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Photographic art, equipment and advice.

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Cameras & Accessories

Discussion of Cameras, Lenses, Photographic Accessories & Gear.
Latest posts
Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
Solo Photography Trip to Wales
23-07-18 22:12
0 182
Wildlife Camera Refuses to Work
22-07-18 6:41
4 360
POTW 422: 16/6/18 - 22/6/18
21-07-18 21:17
3 259
Palmerstown Camera Club Summer Outings
21-07-18 11:44
0 217
Too late to develop film?
19-07-18 11:04
17 999
Recommend framer & printer in Dublin center or north
15-07-18 22:05
7 296
"Professional" Video & Photography
16-07-18 13:32
17 966
17-07-18 8:07
1 202
POTW 421: 9/6/18 - 15/6/18
14-07-18 20:51
2 245
Photoshop main screen extreme sharpness
14-07-18 18:41
9 340
Film development on a Sunday in Dublin...
14-07-18 9:36
4 225
5x4 enlargers
29-06-18 19:34
3 270
Drone photography/video
14-06-18 6:31
6 594
Going through a bit of a slump
12-07-18 13:01
4 333
11-07-18 11:55
0 2.2K
Wedding pic from balcony
10-07-18 9:50
31 1.4K
Where to buy gear in Ireland?
05-07-18 13:37
16 718
POTW 420: 2/6/18 -8/6/18
07-07-18 19:35
4 256
Lightroom catalog query - desktop with 2 hard drives
06-07-18 10:34
2 201
Removing date stamp
04-07-18 17:55
3 276
The Photo Studio Sandyford
03-07-18 19:23
1 614
POTW 419: 26/5/18 - 1/6/18
01-07-18 21:15
1 211
Clontarf Moonrise - 29th June - Any of you guys get a picture?
29-06-18 10:19
5 299
APOY 2018
30-06-18 22:14
5 235
The Photo Below Mine will be ..... (Take III) 12...56
24-11-14 12:59
265 23.9K
Shoot close with zoom or out with prime lens
21-06-18 12:18
7 380
POTW 418: 19/5/18 - 25/5/18
22-06-18 14:26
2 227
Full Frame or Crop upgrade?
17-06-18 19:06
23 681
Favour to ask- improve photo of me with Nick Cave
13-06-18 12:36
23 1.8K
Recommendation for large photographic printing and 'manipulation'
17-06-18 19:15
10 297