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Arts & Crafts

Traditional art (non-digital), decorative design and all hand crafted projects.
Latest posts
Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
Christmas craft ideas for kids
18-11-10 15:59
4 1.6K
Question about point perspective in life drawing
14-09-10 17:33
6 1.5K
Question about charcoal drawing
25-09-10 0:22
4 974
Wood Carving tools?
19-11-10 0:39
2 960
17-11-10 16:08
2 849
Soma Cube
18-11-10 23:23
1 450
sofa covers
15-11-10 18:47
4 2.1K
Painting my own canvas!!
11-11-10 12:14
3 741
16-11-10 20:55
1 585
Help please
16-11-10 15:22
1 456
Paint bleed-through
01-11-10 13:18
1 544
Arts and Crafts Forum - Christmas Fair! **READ MOD INSTRUCTIONS POST 1!**
11-11-10 17:36
3 1.1K
Japanese Shop near Christchurch area?
14-11-10 20:22
2 573
Going to Dublin Tuesday To Buy Fabric
13-11-10 8:31
8 3.4K
Hot Knife/ polystyrene cutter???
12-11-10 15:24
3 3.5K
Looking for cane for chair - any ideas?
12-11-10 15:50
2 638
Quick Question: Re Art/Printing courses in Galway
12-10-10 23:32
4 798
Buying art canvas prints online?
01-11-10 6:43
3 1.4K
Jewelry cord
15-10-10 0:02
5 844
Decorative Plates with Family Crest
09-11-10 19:45
2 709
Machine Embroidery Software
25-10-10 20:46
5 998
Any knitters out there? 12
09-11-10 21:09
99 18.6K
Betty Edwards: Drawing on the Right Side of the brain
09-04-10 19:51
11 2.5K
JC Art Project - equipment you'd need for a fasahion dummy scuplture?
07-11-10 16:05
2 866
Millinery/ Hat-making course/materials
12-08-09 22:27
5 5.4K
Jersey/Medal Display
02-11-10 21:55
2 1.4K
Crochet snood pattern?
20-09-10 15:29
6 1.9K
Coloured Paracord/Nylon Rope
25-10-10 21:03
1 977
Window-painting pricing
19-09-10 18:28
7 1.4K
Letterpress Printing at home
27-10-10 12:54
3 851