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Anime & Manga

Japanese cartoons and comics.
Latest posts
Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
Code Geass - Don't look at this, if you haven't watch it. May contain spoilers.
13-02-11 2:52
20 2.2K
How much involved are you in the anime subculture?
30-01-11 15:39
50 5.1K
Winter 10/11 anime
04-12-10 20:26
36 5.3K
Anime attractions in Japan
18-02-11 1:36
13 1.7K
Yu-Gi-Oh players in Waterford ?
23-02-11 16:40
0 11
Anime Manga artist wondering.
10-12-09 14:34
37 4.7K
Q-Con 2011
01-02-11 22:57
5 1.4K
Help Importing from Australia
10-02-11 21:47
2 739
02-02-11 16:42
34 3.5K
Gurren Lagann
11-02-11 0:26
11 2.3K
Gundam models kits
13-02-11 17:55
6 1.2K
Saddest anime episode
26-12-10 12:41
33 4K
NGE: The Shinji Ikari raising project.
09-11-10 22:48
8 1.6K
06-02-11 0:08
6 1K
Top 10 Anime Movies of All time
24-10-10 21:37
21 3.9K
mixes of anime music?
31-01-11 20:41
0 458
Manga Magazine
23-01-11 23:13
3 1.3K
Need help finding Fist of the North Star
19-01-11 16:32
6 1.1K
Do you collect anime or do you just watch it?
15-01-11 6:02
8 1.3K
I need someone to do me a cool comic book/Manga drawing please?
17-01-11 18:59
5 1.1K
model makeover
17-01-11 2:27
0 730
*HELP NEEDED* Anime/Manga stores list
07-01-11 15:01
18 4K
Spring 2011 Anime
12-01-11 1:12
10 2.1K
Jappa music...any suggestions?
14-09-10 0:03
42 4.4K
Slice of Life of the Year
10-01-11 17:34
4 750
Does the amount of anime available ever annoy you?
04-01-11 20:02
25 2.3K
Noob questions about Anime
29-12-10 2:41
7 1K
Comedy of the Year
03-01-11 0:15
5 1.2K
Anime: Action/Adventure of the year
29-12-10 15:02
12 1.1K
Anime and Manga meet in Tokyo!
19-12-10 10:27
6 1.1K