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Ghosts - What are your experiences?



  • Registered Users Posts: 1,433 ✭✭✭MrMojoRisin

    cucbuc wrote: »
    A few years ago I saw a figure entering a bedroom at the bottom of my hallway. As I was alone in the house except for my friend, I called his name, feeling a little uneasy, but thinking it must be him. My heart jumped when he answered me from the room beside where I was standing. My immediate reaction was that there was a burglar in the house. I whispered to my friend to come outside with me and we ran out the back door. I then returned with my (large) dog, heart pounding, and checked out every room. Nobody. My hands were shaking for an hour afterwards. I often wonder what I saw, or whether it was just a trick of the light. Ive never felt scared in the house or seen anything else. I just saw the figure fleetingly and it seemed very light in colour.

    I know what you mean in how you wondered if you really witnessed it and if it was just a trick of the light, or whatever. I think it's healthy to question it though instead of blindly and instantly accepting it. You said your hands were shaking for an hour afterwards - normally, when there's a reaction like that, it's indicative that you really did see something, whether or not it was a trick of the light. I always maintain that a person doesn't have a powerful and sustained reaction to something unless it's real (if only from a subjective P.O.V.). At least when you think you saw something and quickly realise you were just imagining it due to some temporary visual glitch or misinterpretation, you subsequently calm down again within a minute (or less).

    I had a similar-ish experience to you a few years ago, but it wasn't visually-based. I was in the kitchen in the house all on my own one day when I suddenly heard someone walking around the nearby living room. Heavy footsteps, like those of a well-built man. That living room had floorboards, so you easily hear anyone walking around in there. Similar to yourself, my first thought was "It's a burglar", so I went to fetch a broom with which to attack him. Meanwhile, I could hear him making his way from the living room to the bathroom and fiddling around with the toothbrushes in the toothbrush holders by the sink. I called out a couple of times but nobody responded. Then the noise suddenly stopped, after which I combed the house for someone and looked out the windows (which had all been shut, save for a small one in the kitchen, where I had been) to see if there was any culprit running away. The house was an isolated bungalow, so you could easily see anyone legging it to or from the house from all sides.

    Anyway, I went into the bathroom and I saw that all the toothbrushes were lying in the sink. I was quite shaken by it for a good couple of hours afterwards and, to this day, I'm unable to explain the cause of it.

    Another time, in that same house, I was practicing a song for my Junior Cert music practical exam; when I was singing and re-singing one part of the song, I became aware of someone (or something) singing the lines directly after I sang them. It wasn't in my head - it was an external sound that seemed to be coming from 'above' me. Now, there was never any 'echo' in that house because it was a small bungalow with fairly low ceilings. I was alone in the house at the time. I can only say what I experienced personally, so make of it what you will.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 175 ✭✭cucbuc

    Yeah that's a pretty scary experience...especially the toothbrushes in the sink..argh Id be afraid to use them after that. I would always look for a rational explanation for events rather than jump in with ghost theories (Though I have to admit I'm a fan of scary movies of the supernatural type, so maybe I'm more impressionable that I care to think!) I find it interesting that some people love a good ghost story, while others have no interest or find it too unsettling to listen/read.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,433 ✭✭✭MrMojoRisin

    cucbuc wrote: »
    Yeah that's a pretty scary experience...especially the toothbrushes in the sink..argh Id be afraid to use them after that. I would always look for a rational explanation for events rather than jump in with ghost theories (Though I have to admit I'm a fan of scary movies of the supernatural type, so maybe I'm more impressionable that I care to think!) I find it interesting that some people love a good ghost story, while others have no interest or find it too unsettling to listen/read.

    Nah, I was grand with using the toothbrush afterwards - I was just a bit unnerved about how they all ended up coming out of their holders and landing in the sink in the first place.

    Even though I do have some paranormal beliefs, I do always take into account logical explanations for incidents first; when I can't explain something by rational means, then I deem it unexplainable and possibly paranormal. I do think there are many things that we're yet unable to explain though. Despite certain phenomena not being proven, it has also not been disproved as yet.

    I love scary movies, but more for the entertainment or thrill factor - not because I think they 'support' the argument for ghosts being real, or whatever else.

    A couple of people I know are totally averse to scary movies. I asked a fella I work with (who's 32) if he wanted to see the American remake of that Swedish vampire movie 'Let Me In' (which isn't the worst on the horror scale, IMO) a few months ago and it was a big no-no from him. "Jaysus, I wouldn't be able to sleep for days afterwards", he told me. I don't understand why people are terrified of fictional horror movies, but I suppose some people are just far more impressionable than others.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,123 ✭✭✭GodlessM

    cucbuc wrote: »
    A few years ago I saw a figure entering a bedroom at the bottom of my hallway. As I was alone in the house except for my friend, I called his name, feeling a little uneasy, but thinking it must be him. My heart jumped when he answered me from the room beside where I was standing. My immediate reaction was that there was a burglar in the house. I whispered to my friend to come outside with me and we ran out the back door. I then returned with my (large) dog, heart pounding, and checked out every room. Nobody. My hands were shaking for an hour afterwards. I often wonder what I saw, or whether it was just a trick of the light. Ive never felt scared in the house or seen anything else. I just saw the figure fleetingly and it seemed very light in colour.

    See this is the type of experience I'd like to hear more of on this section of the forums. One can better appreciate a story of something unexplained when the author accepts that it could be one way or the other. Cudos to sir.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,005 ✭✭✭CorkMan

    Went to sleep at 1AM this morning. I left the computer on so the online alarm clock could wake me, I left a pure black screen on and turn down then brigtness, then offed the lights.

    Woke up at 4.30AM with my bedroom light on.

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  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    A few weeks ago I was just about to drop off to sleep with my eyes closed, when next thing you know there was this blinding light in front of my face for a few seconds before vanishing. This has happened twice. Quite weird and is a new experience.

  • Registered Users Posts: 214 ✭✭Ghost Girl

    Great to see this thread is still alive and kicking...the last time i posted some details was on page 58 and ALOT has gone on since then, I started to keep my own blog to have some kind of record

    I suppose I'll post here what I think was the most interesting of all thats been going on.....back on my last post i mentioned my daughter, well she's started talking and I now have video footage of what I believe is her communicating or reacting to spirits.... When this started it freaked me out a bit mostly because I want to be able to protect her.

    I accidentally came across some one who is known world wide and we had a chat over coffee one day. She helped me so much I'm a different person when it comes to things of a paranormal nature now.

    Anyway one of the things she told me was that my daughter would start giving me messages and is very open etc....thats started,....she's mentioned things about family that turned out to be happening at the moment she said it to me, yet the person she'd be talking about lives 80 miles away. She has on numerous occasions been reacting to a person she calls man, she sees him, points, talks about him etc etc....I firmly believe its a family member who died in the mid 90's whom I was very close to.

    I took out an old family album before christmas and asked her who the people were in various pictures, when it came to this family relative she called them "man" and continued as normal...She did this with a few different photos. Only with this man, there were other men in the photo album she never knew who are deceased aswell, but this particular one she recognised.

    I've also seen a priest who was very good. Some of the activity in the house has changed....the ensuite tap which ive mentioned in previous posts hasn't given any bother in months....the mist is still around, but can be fluffy white bits of cloud now rather than swirling mist.

    My husband has experienced the foot steps on the stairs since, which really unsettled him, and me too on a seperate occasion....I could go on and on but wont. I'd love to hear from any one else who has a child they think is communicating with deceased relatives....

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,005 ✭✭✭CorkMan

    I don't have a child (24 last week! old enough or not?!) but my cousin has 2 children. At the time which was 2 years ago, one was 5 and the other 2 and a half. The 2 year old would laugh sometimes while looking at the air. He also said he "sees people".

    I only see them the odd time, so have no update recently.

  • Registered Users Posts: 214 ✭✭Ghost Girl

    CorkMan wrote: »
    I don't have a child (24 last week! old enough or not?!) but my cousin has 2 children. At the time which was 2 years ago, one was 5 and the other 2 and a half. The 2 year old would laugh sometimes while looking at the air. He also said he "sees people".

    I only see them the odd time, so have no update recently.

    You say that was two years ago, what is that child doing now? Are they still experiencing or did they close off?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 175 ✭✭cucbuc

    CorkMan wrote: »
    I don't have a child (24 last week! old enough or not?!) but my cousin has 2 children. At the time which was 2 years ago, one was 5 and the other 2 and a half. The 2 year old would laugh sometimes while looking at the air. He also said he "sees people".

    I only see them the odd time, so have no update recently.

    Your post reminded me of the following...
    When my son was about four he used to point to the ceiling in the corner of our kitchen and talk about a dog he saw there. It used to frighten the life out of me! Once while in the middle of a clothing dept, he pointed behind a display and said something like "Ah look at the little dog" ...My hair nearly stood up as there was nothing there. He told me a couple of years ago that he remembers seeing a child in our (then) house standing looking at him when he was lying in bed. It was a boy in a white cardigan, with blonde hair. He does not have any time for ghost stories etc but remembers it very clearly. He says he did not feel scared, just wondered who the boy was and why he was there. He grew out of it after about a year, I think, and would now just laugh about anything like that. Maybe it was just childish imagination, but the dog thing was pretty unnerving at the time. The incident with the blonde boy just seems poignant, somehow, and I believe it was a genuine event.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,005 ✭✭✭CorkMan

    Ghost Girl wrote: »
    You say that was two years ago, what is that child doing now? Are they still experiencing or did they close off?

    I am not sure. At the time I lived down the road from my cousins but have moved since.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,566 ✭✭✭Gillo

    I don't understand why people are terrified of fictional horror movies, but I suppose some people are just far more impressionable than others.
    Slightly off topic, but while I enjoy watching them at the time I find that later on my mind will run over and over the films which freaks me out at that stage, typically it'll be when I turn off the lights and go to bed, really freaking myself out!! so for that reason I tend to avoid them.
    I remember years ago watching "Ghost Watch" on BBC, don't know if anyone remembers seeing it, but basically it was on one Hallowen and well it was like Most Haunted only it turned out to be a show of fiction which you only find out at the end, I couldn't sleep for about two nights afterwards. Yeah, I know I'm a big girls blouse!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 10,665 ✭✭✭✭maccored

    A few weeks ago I was just about to drop off to sleep with my eyes closed, when next thing you know there was this blinding light in front of my face for a few seconds before vanishing. This has happened twice. Quite weird and is a new experience.

    thats commonly known as a 'visual sleep start'

  • Registered Users Posts: 214 ✭✭Ghost Girl

    cucbuc wrote: »
    Your post reminded me of the following...
    When my son was about four he used to point to the ceiling in the corner of our kitchen and talk about a dog he saw there. It used to frighten the life out of me! Once while in the middle of a clothing dept, he pointed behind a display and said something like "Ah look at the little dog" ...My hair nearly stood up as there was nothing there. He told me a couple of years ago that he remembers seeing a child in our (then) house standing looking at him when he was lying in bed. It was a boy in a white cardigan, with blonde hair. He does not have any time for ghost stories etc but remembers it very clearly. He says he did not feel scared, just wondered who the boy was and why he was there. He grew out of it after about a year, I think, and would now just laugh about anything like that. Maybe it was just childish imagination, but the dog thing was pretty unnerving at the time. The incident with the blonde boy just seems poignant, somehow, and I believe it was a genuine event.

    It's very interesting isn't it? All those who believe in ghosts and spirits say children are very open but are conditioned to close off as they grow older. My little one sees animals, people and is telling me little things before they happen...WEIRD! but interesting.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,123 ✭✭✭GodlessM

    I'm not saying I don't believe you guys about the kids, but have ye never considered that kids have vivid imaginations and always talk about such silly things that aren't actually there? My baby cousin is still convinced that her dad flushes her mom down the toilet every night so he can have the whole bed to himself, but that's obviously not true.

  • Registered Users Posts: 43 1000midgets

    ha ha,that's very true.............they come out with some mad stuff!!!Maybe they are open,maybe they're not but funny all the same!:D

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 175 ✭✭cucbuc

    GodlessM wrote: »
    I'm not saying I don't believe you guys about the kids, but have ye never considered that kids have vivid imaginations and always talk about such silly things that aren't actually there? My baby cousin is still convinced that her dad flushes her mom down the toilet every night so he can have the whole bed to himself, but that's obviously not true.

    :D Thats very funny. Desperate measures to get a bed to himself, eh.
    Yeah, its a valid point, though, I admit... I'd be the first to point that out normally too....and yet, I believed him.

  • Registered Users Posts: 807 ✭✭✭Jenneke87

    I've had many strange things happening in my life so far. The first one was when I was 14. I had just switched of my cd player when it turned itself back on. Music started playing and the volume went up by itself. I turned it off again and walked way, when again it turned itself on, only this time the radio was playing, switching between channels and the volume went up again. I turned it off again, and sat down to see what would happen. Nothing happend immediately untill I walked away again, when the radio was turned on again and again something was messing about with the volume. I pulled out the plug after that.

    The next time was I think about a year later. At the end of my bed I had a small table full of books, and I put the biggest and heaviest books at the rear of the table. I was already awake but decided to stay in bed a little bit longer and closed my eyes again. When I opened them, one of the books was hovering above my left shoulder and came down and fell on the bed. I was alone in the room and no other books had tumbled over and the table was about two metres away from the bed.....

    Third time was when I took out a note of 50e from my wallet. It slipped out of my fingers and I saw it dissapearing right in front of my eyes. The note never touched the ground, it vanished right in front of my eyes. A host of other object dissapeared that way as well.

    Another time, I was lying in bed and I woke up because someone was shouting my name really loud, it was as though someone was standing right next to me being very angry, but there was no one else in the house.

    A couple of months ago, I was lying in bed doing some breathing exercises when I heard someone walking over the floor(i rent a room and was alone) I felt a female presence standing over me and someone was touching my face. If felt very peaceful and not frighting at all. It only lasted for about 10 sec or so but I could definately feel someone touching me.

    When i was 15(and have been able to ever since) when it was dark I saw a man standing in my room. He just slightly hovered above the floor and was quite heavy in posture I was aware of him but had no idea if he was aware of me. I talked to him out loud, saying I knew he was there but had no way of communicating to him. My eldest sister later mentioned to me that she had a visit from a male spirit that night and that he told her to talk to me because I knew he was present and he wanted to talk to us, but neither of us knew how. My ex boyfriend talked to him relaying his message: He was at our house because it was a peaceful place and he needed rest, because he had let a difficult live. He also never had children and liked us and wanted to create some sort of "familyexperience"for himself before moving on. He mentioned also that he was indeed "fat" and that he was really happy that we weren't afraid of him and listend to his story. About three months later he dissapeared and I still get these kind of visits up to the present day.

    I'll leave it at this, I could tell some other things I experienced but I think most of you will find me enough of a lunatic by now:p

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,482 ✭✭✭Kidchameleon

    Cant believe I forgot to post this one despite following the thread for ages!

    About a year or two before my dad died, he was in the attic and he found a keyboard that my sister had got for Christmas years earlier... He wanted to give it to my daughter but couldn't find the plug off it. He got batteries for it instead. So my daughter was delighted with her little self until she got bored and the keyboard found its way to the bottom of her toy chest. So my dad died (RIP) and we would hear the keyboard playing the odd note here and there but thought nothing of it (probably pressed against all the other toys in the chest) One day a long time later I was clearing out my daughters room. I found the keyboard and turned the switch off but the little led light stayed on. I thought maybe it was broken. I opened the little battery door, no joke guys but there were no batteries in it! It was after being sounding off for ages with no batteries... Even after all this the light was still on also!

  • Registered Users Posts: 24 sligogringo

    Wonderful stories Jenneke - amazingly freaky experiences! You should tell us some more..

    Thanks :)

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,123 ✭✭✭GodlessM

    One should never use the supernatural to explain electronic phenomenon as there is just too much that can go wrong with technology. With the radio any sort of magnetic interference could easily cause it to act that way, and with the keyboard, any excess electricity trapped inside from when it did last have batteries could easily light a simple LED.

    @ Jenneke; how exactly does one discern the gender of a presence they may feel?

    Also, I've never heard of spirits making things literally disappear right before your eyes. Things disappearing in the sense that they go missing mysteriously sure, but actually turning invisible is a new one.

  • Registered Users Posts: 807 ✭✭✭Jenneke87

    GodlessM wrote: »
    One should never use the supernatural to explain electronic phenomenon as there is just too much that can go wrong with technology. With the radio any sort of magnetic interference could easily cause it to act that way, and with the keyboard, any excess electricity trapped inside from when it did last have batteries could easily light a simple LED.

    @ Jenneke; how exactly does one discern the gender of a presence they may feel?/]

    I agree that something electronic equipement can malfunction but I've never heard of a cd playing switching itself on and off and i've never seen it turning up the volume by itself.

    As for "identifying"the gender. For me personally, it's a knowingness combined with a conformative feeling(the same feeling when you're really joyful about something)
    GodlessM wrote: »
    Also, I've never heard of spirits making things literally disappear right before your eyes. Things disappearing in the sense that they go missing mysteriously sure, but actually turning invisible is a new one.

    I'm not even sure if it was a spirit(who knows what else is"out there", all I know is that it vanished right there, the note never touched the ground. I searched the entire room after that, checked my wallet, pockets, my bed, desk, everywhere but it was just gone. I found jewellry back at totally different places than where I left them(i once dropped a ring on the floor to find it back at the front door downstairs, meaning i'd have to go down three staircases and through the hallway.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,123 ✭✭✭GodlessM

    Jenneke87 wrote: »
    I agree that something electronic equipement can malfunction but I've never heard of a cd playing switching itself on and off and i've never seen it turning up the volume by itself.

    As for "identifying"the gender. For me personally, it's a knowingness combined with a conformative feeling(the same feeling when you're really joyful about something)

    I've done it to a radio. Depends on how it is made of course, but most modern ones are significantly susceptible to magnetic interference.

    On the gender, in other words, you 'thought' it was a female presece.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 10,239 ✭✭✭✭KeithAFC

    It must be odd with people who have honestly experienced (in their view) geniune paranormal activity, be it poltergeist activity and you just know you aren't making it up but no one would believe you in the wider scale of things.

    One of the odd things about life i suppose.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,123 ✭✭✭GodlessM

    KeithAFC wrote: »
    It must be odd with people who have honestly experienced (in their view) geniune paranormal activity, be it poltergeist activity and you just know you aren't making it up but no one would believe you in the wider scale of things.

    One of the odd things about life i suppose.

    Problem is there's no definite way to tell the liars and 'wanna-believers' from the genuine folk, and too many obvious clowns from the former two groups show up here which in turn makes a lot of us look at claims carefully before believing someone.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,614 ✭✭✭ArtSmart

    tell me - being serious - what kind of money do ghost whisperers make?

    i heard in the states, the bobs are pretty good. That true? (i know a friend etc)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,083 ✭✭✭sambuka41

    GodlessM wrote: »
    Problem is there's no definite way to tell the liars and 'wanna-believers' from the genuine folk, and too many obvious clowns from the former two groups show up here which in turn makes a lot of us look at claims carefully before believing someone.

    Thats a fair enough point, there are liars and trolls out there but I have to say that this thread is the one place on this forum where people can come and just discuss their experiences without being expected to have proof, or justify what they are saying.

    I wouldn't like to see it go the way the rest of the threads are with an emphasis on science and proof. just my opinion ;)

  • Registered Users Posts: 163 ✭✭toshy321

    Thought Id share a few stories ive heard about in my short life so far:

    Best mate of mine told me about an experience of his when he was younger that near enough his house he was following this kind of really old car on the road and it turned right straight into the ditch out to the field when he caught up with it there was no sign of the car in the field. Later on he questioned this with his parents turns out use to be an entrance to an old house at the exact spot where the car turned in. Recently quizzed him about this story again and he still swears by it,

    Heard of story of a neighbour of my late grandad he heard the banshee cry one night next mornin a neighbour of his was dead. Told me this himself.

    Another story of my grandad walking home from the pub one night saw two men on a gate talking the two men had passed away as far as I remember my grandad just kept about his own business and kept walkind and no he wasn't drunk:D

    All genuine storys that I'd thought i'd share love the forum

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 289 ✭✭feicim

    stonecat6 wrote: »
    I have not seen anything, but I have heard & felt things that I could not explain. Like someone breathing really close to my ears when there is nobody near me; furniture being moved & I cannot see anything moving; the sensation that someone is in the room & I felt it pass near me - But I have never seen anything.

    I don't really believe in ghosts and I'm fairly sceptical, about 4 months ago I had a strange experience when I was doing a gig in a pub in tallaght.

    Basically I heard very heavy breathing from somewhere very close, but behind my head, I was in the middle of singing a song and thought someone was messing with me, so I tried looking around when I was paused from singing, and even asked the other lad I was gigging with who was behind me (thought it was some drunk eejit having a laugh or something) but there was no-one behind me. It kept stopping and starting, maybe about 15-20 bursts of it for about 2-3 mins, and it was very heavy and sounded right up close behind my head. It was like somebody doing really heavy,dramatic sighs. And then it just stopped. After the gig I had a look for fan grilles etc (in case it was the sound of air blowing out of a fan or something) but I found nothing at all that could explain it.

    I'm not saying it was "ghostly" but it was very weird and I found nothing to explain it.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 10,962 ✭✭✭✭dark crystal

    My story goes back about 5 years ago.....I live two doors down from a young mother who hanged herself about a year after we moved in. Very sad story - apparantly she had a drunken argument with her boyfriend one night and killed herself. Her toddler found her the next morning and was left alone with her all day, until her sister eventually discovered the body later that evening.

    Anyhow, a few months later, the house was still lying empty. One night, I decided to walk to my friend's up the road and had to pass the deceased woman's house on the way. It was a clear night and there was a full moon out; there's also a street light almost directly outside the house. For whatever reason, I happened to look up to the top window, which had been her young son's bedroom (his blue curtains still hung in the window) and I saw the woman staring out of the window, holding the curtain back. Her face was pure white - almost luminescent and she looked unspeakably sad.

    I must have only looked for 5 seconds or so before my legs turned to jelly and I ran the rest of the way up the road. I was a bit of quivering wreck when I turned up at my friends door! When I walked home a few hours later, the curtain was back in place and I never saw the young woman again after that. A few weeks later, a new family moved in, having had the place blessed by a local priest and by all accounts, have never experienced anything out of the ordinary.

    Still gives me the heebie jeebies just thinking about it now....It's incredibly sad to think the poor woman was probably just looking for the son she left behind.
