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Anime & Manga

Japanese cartoons and comics.
Latest posts
Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
Bobo Bobobobobo...
08-08-08 21:04
2 581
hentai image
19-07-08 0:44
19 9.1K
07-07-08 21:44
31 3.1K
house alarm problem!
07-08-08 9:30
0 241
Battle Royale
23-04-08 21:57
35 4.3K
Oh God the end is near!
24-07-08 21:09
24 1.8K
Anyone know of this film ?
12-07-08 12:22
5 927
Favourite and most hated anime charachter.
19-06-08 16:00
31 3.4K
10-07-08 1:39
21 1.7K
10-07-08 22:24
8 910
The Dragon Ball Movie (2009)
20-07-08 1:59
12 1.1K
Anime on Sci-fi Channel!
15-07-08 12:38
25 3.5K
My Neighbour Totoro showing on Thursday in the IFI.......
14-07-08 7:06
8 1K
Gambling Apocolypse Kaiji.
20-07-08 17:00
0 534
Young manga drawers In Dublin looking for a break
07-07-08 14:15
7 2.5K
Can you suggest any good mecha anime?
29-06-08 22:48
14 1.5K
i need an artist
09-07-08 23:00
2 547
Weiss Kreuz
09-07-08 21:24
1 533
Illustration & Sequential Art Forum Needs YOU!
01-07-08 10:39
1 694
name of cartoon?
27-05-08 12:06
8 1.2K
im new here ^_^
31-05-08 0:55
50 3.5K
24 hour comics and Free Comcis day 2008
25-06-08 13:56
0 689
MGS anime....
24-06-08 7:46
6 711
Favourite J-POP Anime theme song?
23-06-08 16:49
22 6K
What do you like in an Anime?
19-06-08 10:51
6 682
Elfen Lied
19-06-08 15:01
3 1.4K
Daughter of Twenty Faces
15-06-08 18:44
3 637
Cosplay and Conventions
06-05-08 14:20
17 3.7K
I'm selling the berserk box set on adverts if anyone is interested?
13-06-08 10:08
0 455
Naruto T-Shirt: Where to buy in dublin
08-06-08 19:35
4 949