking up this fast yet.

    What kind of reputable paper do you need. Why do you need someone who isn't known to tell you? E.Ts disclousure is E.T disclosure that it is E.T disclosure. I find it facinating how people still have this notion TPTB are going to allow it to be more obvious than it is. Or we need someone reliable to tell us the truth. I think the real problem here, is peoples beliefs systems. What does it take to make it more reliable. Do we just want to escape the fact this is all going on behind our noses, so it's easier to escape the fact we are been lied too.

    Think about it, what if you were been lied to from the time we first invented technology on this planet. The universe has been around long before us and this worlds evolution. In this stage of the universe evolution it is impossible that we are not been affected by other life forms. Our solary system has a very active past, more than NASA will led you to believe. For real info about our solar system. You should researching Ex Nasa scientists and whistleblowers who had inside info on the going ons in Nasa. The more you look into it, the more things start to make a lot of sense. It kinda puts you into perspective realsing why the hell were we kept in the dark about things that are real as we are. "Why did we assume that Nasa were always telling us the facts" when they weren't? etc.

    The positive E.T races cannot interfere with our planet until we overcome the Orion rebellion on earth. Thus meaning face our darkness and let go the reality whereby we are controlled by elites. It's about taking power back and self responsbility for our own existence. Disclosure in it's physical form will not happen till we cross this threashold. I mention this because, it's natural to ask the question why can't our parent races save us. Our job is to complete our evolution and graduate on this world. The only way we get a chance in our life time to see E.T beings in walking daylight with us, is we have to face everything that we are, and take apart every belief system we were told to believe. The key is inside us and it's dormant in our own DNA.

    The problem is our society and our belief system. Whether your aware of it or not, you are skeptical about very real things but you don't realise it, because your not familar with the unknown that has been kept from you. If a civil servant or scientist worked for the government and regulary met other E.T beings working alongside them, they wouldn't percieve it to be crazy whatsoever. They also don't need to elaborate in great detail what they experienced. People have it built into them that other life just does not interact with our world. But it's the total opposite.

    There are thousands of links on the net. Just google UFOs. Google disclosure you will have millions of conferences all over the planet. But we the people who work 9 to 5 have no idea just how widespread and spoken this is. Especially in Ireland. People assume your a crackhead if you believe in E.T life.:D

    Of course I don't think you need to go overboard on this point. Anyone in this field who has their heads screwed on will be able to discern whats a cover up and what isn't. Infact if your in this field long enough, you will realise the governments do all in their power to ridicule C.Ts in the mainstream as crack heads and what not. I also found something interesting in my own findings. A lot of the whistleblowers out there who were on the ball with their infomation were deemed as crackheads. The ones that were praised and not attacked by the media were less as reliable. The logic behind this is to distract the attention from the real people who uncover the gold in this whole cover up op.

    They exist in this solar system, if they exist out there, they exist in our own solar system. They exist on the surface they exist in the inner earth. They exist in the lower dimensions, higher dimensions, they exist in all facets of reality most of us can't read.

    Why do you find it hard to believe that a spacecraft would crash here. lol It has, and it probably will again. It's not unusual.

    But people don't believe it when they read it on newspapers. I get a headache reading a newspaper now. Also you have to admit you will not find UFO reports on the Irish times or Independant. As it would tarnish their image:rolleyes:

    You will see it on the 6th page of the lies of the world (sunday world) Not for the truth or genunity, for the money. So this is why people tend not to believe these reports. To a lesser agree I can understand why.

    Here's a link
    The ex Canadian defense minister. God this man touched my soul when he went out there and spoke out for humanity.
    Dear mysterious,
    Hello ,I've read many of your posts which leads me to believe you know what you are talking about. Your posts stand out amongs all others .I mean the quality of what you are saying is high. it seems to me you know a lot. How do you get info? internet? could you recommend some reliable source.I am new to all this .

    Many thanks

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,831 ✭✭✭Torakx

    if obama says theres aliens then i will really laugh out loud for a long time.
    i have been saying to my friend the best way to implement a new world order is to scare monger the world with an outside threat that doesnt exist and then make us vote in these "heroes" to protect the world from invaders.

  • Registered Users Posts: 15,443 ✭✭✭✭bonkey

    Dear mysterious,
    Hello ,I've read many of your posts which leads me to believe you know what you are talking about. Your posts stand out amongs all others .I mean the quality of what you are saying is high. it seems to me you know a lot. How do you get info? internet? could you recommend some reliable source.I am new to all this .

    Many thanks

    Take the one-on-one to PM, please. This has nothing to do with the thread topic

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6,609 ✭✭✭Flamed Diving

    Wrong again, boys. Wrong again.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 20,759 ✭✭✭✭dlofnep

    Mac daddy wrote: »
    December, little bird told me it will be after Osama Barrack Obama accepts his false award this month.

    Osama ?

  • Posts: 4,630 ✭✭✭ [Deleted User]

    Wrong again, boys. Wrong again.

    Well, he does have four days left to do it in: it was said he'd do it before he accepts his Nobel prize. I obviously still can't see it happening, though. So, this thread has four days of life left...

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6,609 ✭✭✭Flamed Diving

    Well, he does have four days left to do it in: it was said he'd do it before he accepts his Nobel prize. I obviously still can't see it happening, though. So, this thread has four days of life left...

    Yeah, I just want to get an early seat.

This discussion has been closed.