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Photographic art, equipment and advice.

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Cameras & Accessories

Discussion of Cameras, Lenses, Photographic Accessories & Gear.
Latest posts
Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
126 Film Camera
06-09-16 11:17
1 160
Scanning old(ish) photos?
04-09-16 17:48
6 313
POTW 324: 30/7/16 - 5/8/16
04-09-16 18:29
1 167
Photo printed to A2 size
03-09-16 16:18
1 146
Film Development. Where?
03-07-16 0:14
19 904
Simply Electronics--- OUCH
09-08-16 11:30
5 531
an oddity in a photo
23-08-16 0:35
40 2.4K
30-08-16 12:48
2 365
POTW 323: 23/7/16 - 29/7/16
27-08-16 10:42
3 324
Google photos : changing something about my photos.....
28-08-16 17:42
5 249
Which resolution to use? Max or closet match?
31-08-16 11:58
3 145
Super 8mm movies/cartoons
31-08-16 11:13
0 85
Lens Rental
29-08-16 23:55
3 199
Retouching - Dublin
27-08-16 16:03
3 198
People's Photography
18-08-16 21:14
7 936
Photography Project
23-08-16 19:04
11 591
Beginner Photography Course Dublin
04-08-16 10:59
28 993
The Humans of Knockanstockan
30-07-16 19:26
7 580
Worlwide photowalk
24-08-16 13:37
0 693
Beginners Gig/Event Photography
24-08-16 12:34
2 195
Oldest irish Photo
19-08-16 12:51
8 823
Challenge 186: TREES
05-08-16 1:15
15 1.4K
POTW 322: 16/7/16 - 22/7/16
20-08-16 11:00
3 287
Lightroom 5 - Change Export Preset?
21-08-16 21:33
1 120
camera insurance
17-08-16 15:46
4 279
Art/Photography Galleries in Dublin City
03-08-16 14:08
2 176
POTW 321: 9/7/16 - 15/7/16
13-08-16 18:25
1 232
Palmerstown Camera Club - Free Beginners Course
29-07-16 21:25
1 186
Best Paper To Print Your Own digital Images
16-06-16 15:45
7 305
Getting a job in photography
21-07-16 19:17
14 803