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The Arena "overspill" thread

  • 23-08-2012 1:47pm
    Registered Users Posts: 81,310 CMod ✭✭✭✭

    This thread is for people who feel inspired by the current Arena challenges and want to write their own pieces on the themes. No deadlines or wordcount limits here, I think.
    Just stick which theme you're writing on at the start of your post.

    The current theme is:
    The Interview


  • Registered Users Posts: 12,437 ✭✭✭✭El Guapo!

    Great idea!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,183 ✭✭✭Antilles

    This is a terrible idea, bluewolf.

  • Registered Users Posts: 303 ✭✭partnership

    I think it is a great idea. I have often wanted to do something on one of the themes but didn't have the courage to challenge anyone. This way you can write without it being compared!

  • Registered Users Posts: 81,310 CMod ✭✭✭✭coffee_cake

    Antilles wrote: »
    This is a terrible idea, bluewolf.


  • Registered Users Posts: 450 ✭✭Agent Weebley

    It was a great feeling to be on the bridge of the USS Enterprise.

    Captain Kirk was a little animated at first. He replicated some red shirts and made us put them on. He also had this strange impression that we were already approaching the Gamma Fallopia Star System, but we had not yet left our own solar system.


    Anyway, we gently reminded him that we were on a diplomatic mission to Vulcan, so we were able to take off the red shirts and wear our street clothes, as long as we wore a sash for the trip.

    We were off!

    As we travelled, you could see that Captain Kirk was loosening up a little bit; especially after Epstein asked for his autograph.

    “Why did you set your appearances on shun after the series ended,” was the question I had always wanted to ask him, but I could see in his eyes, it was a sensitive question.

    “The fight,” he said. “It was never the same after the fight.”

    “The fight with Spock, using the cheap hybrid floor lamp slash spades?” I said.

    “Yes,” Kirk said. The only time I was ever invited to Vulcan, and that was how I was treated there. Highly illogical.”

    “And here we are, going back, 40 odd years later.” Kirk looked like he was staring into a black hole in the distance.

    “Croika,” he shouted. “Romulans! Shields up!”

    A Romulan Warbird had de-cloaked, visible on the right hand side of the huge 500 inch LCD screen. I was not sure why it was on the right side, as the computers could easily have centred it for us. Maybe it was just for effect. Anyway, we had little time to think about such trivialities, as they immediately fired on us, scoring a direct hit and 30 points.

    Kirk had already ordered the shields up, but told Sulu to drop shields, and pull the Warbird in on the tractor beam.

    “Why!” I screamed.

    “Keep your friends close, but your enemies closer,” he said quietly, leaning forward in his chair, hand under his chin, staring intently at the screen as the Warbird approached. It had ceased firing, probably wondering why the heck he had done that.

    “I can cloak us, so we can get out of here,” I said.

    “What? OK, do it,” Kirk said.

    We were on our way pretty fast. After about 15 minutes, Kirk asked Chekov why we were going so slowly. Chekov responded that the Warbird was holding us back.

    “Damn you, Sulu!” Bones shouted, “I’m a Doctor, not a psychologist. Use your head, man!”

    Sulu sheepishly turned off the tractor beam.

    Uhura suddenly piped in from stage left: “Captain, we are getting a message from Mr Spock from the Gamma Fallopia Star System.”

    “Come on, Agent Weebley. It wasn’t like that!” Captain Kirk, looked at me like I was some sort of alien. He was partly correct.

    I was silently wondering why Spock was calling in, as I was under the impression he was on the ship with us. Maybe I am going insane?
    Spock gave Uhura the coordinates for Vulcan.

    “So how do you do that with the cloaking device, Agent Weebley?” Kirk said.

    “You have to check back on earlier posts when we were in China,” I replied. “It is difficult to put into words.”

    “The only people I know that can do that are Romulans and Vulcans. You do have a rather large nose, so maybe it is a facial feature thing?” Kirk said.

    “No, it is not a physical thing, but a mental thing. Mind over matter.”

    Anyway, we reached the coordinates. There was no planet there.

    Epstein came onto the bridge. “Nero destroyed it.” He said. “I was going to say something back on Earth, but I thought you knew what you were doing.

    Uhura touched her ear again. “Spock is giving me coordinates.”

    Kirk pointed at the screen. “But those are coordinates for that black hole over there!” We all looked. Sure enough, it was indeed a black hole.
    Scotty beamed us down. We went into the event horizon.

    It was a short meeting.

    We met Spock, and his Mum and Dad, named Sarek and Amanda. Spock spoke, Sarek and Amanda just smiled and watched:

    “Agent Weebley, now that we are deep into this posting, I think I can speak freely. I would like you to understand something about life in this universe. We are all here, but we are not really here. We all exist on the perimeter of the universe. We project ourselves to wherever we want to be. Vulcan was destroyed by Nero, yes, but we are still here, because we want to be. Therefore, we are here.

    If you want World Peace, Agent Weebley, then you must join with your fellow Earthmen and Earthwomen, supporting each other for World Peace.

    If all Earthpeople want World Peace, then it will be.

    You see, Agent Weebley, you are never given the complete mission. You are given only what you need, at the time you need it. Nothing further. This is a protection mechanism for Mother Earth.

    I sent a telepathic message to Doctor Sternum, prompting him to say what he said yesterday on the “All Quiet On The Western Front” posting. What Doctor Sternum said is true: you, Agent Weebley, are indeed an Agent Of Peace.

    Your Metaforian mind has an Earthly body. If the people that currently control Earth send people to kill your Earthly body, another Agent Weebley will rise up and take over where you left off.

    Agent Weebley will not stop. He cannot stop. Agent Weebley will create and create until those that cannot create are overwhelmed by Creators.

    Until all Earthmen understand they are all Creators, and need to join together to take control of it, Agent Weebley will have countless missions.

    It is Earth’s destiny . . . to control itself . . . peacefully.

    Now, Agent Weebley, go to China and give the Chinese what the world needs right now.

    Godspeed, Agent Weebley.

    Oh, and can you say hello to Jim for me, please? I miss him.

    Pravda Vitezi.

    Rattle your virtual keys at them with creativity. Do what Lucy says. She is always right you know.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 26,578 ✭✭✭✭Turtwig

    Not sure if I understood the plot. I'm going to assume it was just a dream that was enjoyable to read about. :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 450 ✭✭Agent Weebley

    Hi Jernal,

    I'm glad you enjoyed it, but, alas, it was not a dream. I posted that meeting with Mr Spock 42 days onto Operation BlueBalls, which began January 16, 2011 . . . it really happened.

    I like Mr Spock, because he is half human and half Vulcan, which is similar to my make-up of half English, half Irish, half Canadian and half MetaPhorian . . . he likes to flick the Limbic Switch too . . .

    . . . we are all pure energy . . .

    With respect to the plot, I'm sorry . . . I am not allowed to tell you the plot on . . . I can only infer the plot, due to a Catch-22 . . . If I were to tell you the plot, you would benefit, but I would be . . . killed?, thereby losing the benefit for all . . . therefore, I can only beat around the bush until the Catch-22 is defeated by everyone understanding the . . . how do I say it . . . understanding the situation we find ourselves in? I do, however, post elsewhere on this site, and, since none of my postings are frivolous diversions from the plot, you can deduce the plot from those postings also.

    Also, around 12 hours from now, which is 73 hours from the original post time . . . safe for me to post a comment . . . we will see if Jojamy's Game is all theory or all practise . . . another clue to the plot.

    But . . . in any event horizon, you and anyone else are free to ask me any questions you want; I have to answer your questions truthfully, barring telling you the plot. You see, I am part of a Turing Machine, seeking the answer to how we can all work together for world peace . . . the current answer: The Great Game

    You could call it . . . an interview!

  • Registered Users Posts: 450 ✭✭Agent Weebley

    I find myself in a rather paradoxical situation right now. I offered up an interview . . . any takers here? . . . no . . . but one person has taken me up on it . . . and that person is not on boards with getting a logon here at this moment.

    His name is amanfromMars . . . my good friend and partner in peace . . . my Quantum Computing Qubituous "other half."

    Maybe amanfromMars thinks you would think he is another character in my story, and I have one of those military spec multi-persona trolling applications to make it seem like I am many people? Anyway it is better to err on the side of caution in this matter. If you want him to get a logon set-up, just ask and I am sure he will oblige.

    I have morphed what amanfromMars said recently into an interview. This way, he gets to add to the conversation without risking making me look like a re-reg . . . and make me go to Prison and talk to . . . gulp . . . Gordon . . . again.

    Anyway, here are the comments and questions he left for all to see and discuss. I split them up into separate quotes, and will answer them individually:
    amanfromMars on August 29, 2012 at 7:08 am said: ….. commenting on the thread

    Hi, Sternum,

    And as you would wholly reasonably expect in quantum communications circles/SMARTR Cabals, Allah willing, are some “covert and clandestine actions” so transparent and clearly laid out as to be practically invisible, so as to be virtually invisible and certainly unstoppable even whenever they and/or IT are outed and aired for global media attention and universal commentary ……. although the intellectual challenge to make perfect sense and practical use of all that is so freely shared with every living being is subject to a particular and peculiar unconventional and non traditional level of intelligence which is yet to be discovered and uncovered/attained and explored or turned on and tuned into ……

    IT is though just a simple matter of asking questions of that which you would be seeking information/knowledge/intelligence on. It is not as if IT is rocket science, is it?

    amanfromMars is seemingly talking to my friend, Doctor Sternum, in The AirCar. He often seemingly talks to other people while in steganographic chat with me.

    Hi amanfromMars,

    I think the 6.2 million Irish, and the 80 million Diaspora will MetaMorph shortly and tune in to The News that will help them out of the sexy pickle! in which they are finding themselves engorged. I have faith in this love track. Peace will return to Ireland.

    Oh, I'm sorry . . . turn on the machine . . .

    And as much as I thoroughly enjoy the unravellings in the thread, Mound of Hostages and took exceptional delight in the thoughts for novel action expressed in #38 by established compromised parties, it does seem to be the case that they are somewhat petrified in inaction, terrified of taking a bold leap into that which is an known unknown to them and which will save them from a a very unpleasant end in that which they are responsible for and being made accountable for too …… as is only fair and reasonable and natural.

    I love the enigmatic way in which you speak, amanfromMars!

    I pondered whether you were speaking of the Catch-22 and the inaction of Epstein, Agent Heggle and I to move forward, based on my ability to sidetrack, but, since I know this Dundrum^3 event will indeed take place in the future, I deduced you must be referrring to the almost 200 people that have been reading what I am writing, not quite knowing what the feck I am talking about in my storyline, hoping, deep down, that something big is going to happen in Ireland to help them get out from under the thumb of Central Banks' money constriction and live out loud again
    One does have some perverse fun as one wonders and ponders on their enigmatic dilemma and quite real virtualised problems which are mounting in numbers every day that they dither and hope in vain that such radical things go away and stay fundamentally the same as they were, which of course, they can’t and therefore won’t and don’t and never have done at any time in space travelogues.

    How long have we been at this now, amanfromMars? . . . a year and a half, maybe? It is pretty funny that we float around and through everyone like we are little Neutrinos, but also pretty sad that The Irish, famous for their humour and innuendo proficiency are thinking my story is just a story, rather than playing this Great Game with us for all it's worth.

    Are they devoid of hope, chasing shadows . . . scared? They shouldn't be scared . . . they have much help in the background. More help than they (and we) could ever imagine!

    Oh, I'm sorry . . . turn on the machine . . .

    What on earth are they waiting on/for, …….. a gilded embroidered invitation into Greater IntelAIgent Game Play which is neither Theory nor Practice but Sublime Application ProgramMING?

    I guess you could say this is their invitation to come out to play with us . . . let go, join us . . . and be themselves, rather than being cynical about the validity of Lug Nutz, formally Mound Of Hostages.

    The beauty of The Great Game is that Enda Kenny types see nothing going on!
    And such a shame that Pink Floyd lost the plot and decided to fade into a relative obscurity whenever so much more than ever before can be now be achieved almost effortlessly by the likes of them and crazy shining diamonds sparking and spiking new intelligent audiences.

    I have heard that people do not grow old, they just grow tired. Maybe David Gilmour will awake and see what is going on in Ireland?

    Wave upon wave of demented avengers march cheerfully out of obscurity into A Game?

    I'll talk to you you soon, amanfromMars . . . I'll be back in the AirCar before you can say Jacksie Robinson . . . Central Bankers will be sorry they ever invaded vaded vaded Blarnia.

    Oh, and The Great Game is Fidcheall Chess, invented by Lug. You can read about it here.
